Neuropathic Pain :: Nerve Damage After Foot Surgery

Feb 6, 2016

I had foot surgery 8 weeks ago - quite a major reconstruction that took a few hours.

when the plaster was removed at 6 weeks I was told that I had nerve damage causing partial foot drop and a lot of numbness and pain. I have just had nerve conduction studies and have started on   Gabapentin and physio..

They said either the tourniquet or nerve block has caused it. I can't believe that this can happen, surely they know about these nerves and how to prevent problems.

Has anyone else experienced this and what has the recovery been like. I'm just wondering what my life is going to be like from now on.

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Orthopedics :: Bone Infection / Nerve Damage After Surgery On My Foot?

6 weeks ago I had foot surgery (modified brostrom procedure to tighten up ligaments near ankle, and a procedure to correct a calcaneonavicular coalition).  I have on incision along my ankle, and another incision on my foot. My cast came off 3 weeks after surgery. 5 weeks after surgery, when I was changing my dressing, I saw some some black stitches from the ankle incision on my gauze pad.  I called the doctor's office, and the medical assistant said that that was normal. After that, I noticed drainage for a few days when I changed the dressing. I called doctor's office back, because my foot was feeling hot and I was having a burning pain. They put me on an antibiotic (keflex). And I was told to stop walking and go back to non weight bearing. They told me not to clean the incision. I have only been on antibiotic for 3 days, and it is a 10 day course. In the evenings, especially when I am in bed, I wake up because there is so much pain in my foot, it feels like a deep stabbing pain that is sharp, and sometimes burning. Is this normal of a skin infection from an incision? Could it be a bone infection? Or nerve damage? How patient should I be with this doctor and doctor's office?

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Spinal Surgery :: Foot Nerve Pain

After a L5-S1 in October, I am left with residual left foot and partial leg nerve pain. In addition to numbness, my leg aches. My MRI looks clean, but neurosurgeon referred me to neurologist for possible nerve root injections. He also suspects the it may be radial sympathetic nerve issue. If nothing else, he's willing to take hardware out to see if that helps. I keep falling with my left foot so "numb," so I am frustrated. Is the device that scrambles pain.  (can't think of it now) good for nerve pain? (Pain extends to my left lower back.) Has anyone had nerve blocks for nerve pain?  I wouldn't have had surgery if I had known my mobility would have been compromised so much.

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Spinal Surgery :: Nerve Pain In The Foot

Lisa here...Before my S1-L5 fusion, I had some foot pain caused by waiting two weeks to have a laminectomy/discectomy in my L 4 and 5 discs after a herniation (5 years ago). After my fusion - about 7 weeks ago - I have had terrible burning pain, sensations that feel like I am being bitten on a toe or have tape in between my toes. At night the pain is worse. Walking intensifies the pain and weakens my ankle and leg. I can't wear any of my shoes. Does anyone have any experience with this? I've called my neurosurgeon and he wants an x-ray. Suggestions? Comments?

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Buttocks / Legs Pain - Sciatic Nerve After Foot Surgery

Did anybody have problems with nerve pain in their buttocks and/or legs especially the sciatic nerve after ankle/foot surgery? I am almost 5 weeks post op and I'm having pain in my left leg starting in my left butt cheek. I had a lot of work done on my left heel such as lengthening heel cord and cutting heel bone and shifting it. My heel has not been healing well. Doctor has me put clean bandage on everyday and then wrap it with ace bandage. He also put me on antibiotic. My heel does hurt.

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Bad Foot Pain After DeNovo Surgery - Nerve Pain?

I had DeNovo surgery on my ankle 4 months ago - lesion was 11 x 13. Surgery went well. I was NWB for 6 weeks, then in boot for 4-6 more weeks with PWB. Started PT at 10 weeks and was out of boot at 12 weeks. No problem with recovery or PT until that point. After I was fully weight bearing I had much more pain. On sides and bottom of foot as well as at surgery site. Still have lots of pain and sensitivity if I walk barefoot. PT was successful as far as ROM and strengthening but he doesn't want to push me any further because of pain.

