Trigeminal Neuralgia :: Due To Rapidly Deteriorating Cervical Spondylosis

Apr 29, 2010

It has been suggested to me that I may be developing Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) due to my rapidly deteriorating Cervical Spondylosis (CS) in the top of my neck.

The Cervical Spondylosis (CS) pain is an awful (its feels like you've just broken a bone - which is a completely different type of pain to Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN).

I use DHC (Dihydrocodeine) and Oramorph (Morphine Sulphate) daily to reduce the CS pain to a level which allows me to continue functioning at work. I have medical complication/allergies to Steroids and NSAIDS.

The suspected Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) starts with my right eye twitching uncontrollably and then it happens about 20 seconds later ...

it feels as though my upper and lower jaw bones are being crushed/compressed/ripped out, I am almost completely paralyzed with this short sharp alternating type of pain.

If I move my neck head around - it sometimes stops the short sharp alternating type of pain for a few seconds but then it shoots down the left side of my face ...

An additional small dose of morphine 5ml helps to take the edge of this new type of pain but only after about 30 mins. I really dont want to keep having to increase my medication ...

Any suggestions as to what alternative medicines may help to reduce the pain this Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) condition please ?

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Cervical Spondylosis :: Anterior Cervical Discectomy & Fusion

I'm 48 suffered with cervical spondylosis for around 6 years, in the last two years it's got so painful. I have tried all meds, last year I had an op foraminotomy where they drilled the left side spurs C4 to C7. But the last year has been a nightmare the pain is worse. I have now had more MRI & CT scans more meds and having two injections next week. I asked the long term affect of my neck I was told I have a neck of a 70 year old. What dose this actually mean? Wheelchair what?? I am also on the list for a anterior cervical discectomy & fusion.

I have a fall time desk job which doesn't help at all but have a mortgage... holiday is taken as sick days.

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Cervical Spondylosis :: Anterior Cervical Discectomy/Fusion

I am recovering from Anterior Cervical Discectomy, which became necessary to avoid drastic further deterioration.

I would like to tell you about my experience and what helped me. My problem started quite unexpectedly with a persistent back ache at work (I am an office worker). Within days it was so bad that I was vomiting with pain and had to stop working (I was commuting to London). I was on morphine within three weeks, but it did not help either. I won't list here all the various painkillers I was prescribed, which helped to certain extent, but the pain was so bad that I was suicidal. The doctors communicated with me hardly at all except writing another painkiller prescription. I felt totally abandoned by them. I tried osteopathy, ordinary physiotherapy and Bowen's therapy. Bowens worked the best but nothing would give more than a few hours relief from the extreme pain. My husband then hit on the Tens machine and that was the only thing that really helped. I would recommend it without hesitation. I dropped the morphine, which was a bit of nightmare for me anyway, and managed to live with the Tens machine.

Unfortunately my problem rapidly progressed to me losing strength from my arm and from my fingers and a neurologist recommended the dissection and fusion. It is not an easy fix, but to me it saved my life. I went back to work four months after the operation, seven months after first feeling the pain. I could not say I'm as good as new, but the pain has gone. My neck is stiff, gets tired very easily and a bit uncomfortable. I cannot lift, push or pull anything heavy. But I'm here, enjoying my family and grandchildren. I couldn't ask for more. I'm 63 and now feeling my age, that's all.

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Diagnosed Cervical Spondylitis Not Cervical Spondylosis

I was diagnosed with cervical spondylitis when I was 27 ( had a severe fall when I was 16 yrs old...fell 2 stories), am 48 now and moved to Wales almost 2 yrs ago from South Africa and since being here, my pain has increased in intensity. Used to get steroid injections and am aware that I won't get that here in the U.K. I now suffer extreme nausea due to the pain and can only dry retch, as the valve below the oesophagus was tightened yrs ago and now prevents me from throwing up. I would appreciate if others with this condition could tell me what the maximum dosage of Ibuprofen one can take. Taking the normal dosage (2) does not alleviate the searing pain or spasms.

I am also very confused. After x-rays, all dr,s have said cervical spondylitis and not cervical spondylosis. Been told that I don't have arthritis and yet this is not ankylosing spondylitis, which 1 dr said it was..(he never saw the x-rays)...really confused even after numerous x-rays and dr,s. I am almost on the verge of giving up hope of getting effective painkillers from dr,s here. Do the exercises, use heated neck bags and nothing much helps, especially when I get a flare up.

Need to know if increased dosage of Ibuprofen would help.

