STDs :: Possible To Get Trichomoniasis By Something Other Than Sex?

Jun 9, 2014

Is it possible to get trichomoniasis by something other than sex? ie. toilet seats,dirty towels, sheets

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STDs :: HIV Negative - What Other Tests ?

I am a male who received unprotected oral sex from unknown CSW status 24 weeks ago. I already did HIV test and it is negative, so basically I am asking about other STDs, should I test for any. If yes what test should I do and what will be the window period for them If I test tomorrow it will be 24 weeks post exposure.

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STDs :: Red Bumps On Penis On And Off

Tiny, red bumps appear on shaft of penis on and off again. About a mm in diameter. No pain, no itchiness. I've recently been tested and everything came back negative.

They show up in my pubic area, too. Could they just be clogged pores/ingrown hairs?

They first appeared about 5 months ago. I had protected sex with a girl I didn't know well. She did also performed oral sex on me. First symptoms showed up about 20 days after.

They normally appear for about a week, then disappear. Went to the doctor and got checked for a variety of STDs including herpes -- everything came back normal.

I've been symptom free for about 2 months now, but it looks like they're back. I haven't had sex with anyone since that encounter. Help?

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STDs :: What Can Cause An Itchy Penis?

A few days ago, my boyfriend asked me a question that really threw me for a loop.  He asked if I'd had sex with anyone else but him because a few weeks ago, a few days after giving him head, he noticed some itching inside his penis.  It comes and goes, but it was so bad that night that he felt like he didn't have any choice but to ask.  He asked me if I'd had sex with anyone else in the past month, and I was able to honestly say I hadn't.  I've also been tested (I'm a guy and they did a **** test) for gonorrhea and chlamydia, and the results were negative.  

What could his problem be?  

If it could affect anything, he did change his diet considerably not long before it started.  There is no burning, and no discharge.  Just an occasional itchy sensation inside the penis.  

So... yeah.  To reiterate: I haven't been with anyone but him for two months now, his penis started itching a few weeks ago, I tested negative via a **** test for gonorrhea and chlamydia a couple of weeks ago, he has no burning or discharge, and I have nothing to indicate anything is wrong with me.  

What might we be looking at here?

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STDs :: Testing Periods

When is the best AND final time for testing with blood work. This is for all stds, there seems to be alot of confusion with the time testing that is why people in here have a hard time accepting their results even if it gives them an answer,  does it go by weeks? Months? 12weeks 16weeks 3months 6months or for a one time exposure so anything under this times are not the correct answers? Anything after the 12weeks period is a relief for finalized testing?  

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STDs :: Unprotected Sex With A Stripper

48 Hours ago I had vaginal and oral sex with a stripper.  I asked her if she had any std's and predictably she said no.  I did "inspect" her first for anything visible.  When we went to the room oral was unprotected, we started  sex with a condom, however it broke sometime during the session.  

Within 12 hours I went to a doctor and got a shot of Rocefilin and 2 horse pills of Azithromycin.  The doctor said there wasn't a significant risk for syphillis (syphilis), so no amoxicillin.

1) The doctor told me to wait for two days before having sex again, and there would be no risk for Gonhorrhea and Chlamydia.  Is this correct?
2) Without anything visible, what is my risk for Herpes and Syphillis (syphilis)?
3) Any other STD's I should worry about

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STDs :: Precum And Exposure

I received a lap dance in an adult bookstore.

There was no touching (of me) but by me, save rubbing the legs of my jeans or me touching/ untangling some jeweled thingy from her lingerie.
BUT I did masterbate and at one point even rubbed the tip of my penis head which was soaked with precum, with my hand.  She had touched herself a few times but never touched me and never anywhere near my penis.

My specific question is this.  

Because of the fluid from my penis is there a "way in," for any stds?  Or is Precum something that only goes out not back in.  Does Me touching my penis especially the Precum make me at risk for any stds?

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STDs :: Anal Gonorrhea?

I had unprotected anal sex (giving and receiving) and caught gonorrhea over a month ago. Had burning on urination and penis discharge especially in the morning. I received treatment and symptoms subsided from the urinary tract. However, I'm suspecting a persistent rectal problem. There is discomfort with bowel movements, and faeces are greenish brown and not solid (abit leafy almost). I live in an extremely homophobic country, so theres no way I can get checked for a possible anal STD without the risk or persecution. Please advise. Should I repeat the treatment for a 3rd time? Is the bacteria becoming resistant?

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STDs :: Possibilities Of Genital HSV 1 Transmission?

I am a woman in my early twenties. About four months ago, my former partner had a small cold sore on his lip (at the time I didn't realize it was a cold sore), and he preformed oral sex on me.  About a week after this incident, I got a fever and noticed a few painful bumps around the opening of my vagina. I also got a few sores inside my mouth (nothing visible, just painful), but they didn't look like typical lip blisters, so I am not sure if I ever even got oral HSV 1 from the incident. I saw my gynecologist and she preformed a swab of the genital lesions a few days later. It came back positive for HSV 1. I went on valtrex to get rid of the lesions, and they disappeared on my genitals in about a week. Since then, I have had no outbreaks anywhere on my body. Additionally, I am taking 500 mg of valacyclovir every single night. I am now having regular unprotected oral and vaginal sex with a non- herpes partner.  I have not told him about my condition.

