Vasectomy And Genital Psoriasis

Mar 1, 2015

Should I notify the doctor ahead of time that I have Psoriasis in my groin area? I am wondering if it would stop the procedure from happening?

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Human Papillomavirus :: Hand To Genital Contact? Genital Warts Risk

I was with a women who clearly had genital warts. When she pulled her underwear down they were visible and she then covered them with her hand. I told her I couldn't have sex with her and she became angry and grabbed my penis with the same hand she had just touched her warts with. I washed myself with soap and hot water afterwards.

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Vasectomy :: Don't Go For It - Post Vasectomy Pain Syndrome (PVPS)

The best way about a vasectomy is to NOT have one. Anyone who thinks that they have got away without problems just can not say anything as PVPS can come on at any time until we die I know a friend who is in his mid-seventies and has more pain than in the whole of his life.

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Injections For Psoriasis

I was diagnosed with lupus and then psoriasis around 3 years ago. Having tried various creams that did nothing,  I was put on ciclosporin which helped because this time last year I could hardly walk. However, it affected kidney/liver so despite trying a lower dose I was take off it. I was then put on Fumaderm and the same thing happened! My Nephrologist took me off. I am now back on Acitretin which helps but does not control it. My Dermo wants to go for injections - has anyone else had any experience of this? I understand it is a last ditch thing partially because of the cost and it has to be done in the hospital. I am nearly 78 years.  I am very worried about potential side affects - I do not know name of injection because i am waiting for the appointment and the paperwork.   

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Psoriasis :: Can I Get Chickenpox Again Within 6 Months?

I got the chickenpox 6 months ago for the first time at the age of 21. I have Psoriasis but they were dormant until the chicken pox, it took me near enough 6 months and still ongoing, to get rid of them by UV Treatment. Now my brother has chicken pox, and i was wondering if can i get them again within 6 months of the last time ?

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Psoriasis :: Propecia Or Phototherapy Will Work?

I've had Psoriasis ever since I was 3. I have tried numerous treatments, mostly creams, most of them being steroids and some herbal. I had been able to control it using those for quite a while, up until now that is.

I was encouraged to be in the sunlight by my GP but being in the UK that is really hard, the Summer we've just had wasn't much of a summer either. When it is sunny I can't go out wearing shorts or short sleeves due to how bad it is.

I am about to start my second year in college and it has gotten much worse over summer. Nobody would guess I suffered from Psoriasis from a distance from the way I dress but I fear I won't be able to hide it much longer, over summer it started spreading to my hands and steroids can't get rid of it, touching my keyboard hurts my hand, I can't wash the dishes and I have to keep hiding my hand from people.

I am currently studying Computing at College, hoping to study Computer Science at Uni, this problem has already affected my social life, at times I even skipped school because of how bad it got. Due to the stress I have started losing a lot of hair, it was great just a few months ago - stress is a killer! If I can't even touch the keyboard how on earth will I pass?

I spoke to my GP about Phototherapy about 3 weeks ago and I've had no contact at all from them or the Dermatology clinic. Many people link Psoriasis to stress and I try to stay happy but the problem is that the moment you see it, what it is doing it, how it is affecting your present and future it gets too much.

Balding itself doesn't worry me too much but the fact that I have Psoriasis on my scalp would just make me want to hide in my room, some of it is quite visible already. I have used various shampoos and although they tend to stop the build up of flakes the redness itself doesn't go away.

We all know that kids my age aren't exactly mature and don't deal with these things well so I wanted to know your advice as to how I should deal with this.

I just want to get through this year of college and perhaps take a gap year before finally going to Uni. I don't know how long the Photo-therapy will take but I wanted to know if I was allowed to ask my GP for help with my hair loss and with the Psoriasis on my hands. The redness on my scalp is so visible so if I can keep my hair at least I will be able to hide it, the pain I get from using my hands sometime even puts me off from doing work.

