Pain Difference Between Lumbar Disc And Facet Issues?

Nov 8, 2015

Can someone tell me from their experience what the usual differences are between pain feeling when you have lumbar disc issues & pain feeling when you have lumbar facet pain?

Are there any significant markers at all? I have looked on web in detail and i just keep finding contrasting information.

Have lumbar problems but no one seems to be able to work out if pain is from disc issues or facets.

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Temporomandibular Joint :: Difference Between Disc Displacement And Disc Dislocation?

Is there a difference between disc displacement and dislocation? I see those terms being used around here a lot and was wondering if one indicates whether a disc could be recaptured and whether a disc is not reducing?

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Disc Prolapse :: Anyone Gone Through Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion?

Is there anyone on the site who has had a Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion done.

I'm a little apprehensive about this op but I cannot stand the pain anymore, I'm now having problems peeing. God I can't believe I have to wait 4/5 months for this op and that's on the Urgent List.

Nobody understands when you tell them how much pain you're having, I'm so glad that I found this site as most people can sympathise with me.

Sorry for whining but I don't know how much longer I can cope with this Severe Pain & Numbness in my back and left leg and foot.

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Disc Prolapse :: 2nd Facet Joint / Caudal Injection

I recently had facet joint and caudal injections for an L5/S1 herniation with nerve compression.  It blissfully worked for 5 days but now back to the same state as before the injections (classic symptoms of this type of herniation).  I have my follow up appointment tomorrow and wondered what the chances are of a 2nd round of injections working?  Would be good to know others' experience of this.

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Disc Prolapse :: Facet Joint / Epidural Injections? With Or Without X-Ray?

Hello, I read about root nerve block and the like, what I was offered is an epidural steroid injection, is that the same?? And X-ray led or without X-ray (?)The doctor said he would give me a steroid injection around my tailbone as it is safer (further away from spinal cord) and it is without X-ray.

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Disc Prolapse :: Facet Joint / Epidural Injections Experience

Just had my procedure and in recovery now, waiting to be discharged!

I have severe prolapse of L4/L5 with bilateral impingement of nerve roots. This results in severe back pain and constant sciatica. Worse on my right side.

Whole process took less than half an hour and I feel just fine after. Was offered sedative, but refused as I'm personally cool with stuff like this and very relaxed/able to keep still.

Very little pain during the actual procedure. In fact the worst bit was the initial injection of local anaesthetic!

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Disc Bulging - Mild Facet Arthropathy - Granulation Tissue In Disk Osteophyte

This is my 1st time posting here.. and sorry in advance because I know this post is lengthy...
I had an MRI my results in a nutshell are
L1-L2 disc bulging with mild facet arthropathy from
L2-L3 disc bulging with facet arthropathy with canal stenosis
L3-L4 disc bulging with mild facet arthropathy
L4-L5 disk bulging severe facet arthropathy moderate canal stenosis, mild bilateral neural foraminal narrowing
L5-S1 disk osteophyte complex, granulation tissue noted in the right neuroforamen, mild neural foraminal stenosis

Impression: degenerative changes of lumber spine with post surgical changes at L5-S1 on the right. Synovitis noted on the right at L4-L5

Findings.. Lumbar spine is normal alignment. Disc desiccation is noted from L3-L4 through L5-S1 with loss of disk height at L5-S1 along with posterior annular fissure. Post surgical changes from the laminectomy on the right at L5-S1.

I'm waiting for the spine doctor to get my records from my previous surgery I had done about 8yrs ago before they will make me an appointment for my new problems..

I am just looking for others who may have the same problems as I do... I have been experiencing severe back pain at first when it started I thought it was my hip because thats where the pain started then radiated down my leg I did PT for awhile and it did help some but now the pain is much much worse and in my foot it feels like I am curling my toes but only 2 will do so and the others just dont move just straight out but it feels like they are its really freaky.. other pain symptoms I have is spasms that radiate from the bottom of my spine to my neck and it gets back to wear I jerk..

