Pilonidal Sinus Coming Back? Pain On Sitting

Jan 19, 2010

Can anyone advise me? I had my first PS op last June '09. I am still experiencing pain when sitting for any length of time - whether in office for the day - or on car journey. I have not had recurrence of actual opening of the wound itself (altho it took a long time to close) and no abscess' - but the discomfort frightens me that it could be coming back! My GP tells me to wait and see for a while!

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Pilonidal Sinus Is Back With Cyst This Time

Hope you are all recovering now. I had PS a few years ago i had to sit in the hospital for four days but the ps went down. Jan this year it was back but this time i have been left with a cyst. It's getting more painful everyday. As i sit down all day for my job that doesn't help.

I am going to have the op not sure which one yet i'm waiting for my appointment.

Reading what you have all said i'm an scared and hoped that it didn't take that long to heal as i have a holiday booked for June.

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Pilonidal Sinus :: Lack Of Healing

I had an operation to remove a pilonidal sinus on 24th july. 5 months on and I don't really feel any better off. I didn't say anything when I first discovered the problem as I didn't think anything of it. I only said something once I found out my brother had the same problem! I must have had the sinus for around 2 years before I had the operation, something which I deeply regret now. The wound was a very deep one and I was expecting it to be a long while before it had fully healed, but not this long! I was told by the nurses about 2 months ago that it was only a few weeks away from being fully healed, but it got infected and has set me back a long way. I have to say I do feel a little let down by the nurses I have been seeing. Fair enough they have a tough job but I have questioned quite a few of their decisions during this recovery period. Surely they should be able to see an infection developing on a nearly recovered wound. The fact I was the one who had to push for antibiotics to cure the problem is worrying. I feel I have been palmed off in other ways too. Since the infection, there seems to be little or no healing, and despite persistence from myself to either see the surgeon again or visit a wound clinic they have been very reluctant to do anything. The inconsistency with the nurses has also been a major concern of mine. One day I will see a nurse who says it's not looking great, and the next, I will see someone who hasn't seen it for months, which gives me no idea of how it's doing.

In the last few weeks, I have discovered a lump at the base of my spine, and looking at information on the internet, I'm pretty sure it's a cyst. The annoying thing is that I have told the nurses 3 times about this lump and they either say they don't think it's anything to worry about or they simply don't know what it is. I need closure on this issue and have booked another appointment with the doctor to get to the bottom of it. (I saw him 3 weeks ago with the nurse and he said the wound was looking ok, and that I should give it another few weeks to see if there has been any improvement). There is also a pretty strong odour which is embarrassing. I've got to do something to try and cure the problem. It's driving me crazy and I can't see an end to the problem right now. I'm going to request either being referred back to the surgeon or to a wound clinic. Have any of you been to wound clinics that you would recommend? What are the processes involved? Are they effective?

This problem has kept me from doing some of the things I love, such as playing football, for almost half a year now and will inevitably be longer. There's only so many jokes you can make about it before the depression and annoyance kicks in. It's really getting me down at the minute. Luckily I'm taking a gap year this year and will be going to uni next year, which will hopefully give me time to recover from this nightmare. (Hopefully being the major word!!)

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Pilonidal Sinus :: Substitute For Shaving?

I have the region shaved every month.It Is very irritating.Is there anything better to do?

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Pilonidal Sinus :: Laser Hair Removal - Boils In The Area

I am going ahead with laser hair removal as a result of the ongoing problems i have had with pilonidal sinus and boils. Has anyone tried this and willing to share their experience? I'm not counting too much on it as i've read some people are unresponsive, but hopefully it will go well.

Also will it be a huge problem to have the laser hair removal while i have boils in that area. would they just go over the boils or not be able to use the device where there is a boil? When i get a one, it never tends to burst, it's just red and tender for a couple of weeks so i can never sit down with ease, but it will eventually go down.

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Long Time Sitting Work - Severe Back Pain

I am 26. I work in some IT company, and i have sitting job. now I am suffering from sever lower back pain. Doctor said that it is due to long time sitting work. What to do?