I have tried keeping my hands moisturised and it helps, albeit a little but do you think my GP would prescribe me Propecia? If it stops the balding for the duration of college I will be happy, once it is over I will stop the treatment and shave my head as I believe that fresh air and more access to sunlight will help the Psoriasis on my head.

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Psoriasis :: Severe Head And Neck Pain

I have Spor/Arth.  and have been treated for over thirty years.

Almost every joint has been affected over the years,operations to hands,toes and knees.

Diagenic stopped after 20 years which put my body into shock,now taking Tramacet for the pain.

A major problem now is pain generating in the neck and into my entire head and into my ears nose and face.

I can feel small lumps under the skin and the head pain is severe.

Also heavy sweating from the neck.

I also have a heart condition,thyroid dysfunction Chronic fatigue syndrome.and kidney problems.

There is a number of medication I cannot take because of the other

conditions I have.

I have had acupuncture,physio,and steroid injections but the head pain is so severe even to the touch.

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HIV Prevention :: Penile Psoriasis And Receiving Oral Sex

I have a concern and not sure if i am at risk of hiv transmission through oral sex. I receive oral sex from a massage worker for around 10 mins and ejaculated outside her mouth. One thing to mention that i have 2 months old penile psoriasis on the head of my penis. Can some expert assess my risk?

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Psoriasis :: Hydroxychloroquine - Cheeks Looked Red And Swollen

I was prescribed the above about two months ago. About two weeks after starting it my cheeks looked red and swollen and I had an itchy rash under my chin. Stopped taking it and it all cleared up in the following two weeks.

the Rheumy nurse has told me to try it again to make sure it was the cause. Thing is, I've had Sjogrens for about 20 years with the usual dryness, but I cope with eye drops and vaginal lubrication and HRT cream. Apart from the odd tummy troubles, I'm thankfully not in pain and lead a pretty normal life.

i'm not at all sure if taking hydroxychloroquine is worth it for me, as I dread it damaging my eyesight. My Specialist seems to think it may help with my poor sense of taste and smell, which would be great as it's depressing. 

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Psoriasis :: Diagnosed With Psoriatic Arthritis - Tips / Advice?

I'm 40 years old, mum to 2 girls 16 & 11. I just been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis and I'm so scared and confused, I'm looking for people in the same boat to help me understand what I'm going through. I have suffered with scalp psoriasis for about 10 years. For about a year I had the odd pain here and there, but nothing I thought was worth going to the doctors about, but 6 months ago my knee started to hurt more regularly but I still put it down to getting old. One night I woke up in excruciating pain on my knee, could not move it at all, took a couple of hours with a bag of frozen peas to ease the pain and after taking painkillers the pain went and I carried on with my life. Just under 2 months ago that same pain came back but not just my knee, my shoulder, my elbow and my neck were affected too. I felt like I was paralysed by pain and had to be practically carried to the GP. That was the first time I ever heard of PA...I didn't even know it existed. My GP suspected it and sent me to loads of blood tests, and prescribed a load of tablets. A week later the pain was not easing so back to the GP and this time he gave me stronger co codamol and the pain started to get better. Another week and the blood tests results came back and showed inflammation, very low vit D and folic acid, so GP gave me supplements and decided to give me a 3 vial steroid injection, which he was hopeful could relieve me of pain for a month, while I was being referred to the rheumatologist. I was pain free for 3 days and then it came back with a vengeance. Back on the co codamol and naproxen but the pain was easing just a bit, I couldn't sleep as I any position made something hurt. GP asked for an urgent referral, but that got lost and despite me trying to get things moving, nothing was happening fast enough so I went private, got an appointment within 2 days and a diagnosis. I started methotrexate 2 weeks ago, which makes me very sick and  diarrhoea for 3 days, then it settles. Still on co codamol for pain as I refused the steroids the rheumy wanted to prescribe. My life has been turned upside down, almost every day I wake up with different joints hurting. I feel like the pain is eating me away, it's so disheartening when I can't even prepare my child's lunch box because my hands won't allow it. I work through an agency and they are on the verge of getting rid of me because I have taken the odd day off when the pain is just too much. I have been on anti depressants for years and I feel my depression getting worse, I don't want to leave the house or see anyone because I feel so so low. Will it ever get better?