How possible is it that I give him HSV 1 if I am without symptoms (valtrex one a day, but no condoms)?

-What is the probability that I spread the virus genital to genital?
-What is the probability that I spread the virus genital to oral?
-What is the probability that I spread the virus oral to genital?
-How does my use of valtrex affect these probabilities?

I am shocked that there is little research about the HSV-1 shedding and transmission rates, because this has become such a common phenomenon. Even though my doctor and OBGYN strongly advise me to tell all future partners about this, I am skeptical to tell my partner that I have genital HSV-1 for many reasons. First and foremost, I know about 60% of people already have the antibodies protecting them against the virus, which means if my partner has it, he can't become re-infected. Also, because I have the virus removed from the site of preference, it is even less likely for me to spread the virus.  Additionally, I am taking a suppressant medication, which cuts shedding rates even more. I am very careful to not have sex during outbreaks. Therefore, I feel that me telling him I have HSV 1 would only cause unnecessary emotional turbulence for a statistically improbable event. Genital herpes is surrounded by all sorts of stigma no matter what kind it is. Chances are, if I tell him I have GHSV 1, all he will process (like any early twenty year old man) is the fact that I herpes. In reality, me disclosing this information would cause more harm than good to the relationship. It would be the equivalent of someone who occasionally gets cold sores to inform any person they ever kiss that they have HSV-1, and we all know that no one really does that.

Any answer to the questions posed above would be great, because there is so little information online about rates of asymptomatic shedding from female to male for GHSV 1.

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STDs :: Passing Infection To Girlfriend

A few months ago I engaged in brief fellatio from a women who was not my girlfriend (before coming to my senses). This is something I deeply regret and was very drunk at the time. I have since found out that Gonorrhoea can be contracted – albeit very low risk.

About two weeks after this exposure, I was prescribed with a short course of doxycycline due to a facial skin infection, I have also learnt that this can treat some STD’s (unaware at the time of prescription). It’s been 8 weeks since I finished my doxycycline course and I have had sex with my girlfriend on multiple occasions during this period. Do to guilt and worry, I decided to get tested yesterday (thankfully all negative).

1.This may be a very naïve question but I assume that if I am negative my girlfriend is also negative?

2.Is there any way I could have infected my girlfriend before taking the doxycycline and then tested negative or would I have re-infected myself over the last 8 weeks?

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Herpes And STDs With Licking On Penis ?

This stripper licked my penis briefly a couple of times, from the bottom to the top. She did not put my penis into her mouth and she did not suck me. Total exposure was probably 5-10 seconds.

After this occurred i told her to stop, left the room and masturbated without washing my penis first.

I could not see an active cold sore, but it was dark.

I had a type specific IGG blood test about 2 years ago and i was negative for both HSV1 and HSV2 at that time.

I am currently 7 days post exposure and i have had no symptoms other than the post-exposure regret amplifying normal skin sensations.

1. How much of a concern is this exposure for HSV?

2. I know that the virus needs to be 'massaged' in, but i am concerned with the act of masturbation afterwards this may have been a possibility.

3. I know that a primary outbreak can take up to 14 days, but is more common in 2-5 days. Would you say that this exposure, coupled with 7 days and no outbreak mean that i am likely home free?

4. Can I engage in regular sexual relations with my wife?

5. Am i at risk for any other STD's?

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STDs :: Yeast Infection Or Herpes?

I can't get officially tested for 4 more days, and it's clouding my vacation. I'm terrified that I have herpes. I know it's not prudent to ask the internet to try and diagnose me, but hopefully people on this forum are knowledgeable enough to give some advice. I either have a yeast infection or herpes.

Background: On Monday I completed about 10 days of antibiotics (yeast infection?). I also had sex with my new boyfriend for the first time two weeks ago, and again a few days ago (herpes?). We used condoms both times, but I know now that herpes can still spread. I didn't notice any symptoms on him. I should have asked before we had sex if he's been tested for anything, I asked him a couple of days ago and he assured me he's never noticed he had anything & the army tested him for major STDs (not sure if this includes herpes).

Symptoms: On Monday I was feeling nauseous all day and threw up. On Tuesday I had a 100 degree fever and body aches. I know that first HSV infections can lead to flu-like symptoms , but I also had just been in 3 international airports a few days previously and was jet lagged/sleep deprived so my immune system could've been iffy. Tuesday afternoon I notice slight itching around my vaginal opening. Wednesday morning I wake up and my vagina is caked with thick white discharge and the slight itching around my opening stayed the same. Some thick discharge continues. Today (Thursday) the itching isn't too bad. I woke up and checked myself in the mirror and notice a few slight, uncolored bumps around my vaginal opening. I didn't notice them when I checked Tues/Wed but it could have been due to insufficient lighting. I also shaved down there a week ago so they could be razor irritation? But I bet I'm kidding myself and they're herpes blisters. ****.

