Pilonidal Sinus :: Laser Hair Removal - Boils In The Area

Oct 12, 2008

I am going ahead with laser hair removal as a result of the ongoing problems i have had with pilonidal sinus and boils. Has anyone tried this and willing to share their experience? I'm not counting too much on it as i've read some people are unresponsive, but hopefully it will go well.

Also will it be a huge problem to have the laser hair removal while i have boils in that area. would they just go over the boils or not be able to use the device where there is a boil? When i get a one, it never tends to burst, it's just red and tender for a couple of weeks so i can never sit down with ease, but it will eventually go down.

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Large Labia Minora And Laser Hair Removal For Bikini Area

I want to remove my bikini area pubic hair however I'm extremely embarrassed to go as I have large labia minora hanging down and they show while I'm standing and my legs are closed is that normal

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Hidradenitis Suppurativa :: Laser Hair Removal

Has anyone tried laser hair removal?

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Hemochromatosis :: Laser Hair Removal - Transgender

I need to have facial hair removal but have been told that having hemochromatosis, I may be a further risk towards possible skin damage, which could result in skin hypo/hyper-pigmentation. 

My Haematologist told me that skin discolouration could occur from having hemochromatosis, which I was aware about (and this is only if your iron levels aren't controlled) but I don't know if by simply having hemochromatosis, destroying the follicles that produce hair, by laser, could result in unsightly skin damage that wouldn't otherwise happen if I didn't have hemochromatosis?

I've asked the hemochromatosis society and Christianos centre (laser clinic) but none of them have come back with any information based on people who have had laser hair removal, more a vague hypothesis on the matter at this stage involving detailed information I'm continuingly absorbing but being lead astray with as it's not an area I'm experienced with enough to gain a constructive enough opinion (biology). I'm transgender so need to have this done soon as poss.

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Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy :: Laser Hair Removal

I have RSD in my right leg, hip, & lower back. I hate the days that I have to shave my legs because it causes me a lot of pain and makes me extremely grumpy, especially since I always have hair on my legs again within 24 hrs. I am considering laser hair removal so that I don't have to go through this painful process, has anyone had it done?

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Hidradenitis Suppurativa :: Laser Hair Removal As A Treatment

Just wondering if anyone has had any success with laser hair removal as a way of preventing this disease escalating from stage 1? I was just struck by a passing mention in a post by a doctor about antibiotics, and remembered that a few years ago, before my diagnosis, I used to have terrible problems with my upper thigh areas: I put it down to being sensitive to using razors and so invested in laser on that area. Now I don't get bumps there at all, but I do still in my groin and armpits. I would have thought that logically, if there are no hairs, that the area can't get so infected and sore. Laser hair removal is now widely available and relatively inexpensive.

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Cosmetic Treatments :: Side Effects Of Laser Hair Removal

I have been feeling really bad about the facial hair that I have. I am a young woman with black hair, and so the hair I have in my moustache area is also black and very noticeable. I do wax it but it always returns, and the waxing also leaves a red and bumpy area. I love the idea of getting laser hair removal. Does this procedure have any side effects?

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Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery :: Tips To Reduce The Pain During Laser Hair Removal

Here are a couple of tips that can be used to help reduce the pain during laser hair removal.

Tips 1. Apply topical numbing creams

Topical numbing creams may be applied to the area prior to the laser treatment as they will not change the effectiveness of the treatment. Make sure to time the application appropriately as you don’t want it to wear off by the time the laser treatment starts and some may also take a while to kick in. Many numbing creams recommend applying 20 or 30 minutes prior but all creams are different. Be sure to read and follow the directions accordingly. This is by far the most popular method of preventing any laser hair removal pain.

Tips 2. Bring an icepack to a session

Bringing an icepack to a session and holding it on the area for about 5 - 10 minutes prior to the laser treatment can also help numb the area if you do not have any numbing cream.

Tips 3. Select laser type has a cold air attachment

Some hair removal laser types hair removal laser types come with air attachments that blow a stream of cold air directly onto your skin while the laser is in action. This is used to soothe the area and help reduce pain. If your selected laser type has a cold air attachment, a trick is to ask the technician to blow the cold air all over the area for a minute or two prior to the laser treatment to help number the area even more. If the area gets too cold, get them to stop and proceed with the laser treatment immediately.