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Vasectomy :: Second Vasectomy - Failed First One

Hi I am looking for help I have just had my second vasectomy done just 2 weeks ago due to a failed vasectomy the first time. I have 2 large lumps 1 at the incision site and 1 and the opposite end of the incision and they are both causing me a lot of pain which runs down my leg I have seen my doctor but has told me to give it a couple of months but I didn't get any pain like this the first time. Can a second vasectomy increase any chances of side effects or chronic pain.

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Psoriasis :: Enbrel - Concerned About The Side Effects - Chances Of Infection

I have been to the hospital today. I have been treated for psoriatic arthritis for about 5 years. My consultant says that as I have tried everything else, without success I now have to decide whether to have Enbrel. I am a bit concerned about the side effects especially increased chance of infection. While I was on methotrexate I had quite a few infections including shingles.Also not keen on giving myself injections

Not taking anything is now causing deformity in my joints and tissue inflammation so an important decision.

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Psoriasis :: Hydroxychloroquine - Insomnia, Nightmares, Stomach Upsets Side Effects?

Is anyone taking Hydroxychloroquine for PA? I got it on prescription from my rheumatologist yesterday. Reading a few forums,and user reviews of insomnia,nightmares,stomach upsets rashes,to name just a few of the side effects. Is the treatment worth it for all the side effects?

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Psoriasis :: Pain Management - Stelara, DMARDs, Enbrel And Humira Not Working

despite using strong painkillers, oxycodone-both long lasting plus short acting plus amitriptyline for sleep plus topical ointment, I cannot get on top of the pain or swelling. I started Stelara in December after DMARDs, Enbrel & Humira failing. I'm also on 7.5mg Prednisone daily. I can't cope much longer, this flare started in November. I suppose I should be grateful that my skin is clear but the pain in my joints is horrendous. My knees, hands and wrists are so swollen. Mobility is crap, I'm virtually crawling to get upstairs, getting dressed is so difficult and painful. I'm seeing OT in 2 weeks plus my rheumatologist on 8th March, also I'm seeing another rheumatologist in may for 2nd opinion because I'm not convinced my current one is expert in PsA. I've been going to hydrotherapy for a few weeks and am going to continue as a paying client because it's been good for me mentally and I don't want to sit around waiting to become completely immobilised. My knees are like melons today, should I rest, elevate or what? Sorry for negativity but I've just about had enough

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Genital Herpes Simplex :: Can You Get A Wax?

Can you get a wax if you have herpes? I have hsv2.

And also if you can do you have to declare it to the beautician? I'm going away in a few weeks and have been contemplating it for a while now.

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Herpes :: Use Of Toilet And HSV 1 Genital Spread

ok so heres my story/questions my dr decided not to tell me that ive had hsv1 genital for about 9 years maybe longer i dont know why she didnt tell me but thats what it is.. now ive been very very paranoid about everything like what if my daughter uses the toilet after me or touches something after ive used the bathroom and didnt wash my hands right away? can she catch it from that or say could she catch it from a sink or the taps?

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Herpes :: Genital HSV 1 - Long Without An Outbreak?

Diagnosed by blood test with hsv1 on genitals. Bad outbreak in 2007. No outbreaks at all until last month since 2007. That's 8 yrs. Is that normal to go that long without an outbreak. My partner is negative and we have not used protected sex. We have split up a while back and I'm wondering since he never contracted it, is it ok to have sex with a new partner without protection. What's the chances of my new partner getting it since the last one didn't. Of course I know not to have sex during a break out. Is it that easy to transmit this. I have grandkids also and am very careful around them.