I also get numbness with tingling it just feels like I have heavy sharp rocks buried deep inside my back and the newest symptom I have it when I roll my neck back n forth I hear weird popping noises like pop rock sounds n feeling and when I bend over n touch the floor with my hands it feels like my back is popping with a rolling motion really strange...

Im just curious if anyone here has experienced any of these symptoms and if anything was done to alleviate them especially if u have had surgery and what kind..Im just wondering if the symptoms I have is due to the results of my MRI and which ones. I am not that savvy when it comes to where all these L's and s's r located...

I have been sitting on a medicine ball to sit on and exercising on it and it has helped tremendously..

I just dont know what to make of all of this all I know is im in a lot of pain

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Disc Prolapse :: Degenerative Disc Disease, Sciatica, Bulge Herniated Disc

I am in complete pain ! Am on hydrocodone. Effexor. And morphine but in seeing if natural ways would help trying to keep from surgery any advice 

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Disc Prolapse :: Spinal Disc Decompression For Central Disc Bulge In L5/S1

I have been experiencing the lower back pain which is local from last 5 years. My MRI reports says that there is a central disc bulge at l5/s1. Where outer annular tear is intact.

I have seen a chiropractor who has recommended spinal disc decompression sessions on Hill DT.

As per the doctor, it will relocate the disc back to its normal position and make the disc healthier as before.

Just would like to know if someone has gone for the similar treatment for the similar problem. If yes kindly share your experience.

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Back Pain :: Extreme Lumbar And Leg Pain

I am a 41 year old girl with Chiari Malformation and Back Pain and I have Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (not really related to my question issue here). For quite awhile I have had back pain (upper/cervical) and lower. I tried to tell the doctors but they always told me it was nothing. Then it got severe one day. I don't know how to explain it but it felt like something happened in my lower back area. The pain was in my back and leg (left side) and it was not in my butt at all. Some days the pain in my leg felt like a stake was being driven in it. Otherwise most of the time it was just plain pain (don't know how to explain it - it was 2 types of pain). Well I finally called my doctor and I had an appt and he got me a couple of MRI's and said that I had a herniated disc and that a chunk broke off of it (he gave me copies of my reports as well)and the chunk was lying elsewhere. Well to make a long story short, he sent me to an Ortho Neuro who ended up doing a surgery...he was like you can do PT (which would mean I still had to live with it), Live with it or surgery. I didn't want to live with it. Well, it took awhile but after so many months/weeks I ended up having PT after the surgery.

Well during PT my pain went from being bad to worse! I cried during PT and after my sessions. I had a couple of weeks here and there I had it put off because of my neuro appts out of state, but it was not long periods of time. Anyway, my PT told me I needed to stop my PT sessions and contact my doctor because they could tell that I was having a ton of pain and I was not getting better - only worse. I did let my ortho know and waiting on my appt I let them know that on some days the pain would spread (it was kind of like radiating) to my right side. Apparently they assumed I meant it was on the right side. During my appt after my MRI, he kept saying the right side - that my results showed nothing about the right side and he left it go at that. I kept trying to say it was on the left but spread to the right (radiated on some days). He did not listen to me. I let him know that my leg was weak and I kept falling. Still didn't listen. My appt was directly after my MRI so he read it and didn't have the radiologist results. I was so devastated as I had no idea what was going on. I decided to obtain my results and after I did I had an appt coincidently with my regular doctor and I told him about my appt and showed him my results. He seemed concerned and told me that I needed to contact the ortho and ask them to explain my results and go over them with me. He said I had a right to have them explained to me. He didn't because he was not the one who ordered them and it is not his area anyway.

