Possible Frozen Shoulder, Tendonitis Or Cervical Spondylosis?

Nov 3, 2011

It started with deep ache pain in the top half of my arm, up to my shoulder and neck with limited movement in my arm (cannot bend it backwards or raise above my head) This has been happening for approx 6 months now.

I went to see the dr and he said he thought it was a frozen shoulder so referred me to physio. After the physio session with extreme stretching of my arm I was in so much pain that I took myself to a&e where the doctor there thought it was tendonitis so sent me to see another physio.

The second physio therapist said it wasn't tendonitis and suggested that I had an xray of my arm and shoulder, had the x ray done results came back clear so my dr then referred me for an upper arm/shoulder ultrasound where i was told that all the tendons are fine and that she suggests that I have an MRI. Now I have to wait till next Tuesday before I can get to see the doc again and then another few weeks for the MRI referral.

Now since I last saw my dr the pain is now radiating all the way down my arm from my neck and into my fingers, I have also started suffering with extreme dizziness, room spins after sitting up in a morning and also when I turn my head over through the night and I cant look up without falling over, my balance is also off sync. This may also sound bizarre but I have an intermittent buzzing sensation that last for about 3 seconds stops and starts again in my left inner groin area and this has been happening about a week.

Because of the clear x ray and no problems with the tendons I can only think that it is nerve related.

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Frozen Shoulder :: Syndrome Leading On To Frozen Hips?

About 9 months ago I suffered severe bilateral frozen shoulders. With Physio and various medicaments, 7 months on, it finally came back to 95% FRM and hardly any pain to speak of. Since then, the hips have gradually become very stiff and painful with similar symptoms as the shoulders...especially the muscles supporting the legs becoming painful as did the muscles of the mid-lower arms. Also the back muscles seem more affected than before. Has anyone any idea if the frozen shoulders affect the hips? I understand thyroid problems can be a predisposition...I have an underactive thyroid.

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Shoulder Rotator Cuff :: Frozen Shoulder - Constant Pain

I have a 'Frozen Shoulder'.

This was caused by an inoperative Humerus shoulder fracture because the orthopedic surgeon found an infection in my bone during surgery. ( I fell back on 10/6/14) Doctors were baffled how I ended up with an infection since I had no cuts and was in perfect health before I fell.
Surgeon put a drain in and closed me up. I was in a sling for 2 1/2 months and on IV antibiotics for over a month.

Dec 14 I started Physical Therapy, 3xs a week. Along with exercises at home. I have little ROM. Very stiff. Extreme tightness.

I have constant pain from the back of my shoulder to my elbow, bicep. muscles. The little knots are quite painful. I push, squeeze to ease the pain. Massaging the shoulder / arm eases it just for a bit.

Due to the infection that was found in my bone during surgery, three ortho surgeons said they will not operate on my shoulder.
Intensive therapy is all they said I need.

Ortho surgeon will not prescribe pain medication.

My primary care physician prescribed 10mg oxycodone which I cut in half. I only take a full pill when I have physical therapy. Scared what will happen when I run out of pills. Doubt my Dr will refill the prescription. (sad face)

I have tried Aleve, Excedrin, Advil, which doesn't help the pain. I even mixed them with benadryl to sleep. But that didn't help either.

Do to Medicare amount allotted for physical therapy, I can only go a certain amount of times. Which now, I only have a few more visits to go.
Been going to PT for about 3 months and haven't seen any improvement. This is really horrible!

PT said he will teach me what I can do at home and that I could pay $30 a visit if I wanted to.

But personally, I feel it would be wasting my money since I would be paying him just to rub my arm for 10 minutes since I do the same exercises at home. I bought a door pulley and therabands.

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Cervical Spondylosis :: Anterior Cervical Discectomy & Fusion

I'm 48 suffered with cervical spondylosis for around 6 years, in the last two years it's got so painful. I have tried all meds, last year I had an op foraminotomy where they drilled the left side spurs C4 to C7. But the last year has been a nightmare the pain is worse. I have now had more MRI & CT scans more meds and having two injections next week. I asked the long term affect of my neck I was told I have a neck of a 70 year old. What dose this actually mean? Wheelchair what?? I am also on the list for a anterior cervical discectomy & fusion.

I have a fall time desk job which doesn't help at all but have a mortgage... holiday is taken as sick days.