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Herpes :: HSV 1 Genital - Two Outbreaks, So Close Together?

I had a outbreak eight years ago. Went all this time until few months ago, had another one. Last week I thought I had yeast infection. Took meds for that but isn't much better. Went to doc today, I have another break out she said. What is going on. Why am I having these two so close together? It doesn't feel the same as last one and that's why I thought it was yeast infection. I have redness and slight burning all over vagina area. She said she saw what looked like a lesion inside the opening of liba. I do have one area that is tender to the touch. I am stressing more than usual last several months. If this is a true outbreak, she did put me on 1000 valtrex, how long should I wait to have sex after I'm feeling normal down there again?

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Herpes :: Genital HSV 1 Transmission Without Outbreak?

How common is it to transmit genital HSV1 through genital to genital contact only having sex once with no outbreak? I am a female who is worried about transmitting hsv1 genitally to a partner whom I only had sex with once. Any insight in this?

I have had genital hsv1 for 3 years.

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Herpes :: Marriage And Of Spread Genital HSV 1

Somebody please tell me if it's easy to spread genital hsv1. Blood test shows genital hsv1. I was diagnosed 8yrs ago with first outbreak. Had another outbreak last month. Yes, I went 8 years with no outbreak. How easy is this to spread using protection and without. Should I take daily valtrex? I'm getting married in couple of months ands would really like to know the chance of spreading it to my future husband. We have not had intercourse, waiting for marriage. Yes I've told him that I have it.

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STDs :: Possibilities Of Genital HSV 1 Transmission?

I am a woman in my early twenties. About four months ago, my former partner had a small cold sore on his lip (at the time I didn't realize it was a cold sore), and he preformed oral sex on me.  About a week after this incident, I got a fever and noticed a few painful bumps around the opening of my vagina. I also got a few sores inside my mouth (nothing visible, just painful), but they didn't look like typical lip blisters, so I am not sure if I ever even got oral HSV 1 from the incident. I saw my gynecologist and she preformed a swab of the genital lesions a few days later. It came back positive for HSV 1. I went on valtrex to get rid of the lesions, and they disappeared on my genitals in about a week. Since then, I have had no outbreaks anywhere on my body. Additionally, I am taking 500 mg of valacyclovir every single night. I am now having regular unprotected oral and vaginal sex with a non- herpes partner.  I have not told him about my condition.

How possible is it that I give him HSV 1 if I am without symptoms (valtrex one a day, but no condoms)?

-What is the probability that I spread the virus genital to genital?
-What is the probability that I spread the virus genital to oral?
-What is the probability that I spread the virus oral to genital?
-How does my use of valtrex affect these probabilities?

I am shocked that there is little research about the HSV-1 shedding and transmission rates, because this has become such a common phenomenon. Even though my doctor and OBGYN strongly advise me to tell all future partners about this, I am skeptical to tell my partner that I have genital HSV-1 for many reasons. First and foremost, I know about 60% of people already have the antibodies protecting them against the virus, which means if my partner has it, he can't become re-infected. Also, because I have the virus removed from the site of preference, it is even less likely for me to spread the virus.  Additionally, I am taking a suppressant medication, which cuts shedding rates even more. I am very careful to not have sex during outbreaks. Therefore, I feel that me telling him I have HSV 1 would only cause unnecessary emotional turbulence for a statistically improbable event. Genital herpes is surrounded by all sorts of stigma no matter what kind it is. Chances are, if I tell him I have GHSV 1, all he will process (like any early twenty year old man) is the fact that I herpes. In reality, me disclosing this information would cause more harm than good to the relationship. It would be the equivalent of someone who occasionally gets cold sores to inform any person they ever kiss that they have HSV-1, and we all know that no one really does that.

Any answer to the questions posed above would be great, because there is so little information online about rates of asymptomatic shedding from female to male for GHSV 1.

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