I did again and they said that the results got misfiled/lost in a folder somewhere. They called me back a week later and set an appt up. I explained to them again that it was my left and it had just radiated to my right. It has always been my left said. I explained I was falling and my leg is now like a noodle and it is scaring me. I am so afraid I will not be able to walk one day. I am afraid to go anywhere by myself due to the risk of falling, as I have fallen stepping out of the car and just walking about a few feet or so. My leg just gives out on me. The pain is excruciating as well. Well I went to my appt and they cancelled it on me and I am scheduled this week. As usual I am sure they will say there is nothing on there (as they have before - every doctor is different it seems telling me what could be). Well, one thing my regular doctor was concerned about was other than my disc is herniated again, is that it has something on there he does not know what it is supposed to be is that it says: enhancement noted in the left erector spinae musculature. That is the concern. Anyone ever see this before or know what it could be?

The last thing is that again my disc is herniated and compressing the sciatic nerve. The rest is not concerning as it is normal they said: Enhancement in the surgical bed as well as along the left side of the thecal sac and encasing left S1 and S2 Nerve Roots. Although it has been 9 or 10 months since my surgery on my lumbar area, they said that is normal to have.

I am really worried about the pain and the falling - the fact that my leg is like a noodle and only getting worse. I am so off balance and more. I have a ton of symptoms but they say the other stuff is neurological and related to my P.O.T.S. I have been more nauseated and throwing up more than ever (although it is not causing me to lose weight, because I don't walk as much because of the problem with walking and the pain from exercise (as found out in PT). I assume the nausea and vomiting is from the extreme pain. I am so tired of being ignored by the doctors. I don't think my regular doctor would tell me I need to go back to the ortho if he didn't think something was wrong too. I feel like crap and I just want to feel better. I may never get better from the P.O.T.S. or the Chiari/Cervical pain, but there is hope that someone can fix my back problems. My walking is important to me because I love to take walks with my family and I love walking in the snow, etc. I want to be able to do more things. I can't go see the specialist (for my neuro stuff) until I get this taken care of, as they are out of state.

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Gabapentin For Lumbar Discs, Nerve Pain?

for nerve pain in lower back/hip and leg. MRI in a few days. Known herniated lumbar discs, nerve pain new for past 6 weeks.

I cannot take morphine or derivatives due to it making me feel like I can't breathe so the anti epilepsy drugs are next try.

Dr gave me 300mg capsules but having taken one today I have asked to be given 100mg capsules and I will increase very very slowly. The side effects with one 300mg capsule was spectacular and I could not cope with this again let alone increasing the dose but can only hope that starting very low and only increasing very slowly I can tolerate

My question is, is it possible that just one 300mg tablet taken for the first time give pain relief as I am sure it did with me. Now its wearing off the pain is worse.  My Dr said that it takes up to 2 weeks for pain relief.

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Back Issues :: Lumbar Pain And Sciatica

Nine months ago I hurt my back with an improper lift. Unlike several other back sprains, this one won't go away. Low back pain, and bilateral sciatica. Mostly dull pain, but shooting pain down legs when I bend backwards, or step into a hole that jars my back. Doctors have to play by the insurance company rules, so they treat with meds, then Phys Therapy, then guessing, and before you know it you have been hurting for 9 months. So I had an MRI that revealed a herniated disc with central canal stenosis and 2 other bulging discs.

How does one choose the method of treatment, or the type of medical pro. If you go to a surgeon, he wants to cut, to a chiro, he wants to crack and twist, you get the point. I'm being stoic about the pain, because I am concerned about side effects and drug dependency, but it's time to get this fixed and get on with my life. I would like to think that the body is equipped to heal itself. But, maybe not.

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Lumbar Puncture :: Extreme Pain And Has Limited Mobility

My son had an LP done in Sept. He walked into the hospital fine and ever since then has been in extreme pain and has limited mobility. They can't find anything medically wrong with him.

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Lumbar Synovial Cyst Causing My Back Pain?

I have sever back pain and haven't been able to work since August. I am unable to stand, sit or walk for long periods of time. It hurts to sneeze, cough, bend or pick anything up. The pain is constant, stabbing at times and it feels like I have a rock in my spine. They have done facet and epidural injections. I take an anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxer and Norco (3 times a day). They tried to put me on Neurontin but it made me too sick. I have had every test done imaginable and basically what I have is degenerative disk disease with mild broad-base bulge. Bilateral facet arthropathy and ligamentum flavum hypertrophy. Indentation of the thecal sac in L4-L5. L5-S1 bilateral arthropathy. L3-L4 bilateral ligamentum flavum hypertrophy and a left nerve sleeve cyst (synovial cyst).

