Pregnancy :: Bloody Show - How Soon After Do People Go Into Labour

Nov 30, 2014

I am 4 days over and got my bloody show at 11 this morning how soon after do people go into labour.

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Pregnancy :: Bloody Show - How Long To Go Into Labour

Think I just had my bloody show. How long before you second time mom's went into labor after your bloody show?

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Pregnancy :: No Bloody Show?

I am pregnant with #4 currently 39 weeks. My ? Is did any of u have a bloody show? If so what was it like? I had mucus plug with other 3 but this time I have what they called bloody show but seems a bit much. Almost as like the start of period. Anyone else experience something like this?

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Pregnancy :: How Long Can Your Bloody Show Last?

I woke up this morning to go to the bathroom and When I wiped myself it was kind of brown so I wiped deeper and there was blood (it was pink not bright red? But there was no mucus in it so I put on a pad and later this afternoon the pad was full of brown discharge so I changed the pad and its now 8pm and there is more blood in the pad. Also I've been having contractions all day but they are not regular.  Do you ladies think labor is close?  Tomorrow is my due date. ...

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Pregnancy :: Pressure With Bloody Show

I've had really bad pressure today.. I went for a walk at our jazz festival and when I ate all I could feel was my tummy getting hard was very uncomfortable... I then started to get sharp pain in my vagina area, when I got home and went to pee I noticed alil mucus with blood. Hv any of u ladies had this issue? I'm 29 weeks..

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Pregnancy :: Bloody Show And Big Glob Of Mucus Came Out

TMI, but I am 39 weeks I just got my membranes stripped yesterday afternoon and since then I've had some cramping and a little blood but I just went to the bathroom and a big glob of mucus came out when I wiped that had blood in it. Was that what is considered your "bloody show"?

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Pregnancy :: Bloody Show Is That A Sign Of Labor?

If you have a bloody show is that a sign of labor? Should I be worried? Oh man I'm not sure what to do... I'm having cramps like I'm on my period...

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Pregnancy :: Mucus Plug - Bloody Show?

Has anyone asked their dr if they are the same thing? I think im losing some of my mucus plug but it's not bloody or anything and i've read that they might not be the same thing. Im only 33wks so i dont want to see any signs i might go into labor early. If there is a possibility that im going into labor too soon is there anything i can do to help not progress faster besides a shot or something from the dr or hospital? Should i not walk as much and stuff?

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Pregnancy :: Mucus Plug / Bloody Show

I'm just over 38 weeks and last night when I went to the bathroom I noticed a quarter size amount of discharge in my panties with a small string of blood in it and when I wiped it was barely on the tissue...could I be slowly losing my mucus plug and bloody show?

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Pregnancy :: Bloody Show - How Long Does Labor Start After This?

So I'm 40+5 and when I wiped, I saw blood. It wasn't too much for me to be alarmed but how long does labor start after this?

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Pregnancy :: Bloody Show - Mucus With Streaks Of Blood

Twenty minutes ago, my stomach got hard for about a minute and then I felt like I needed to pee. So I went and when I wiped, it looked like mucus with streaks of blood. On wednesday I was 1.5 cm dilated. Was this the bloody show before labor??

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Pregnancy :: Bloody Show 2 Hours Ago - How Long To Wait?

I had my bloody show about 2 hrs ago i guess it's just a waiting game now. How long after did you gals go in after ...

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Pregnancy :: Bright Red Blood 39 Weeks - Is It Bloody Show

Have anyone experience this red blood .. what is it ? Is it Bloody show ??

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Pregnancy :: Bloody Show - Dark Brown Mucus Discharge

I got checked today, I was thinned out and 2 centimeters dilated. Like 8 hours after my appointment, I had this dark brown mucus discharge.  Every time I wipe there is some.  Could this be my bloody show or could it just be spotting from the pelvic exam? I'm so hoping it's the bloody show!

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Pregnancy :: Bloody Stool?

So the last couple of times I've gone to the bathroom my stool hurt coming out and has been bloody. I haven't ate anything that would give me problems. My midwife told me to eat prunes or try a magnesium supplement. Could this be from taking prenatals? Sometimes I feel like my midwife doesn't know what she's talking about but I'm feeling pretty irrational lately. If you've had this problem what has your midwife or ob gyn said? What works best?

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Mucus Plug Have To Be Bloody?

Do all mucus plug have to be bloody i think i lost mines yesterday but it looked like snot from when you get a cold but no blood

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Pregnancy :: Alcohol? Craving A Bloody Mary

I'm not the type that does drinking but I've been craving a bloody mary so bad! Can it do harm to my baby if I only have 1? Im 11 weeks.

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Pregnancy :: Sex To Induce Labour And Contractions

I'm a ftm n 40 w pregnant, i've been having sex regularly with my husband to induce labour. R8 after, I get these painful period like cramps n back pain, it goes on for a few hrs but then fades away and is completely gone, this has been going on for 3 days. Could my cervix be widening? I'm already 2 cm open.

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Pregnancy :: Labour? Having Contractions Every 5 Minutes

having contractions in every 5 min but pain is not getting hard for 1.5 hour ... Am I going to labour ? How long should I wait to call my doc ?

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Pregnancy (36 Weeks) :: Labour? What To Expect

I'm 36+4 (second pregnancy, first was a miscarriage at 10 weeks) I'm absolutely terrified of Labour as I don't know what to expect. I know I'm probably being stupid but I just need reassurance has anyone been this scared for Labour? How bad can it be..

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Pregnancy :: Labour? Feeling Rubbished

Did anyone feel really rubbish before going into labour? I'm 40+6 and started feeling awful a few hours ago. I managed some sleep but am pretty achy (period pain like) and just generally feel terrible (exhausted/flu like) but have had no good contractions. This is my 4th baby, but I don't remember ever feeling rubbish beforehand.

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