OS says too early to say it did or didn't work, but I think it didn't and he won't do MRI until 6 months. He'll give me pain meds, but I don't like them and don't react well to them. The foot pain is bad! Could it be nerve pain?

I knew this was a long recovery, but I wasn't prepared for this! I ran for 30 years, which could have contributed to this problem, but now I'm wondering if I will ever walk pain-free again?!

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Hallux Valgus (Bunions) :: Nerve Block For Foot Pain After Surgery

I had double bunion surgery 7 months ago. With my right foot the pain is making it vert hard for me to get my foot flat onto the ground. I have had xrays and a scan and that show everything seems to have healed ok however due to the pain I am walking on sides of my feet this is causing other issues with alignment etc... So I am off to have a nerve block put into my back to help with this and hopefully get me walking. Sometimes talking to the surgeon is difficult as he does not really know what is going on. Has anyone had a nerve block put into their back for the same sort of reason and if so how was it done and did it help? 

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Sural Nerve Damage And Numbness With Achilles Tendon Surgery

Ten months ago, I had Achilles' tendon lengthening along with foot fusion surgery. Afterwards, 2/3rds of my foot on the outside edge and bottom of my foot has been numb. I kept mentioning it to my doctor, and he would say that it may take up to two years to fully recover from numbness. He even blamed the numbness on the popliteal nerve block that I had for seven days, but the anesthesiologist said that wasn't possible as the numbness started about two inches above my ankle and goes down into my foot.

Finally, I had a nerve conduction study (from my own insistence) that now confirms the injury/permanent damage to the Sural nerve. My surgeon must have nicked the Sural nerve when he did the percutaneous Achilles' tendon lengthening. It causes numbness that radiates down through my 5th metatarsal or little toe. But, 2/3rds of the bottom of my foot is also numb. Could this be from the Sural nerve or may there be other reasons for this numbness? What types of complications might occur with Sural nerve damage? How often does this occur with this type of surgery? This numbness is making it very difficult to walk. I can only walk very short distances at ten months, which is exceedingly frustrating. I am interested in hearing about others' experiences related to numbness and Sural nerve damage.

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Foot / Ankle :: Nerve Pain In Heel/toe After Ankle Surgery

I had ankle surgery to repair my medial malleolus back on May 8. It was fairly routine--just 2 screws. I was in a cast for a week, then was put into a boot but told to treat it like a cast--NO weight bearing for 7 weeks, keep the boot on 24/7 unless in the bathtub. I followed directions religiously.

I did notice that when I pressed on certain areas of the foot, I would feel a sharp pain. This occurred in the heel (from the bottom), toes (again, from the bottom, primarily the foot pad below the pinky, second, and 4th toes). When I asked the doctor about this, he said (around week 5) that it was just because I hadn't been using the foot.

The problem persisted, and this week, week 7, I was cleared to start partial weight-bearing--walking in the boot while taking approximately 1/2 the weight off my foot via the crutches. I don't have ankle pain to speak of (or at least, not often and only if I overdo it), but I have terrible shooting pains in my heel and toes as I step. It's OK if I take most of the weight on the crutches, but as soon as I go to more than just a little weight on the boot, the pain starts.

This week I also started PT and the therapist told me this is nerve pain--not uncommon after surgery (don't know why the doctor couldn't have told me this, but OK). I couldn't get much of an idea from her how long this will persist or if there is anything I can do about it.

I'm doing my ankle and leg exercises (those are mostly non-weightbearing at this point) and they are going great. The ankle is clearly healing well. But I don't see how I can progress to full weight bearing (supposed to try that next week!) when much more than a little pressure on the foot results in this nerve pain!

Help! Does anyone have experience with this? Is there anything I can do to speed things along? I need to return to my second job (barefoot hoof trimming for horses--how I broke the ankle!) ASAP and I'm fearful this will slow my progress to a crawl! The doctor is useless.

