Water Retention With Mirtazapine
Aug 30, 2010
Just started on Mirtazapine and my feet and ankles are swelling up. Is there anything that can help?
View 1 RepliesJust started on Mirtazapine and my feet and ankles are swelling up. Is there anything that can help?
View 1 RepliesDoes anybody suffer from water retention on this med? I currently taking 45mg and only drink tea or bottled water, but my face is puffy and my knees and ankles have ballooned up to the fact that I feel I cannot bend my ankles, I am willing to put up with this as the med is helping loads, I have tried herbal diuretics that don't seem to help, and when I do go for a pee its like nothing comes out, is this what causes the weight gain as I have not had the munchies like so many people seem to have on hear.
Also I am terrified of taking the 45mg tablet, I have been taking 30 + 15 mg, has anybody noticed a difference, will my good sleep go? who and I do sweat a lot, night and day.
I have gained some weight in over 2 days and it's close to my period so can someone tell me if this is water fluid or fat I lost 5 pounds today with a water pill...
View 1 RepliesI'm on day 3 of 10mg citalopram ( which I had previously been on for 6 years until a year ago ) . I'm finding I have slight water retention I can't remember this happening last time . Will it pass ?
View 1 RepliesIve been on nortriptyline for, id say at least 5 years plus now, 75mg daily for chronic migraine.
I was searching google about fluid in the abdomen which i have had for the past few years, i literally look 5 months pregnant which nevers goes away or down and i came across something about anti depressants causing water retention.
Does anyone know if fluid retention can be caused by nortriptyline?
We need water to survive. Our bodies don't function properly without it. This is a fact. When our defense system, Exa: our lymphatic system, bowels and urinary systems.. when these systems become clogged and fail to work properly we may become ill, start to retain fluids and developers all manner of conditions, disorders and diseases. If we develope edemas,swelling, water retention doctors may prescribe water pills or diuretics. In severe cases the doctor may restrict water intake. Do you have a situation like this? Tell me what you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. What beverage do you have with your meals? I'd like to ask some questions, get some answers and perhaps share some food for thought.
View 4 RepliesHas anyone noticed any relationship between Sjogrens and water retention? It seems like, since Sjogrens attacks moisture, they wouldn't go together.
But I have noticed that when I am about to have a good week without a lot of symptoms, it starts with my body getting rid of excess water (I urinate large volumes regardless of how much I am drinking and then am about two pounds lighter). I am just wondering if flares can cause you to retain water. I don't eat a lot of salt so I don't think it is diet related.
I am back on my full dose of HRT 1 week and am feeling myself, mentally the cloud has lifted and my energy level is back to normal. However, I now remember one reason why I was trying to wean off, this swelling, bloating and heartburn! Uggh. Any suggestions, lowering the dose seemed to get rid of it all, however, I was an emotional trainwreck! Any one out there with the same problem and found a solution? Drinking lots of water, will keep an eye on the sodium, and no spicy foods, other than that is there anything else? Will talk with my doctor in a few weeks I have a visit scheduled.
View 2 RepliesI wonder if anyone out there has experienced anything like this. Briefly I started off almost 2 years ago with what the Docs thought was Vaginal Atrophy but after taking HRT for a year or so and no change, I came off the HRT. Some months later I self diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis. Most irritating whatever the collection of symptoms are known as. Thankfully though I don't get all the symptoms at once, although there is no set pattern to them. One of the worst symptoms is urgency to wee. In ordinary circumstances, I would get this strong urge and easily get to the bathroom in time.
However last Sunday I came home from hospital following a total hip replacement! In the early hours of Monday morning I got that severe urge to wee and struggled to get out of bed. I half fell at the side of the bed in sheer panic and ended up with my right leg with the new hip holding me up as my other leg had gone out behind me. Such pain and to make it worse I was wetting myself! So shocked. Anyway I managed to sort myself out but since then I've not been able to wee properly during the day, almost like I am retaining urine. Then I have to get up twice in the night to empty my bladder. I get no normal urge to wee during the day either.
I read up about Fowler's Syndrome the other day and it pretty much describes me. It's about your sphincter not being able to relax properly. I'm wondering if the shock in the early morning last Monday has resulted in my sphincter tightening or something and it relaxes at night when I'm in bed, so I'm able to wee normally again? Anyone else experienced anything like this? I just want my waterworks to come back to normal. At least I can get out of bed easier and quicker now so that's better if nothing else.
About two years ago my left foot became swollen. If I measure it around the top and under the arch it is 2-3 cms more in circumference than my right foot. I've been to the doctor a few times, had X-Rays, blood tests for all sort of things, including DVT. treatment for possible gout, etc, but the doctor hasn't come up with anything. His opinion the last time I saw him was that it's water retention and I'll just have to live with it. Obviously I'm not particularly happy with that.
Has anyone got any thoughts on it? Why would it only affect one foot, and can anyone suggest any self treatment that might be useful, or further options I can proceed with through the help service?
tap water is nasty if I boil water & freeze it would that be a good idea?