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Cervical Spondylosis :: Anterior Cervical Discectomy/Fusion

I am recovering from Anterior Cervical Discectomy, which became necessary to avoid drastic further deterioration.

I would like to tell you about my experience and what helped me. My problem started quite unexpectedly with a persistent back ache at work (I am an office worker). Within days it was so bad that I was vomiting with pain and had to stop working (I was commuting to London). I was on morphine within three weeks, but it did not help either. I won't list here all the various painkillers I was prescribed, which helped to certain extent, but the pain was so bad that I was suicidal. The doctors communicated with me hardly at all except writing another painkiller prescription. I felt totally abandoned by them. I tried osteopathy, ordinary physiotherapy and Bowen's therapy. Bowens worked the best but nothing would give more than a few hours relief from the extreme pain. My husband then hit on the Tens machine and that was the only thing that really helped. I would recommend it without hesitation. I dropped the morphine, which was a bit of nightmare for me anyway, and managed to live with the Tens machine.

Unfortunately my problem rapidly progressed to me losing strength from my arm and from my fingers and a neurologist recommended the dissection and fusion. It is not an easy fix, but to me it saved my life. I went back to work four months after the operation, seven months after first feeling the pain. I could not say I'm as good as new, but the pain has gone. My neck is stiff, gets tired very easily and a bit uncomfortable. I cannot lift, push or pull anything heavy. But I'm here, enjoying my family and grandchildren. I couldn't ask for more. I'm 63 and now feeling my age, that's all.

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Diagnosed Cervical Spondylitis Not Cervical Spondylosis

I was diagnosed with cervical spondylitis when I was 27 ( had a severe fall when I was 16 yrs old...fell 2 stories), am 48 now and moved to Wales almost 2 yrs ago from South Africa and since being here, my pain has increased in intensity. Used to get steroid injections and am aware that I won't get that here in the U.K. I now suffer extreme nausea due to the pain and can only dry retch, as the valve below the oesophagus was tightened yrs ago and now prevents me from throwing up. I would appreciate if others with this condition could tell me what the maximum dosage of Ibuprofen one can take. Taking the normal dosage (2) does not alleviate the searing pain or spasms.

I am also very confused. After x-rays, all dr,s have said cervical spondylitis and not cervical spondylosis. Been told that I don't have arthritis and yet this is not ankylosing spondylitis, which 1 dr said it was..(he never saw the x-rays)...really confused even after numerous x-rays and dr,s. I am almost on the verge of giving up hope of getting effective painkillers from dr,s here. Do the exercises, use heated neck bags and nothing much helps, especially when I get a flare up.

Need to know if increased dosage of Ibuprofen would help.

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Cervical Rib Syndrome :: Bilateral Cervical Ribs With Neckache And Shoulder Pain

I'm 42 and i have just found out that i have this condition. The 1st doctor i saw after having an x ray didn't bother to tell me that i had this condition, and it was the next doctor that did. I have been having symptoms for the last year or so , which are dizziness, some numbness in my little finger and ring finger, neck ache, which is muscular and nerve extending to my shoulder and arm i have also been getting jaw ache, and i've had tension headaches for years.

i'm not sure if all these symptoms are due to having 2 ribs. i'm waiting to have an mri in october.

However i am seeing a 'sacral-cranial' osteopath who is really helping, and i am also having homeopathy which is also helping.

I'm not sure what is going to happen and it's comforting to know that there are others out there that will know what I'm talking about and who i can talk to.

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Cervical Spondylosis :: Cervical Spasm, Neck Pain, Left Arm Pain, Numbness, Heart

I dont know i have cervical spondylosis  , but MRI said i have a cervical spasm < now even  after eating food my heart rate increase some times and there are weird feeling  all day long in the chest ,pain in arm .. i feel tingling numbness, in legs ,arms , shouledrs some time. disbalance when i just stand up 

Mty Doctors are sending me to neurologist,Cardio , Rheumatologist,Internal medicine . 

nothing solved . Heart is ok , ECG is ok, x-ray of heart is ok.Blood test was ok ...

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Cervical Spondylosis :: Has Anyone Tried Reiki?

Has anyone tried reiki?

