Pregnancy :: How To Bend Down ?

Sep 11, 2014

I am 34 weeks and I usually squat to pick  something up or  I'll just sit down to pick something up at home on the floor  but then I can't get back up.

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Hip :: Can't Bend My Knee

I can't bend my left knee without excruciating pain. And when I walk - it's with a limp now. If I try to bend it - it is extremely painful until I raise it higher - than it will go all the way up. So in fact, I can bend it up to my butt, but initially it hurts like anything - almost like there is a tear or a part not working.

Has anyone else had this?

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Penis :: Bend Downwards

I am 30 and married. My penis bend when it erect. i don't know why it. It is down wards. Is it because, my inner wear? 

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Penis :: How To Fix Bend?

I am 16 and i am mastrubating for many years but i noticed my penis has been bend so what could i do now ......

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TKR :: Knee - Bad Bend - MUA Offered

I have been to new consultant today.  X ray ok so must be adhesions.  As I thought. MUA is only offer so I am going for it.  Really not brave so hope for the best.

9 months after TKR.

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Penis :: Sudden Bend ?

.I am 30 years old and within the last week i have developed a bend in my penis at the head that hasn't been there on my completely straight penis, I know its common to have a bent penis but not if it suddenly bends.

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Cannot Straighten Knee Fully Or Bend

I'm a 18 year old me female and last month I fell off of a quad and since them my knee hasn't been normal. I cannot straighten it fully or bend it fully, it doesn't affect my walking or anything. Sometimes, randomly, like when I move a certain way it goes out of place? Whatever it does it hurts REALLY REALLY bad 10/10, it almost feels like I can't move my knee/leg for at least 1 minute and then the pain gradually lets off and takes about 10 minutes to go away and be back to me just not being able to straighten it or bend it fully. I also can't put my body weight on my knee at anytime or it hurt. When I first got hurt falling of the quad I did go to the hospital because my mom was worried and everything on X-rays way ok?

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Nose / Sinus :: Bad Smell When I Bend Down

I am 55 and for the last 14 days I have a problem with bad odour. It just comes like twice a day, especially when a bend down... i smell it for a few minutes and then it is gone.. i think it's coming from my stomach, but i smell it even if my mouth are  closed...i have no other symptoms.

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Orthopedics :: Elbow - No Bend Or Stretch All The Way

Recently I have noticed that I can't bend my elbow all the way and I assume it's because I worked it too much and didn't stretch. It only hurts a little bit when I try to extend it all the way. Is there any way I can fix it?

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TKR :: Dynasplint To Help Knee Bend (90 Degrees)

I had a follow up today with my DR and I am still at a 90 degree bend.  We had discussed MUA and I was hoping to avoid it.  I have had 6 previous surgeries on his knee due to a car accident when I was 18, I'm now 46. My bend prior to surgery was 110, and I'm just hoping to get back to that and be pain free.  My Dr is having me try a dynasplint in hopes to gain flection.  I'd love to know if anyone has used it & what results they have had.  For the moment, I'm happy to have dodged the bullet of MUA.

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Penis :: Bend Due To Bump / Lump

I started out with a little lump in my penis, it didn't give me any pain but after a few months it's got bigger and now my penis is bent. It still doesn't hurt but I can feel it when erect any ideas?

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Knee :: 2 Weeks TKR - Bend Seems Almost Impossible

I had a total knee replacement two weeks ago. Progress is OK though still very painful. I'm doing all of my exercises including trying to bend my knee. This is painful but also seems almost impossible! The operated knee is still about three times the size of the good knee and I keep thinking something will snap if I push it too far back! I'm left to do my physio until I get assessed by the physio team in six weeks' time. I can bend the knee about 50% at the moment. Any tips/experiences as to how long this might take?

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Trimethoprim :: Unable To Bend My Swollen Knees

Took 2 tablets on the first day (a friday) went to sleep and then woke up the next morning unable to bend my knees. Assumed i had maybe slept funny. Kept taking the tablets but by monday morning my knees were a lot worse, slightly swollen, couldn't get up and down stairs, couldn't kneel on them and they also would give way without warning, basically had to walk with straight legs not good when i've got a 15 month old baby to look after.

Spoke to the doctor and he asked me to go in and he checked my knees and said to continue with the trimethoprim as it could be a secondary infection in my joints which can occur when you get another main infection. He gave me some strong Ibuprofen and some other tablets to take at night to stop the Ibuprofen from causing an ulcer in my stomach. So took these but had to stop as they made me feel nauseous and very dizzy (later told that this is a common side effect of Ibuprofen). Anyway got to thursday and finished my last 2 tablets. Woke up them Friday morning to absolute agony in my knees, so bad i couldn't even drive the car, which i had been struggling to do as had to run my 4 year old to school every day etc. Had to get a lift into the doctors and i saw a different one this time and he said that it seemed a very strange coincidence that i got this while taking the tablets and that it was probably an allergic reaction to the tablets. (at this point the UTI hadn't cleared up but did a couple of days later!!!) He sent me for blood tests to make sure that the pain in my knees etc wasn't something else and said that if i was still in paint in a week's time to go back. Well a week later my knees were 50% less painful so went back and saw yet another doctor who said my blood test results were ok, so definitely an allergic reaction and would make a note on my file not to prescribe again. He said that it could take a while for my knees to come right. well its not 7 weeks later and they still aint 100% right. They still ache when i get up, hurt when i kneel on them and lock when i stand in 1 position for a while, like when im washing the dishes etc. They are also still giving way occasionally. They feel incredibly week, like i've lost all my muscle round my knees so guess when the pain is a little better ill have to start doing some exercises to strengthen them up again.