Tips 4. Ask the technician to experiment with pace

Ask the technician to experiment with pace. Technicians all have their own technique when it comes to using the laser. Some perform in quick bursts, while others use a slow, continuous pace. One technique may feel better on your skin than the next. Determining what pace feels the best for you can help reduce laser hair removal pain.

Tips 5. Avoid during menstruating

For the ladies, try not to schedule your session when you’re premenstrual or menstruating as your hormones may greatly increase your sensitivity to pain.

Tips 6. Drink a gallon of water prior to the treatment

Drink a gallon of water starting about 4 to 6 hours before the treatment. Going without a drink can make you more sensitive to pain, a study has found. Although there is the danger of drinking too much and getting sick, but you will not feel a thing through out my session. It's easy and free.

Tips 7. Avoid coffee and anything else that contains caffeine

Avoid coffee and anything else that contains caffeine the day of your treatment. Caffeine has been said to increase sensitivity.

Tips 8. Ask the technician to stop when the pain becomes intolerable

If the laser hair removal pain becomes intolerable, you can easily ask the technician to stop. They can give you some time to recuperate before you are ready to proceed with the rest of the procedure.

Tips 9. Try to have the hair as short as possible

The length of the hair makes a difference. The longer the hair, the more painful it is going to be. Technicians will advise you to shave the area a day or two prior to your appointment. To avoid more pain, try to have the hair as short as possible, but still visible.

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Pilonidal Sinus :: Lack Of Healing

I had an operation to remove a pilonidal sinus on 24th july. 5 months on and I don't really feel any better off. I didn't say anything when I first discovered the problem as I didn't think anything of it. I only said something once I found out my brother had the same problem! I must have had the sinus for around 2 years before I had the operation, something which I deeply regret now. The wound was a very deep one and I was expecting it to be a long while before it had fully healed, but not this long! I was told by the nurses about 2 months ago that it was only a few weeks away from being fully healed, but it got infected and has set me back a long way. I have to say I do feel a little let down by the nurses I have been seeing. Fair enough they have a tough job but I have questioned quite a few of their decisions during this recovery period. Surely they should be able to see an infection developing on a nearly recovered wound. The fact I was the one who had to push for antibiotics to cure the problem is worrying. I feel I have been palmed off in other ways too. Since the infection, there seems to be little or no healing, and despite persistence from myself to either see the surgeon again or visit a wound clinic they have been very reluctant to do anything. The inconsistency with the nurses has also been a major concern of mine. One day I will see a nurse who says it's not looking great, and the next, I will see someone who hasn't seen it for months, which gives me no idea of how it's doing.

In the last few weeks, I have discovered a lump at the base of my spine, and looking at information on the internet, I'm pretty sure it's a cyst. The annoying thing is that I have told the nurses 3 times about this lump and they either say they don't think it's anything to worry about or they simply don't know what it is. I need closure on this issue and have booked another appointment with the doctor to get to the bottom of it. (I saw him 3 weeks ago with the nurse and he said the wound was looking ok, and that I should give it another few weeks to see if there has been any improvement). There is also a pretty strong odour which is embarrassing. I've got to do something to try and cure the problem. It's driving me crazy and I can't see an end to the problem right now. I'm going to request either being referred back to the surgeon or to a wound clinic. Have any of you been to wound clinics that you would recommend? What are the processes involved? Are they effective?

This problem has kept me from doing some of the things I love, such as playing football, for almost half a year now and will inevitably be longer. There's only so many jokes you can make about it before the depression and annoyance kicks in. It's really getting me down at the minute. Luckily I'm taking a gap year this year and will be going to uni next year, which will hopefully give me time to recover from this nightmare. (Hopefully being the major word!!)

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Pilonidal Sinus :: Substitute For Shaving?

I have the region shaved every month.It Is very irritating.Is there anything better to do?

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Pilonidal Sinus Is Back With Cyst This Time

Hope you are all recovering now. I had PS a few years ago i had to sit in the hospital for four days but the ps went down. Jan this year it was back but this time i have been left with a cyst. It's getting more painful everyday. As i sit down all day for my job that doesn't help.