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Foot / Ankle :: Popliteal Nerve Block For PTT Surgery?

I will be having PTT surgery(calcaneal osteotomy, lateral lengthening, gastroc recession, tendon transfer) next week and am wondering about your experience with the nerve blocks, in my case a popliteal nerve block. The research from my OS's office shows 13% have residual nerve pain following the block. Most of the posts here show that patients are very happy they had a nerve block for their surgery. Has anyone had residual pain from one?

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Foot / Ankle :: Pain Outside Of Foot After Flat Foot Surgery

I am 7 1/2 weeks post of from Flat Foot Surgery and the outside area of foot from where my incision ends from the double calcaneal osteotomy up to my little toe the soft tissue is halfway numb and very painful. Has anyone else experienced this and if so how long did it last.

I am not sure how long it takes the soft tissue to heal to a point where it does not hurt when you are not walking. Or is what I am feeling nerve pain. I started PT this week and am PWB. My doctor thinks I will be in a shoe in 3 weeks and I don't know at this rate how that could be possible. I am icing a majority of the day for sure after I do my PT exercises.

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Foot / Ankle :: Nerve Pain On Top Of Foot

It has been quite a while since I have been on here. I had surgery on Mar 14 to repair a tendon and release the nerve that runs on the top of my foot. I have had severe nerve pain since the surgery. I could only get so far in rehab - because of the severe nerve pain. I had a cortisone shot about five weeks ago - it was somewhat helpful. I can finally let a sheet rest on the top of my foot.

However, it is my right foot. It is extremely painful to drive - and basically impossible for me to be able to drive more than 25 miles without pulling over to alleviate the pain from the nerve. I still cannot wear anything more than sandals as I cannot let anything touch the top of my foot. Now mind you, it has improved some. It used to be the entire top of my foot. Now it is mainly the toes and about 3 inches up from my toes - it is so severe it has put me in tears more than once. I have been living with some friends of mine - about 25 miles from where I work. The problem is that I own a house about 52 miles from work - one way. There is no way I can drive that far - and don't think that will get better anytime soon.

I see my surgeon again on 8/16/13. I am willing to try another cortisone shot - but someone else has strongly recommended I cut the nerve to alleviate the pain. If he cuts the nerve - I will not have any feeling on the top of my foot for the rest of my life. I have asked him if I would be able to drive, etc....and he commented that cutting the nerve might actually make driving/pain worse?

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Nerve Damage In The Lower Back Cause Pain In The Thigh?

I have nerve damage in my lower back due to four back surgeries. Now I am beginning to have pain deep within my thigh on the same side where my disks were herniated. Anyone experienced this?

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Foot / Ankle :: Bunion Surgery Pain & Swelling In Ball Of Foot

I am 7 and a half weeks post op after a Lapidus & an Akin procedure. I was in cast until last week and have managed a tennis type shoe and a sandal on so far.

The swelling has been bad as expected with full weight bearing, but the real pain is in the ball of my foot and my big toe does not lie flat, but rather sits elevated. I think the ball of the foot under the big toe is swollen so that may be the cause? I can only walk for a few minutes properly before the pain becomes too much and I am limping and walking on the outside of my operated foot. I can usually cope with pain so know this must be fairly severe.

I am doing my toe bending exercises and think that already the range of motion is not too bad.

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Foot / Ankle :: Nerve Pain

I have been dealing with pain in my feet for several years which has gotten progressively worse. The past 6 months or so have been so bad that 3 months ago my doctor prescribed Gabapentin which helped significantly for a brief few weeks, but I am at the highest levels now and there is a new pain in my right ankle that will just not go away. I am weaning off of the Gabapentin so that I can try Lyrica. I am being scheduled for a nerve conduction test to try and determine what is wrong exactly. I am not diabetic. I believe it is from too many years of standing/walking on concrete (I'm a caterer/chef) without proper foot support. My doctor seems to support this opinion, she does not seem to have any answers. Just had blood work done, I am in excellent health otherwise! Am so worried that I'll be unable to continue working. Pain is relentless. Cannot live on pain pills, just do not want to go down that road! Anyone out there have experience with this sort of problem? How about Lyrica?