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Spine Disorders :: Back Pain - Sitting Long Time On Computer

Im 19 yr old I have an a back pain from last 3 month . I m computer engineer most of the time I spend my time on computer .give me a medicine name who made my pain relief

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Back Pain :: Left Side Back Pain, Middle To Lower Back

About 2 week's ago I took 2 perc within a night and the next day I got sick, I thought from the pills, but than I was nauseous and have been for the most part ever since. My left side mid to lower back started hurting approx a week ago and it's gotten much worse last night and now I'm having pain in my upper right abdomen as if the pain moved. I'm on muscle relaxers for my back already but it's not affecting/helping my new pain though and the new pain doesn't feel the same. I was just curious if anyone had any idea what it might be, some say kidneys but does that pain or can it move from my back to my abdomen?

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Sinusitis :: Severe Sinus Pain

I have for a couple of months now suffered with severe sinus pain above and around left eye and LH side of my nose, paracetomol do not seem to bring any relief.

My nose is not blocked I can breath Ok it is obviously further up in my sinus.

As I am on blood pressure tablets my chemist tells me they cannot give me Sudafed or similar and has no other suggestions.

Can anyone here give me some advice on relieving this constant pain.

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Hip Replacement :: Pain From Sitting To Standing And Walking

I'm 27, I got ejected out of a car at 17. I broke my hip and shattered my pelvis. My first surgery was to reconstruct my pelvis than a year later I had a total hip replacement. I hurt every single day, the worst pain is from sitting to standing and walking that initial step on my bad hip is excruciating. I don't take pain meds anymore if anyone has any tip for pain relief.

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Back Issues :: Coming Off Gabapentin

I have been on 1800 mg a day of gabapentin for about 9 months due to a back problem. In this time I have put on over 2 stone and have now got the point where I've had enough. I went to my doctor on Tuesday and she has advised me to reduce my daily amount by 300 mg and then after a week, reduce by a further 300mg. This seems a lot quicker than others have done it although I'm desperate to get off these asap.

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Endometriosis Laparoscopy Too Much Pain On Sitting And Laying On Sides

I had a successful Diagnostic Laparoscopy for suspected Endometriosis under general anesthesia in a general hospital and it was done in a little over one hour, I remained in recovery care for 4 hours due to pain and low blood pressure procedure was done yesterday (29th) fortunately doctor was able to treat all the areas/spots that contained Endometriosis growth/adhesions, she made 4 incisions and said that the procedure was smooth and successful. I've been home for roughly 22 hours now. I had a catheter so I'm left with a moderate burning and discomfort which seems to slowly be wearing off in my urethra it's naturally very narrow but thankfully I am able to urinate regardless of the Burning and the discomfort which I was told to expect. I managed to drink mint tea, water, juice and a light meal yesterday though I didn't have much of an appetite and I haven't eaten today either I just don't feel like it at all did this happen to any of you ladies? I am consistent with the pain and anti-inflammatory meds that I have prescribed for me due to the amount of pain I am in. So far I'm in bed laying on my back either resting or sleeping I feel incredibly exhausted. I have a follow up in 4 weeks or so with my doctor and I have her cell number as well which is comforting. Now I just want to know am I the only one who couldn't sit the first day of the surgery? If I force myself to sit I.e when I go to the bathroom I'm in so much pain and it kinda got worse after I got home probably due to the wearing off of the anesthesia. All I know for sure is sitting and the mere attempt of laying on my sides results in lots of pain and the only comforting and least painful position is to lay back down on my back with my head slightly elevated and my feet as well. My abdominal area feels awfully sore and.....

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Mirtazapine Withdrawal - Anxiety Coming Back

I have been taking 15mg of mirtazapine for 6 months for sleep problems and anxiety.

It has helped me sleep and feel more relaxed. But have struggled with word retrieval and foggy head. I decided to come off it and have been on 7.5 mg for 4 weeks, I have been doing ok but the last three days have had problems sleep waking after 3 hours and my anxiety feels like it coming back! Is this just withdrawal or am I going back my old ways?

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Chronic Pain On Walking, Sitting - Disc Protrusion / Bulge

mri 5 weeks ago

L4/L5 broad based posterior disc protrusion contacting transiting nerve roots

L5/S1 disc dehydration mild disc bulge probable annular tear.

Just seen neurosurgeon who says back and leg pain not caused by this where is pain coming from then.

pain burning lower and middle back and buttocks weakness In legs.

Chronic pain on walking,sitting,lying down or twisting please help

Scheduled another mri as soon as possible

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Back Pain / Sciatica :: Brace To Correct The Curvature Causing Lower Back Pain

I'm 18 and i was diagnosed with scoliosis at a young age. I wore a brace to correct the curvature for about 2-3 years. The brace would put pressure on my hips and after some time I would have pain in my lower back, down my buttocks, down the back of

the leg and into the toes. It's sharp and searing and sometimes there's tingling and numbness. Could this be sciatica caused by the brace? Is it possible that it pinched the nerves and caused permanent damage? All I know is that it is extremely painful and hard to get to go away..