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Trigeminal Neuralgia :: Tegretol 600 Mg

I have been recently diagnosed with TN I'm 27yrs old I have been taking tegretol 600mg and I have been referred to see a consultant and awaiting a MRI scan has anyone had the scan or went private for treatment? Waiting list ATM is 39 weeks. Having really bad flare ups and constantly exhausted have now changed to palexia twice a day and feel horrific both pain and weakness. Only been taking this a few days has anyone else taking this tablet before?

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Laser For Trigeminal Neuralgia?

Has anyone tried the laser treatment for trigeminal neuralgia. I have read that people have great success with it. As I understand it the laser is low level and non invasive.

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Trigeminal Neuralgia :: Any Relation With Migraines

initial trigeminal neuralgia in my case may have been triggered by a gum infection.

I have suffered migraines since the age of eight. Is this condition related, a correlation between the two ?

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Trigeminal Neuralgia :: Carbamazepine And Alcohol

Last August 2015, I drank 2 glasses of wine two hours after having taken Carbamazepine - I'd mixed the two before, coincidentally, not deliberately, of course! The result was that I had 2 seizures, passed out, vomited, bit my tongue and wet myself - the full works! I have only just been given the 'all clear', after waiting over 6 months for an MRI scan and EEG to confirm that I have no permanent brain damage or possible tendencies towards epilepsy!

So, if you are taking this drug - usually the 'drug of choice' for TN, be warned! Don't drink! You may have been fine so far, but so was I and then.....

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Trigeminal Neuralgia :: Anyone Tried Craniosacral Therapy?

Trigeminal Neuralgia :: anyone tried craniosacral therapy?

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How Many With Multiple Sclerosis And Trigeminal Neuralgia Together

On a curious note, how many here dx with MS have also experienced Trigeminal Neuralgia as well? Over the past few weeks, my numbness, tingling, and intermittent shock-like sensations in hands and feet have increased. This along with the relentless chronic fatigue. Simultaneously, I've had left side jaw pain, numbness and tingling on left side along with a few additional symptoms that an ER doctor suspected might be TN.

He suggested I schedule an appointment with a neurologist! With my years of historical symptoms, my efforts with various neurologists, a plethora of MRIS ..... I'm getting a little frustrated when pointed back in the direction of neurology when an explanation after these evaluations cannot be provided.

I'm truly beginning to wonder if something was missed or simply not visible on my MRIS. My suspicions are based on physical debilitating symptoms that I believe other non neuro MD specialists are also pointing in that direction.

It's very frustrating as I can imagine many have faced here. I realize neurologists maintain a certain criteria but if numerous physicians continue to point in the direction of neurology, when I've navigated that path in depth void of answers ....what is one to do?

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Trigeminal Neuralgia :: Undiganosed Toothache

I'm almost 25 and have constant problems with my teeth I brush , floss and use mouthwash at least twice a day sometimes more , I have phobias of the dentist and eating hard foods I also will not have a photo taken for the embarrassment of my teeth, even seeing the dentist embarrasses me. Anyway to cut a long story short I had a failed crown due to gum damage and needed an extraction at the front and a bridge fitted. Although I'm still feeling pain in this area. I have been back and forth the dentist with excruciating pain in my jaw ears and what I was convinced of back lower molar, the dentist is at his wits ends as although I've had a lot of work done and do have problematic teeth he cannot find any infection or decay abscess etc that could be causing me excruciating pain , it is possible that I may need a top tooth extracted as it has a very large filling and is tender to touch. I've had a few root canals over the past year but nothing is working .So my dentist possibly thinks I have neuralgia and prescribed carbamazepine 200 mg twice a day for 3 days and not taking pain killers . The pain has definitely died down but the ache is still there so I think it is not neuralgia and there is a problem he is missing in so petrified of losing my teeth being so young !

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Cervical Spondylosis :: Cervical Spasm, Neck Pain, Left Arm Pain, Numbness, Heart

I dont know i have cervical spondylosis  , but MRI said i have a cervical spasm < now even  after eating food my heart rate increase some times and there are weird feeling  all day long in the chest ,pain in arm .. i feel tingling numbness, in legs ,arms , shouledrs some time. disbalance when i just stand up 

Mty Doctors are sending me to neurologist,Cardio , Rheumatologist,Internal medicine . 

nothing solved . Heart is ok , ECG is ok, x-ray of heart is ok.Blood test was ok ...