Does it sound more like herpes or a yeast infection? Should I buy an OTC yeast infection medication today?

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STDs :: Risks Of Sharing Wet Towel

I recently had an encounter where I accidentally may have used the towel which the sex worker just used to clean herself. What are the risks of stds for this action? Do I need any testing?

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STDs :: Pimples On My Chest - 2 Weeks After Sex - HIV?

2 and a half weeks ago I had protected anal sex with another male status unknown. when we first started he tried to insert it in me using soap, but the second I felt like it went in I pushed him away and made him get a condom. exactly two weeks to the day I noticed I have these pimples on my chest. they're red and small. they're spread pretty far away from each other, some in the middle and then going up towards the right to my shoulder. then today off and on I've felt really hot. I'm so worried this could be hiv. I can't stop thinking about it. I'm so stressed out that I've withdrawn from so many things in my life right now and all I wanna do is just be left alone. I feel like I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown because it's too early for me to test. I can't take this stress anymore. honestly thinking of never having sex again since this is what it gets me when this is only my second sexual partner. could I have it? was my risk high enough for it to be a big possibility? idk. I can't find anything online that give me a clear definition of what an hiv rash looks like or anything. idk what to do, or if it would even be worth going to the doctor because what could they do for me other than tell me it's too early to test?

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STDs :: Unprotected Oral And Sex With Escort

Recently hit a massive down point in my relationship, ended up receiving unprotected oral sex from an escort with protected sex after.

Since then I have been experiencing a feeling of needing to urinate and once I have been to the toilet, it feels like there is still some left.

No discharge or burning, just a slight irritation and sometimes a drop of urine after.

I am awaiting tests back and have got a injection/antibiotic booked tomorrow in the meantime.

Is it likely my anxiety is building this up or how likely is it that I have anything other than NGU?

I am so scared that it is anything serious as I'm now back with my partner and not sure what I would say or do?

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STDs :: Unprotected Oral - Syphilis ?

I'm a 23 year old male I've received unprotected oral 6 times total within the span of a year or less and after the 5th time my groin lymph nodes swelled up and my penis turned a weird shape for a day or 2 like it was swollen just before it makes the tip of my penis then on the bottom left hand corner of my bottom lip this bump or lump occurred swelled up for a about 30 min or so then it went away then another one came back about a month after. and I started to get what looked like acne on both of my inner thighs. Then the new year hit 2016 another lump in my lip occurred but this time on my top lip. The person I was with claims they are clean and gets tested regularly and has no symptoms. Does anyone know what this is or what it might be I've never been tested and don't have health insurance what do I do I'm freaking out constantly googling symptoms my guess is it's syphilis

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STDs :: Unprotected Oral Sex - Which Tests I Should Take?

I'm female. I have a unprotected oral sex with a guy that I first met. I received and gave oral sex to him, but no ejaculation and I only licked his balls. I didn't see any cold sores around his areas. Do I need to have STDs test? If so, which tests I should take?

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STDs :: Given Unprotected Oral To Woman

About a week ago I had sex with a female sex worker in Hong Kong (I'm a man).

I had a condom on when she gave me oral, and a different one on when we had normal intercourse.  We didn't kiss lip to lip, though I did kiss her skin and nipples.  I *did* give her unprotected oral, and stuck my tongue inside some.

This was about a week ago.  I've been a bit worried ever since then...I've only had one other partner until this encounter, I'm not normally one to take risks.  How concerned should I be?

I gather that the biggest risks would be syphilis, gonorrhea, or chlamydia from the unprotected oral sex, and that HIV transmission would be extremely unlikely even if she were to be infected?

If I get tested, how long should I wait before going, and are there any possible symptoms that I should be on the lookout for?  How long would any of those symptoms take to develop?  And would it be possible to infect my partner with (normal lip to lip) kissing or vaginal intercourse?

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STDs :: Frequent Urination - No Other Symptoms

About 3 weeks ago I had a brief encounter of unprotected vaginal sex.  it lasted about 15 seconds.  The last day or so, I have had the urge to urinate often. Maybe about every 15 minutes.  I go a small amount and then its ok, for another 15 minutes or so.  I see no other symptoms...Could It be an STD?

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STDs :: Spots Inside Vagina

Me and my partner were doing sexual stuff and he said he could feel scars with his fingers and I checked the day after and felt sort of like spots one on the outside of my vagina and a few little ones on the opening. The last person before my partner that I had sex with was my sons dad over 2 years ago. I'm going to a clinic on Monday but I don't understand if it is genital warts how I got them? When I've been with the same sexual partner and my partner has only ever been with me too.

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STDs Risk In Anal Massage

I went for a massage at a Mumbai based Massage parlour. She gave me a very non sexual massage except that every now and then kept massaging the outside of my anus as well. Its been two days and I have a swollen lymph node on my perineum and tenderness on both my lower buttocks. The masseuse was fully clothed and I didn't touch her genitals or the other way round except the anal massage as mentioned above. Please advise. Also its v painful and I find difficulty in sitting.

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