I am going to have the op not sure which one yet i'm waiting for my appointment.

Reading what you have all said i'm an scared and hoped that it didn't take that long to heal as i have a holiday booked for June.

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Pilonidal Sinus Coming Back? Pain On Sitting

Can anyone advise me? I had my first PS op last June '09. I am still experiencing pain when sitting for any length of time - whether in office for the day - or on car journey. I have not had recurrence of actual opening of the wound itself (altho it took a long time to close) and no abscess' - but the discomfort frightens me that it could be coming back! My GP tells me to wait and see for a while!

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Nose / Sinus :: Nasal Polyps Removed With A Laser In The UK?

Does anybody know whether it is possible to get nasal polyps removed with a laser in the UK?

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Cosmetic Treatments :: Laser Removal (armpit) Can Cause Breast Cancer?

I'd like to get laser hair removal on my armpits, but I've heard several scary stories that this procedure may cause breast cancer because it uses a light form of radiation and because it blocks lymph nodes. Is this true?

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Growth Removal From Anal Area?

I am having a growth removed from near my anal area by surgery soon. It is very close to the anal opening but not in it. I'm wondering if anyone had this done before and how much pain there was? Were there complications afterwards?

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(Age 25-34) Pregnancy :: Hair Removal

what did you do when you couldn't access "down below" anymore?

If I don't shave after the hair grows in for a couple of days I tend to be uncomfortable and now annoyed since I can't remove and my husband is too nervous too.

A bit nervous to go to a salon or spa and expose myself, but it may be the only option.

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Folliculitis :: Hair Removal?

Does anyone know if hair removal is available on nhs for Folliculitis?

Suffered with with this for nearly 3 years and nothing works. Suffer with it on my genital area which is now spreading to my inner thigh. Ive been prescribed washes which don't seem to help and umpteen amounts of antibiotics. Antibiotics help for short while but then just comes back. Sick of this horrible condition which leaves me in a lots of pain as well as intense itching. In process of using pure tea tree oil which seems to have helped on a few of the spots but not on others. Would really like an end to this condition but have been told there is not much else i can do. Doing lots of research online has told me that laser hair removal is very effective for folliculitis but ive also found out it can be quite expensive. I hope one day i will be rid of this condition but until then i guess i will just have to suffer and battle on.

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Labia Minora Is Red - Used Bikini Line Hair Removal Cream

I used bikini line hair removal cream today which indicated that it was okay to use in the shower. I used it only on my upper pubic area and around the bikini line and was careful to remove the cream and then thoroughly rinsed my pubic area. I noticed afterwards the the inner part of my labia minora is very red. It isn't in pain and it doesn't itch but I'm worried that this might lead to an infection. Should I be worried about this?

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HIV :: Two Boils And Sore Throat

Two to three years ago i spent the night at a hotel with my boyfriend and in the morning i took a shower after i came out of the shower i dried off with the towel that was placed there, after finish using the towel i noticed that there was a stain on it that what looks like dried blood. Am i at any risk of getting infected with hiv? One month back an HIV infected person at work touched my hands and two days after i got a sore throat and two boils towards my throat am i infected?

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Acne :: Scars And Boils On My Buttocks?

I am an 18 year old female and i have this HUGE problem. it's been going on since i was about 12... I constantly get boils and ugly after scars on my butt. No matter what i do, creams, steroids, you name it i tried it. No matter what they keep coming back and i am so sick of it. I just want to cry sometimes because its so embarrassing. I dont have a love life because im scared of what people will think when they see it.  HOW DO I GET THESE BOILS GONE FOR GOOD!?

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Hair Loss :: Anemia (low Iron Level) Losing A Ton Of Hair Each Day

I began seeing bald patches on my head: one rather large one and 2 smaller ones. I also am losing a ton of hair each day. I have been diagnosed with a ferritin level of 8 and an iron level of 28. I am taking 325 mg of iron 3 times a day along with other vitamins. Approximately how long before I see an improvement in hair fallout and regrowth. I am also seeing a dermatologist for corticosteriod injections to help with regrowth in the completely bald spots. I am strongly considering shaving my whole head?

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