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Trigeminal Neuralgia :: Kenalog Injections Are Successful

I came across the following while doing research and had not heard of this treatment  before:

" I have been able to treat patients effectively with kenalog injections. Usually on palpation the branch of the trigeminal nerve causing the pain can be identified. Its usually either supra orbital, supratrochlear or infraorbital. Then I inject 5mg of kenalog into the nerve itself using 30gauge needle with 0.5cc of Kenalog 10.It takes the pain away for about 3 months."

The guy was trained in otolaryngology at Yale before becoming a highly reputable plastic surgeon. It might be worth asking your doctor or neurologist about this proceedure.

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Trigeminal Neuralgia :: Treatments/medications That Work?

Are there treatments/medications that work?

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Trigeminal Neuralgia And Wisdom Tooth Removal

I have been diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia, I had severe pain in my right side of face pressured head, sore mouth and sore nose on and off for 4 months.

Originally was prescribed 2 doses of antibiotics for sinusitis which didn't help at all.

I don't like dentists so was avoiding them until I got a lump in my neck which said could be tooth abscess. I went to the dentist for an x ray and he said he wanted to take my wisdom tooth out which could be the reason for all my pain. Also he said the lump was nothing to do with him and I need to see my doctor.

3 days later with my wisdom tooth out, I am still in pain from the injections, still have a headache.

I don't know whether I actually have TN or not. I don't want to keep pestering the doctors.

So has anybody else had problems like this? Can TN cause the lymph nodes to swell?

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Trigeminal Neuralgia :: Gabapentin (Tegretol) And Lyrica Together

does anyone take both Tegretol and Lyrica together for TN?

My Neurologist does not want me to take more Tegretol because it does not go well with the Warfarin i have to take for my artificial heart valve. He has suggested that if i get pain breakthroughs consistently i can add Lyrica. GP seems sceptical but i am sure that's what he said to me.

I dont think Lyrica alone would be a good idea as it seems to have a lot of nasty side effects.

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Trigeminal Neuralgia :: How I Survived / Cured It - My Experience

I'm going to tell my story so it will be kind of long, but has a great end ing..promise;-). In 2011, at age 29, I noticed a sharp pain when I brushed my teeth. At the time, like many others, I assumed it was dental related. I went to the dentist and they found nothing wrong. As the weeks went on, the pain started happening when I talked, brushed, washed my face, clenched my teeth, slept, smiled, if the wind blew hard, etc. It was the WORST pain of my life. It felt like an electric shock going off in my the left side of my face by my jaw. Sometimes the pain would be just a quick stab, and other times the pain would vibrate through my face and all I could do was stop all motion and wait until it passed. I would even wake up out of my sleep sometimes from the pain if I accidentally turned on my left side. The pain would last for weeks then go away for a week and I thought it was over. BIG MISTAKE! It came back with a vengeance.

After many painful days and nights, I started looking up my symptoms on the internet (yeah for Google) and the same diagnosis kept coming up..Trigeminal Neuralgia. I was confused because although my symptoms matched, it said that this disease usually showed itself in older individuals and I was only 29. I made an appointment with my physician and after cruelly poking my facing with his finger after I told him my symptoms, he confirmed that although it was rare for my age, I had TN. He prescribed me a steroid prescription and sent me on my way. No further explanation. If I had not already researched this, I would have been lost. So I took the pills, and besides making me gain a couple pounds, the pain remained. By now, I had researched so much about TN, I felt like an expert. I called my physician and asked to be referred to a Neurologist.

Long story short on this part, Before the Neurologist saw me , he sent me to get MRI which was clean so no MS and he spent all of three minutes seeing me, told me I had TN, gave me a prescription for TEGRETOL, and sent me on my way. No further explanation about my disease. He failed to tell me that the Tegretol would make me CRAZY!!!!!!!!! I am a teacher and the Tegretol had me so nuts, some days I couldn't even function. I have a 2 1/2 yr old and between the Tegretol and pain, I'm sure I was a pain for my child.

The Tegretol did help a little but I could not see myself having to live the rest of my life on Tegretol. It would have been HELL!!! I had already researched Gamma Ray treatment and surgery to cut skull open and put something in between nerve and blood vessel. Both did not appeal to me.