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Cervical Spondylosis :: Narrowing At C4-C5

After a fall at tennis, I am 71 y old lady, very fit normally walk 5 km each am. I thought that it may be due to my balance. feel a little dizzy when stretching to pick up the ball. has anyone had any help with spondylosis. exercises or medication.

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Cervical Spondylosis :: Really Bad Headaches

I have cervical spondylosis and I am suffering really bad headaches

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Gabapentin For A Frozen Shoulder?

I have got the most horrific pain in my right shoulder and currently waiting to go for an ultrasound scan. I have been in pain for around 3 months now and have been prescribed various opioid pain relief from my GP: codeine phosphate, tramadol SR but sadly to no avail, I am still in agony but in a zombified state. Long story short, I went back to GP today and he has prescribed 300mg Gabapentin....I am a little apprehensive about taking it (1 today, 2 tomorrow, 3 the day after etc). I am desperate to be free of pain and to sleep so OF course I will take it, I was just wondering if anyone else has taking it for FS pain and how it has worked for you?

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Cervical Spondylosis :: Has Anyone Had Cortisone Injections For CS?

I am due to have cortisone injections on 7th November but am feeling a bit anxious about it.

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Early Cervical Spondylosis Symptoms?

I'm 28, work in IT, sit 8h (With 5 min smoking breaks/h) in front of the pc and a few more at home. Exactly a month ago, while on vacation in the mountains, one morning after eating breakfast and sitting down to drink my coffee I started having slight dizziness. I panicked because I was never dizzy in my life and it was new to me, except after nights of drinking. The whole day was scared and worried. The next few days were ok again. Then I had days with light dizziness at work a few hours, then sleepless nights because of panicking that I can't sleep and what is wrong with me. Meanwhile I feel very light tingling in left arm fingers and sometimes in left foot as well. One day at work I panicked because of feeling a little dizzy again and went to the company's onsite nurse. She took my blood pressure and it was at 160/85. I started worrying more. She thought it could be a calcium or magnesium deficiency so she gave me a Berocca tablet. After I left her office and before taking the tablet I returned to normal. Next days again I was confronted with light dizziness, tingling in left hand and foot at random times, mostly at work and very bad sleepless nights. So I went to my GP. She sent me to take blood and urine test. The results of those were PERFECT. Every bit. Blood pressure was once 140/85 and 130/85. Next, I went to a neurologist. After 10-15 minutes talking to the neurologist and going through some exercises she told me I have cervical spondylosis and sent me to an x ray. Result of the xray is that I have deformed neck from siting to much at the pc and small lower osteophytes. The neurologist said its absolutely nothing to worry about, the dizziness and tingling will go away, especially if I change my lifestyle. This was 2 weeks ago. Since then I go every other day swimming for 1h, daily neck, back and shoulder stretching in the morning after waking up for 20-30 mins and will soon exchange car for bike, and go walking as much as I can. I am not sporty at all. I am 187cm and weigh 90 kg constant for the last 3-4 years. This is my story.

Now, because I was NEVER in my life sick (only the occasional cold) I am very sceptical about doctors and would like some advice from other people, because I am bit scared right now. I still experience light tingling in left hand and sometimes feels like it will go numb (but never did), can't remember when I last time felt it in the foot. Dizziness appears for a few minutes in the morning when I sit down at the PC at work, goes away shortly after. I now quit smoking (it's been 4 weeks and don't miss it), instead stretch around in the work breaks and after lunch I go walking for 30-40 minutes. But being scared about the situation I tend to "feel" different symptoms including being weekend (probably all in my head). Bottom line: is it possible to be affected by cervical spondylosis ? If I keep up with the lifestyle changes, will I have it under control and will the symptoms go away ?

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Working With Cervical Spondylosis Getting Worse