My surgeon wants to do a foraminotomy because I have radiculopathy on L4-L5 and then do a spinal cord stimulator for the pain. He isn't worried about the cyst...said it isn't the reason for my sever back pain. From what I have been reading, all of my symptoms sound like its the cyst causing at least some of the pain. Am I wrong to second guess his opinion? I just don't want to have these surgeries done and then later down the road turn around and have to have the cyst removed.

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6 Facet Injections Today - Severe Pain

Had 6 facet injections today now i can't bend down at all am i so much pain also worried about painkillers

Tried to speak to the doctor about it but he seemed like he was in a rush and didn't have time for my questions.

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Back Pain :: Sacroiliac And Facet Injections?

I have a L5/S1 disc bulge which is pinching the sciatic nerve (have been suffering for 18 mths)Shown on MRI Last month I was given a caudal epidural injection, I experienced increased pain and brain fog for a couple of weeks but my pain is still persisting. Yesterday I seen another specialist but he says I have sacroiliac pain instead because I had normal ankle reflex. Having read up about it I'm not sure as I don't get hip/groin pain and my pain radiates below the knee into my feet and toes. He suggests I have sacroiliac and facet injections. I don't know what to do for best, I would love nothing more than to be pain free but don't want to put myself through anymore unnecessary extra pain.

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Facet Joint Pain Caused By My Hyper Lordosis

After 13 ish weeks off work with back pain I visited an osteopath who finally told me I have a problem with my facet joints caused by my hyper lordosis. I've been given exercises but that's about it, looking to try and find out if anyone else has experienced this and has any advice? I can't do anything through the day without being confined to the couch in the evening in a lot of pain. I'm doing yoga to try and help too but I have a holiday to Florida booked for September and the last thing I want is it ruined by being in so much pain.

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Lumbar Spinal Stenosis? Pain In My Hips - Difficulty Climbing Stairs

I've been suffering with pains in my hips, causing problems with walking and standing. On a bad day the stairs are difficult to climb. This has been going on for about a year now. In the last 6 months or so I have developed a sciatic like pain, only happening when standing up and walking to far. The last few days it's been getting worse and I now have pins and needles in my legs and feet. Sometimes both legs but mostly my left. The sciatic pain is only ever in the left side of my buttock. When I try to stand, I am simply unable to put any weight onto my left leg for a while. I'm 31 years old and a mother to 4 plus work. The doctors keep brushing me off because of my age but I'm sure what I am experiencing isn't right.

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Difference Between Sciatica And Polymyalgia Rheumatica Pain?

Since we've gotten off into subject of the  awful pain of sciatica and the fact that it can last so long....does anyone besides me have trouble telling the difference between sciatica or low back problems and PMR? I'm not sure which is which sometimes and hesitate to increase the pred for what might be different pain.

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Cervical Spondylosis :: Facet Joint Injections - Chronic Neck Pain

I have CS in my neck and am in constant chronic (pain for the past three years). I am sick of being in pain.

My first visit to the NHS pain clinic was interesting, as the consultant informed me that I need to have Facet Joint Injections into the top part of my neck, which he plans to do in April !

I asked the consultant if there are any potential dangers from this procedure and he informed me that me that nothing can go wrong !

I got home ran a web search on Facet Joint Injections and am really horrified to read that there are rare - but very serious potential dangers from this procedure ... I feel that the NHS consultant has not explained the potential dangers to me.

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Pancreatitis :: Aloe Vera - Difference To Level Of Pain?

So DH has been taking the Aloe Vera juice for almost a week now and is feeling better now than he has for the last 6 months and I was wondering if anyone else was interested in trying it to see if it made any difference to their level of pain?

He drinks a 1 litre bottle over the course of about 3 days.

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