Very Small Uterus - No Periods - Hormonal Imbalance
Apr 21, 2016
I am 23 years old and i have never had a period in my life. i have seen a gynecologist. first i did a scan and was told that i have a very small uterus they gave me birth control pills that did not work. they took blood sample and found out i have hormonal imbalance somewhere four times as much as they should be and others very low. they also asked me to monitor my temperature for 3 months and there were no anomalies there. my question is what exactly is wrong with me and does it have a name and will i be able to have children in future?
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2 years ago I had a tubal ligation and since I have gained a lot of weight (especially the last year). Before the tubal ligation I was thin and no matter how much I ate, I couldn't gain a pound.
I have been to many doctors and I have checked my hormones (estrogen, progesterone, LH, FSH) as well as my thyroid MANY TIMES during the last 2 years.
My hormones and my thyroid are fine, and there is nothing wrong.
I have read about tubal ligation syndrome, but all these side effects after tubal happens BECAUSE OF A HORMONAL IMBALANCE and I don't have any.,
Why am I gaining so much weight?
What about you that gained weight after tubal? Do you have hormonal imbalance or do the blood tests come back normal as mine do?
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I am 31 years old single...I have clitorial discharge and it was on and off is it normal?or my hormonal imbalance?
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My wife was just told that her uterus is enlarged to a 12? I don't know what that means but I know it isn't good, her doctor suggested inserting an IUD to see if the size would go down, now she don't wanna that because it hurts when her uterus is touched, she's thinking partial hysterectomy and Im thinking that's not a good solution, why not try the IUD? There are a lot of things that complication wise that come with surgery, I'm guessing. What about hormones and other important things your uterus does it has to have more of a function than reproduction? What about sex, and Drive and mood and emotions it would probably cause a major chemical imbalance in a woman's life? She is looking for a second opinion on this IUD procedure like she rather not even give it a try need some advice or possible answers to share with her. Her health and well being are my biggest concern and for some reason I don't think surgery or removing major organs is good for her health or well being.
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I feel my vaginal opening is small and tight, which causes pain and difficulty in penetration. I used to do digital penetration and am able to insert two of my fingers together, but it doesn't seem to dilate while penis insertion. What could be a possible treatment? Would dilators work or will I need to undergo a surgery?
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I'm 19 years old and about 2 years ago i noticed a small lump in my right armpit i went to the doctor and she said it was a swollen lymph node and nothing to care about. But on the last year it started to getting bigger. When im close to my period it gets even more swollen and it's really sensitive and painful when i touch it or when it rubs against my bra. It's a soft and non movable lump which has a tender nucleos.. When i use sleevless top you can notice it
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Since last 01 year, I am suffering from acute pain around the vagina. MRI explained that Fibroid over uterus, sigmoid colon and uterus are cohesive with each other. Doctors have different opinion. Help me to diagnose the problem and find out the actual reason of pain.
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I’m a 35 year old Indian woman, and suffer from acne that keeps coming back.
Here’s my history. I had mild to moderate acne in my teens, but into my twenties it got worse. I went to dermatologists who put me on antibiotics and creams and it turned into a vicious cycle. I got frustrated and tried Isotretinoin. I knew the rules, got my checks didn’t get pregers, and it was fine it worked. LOW dose isotretinoin. But not even a year later it was back – it was hit and try method for years later, sometimes my skin was tolerable and sometimes bad. I got married, it was a bad marriage. The added stress and sudden unexplained weight gain did not help. I tried diane – that resulted in no improvement but more weight gain. Isotretinoin take two – it worked again – I followed the rules and no side effects. The marriage broke eventually. The stress didn’t help and the weight was high. Isotretinoin take 3 – low low dose worked magically. No side effects I felt great. The weight also just dropped without that stress in the marriage.
Now its (the acne) back again – and here’s my story. I’m attractive, I want to find love and be a mother. As the years went I didn’t focus on my body clock. Now I do not want take isotretinoin just for clear skin I don’t want to lose my chance on becoming a mother one day….because I’m on a vanity project!!!!. At the same time the acne needs to go. So here’s what I plan to do. Do the candida cleanse for three days. Apples and enema really ……I have eaten badly recently so I’m willing to give my all. I tried googling reviews etc and my head just got boggled but one thing that did pop out was that what I do get is hormonal acne. I have severe PMS and my acne almost always has been on the chin and jawline. I need serious reviews on estroblock – bottom line I cant google acne cures its mind boggling – I want to take this out from the root.
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I am 31 and have been having ugly breakouts around my neck, chin and now jawline for the past 2.5 years. They appear to start with a blocked blackhead then erupt into a throbbing cystic lump. Sometimes they're squeezable and I always squeeze. I also lead quite a stressful life, moving a lot and not having any real stability. But I try to be positive, this just makes me feel self-conscious... I always had minor acne in the normal places. I even get a few on my back, they're located on my outer shoulders and shoulder blades these days, rather than the center of my back where they used to be. It's strange getting acne in new places.
The chin/jaw/neck ones have got worse and worse recently and I wonder whether they're to do with hormonal reasons and whether I should try progesterone cream for my face and neck, I know to alternate areas with the dosage. Is it worth trying? I also wondering if I'm washing my face enough? I usually do a bit of exercise each day and will wear a bit of makeup but generally wash my face twice daily, although sometimes I pass-out with my makeup on! Healthy otherwise. Oh, I do consume an awful lot of (non-dairy) chocolate though...