I am 63 and have been suffering with neck pain, stiffness in the neck and pain in back of head for over a year now, I also have trouble sleeping as can't turn over without pain, I have to physically lift my head with my hand to turn over. Initially my Dr said it was muscular and gave me Codeine Phosphate which did nothing for me. I gave it a couple of months and went to see a different Dr at tlhe practice who gave me stronger painkillers....Nefopam and also Amitriptyline to help me sleep. She tried to refer me for a scan but couldn't until I'd had physio which I am still having at the moment. The physio I get is about 15 mins every 2 weeks which in my eyes is not nearly enough. However apart from that I have been managing at work fine, I work in a dept store and am a bra fitter and general sales assistant. Any heavy lifting there is to do my colleagues would help and the rest of the time I have been managing fine. This week however I have been moved and put in the cafe, my first day was yesterday, I found it really heavy....carrying loaded trays of food, clearing tables and carrying loaded trays back to the kitchen. every part of the job involves some sort of lifting, carrying, pushing and pulling and scrubbing! Today was my day off and I have had so much pain and stiffness in my neck and pains in the back of my head! I am really concerned that this is going to make my condition worse. If I am feeling like this after one day I dread to think what I'll be like after five days in there. How do you cope at work, do you have a job that entails lifting or heavy work?

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Frozen Shoulder :: Anyone Developed Migraines?

Ok, has anyone developed migraines with FS?  After my cortisone shot fiasco a few weeks ago, I have been having awful headaches. I have never  had migraines before, and had one yesterday.  Called the doc and she wanted me to go to ER, but I frankly could not drive and no one was home. Finally just fell asleep (somehow). I feel so off today. Will call doc in a bit, but wow, really do we need to add more to FS? At least it took the focus off the pain in my shoulder and arm! LOL

I have never had a headache that bad in my life.  Maybe it was something from the Kelalog 40 they injected in my joint, I did have an allergic reaction to the iodine or something and ended up in ER same day as the injection a few weeks ago. Is this a normal thing the, the nasty headaches.. that rest of you have experienced?

Mind you, I have no curve in my neck right now (doc said due to the severe pain I am in) and the headache  yesterday was from my shoulder, up my neck to the back of my head. 

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Frozen Shoulder :: Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA)

I just recently join this forum and would like to hear everybody's experience with their frozen shoulder.  I just turned 47 years old.  My right shoulder started to "freeze" last November.  I had tried steroid shots, acupuncture, cupping and regular PT since Feb.  Now I only can pick up my arm without bending my elbow about 90 degrees from my body.  I feel the stubborn pain from my shoulder daily and very sad that I can't dance any more.  Now I am also considering Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA).  Advice please? Worked?  Recovery time?

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Frozen Shoulder :: Pain After Acupuncture

I have been treating my frozen shoulder with traditional physical therapy.  About three weeks ago I started acupuncture.  After the first session my calves started to ache.  They do not put needles in the back of my legs.  I was doing exercise in the doorway that would put stress on my calves for 2 months prior to acupuncture.  At that time my calves did not hurt.  I find it strange that the calves began aching with acupuncture.

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Frozen Shoulder :: Upper Arm Pain?

I've been dealing with FS since Fall.  That's when I noticed the dull achy pain that I thought was from a new bra strap digging in.  In December I started having the zinger pain that would shoot down my arm with sudden movements.  I saw a Ortho doctor in February who gave me a Cortisone shot and sent me to 6 weeks of physical therapy.  Very painful, still can't raise my arm all the way, but I haven't had that zinger pain in a while so I believe I might be starting to see the light at the end of this long tunnel.  

What I'm experiencing now is an almost constant dull aching pain in my upper arm, like where you would get an injection.  I also have a lot of tenderness in the area around my upper back behind my armpit.

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Frozen Shoulder :: Bilateral (left And Right)

I have bilateral frozen shoulder - idiopathic.  Several professionals have stated my left is "severely affected".  Right is manageable and seems to be on recovery but full ROM is not there yet.  Ortho is considering MUA with a scope to clip any scar tissue on the left.  I'm wondering what is the true pain level of this surgery?  How soon after were you to "functioning"?  I have 3 kids (9, 6 and 3). 

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Frozen Shoulder :: Sleepless Nights

I had this debilitating condition for fours years first in my left shoulder than in my right. the first 6 months in both shoulders is absolute hell. the pain unbearable, sleepless nights and the incapability of doing anything ´normal´. It feels like it might never pass but it does the process of healing was for both shoulders the same and took just as long but now it´s like it never happened and I can use my arms freely.

As for work yes your employees should take this very serious and realize that it will pass. During the worst period, depending on the work you do, they need to make adjustments to accommodate your injury and specifically jobs that require arm strength or raising your elbow any higher than shoulder height will not be possible for at least 4 - 6 months. but after that slowly your capabilities do come back and most of the pain is gone.

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