Synthroid - Generic Vs. Name Brand

Jul 17, 2014

I was recently switched to the name brand of Synthroid after taking the generic for 20 + years. I really didn't notice any side effects from the generic but since switching to the name brand I have begun having hot flashes and night sweats (I'm WAY past menopause) and I feel anxious, moody, my foot is constantly moving when I'm sitting and recently I noticed I'm clenching my teeth. Has anyone had this experience when going from the generic to the name brand?

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Hepatitis B :: Viread Generic Or Brand

My doctor let me have Viread. I checked online at pharmacy checker. Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate Tablet and Viread Tablet, are they the same in treatment wise? I went to CVS store, it cost 1000 USD to 30/300mg for Viread Tablet. is it too expensive? The staff there told me generic tablet is not available. But why I see it online as I said earlier?

What happens if I take brand and then switch to generic like a year later? Will the generic medicine do the same?

View 5 Replies

Sexual Dysfunction :: Generic Viagra Vs Brand Viagra

I can recommend a reputable pharmacy. I've tried both original brand and generic Viagra. There is no difference in effectiveness as far as I can tell between the brand and Generic versions. The real difference is price, no comparison. And this suppliers seem honest and reliable. On the site I've just placed my 3rd order. Viagra from this site is indeed good for male erection problem treatment.

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Best Type And Brand For Vitamins?

what's the best type & brand for Vitamins? want some E and C.

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Best Brand Shampoo And Wash For Baby?

I would like to get ur advice on the best brand of baby shampoo and wash to get for my baby.

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Double Breast Pump But What Brand, What Store, What Price?

How did you pick a breast pump?

I'm thinking double breast pump but what brand, what store, what price?

I'll return to work at 6 weeks and want a pump that'll make it easy at work to pump. we have a mother's room and I'll get time to pump but want a good one.

View 2 Replies

Generic Viagra Really Works?

I am interested if generic Viagra really works. I see that the price is much lower than brand one. Any good experience with it?

View 3 Replies

Is There A Generic Cheap Viagra Available?

I am 46 and my girl is 23-I have no prob w/ an erection but sometimes she wants 2 or 3 a day and I just can't do that anymore-is there a generic (i e cheaper)"viagra out there?

View 4 Replies

Synthroid :: Low Free T4 Normal Low TSH

I have been having low free T4 (9 pmol/L), but normal although on the lower end TSH (1.69 mIU/L).

My doctor has put me on 75mg/day synthroid, because his diagnostic is hypothyroidism. However, I understand that hypothyroidism is normally associated with low T4, but high TSH.

Based on what I have read, it seems that a low T4 associated with a normal TSH may be linked to issues with the pituitary gland (and not the thyroid) or issues with binding agents.

Is hypothyroidism and the use of synthroid indicated in my case?

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Generic Carbimazole - More Palpitations

My Neo Mercazole has been changed by my pharmacist to a generic form of Carbimazole and I have been having more palpitations on this new medication.Has anyone else had this problem.I know that they are supposed to have the same quality but I certainly don't feel that they work as well.

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Thyroid :: Synthroid And Foot Cramps

Well, after a year and a half on Erfa Thyroid, I had to switch back to Synthroid because the heart pounding at night on the Erfa just kept getting worse and worse.

Of course, with the Synthroid I'm now back to having severe foot cramps all night; by that I mean that my foot twists around on the ankle and I have to stand up and push my foot down to get it to go back into position. Sometimes it's both feet at once. Try sleeping with that going on!

Not sure which side effect is worse, and I feel as though I can't win, since neither medication allows me to sleep.

My doctor doesn't believe that switching back to Synthroid would result in foot cramps and won't offer any help. When I was on Synthroid previously my old GP game me quinine sulphate, which keep the cramps down to once or twice a week, but this one won't prescribe it.

Has anyone else had this problem and found a solution? I take lots of calcium, magnesium, Vitamin D, and B vitamins, so I should be okay on that score.

View 7 Replies

Thyroid :: Cytomel And Synthroid, Take At Same Time?

Meds recently changed from armour to these. Am I supposed to take them both first thing in am, or take cytomel later?

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Cymbalta To Generic Duloxetine - Crashed

I have been recently changed from Cymbalta to generic duloxetine.  Whilst on Cymbalta, I was able to cut down from 120 mgs daily to 90 mgs daily.

Now I have had to go back to 120 mgs as I have a terrible depressive crash very close to 3 pm every day.  I have always taken my full dose in one dose in the morning.  Now I am splitting it to avoid the 3 pm crash.  I asked my psychiatrist for Cymbalta specifically as in the US it is prescribed for fibromyalgia which I also have.  I had seemed to be improving on that front too and was hoping to get back to part time work but I have been more or less bedridden for the last two weeks.  Anybody else had problems with the switch over?

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Hepatitis C :: $5 Copay For Generic Harvoni And How To Get It?

I have been written a prescription for Harvoni or generic. I've found generic at Gandhi Medicos for $1140 US.

I am in US and I'm wondering if anyone has any dealings with this Co. also.

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Thyroid :: Acne From Synthroid And Cytomel?

Overall, I am doing MUCH better - still have tweaking to do but this has by far been the best year for me since getting diagnosed. Things like my cycle becoming regular again, to even some weight loss (over the summer and it came back but it was nice to see my body responding for once...hopeful that once I am in my new job, my stress will be much better and Ill have time to be active again but I digress).

