I haven't had a decent night's sleep in weeks now..change of meds,ending of job,family stuff,anxiety...I wake up either with chronic restless legs or my brain is racing with all kinds of strange images...
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I have a few problems I would like to ask about as I'm unsure if it's just me or not? The first one being my short term memory isn't very good at all, for example if I get asked to do something if I don't write it down I forget very quickly,another problem I have is my sense of direction it's bad. I can go somewhere (through to town) but I can't seem to memorise my way around. I'm now 29 and used to go with my friend every other weekend, no matter how many times we went I couldn't and still can't remember my way around. I hope what I've written makes sense and like I said I'd like to find out if it's a related problem to cerebral palsy or not.
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Ive been on nortriptyline for, id say at least 5 years plus now, 75mg daily for chronic migraine.
I was searching google about fluid in the abdomen which i have had for the past few years, i literally look 5 months pregnant which nevers goes away or down and i came across something about anti depressants causing water retention.
Does anyone know if fluid retention can be caused by nortriptyline?
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Me and my fiance are trying for a baby. Last month I did not have a period and have seen multiple doctors and tests and they said I was not pregnant. I have had severe pain in my pelvic area but they cannot find out why. Now just two days ago I took an ovulation test and it was positive and now I am bleeding but not like my period that typically happens. Plus my period always come around the middle of the month and lately I have been very exhausted. and pains in my pelvic area can I please get any advise on what can be happening?
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my boyfriend and i are Muslims and he believes very strongly on the method that if a girl does not bleed then she has lied and is not a virgin! i should not be worried because i swear i am a virgin and that should be ok.. apart from during foreplay activities we have done like fingering.. nothing happened there was no blood.. so does this mean the hymen has already been broken?
i am a virgin, and have never had full sexual intercourse yet! now me and my boyfriend (of 11 months together) we are getting to the time we are ready, but the problem is, i am worried i will not bleed!
i know that it is possible without intercourse and can be broken by tampons and strenuous physical exercise. but i don't want this to shadow the first time sex, as i know he will not believe i am a virgin! so what should i do?
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one week ago injured my middle finger and recieved a cut on top of my knuckle. seemed to be healing ok then out of no where yesterday it sweeled up. very painfull if moved or if i reach in my pocket. no oosing any fluid please help!
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So I have a friend &, she's a little worried on who the father to her child Is.!! Had a period janurary 2nd. She been with her on & off boyfriend for 3 years and they broke up for a couple of weeks & she met this guy hung out messed with him on January 4-5 with a condom &, then again on the 10th with a condom... so then her &, boyfriend got back together she couldn't resist his charm they had sex the whole month of January. She had missed her period in February she later found out she was 5 weeks pregnant on the 12th &, her date is October 9th. Who might be the dad ?
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I have a “beer belly”. My wife is teasing me and so do my friends. Sedentary lifestyle and too many beers did their part. I want to lose fat, especially my beer belly. What do you think about shaping stomach by swimming? Can I lose my belly by swimming? I don’t want to get smaller anywhere except in the stomach region.
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I'm a 17 year old female and over the past few years I've suffered awful social and general anxiety. I've always had hypochondriac tendencies but over the past 6 months, it's really kicked in, to the point where I'm getting incredibly down and possibly depressed. In the beginning of December 2015, I developed stomach pains and cramps and immediately alarm bells started ringing. I became OBSESSED. I spent most of my day googling, posting in forums, going to the doctors. I got so much blood taken and everything was perfect, by CBC was like 2/100 or something which meant I was incredibly healthy and everything else was totally okay. I had urine tests, once it showed a tiny bit of blood and protein but I had a later one and it was totally fine. I then demanded an abdominal ultrasound and spent a ridiculous amount of money on it privately so I didn't have to wait and it came back totally fine too, so there's obviously nothing major going on. I still get the stomach and back pain but it is better and I only really get it bad if I'm walking a long distance. From what I've heard, anxiety can really give you physical symptoms. Anyway, after realising that my grandfather passed away from colon cancer, I've basically self diagnosed myself with this. I feel awful about it because I know there's people out there who are seriously suffering. I'm obsessed with checking and tracking my bowel movements, and it got to the point where I was straining to go even when I didn't need to and this led to bleeding, hence, me going even more crazy with fear. The bleeding only happened once on my stool and once from my actual ... You know, and I'm still terrified. I have no fatigue and I'm generally eating well. Another thing which doesn't help is that I think I've lost a little bit of weight, but it's most likely due to the fact that over the last few weeks I've had an exceptionally good diet and I've drunk so much water, which would obviously make you lose weight, but because I'm already quite slim, I've been worried.
Anyway, as you can tell, I'm constantly worrying about something. A headache=meningitis, stomach pain in the right means I automatically have appendicitis and the other week, I thought I had a brain tumor because I saw spots. It's getting me down and I'm convinced I'm going to die randomly one day from the cancer or whatever inside killing me. Does anyone feel the same or have any way to help me at all? Thank you so much.
I'd also like to add that I'm starting CBT and therapy but it's not often so a lot of the time I'm at home for a few weeks just dwelling on my health.
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I've had this problem for a number of years. Has anyone had operation to cure this?
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