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Ischial Tuberosity (sitting-bone) Pain :: Physiotherapy Aggravated The Issue

I've been having pain sitting, standing, & walking very far (at all) for over a year now. I had a spinal fusion done at the L -5/S -1 level back in 2002, & my docs keep close tabs on my back. I've had a tiny tear in the L-4 for many years, but most the docs feel my current problem has absolutely nothing to do with my spine - I agree. I have been diagnosed with a hip labral tear in my right hip socket about 4 months ago, but not bothered enough to do the drastic surgery. Doc injected left hip socket due to pain, but again, not my main problem.

I've had physical therapy (which aggravated the left socket), steroid injections into the ischial tuberosity bursa (both sides) - due to the doc thinking probable ischial tuberosity bursitis, which it is not, & am scheduled for an EMG down both sides of my lumbar spine (I hate those tests - they really hurt!). Meanwhile, I've been working with my chiropractor who does adjustments, percussion massage, iontophoresis, & cold laser treatment on me twice a week.

NO ONE knows what this is, WHERE to send me, or how to FIX it!

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Angina ? Been Fine On Ranexa For Year, Symptoms Now Coming Back

I have been dealing with angina for a year now and it has been controlled with medication called Ranexa, but over the past three weeks my systems have came back and they are severe and more often! I have to keep nitro with me at all times now cause I am have at least four to five attacks a day. I am scared to drive due to this. There has been no change in my medication so I do not understand what's going on. I contacted my heart dr and all he said was I needed to exercise more. I mean I get that and I'm not a lot over weight but I could lose five to ten pounds. So does anyone have any suggestions? I'm afraid I'm going to die of a heart attack cause the pain is going down my arm and now sometimes up my neck and jaw!

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Back Pain :: Severe Lower Back Pain

I am having sever lower back pain. its everyday and all day. its a sever sharp pain in my lower back. and sometimes I cant bend over and pick up things that fell on the floor

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Back Pain After Clicking/popping Sound In The Lower Middle Back

Two days ago I was in the gym exercising my shoulders and whilst I was lifting weights, I moved my back whilst seated and I heard a 'click' sound in my back, followed by pain in that area of my lower middle back. I immediately stopped exercising and haven't gone to the gym since.

I don't know what I was thinking by moving my back like that, but since it happened there is a lot less pain and it feels like the pain may be totally gone in the next 48-72 hours hopefully.

On the night of the injury I found it hard to turn onto my side when in bed, but now I can do it without any problems. Now I can only feel some pain when I turn my upper body to the left or right or if I try to stretch my lower back.

Would anyone be able to give me some advice such as what type of injury I have or whether this may have a long term effect? Is it a very positive sign that the pain is decreasing each day?

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Sudden Back Pain After Routine Exercises 20 Days Back

I was about 108 kgs and after joining a gym i have lost about 32 kgs

but suddenly 20 days back i got back pain after my routine exercises and my MRI report says following:

1. L4-L5 disc reveals minimal diffuse bulge abutting the thecal sac without any nerve root compression.

2. B/L mild facet arthropathy is seen at L4/L5 and L3/L4 levels with tiny anterior paradiscal osteophytes at these level.

3. L5 vertebra us sacralised with rudimentary L5-S1 disc.

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Abdominal Pain :: Pelvic Pain, Frequent Urination, Stomach Pain And Back Pain

I have had issues with a frequent urination and a constant pressure on my bladder for over a year now. But since January of this year I have been experiencing extreme pain in my low low abdomen (like groin/cervix area). The pain also resides in my stomach and back. My ribs are sore to touch and I am constantly achy. I have been to the doctors who have done internal exams and say that everything LOOKS ok. I am 20 years old and my periods are regular. The pain is becoming a real problem and I'm becoming increasingly concerned. I have had ultrasounds on my pelvis and kidneys and they were fine. I've been put on meds to stabilise my bladder, but the gynaecologist won't see me for another 4 months. I know there is something further wrong with me - I can't understand why the pain keeps occurring. I don't enjoy having sex due to pain and a constant discomfort and pressure-like feeling. I'm starting to get very depressed as there is no diagnosis being made and all the tablets I am given do nothing.

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