THIS IS WHEN IT GETS GOOD!!! I live in Alabama (US) and one day when I was researching, I saw that a Neurosurgeon in Birmingham, AL, Dr. Swaid N. Swaid does something called CYBERKNIFE TREATMENT. CYBERKNIFE is a non invasive radio surgery that is used to treat everything from cancerous and non cancerous tumors and TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA!!! It beams a high dose of radiation to the area that precisely goes to the spot needed. I felt like this was my only hope. I called to make an appointment and luckily, a referral was not needed since my Dr. and Neurologist were of no help. I went to see Dr. Swaid the next month and he was the first Dr. to sit down and explain exactly what I had and the treatment options. Because of my age, he thought the brain surgery was better but I told him that I would rather do the Cyberknife. The brain surgery, besides be invasive, would make me have to take 2-3 weeks to recuperate while Cyberknife, I would go into treatment 1-5 times, depending on my xray of my nerves and lay on the table for 45 minutes and left the robot do it's thing and get up and be just fine. No pain, no cutting!

Made my appointment for Cyberknife, went in to talk to Radiologist who told me Cyberknife was just as good as the invasive method. He actually drew me a picture to describe what was going on in my face and told me that I was suffering from Trigeminal Neuralgia in my 3rd trigeminal nerve (the one by the lower jawline). After they looked at my

Xray, they decided I only needed one treatment. They made a mold of my face that is like a net they had to put on my face to keep me prefectly still. I laid on the table, listened to the music of my choice, and listened to the robotic arm buzz over my face for @ 40 minutes. Got up and was on my way. I was warned that the results would not be

immediate. The radiation slowly kills the nerve that is being affected. But month after month, sure enough, the pain became less and less. I went to see Dr. Swaid every 3 month for the next 9 months. He said by the 6th month, if the pain was gone, most likely it would be gone forever. The only side effect I have is that sometimes when I chew on that side of my face, because the nerve was killed, I get a little painless tightening in my jaw (like lock jaw) for a few seconds. I laugh because I'll take that anyday over TN and it only happens usually when I chew something really tough on that side

I have been pain free for about a year now but I'll never forget the worst part of my life. I encourage anyone dealing with TN TO DO YOUR RESEARCH and do what is best for you. If you have a Hospital that offers Cyberknife in your area, I encourage you to look into it. Never give up hope that you can't overcome this and know that there are others that have had to deal with this too....You DO NOT have to settle for taking medication for this disease for the rest of your life! RESEARCH, RESEARCH RESEARCH. God Bless!

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Trigeminal Neuralgia On Both Sides After Dental Work

I have TN on both sides which was cause by hospital dental work (i still need some teeth pulling) someone has just upset me so much.

They said that because i have it both sides that an MVD operation would not work as there is a compression of the nerve and this is much less likely to be the cause of bilateral TN.
'm so upset i just don't know what to do apart from ending my life, that's the only way out from this.

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Multiple Sclerosis :: Trigeminal Neuralgia - Lyrica Works!

I suffer from Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) as part of MS. I must say it is the most painful condition that I have experienced. Worse than labor pain even, and frightening because you don't know how long it is going to last.

Well, I have finally found a solution to the problem! I recently started seeing a pain management specialist to discuss alternative treatment for treating MS-related pain. The doctor is extremely compassionate and easy to talk with about pain, and about MS in general. Anyway, he suggested that I start using Lyrica to treat the TN, and it has worked like a miracle!! I have had zero TN episodes in 8 months.

I'm sure many of you are familiar with Lyrica, which is very similar to Neurontin but much more effective. I no longer live in fear of a TN attack. Thank God!

If you or someone you know is suffering from TN, ask your doctor about Lyrica. You don't have to suffer!

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Trigeminal Neuralgia - Quite Possibly The Result Of Dental Work

After many dental visits and x rays, I was referred to a Head,Neck and Ear clinic where the doctor believes I have Trigeminal Neuralgia-quite possibly the result of dental work. He has referred me to a neurologist and am awaiting that appointment. I was issued an rx for pain management but have decided to wait and see the neurologist for further info and treatment, as I react to so many drugs.

Anyone else suffering from this? And if so, can you please relate your experiences? Am in somewhat of a fog right now, trying to wrap my head around how this can come from dental procedures.

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Trigeminal Neuralgia :: Sharp Pain In Right Side Of Face

For the past couple months I have a sharp pain that comes and goes throughout the day. I live off Motrin just to keep myself sane. I get intense jabs in my jaw, ear, eye area and sometimes my head. Does this sound like TN? I don't really have a trigger or anything. Sometimes the pain is so awful I have to hide under a blanket and just try to take a nap til it passes. Other times (like now) the pain is dull but the jabs are still painful. Anyone experience this? 

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