View 12 RepliesFriend had stroke end of jan. He's now having serious retention problems. Drs not sure if it is neurological or physical. He's trying to urinate every 10 mins with acute pain. If it's neurological I wouldn't have thought he was trying to void. He's had a urethral catheter in since stroke till a few weeks ago and now got a convince catheter. Problem has got increasingly worse over last few months and last week extremely worse. He's due to go into hospital on Monday if bed available for other treatment. Today though I may insist on him going down to a&e as the pain is now getting much worse. He's even on morphine for other issues and pain goes beyond this. Any thoughts?
View 1 RepliesWhat is the retention time of Carmustine (BCNU) in the human body.
If it varies with the dosage, is it possible for me to know the recommended dosage(mg/kg) and the corresponding retention time in the body.
I have just started on the 30m Mirtazapine and it's my 3rd night taking them ans i have read up on a lot of different forums that there are patients gaining weight off these? well i would like to know what the odds are of gaining weight because i have always had problems with weight gain, i can never put on any weight, no matter how much i eat, i have a fast metabolism and i am wondering, will the mirtazapine surpass my high metabolism. also in some cases i've heard it slows your metabolism down too.. but it would actually be a benefit for me to gain some extra weight.
View 5 RepliesFor the first time in a very long time, I'm finally in a good enough place to make the step in coming off my Anti-depressant. I've been on Mirtazapine 45mg for the last 4/5 years and before that a string of various of medications.
Despite my anxiety been kind of excessive at the moment, after a discussion with my GP, he was happy to let me begin tapering down the dose. The problem is with my anxiety I feel it mainly physically rather than mentally so it makes me a little oversensitive to any changes that take place in my body.
I guess what I am searching for is some reassurance so I can stop driving myself up the wall, exhausting google search on mirtazapine withdrawal. 6 nights ago I started my first reduction so 45 mg to 30mg. In all honesty it's not been that bad, a few waves of nausea, headaches and random aches and pains. Those I was expecting so don't mind too much. The trouble is that for the last 3 days, I've found myself a little short of breath for most of the day. It's nothing that's outwardly noticeable at the moment, but it's there and is slightly concerning. Has anyone else experienced this when tapering?
I'm kind of freaked out a little because one of my fears that's arisen since the mirtazapine is the that i will develop random allergies and my brain is wondering if I've suddenly developed an allergy to my meds (ridiculous, I know!) The other thing is that the rest of my family has had either viral chest problems lately so maybe I've just picked up that and it's a coincidence? Or it could just be the anxiety.
I'm totally spinning myself in circles at the moment so any wise words are most welcome at this point. If I know it is just withdrawal and nothing that can actually hurt me then I'm fine with whatever effects it throws at me.
3 days ago I decided to stop taking mirtazapine 45 mg but since then I have not had any appetite for any foods at all. Is this a normal symptom.
View 1 RepliesWhich one is best for formula
View 2 RepliesI was initially on(30mg) for 8 weeks for depression and anxiety. And I did start to feel better, although the blurry vision and the derealisation side effects started to make me anxious again. I think the light head was the anxiety not the tablets.
Went back to work and made an appointment with the Doctor to see if there was another antidepressant with no side effects as I didn't think the Mirt was working.
He told me how to gradually come off the Mirtazapine and then to start Those days coming off the Mirtazapine were fine and the 3 days I took nothing I felt great again! Well what an awful reaction I had to the Citalopram ! Heart thumping, sickness, mind racing, pins and needles, total insomnia for 3 days and the anxiety attacks were awful! I actually phoned NHS Direct.
When I spoke to the Doctor , he said that I had a reaction and the tablets obviously didn't agree. In a knowing smile, he said that I should perhaps go back on the Mirt and that I came off them too quickly.
I am now on no medication , but can feel the awful anxiety still there from the Citalopram episode and am wondering if I will slip back to square one again if I don't take anything. The Doctor has given me a prescription for 15mg 1 week and thereafter 30mg. Perhaps the side effects weren't that bad and as the nurse said " only got bothersome because I was feeling better".
So I'm thinking that I will go back to the Mirtazapine and perhaps they aren't that bad!
Recently I've been trying this new thing where I drink 4l of water a day, just because I've stopped drinking anything sugary and/or fizzy and would rather drink healthy filtered mineral water, is 4l a day too much and does it put me at risk of drowning my blood? I heard that you're only supposed to drink about 2l, so if I'm going overboard I should probably stop.
if hiv blood mixed with water means can it still infectious after 12 hours?.i noticed in a website that hiv will live for sometime in water,so it wii infect at those time?
View 1 RepliesI am a physiotherapy student in a hospital doing some training and one time, I went into in the ward to check few patients along with a supervisor. Afterwards, I proceeded to wash my hands but because there was some kind of partially opened cupboard in front of me, I decided to close it well and in the process some water in my hands splashed and made its way into my nose and eyes. I mean, if one of the patients that we did check is HIV positive, will this event put me at risk considering that the virus could have been in my hands but got into my eyes and nose because of the splash. I do not remember any wetness in my hands before I wash my hands.Is this of concern for HIV transmission?
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