I had previously been on Armour and spent over 2 years never really feeling better (my body didn't tolerate it at all it seemed), so I switched to synthroid plus cytomel I had some side affects so switched again to tirosint plus cytomel.

That was when I noticed I was making progress - except for TWO annoying side affects. Zombie head that never went away over 8 months (even tried taking it at night instead which helped but getting out of bed in the morning was an act of god) and acne. Seriously, I feel like I'm going through puberty all over again. I should note, that I think the progress was due to finally increasing meds (anytime i increased armour I would be in pain so I avoided it)

I finally made a switch back to Natural Thyroid - I take the Acela NP thyroid which I tolerate much better than Armour. The good side effects have stayed and my zombie head is gone. My skin is a BIT better but not much.

Has anyone experienced this? I have read stories of people with Hashi's having skin issues due to low thyroid but that was never my problem. I have to say that my skin was maybe my one source of pride (even when my hair was falling out, i gained weight, my skin stayed clear and smooth).

Before I clearly wasn't on enough thyroid. I was on 1.5 grains Armour before switching to about 118 synthetic (it changed a few times but it was around that). When I switched to NO Thyroid (no more cytomel),I was one 2.5 grains and have now worked my way up to 3.5 grains. Increasing to 3.5 actually didn't make me worse skin wise - it was a bit better than it was on 2.5 so I can't quite figure out what the deal is.

Just looking to hear if anyone else has experience this, what they did and if it eventually went away? Would trying another version of NDT be worth a shot you think?

I am THISCLOSE to looking into accutane. I need help! I have tried every skin care product under the sun. It seems to be an internal problem and not a result of what I am putting on my face.

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Thyroid Disorders :: Synthroid To Nature-throid

Had my thyroid removed 2001 and was on Synthroid for 11 years.  Felt awful the entire time, was always very tired, gained lots of weight, dry skin and hair, the whole bunch of symptoms so finally I dug my heels in and did not take anything for 3 months.  Very dangerous but was tired of being so confused could not find my way home when I was a block from home.  So the doctor put me on Armour and then I switched doctors and the new one put me on Nature-throid.  I'm still very tired and sleep a lot, my neck hurts where the thyroid was removed 11 years ago, drainage from that area.  Any suggestions for a different med that actually works without exacerbating my symptoms?

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Uterine Fibroids :: Medicine / Generic Name Of Esmya?

Anybody tell me the generic name of Esmya?

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Hypothyroidism :: Armour, Synthroid And Levothyroxine Has No Effect

I have been diagnosed with Hashimoto.  Everywhere I read it is controlled with Armour or some kind of thyroid medicine.  I have tried Armour and Synthroid and Levothyroxine and have had no change in my leves.  One is suppose to be a 4 and mine is a 7 and one is suppose to be less than 9 and mine is greater than 900.

What happens when it us uncontrollable with Medicine?

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Thyroidectomy / Synthroid Relation To Aortic Aneurysm

I now have a 4.1 ascending aortic aneurysm. Begin taking synthroid in 2007 after stage 4. Total thyroidectomy. Could there be a connection? My endo thinks I am loco.

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Insurance :: 2 Years Without Synthroid After Thyroidectomy - Dangerous?

Had a thyroidectomy in the middle 90s, and was put on synthroid. Due to insurance changes I haven't been able to get meds for almost 2yrs now. Is my health in danger ?

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Thyroid :: Can't Tolerate - Synthroid, Armour And Cytomel

2 1/2 years ago my hypothyroid meds (90 mcg synthroid) started to make me feel extremely hyper, but my blood tests came back looking good. I was finally diagnosed as having Adrenal Fatigue (after seeing 13 doctors and 18 months later) and was taken off my thyroid meds totally for a about 6+ months to heal my adrenals.

My saliva test says my adrenals are much better (still not 100%). I tried to then go on Armour, but continued with anxiety, neck pain, headache all day on right side, depression…the usual.

I am now chopping up the meds and take small doses of 12.5 Synthroid and 1.25 Cytomel twice a day - morning and afternoon - for about 3 weeks but I still feel hyper…and tired and anxious, depressed. If I take more T3 I start to get really anxious.

I went on the above combination after I first tried just Cytomel alone at 1.25 and went through the roof after about 3 days, so I stopped.

We are trying the above combination thinking the Armour we tried earlier was the wrong ratio of T4/T3 (75/25%). According an online chart, my current med routine of synthroid/cytomel = a ratio of 90/10%.

I am still feeling extremely tired, anxious, no appetite, no energy, dizzy, feel like I'm not here, and depressed. Was considering changing the T4/T3 ratio to perhaps 50/50%. Anyone ever try this?

NOTE--best week ever: A few months ago, we tried switching from 15 Armour only to 12 Synthroid only for 1 week. Just to try something different. After 1 week of no progress we switched back to about 7.5 Armour for a few days--then upping to 15. And WOW, I had the GREATEST week in the last 2 years ever, then it started to decline again the next week while keeping Armour at about 15.

I was also off Gluten for 3 months with no noticeable improvements.

I keep thinking this has to have something to do with my Adrenals. As I said my saliva test came back much better - the doctor said I was 80% back to normal. I'm thinking that's not close enough?? I need to be 90% before I can tolerate the meds?? 95%?? I don't know!!

Has anyone had experience with this? Were you eventually able to take your thyroid meds again? How were you able to do it?

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