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GERD (acid Reflux) :: Bend Over Burping

I just spoke to my GP about a particular issue I've been having lately. Often whenever I bend over or crouch - say to open a safe, or when looking at my laptop screen - I belch quite a lot of the time. Furthermore, water makes me belch a lot, and sometimes the only air that escapes is a little, audible gurgle. My GP and some relatives of mine say they get this too, and that it is normal. It doesn't cause me much discomfort, apart from dislodging some mucus in my throat so I have to clear it, but it worries me all the same because it's so frequent.

Is it normal to sometimes belch when you put pressure on your stomach? And if not, can anxiety be the cause of more belching/potential reflux?

(One more thing, I burp more and fart less than I used to. Maybe that's related somehow?)

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Knee :: 6 Weeks Post Op - Still Unable To Bend

I am now 6 weeks after surgery (TKR, right knee), and have struggled on and off with achieving a satisfactory bend since coming out of hospital. A couple of days ago I thought I had turned a corner and felt the bend was better, but now today, I'm back to square one. It is so stiff I can barely bend at all. I'm worried that my surgeon may recommend a manipulation under anaesthetic, but I'm really worried about this. Has anyone else had it done? How soon after your TKR did you have it done, and what sort of results were achieved afterwards?

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Knee :: TKR - How To Calculate / Measure Percentage Bend ?

I'm 4 weeks post op tomorrow and yet to start physio! I hear from everyone on here about how good/bad their bend is how do you know? I do post op exercises each day and don't find them too bad pain wise! The one where you sit on edge of chair and slide your bad leg back towards you is easiest for me and I can virtually tuck my leg under the chair? Hardest thing seems to be straightening the leg but to be honest knee feels tight as a drum today and coping badly with sciatica as well so not feeling the love?

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Knee :: 5 Weeks Post Op - Unable To Bend

Nearly week 5 since tar my question is was at physio yesterday and I can't bend my knee when I walk so he wasn't pleased with me what do I do feeling frustrated frustrated

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Knee :: TKR 5 Weeks Post Op - Lack Of Bend

I am just over 5 weeks post tkr and I am really worried about my lack of knee bend. I have had difficulties with the exercises, the knee bend ones in particular, but I try to do something every day.

I downloaded the goniometer app today to measure my knee bend (I am based in N. Ireland and we are not given access to physio after leaving hospital) if I am using the app correctly it is telling me my bend is just 41°. I am now really concerned that I may have to have a manipulation, my first hospital appointment is not until approx. 12 weeks post op. Should I contact my surgeon now or keep on going with my exercises until my appointment?

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Knee :: How To Use Goniometer To Measure TKR Bend At Home

I've long since been discharged by the surgeon and physio but I've NEVER had the bend measured in my knee so have no idea what degree I have.

So .... I Bought myself a goniometer off EBay, but it comes without instructions! I have no idea where I should put it on my knee (centre, top, bottom?) and can't find anything on an Internet search.  

Can an anyone help and describe where to place it on my knee please?

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Foot / Ankle :: Broken Big Toe - Healed - Still Can't Bend It

So towards the end of July I broke my big toe (phalange I believe?) whilst playing soccer. X-ray showed a thin fracture, no displacement, but the fracture went down into the joint - the joint just below the nail if that makes sense.

7 weeks later I went back to the hospital. Consultant told me that according to the X-ray it's all healed... any stiffness is normal, and even if I move my toe manually I wont do myself any damage.

It's now almost 4 weeks since that appointment and I still can barely bend it :/. If I try and bend my toe, it'll go a bit but I physically cant do it. And i get this 'click' - not sure what that is.

If I try and bend it using my hands I also physically can't do it - it's stiff and wont go. If I try and use the ground/wall for leverage it still won't go. and i'm worried about hurting myself.

Anyone had this? Is it normal? I'm British so all my appointments were on the NHS. Now I'm in the US for a while and don't think I should see a doctor for something so minor.

Additionally, I was wearing the hallux boot (?) for all those 7 weeks. Due to that my ankle now seems slightly sprained - there's pain/tightness when I try and point and flex my foot, and this 'clicking' - maybe the ligament? Again, the boot has been off for nearly 4 weeks and there's still pain in my ankle.

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Unable To Bend - Comminuted Displaced Fracture To The Patella

My kneecap was smashed into more than 10 pieces and was a displaced fracture. I had surgery on July 26th involving pins screws and figure of 8 wire to rebuild my kneecap. I was in a straight splint for two weeks and then a two piece cast with an adjustable steel brace. I spent the first 4 weeks with the brace set at 30 degrees then 60 degrees and 90 degrees for the final 4 weeks. I'm into my 5th week without the cast and I am walking unaided with a slight limp. I go to physio every week as well as doing my own exercises at home and finding it frustrating that I can only still bend my leg 100 degrees, it seems to be stuck here with no signs of improvement. Has anyone out there suffered the same injury and fully recovered? Would be nice to know if there is light at the end of the tunnel.

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