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I had a problem with breast cancer (which means I cannot do hormone replacement therapy).
What now ? I'm going nuts right now. Emotions are rampant, I feel like there is no alternative for me.
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My facial hair is imbalance. The sideburns on my left grows at a slower pace than that on the right.
Can someone please tell me what could've caused this?
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I have lost hearing in that ear and bad tinnitus and imbalance. what can I do
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After 3 long months and what seems like an endless struggle to get diagnosed, I have been diagnosed with an imbalance between my inner ears due to a viral infection, leading to a diagnosis of vestibular neuritis. The doctor said my migraines could also possibly be presenting themselves atypically and aggravating the situation.
I am doing vestibular rehabilitation exercises and taking steps to unclog my sinuses.
This is the longest ailment I've had and quite frankly I'm fed up, I know rehabilition will take a while, however does anyone know how long this thing can last??? It's ruining my concentration at work and puts me off social situations (I can't drink, it makes me wake up the next day feeling extra dizzy)
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After surgery, whenever I belch with my mouth closed or sometime opened, a back pressure goes directly to ear that had surgery and cause a jolt of imbalance for about a second that scared me. Has this ever happen to any of you after stapedectomy?
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I just LOVE salt, and sometimes I feel a bit shaky and if I eat something salty, I'm fine! I suspect this is an electrolyte imbalance, but no real idea. What's going on?
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Does anyone have urinary frequency and/or urgency since taking pred? Like getting up every 2 hours during the night, and other times. Also swelling of the ankles & feet? Also stressful discomfort over the upper back and shoulders? Myi ankles have become quite edematous, I avoid all added salt.
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I am 30 years old.
Well as the topic mentions i have really small testicles, so small that when my penis is erect they most likely go in me.
My penis is extremely small when flaccid , prob 2-3 inches top if its a good day, but when erect it is about 6 or so ( apparently what they call a grower)
Now i have been suffering from this since i can remember, It has taking a huge amount of my life away, i feel as i would of been a more successful man if i didn't, i avoid at all cost going OUT yes it sucks that bad, i go out only when necessary.
Here is what is weird i guess the good part? i have never been ashamed in the sex act, i mean i wouldn't pull it out until my penis was erect but never had a problem besides a girl saying i had small testicles.
Now i am married and have beautiful children, apparently extremely small testicles does not affect this :) Grateful for that, as in the back of my head i was always concerned if i was going to be able to produce children.
Ok so the problem the big huge problem....
The bulge in my pants... yes many of you might think this is stupid but this is the reason i tend to hide from public. I have considered shoving a sock or something down there but i think it would be worst or maybe it is just the fear of looking funny.
Please do not say people do not look or don't notice because believe it or not they DO, some are even loud and shameless to say "did you see that guy" some stare and some laugh, this goes without fail every single time i am out. Well i will not drag any longer, simply saying that i am suffering in this body i was giving. I wear baggy clothes ( don't like them but have no choice)
Please please !!!! Any solution is welcomed , i have tried using... pumps, stretchers, pills etc nothing does the job, you might be thinking im stupid for trying any of these things put i am desperate and willing to try it all. Sadly i was thinking in my head while someone was staring and laughing that i would gladly give an arm for a normal package ( i know that sounds extreme but it is true)
So again any help? i can not seem to find much information about the subject , i guess my main goal is the testicles since this would give me the bulge i want.
Money wouldn't be a problem, and surgery is very acceptable if it is an option, like i said there is just not enough info about anything.
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3 months back I had sex and agree that I had got my periods for continuous 2 months but this month I have not got my periods yet.
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When I went in for my appointment a couple weeks ago my doctor was trying to listen to my baby's heartbeat on the doppler and he couldn't find it. So he felt my uterus and told me that it was tilted backwards. He then sent me for an ultrasound and the baby was alright and they were able to hear the heartbeat. The doctor told me that my uterus wouldn't cause any problems and would not harm the baby, but I'm still kinda worried about it. Does anyone have this and is farther along having a normal pregnancy? Just wondering because I am only 10 weeks.
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Worried. Going in next week for D&C and hysteroscopy. (Whatever that is)
Had a biopsy 2 years ago and came out ok. I am 60 years old with prolapse
level 3 cystocele. Was getting bladder infections every 3 months and seems like I was always on antibiotics which I am starting to get immune to. Not sure if I should be getting a D&C or just another biopsy. No bleeding at all. Also they are giving me General ANESthesia which don't know if this is the right choice. Also how long do you need to stay home after before returning to work? REally appreciate your help. Scared!!! May need repair lift or hysterectomy. Not sure which one or if should take out ovaries of leave in and just do lift. Just don't know what to do. Don't like pessaries
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I am going to the doctor in a week but I wanted some possible ideas of what it could be on here.
I am a 19 year old girl, I've been with my boyfriend for 3 months. STD free. I am on the birth control Implanon. But its gone now. We have sex about every other day. He is bigger than the previous guys I've been with.
The last two weeks have been a bit of an issue. Sex feels fine, but right after we're done I have this pretty bad pain in my lower abdomen, where my uterus and cervix is. It just feels exactly like very bad period cramps. I have no other symptoms. I am supposed to be getting my period in about a week. The only change I can think of is he has been lasting longer lately, to where he's inside of me for 45 minutes straight. The pain only lasts for about 10 minutes after we have sex.
Is it possible he is being too rough and too long in me which is causing pain? I am a petite girl. Or is it something else? Sorry, I'm a bit of a hypochondriac. Could it be an infection?
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