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Foot / Ankle :: Nausea, Constipation After PTTD - Failed Nerve Block And Pain

I'm a 38 year old with ankle and foot problems all my life. I was born with flat feet and I was always spraining my ankles. I acquired PTTD/Flat Foot on my left about a year ago and finally was diagnosed by an orthopedic foot and ankle expert. He recommended surgery and after a second opinion I decided I might as well get this taken care of so that I can go back to a normal life of walking through the streets of Europe.

I had my surgery about 2.5 weeks ago and I wanted to lend advice to those about to take on this crazy surgery. Firstly, the morning of surgery when the anesthesiologist was performing the nerve block it hurt like hell and made me even more panicked about the surgery. The relaxing medication they gave me did nothing to settle my nerves. I woke up from surgery a few hours later and I could feel all sorts of shocking pains coming from my foot. I asked if I should be feeling all the pain and they said that the nerve block failed. The anesthesiologist was busy for another hour and so I writhed in pain (crying hysterically) for the hour and vomited multiple times due to the extra anesthetic they gave me due to the failed nerve block.

Once the new anesthesiologist came she figured out that my nerve split into two and the other guy had not seen this split. After she was finished it was completely numb and I was worn out. I was sent home. Over the next day I vomited profusely, found out that I cannot breath when I take Oxycontin, I lost balance and fell on my foot and I was taking anything I could get my hands on for constipation. I finally found the foul tasting milk of magnesia and I can now go to the bathroom every few days.

My pain was managed by a morphine twice a day while in the splint, but now that I am in the cast my heel is killing me especially at night and the dr gave me hydrocodone which didn't touch the pain last night. Is it normal to have more pain at this point?

When will I be fairly pain free and when will I be able to leave the house? I live in Santa Barbara and i have an ocean view so I should not be complaining but i am feeling pretty horrid and ready to get out. When I think about leaving I worry about falling again and having my throbbing leg down.

Am I alone in all of this? Many experiences I have been reading say that after 5 days everything was hunky dory.

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Severe Nerve Pain After Flat Foot Reconstruction And Bunionectomy (4 Weeks Post Op)

I am on week 4 after my surgery. I am wondering if there is anyone that could give me some hope. Right not walking of going PWB on my foot seems like light years away. I am having severe nerve pain and my foot still brings me to tears on occasion. I am taking Ibuprofen to help with the pain and down to two Percocet a day. When did you notice a huge improvement in your pain and will the pain be mostly gone by the time I go into my boot.

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Foot / Ankle :: Pain After Bunion Surgery

I've been reading older messages regarding this topic because i have been having this problem since my surgery in September 2013! Doctor has no idea why i'm still in pain and my physio therapies don't get nowhere. So i'm a lot desperate! Can anyone help me, pls? Is it sesamoiditis? Is it tendonitis? Who has experienced any of these and can advise me what to do?

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Pain A Year After Bunionectomy Foot Surgery

I had bunionectomy surgery on both my feet last summer, so its been 16 months for my right foot and 15 months for my left foot. I had hallux limitus on both feet, and my doctor broke the bone on both big toes, shortened them, cleaned up the joint and bunions on both feet, and removed a bone spur. I was about 8 years into this problem, so my foot problem was getting to be a big issue. Walking has been my main form of exercise for years. I no longer have pain in the joints of my toes but my big toe does not lay flat anymore. My second and third toes take all the pressure, and my second toe feels like I am walking on the bone, starting to get very painful. I also have pain in the ball of both feet, and it is getting worse. I started exercise walking gradually but do it very little now....maybe 1/2 a mile once or twice a week. My podiatrist said there were no exercises to do after surgery, no pt. I went to a different podiatrist about 5 months ago, and he said he could break my other toes, and try to line them up with my big toe to try and relieve the pressure, but of course I don't want to do that. Anyone have an experience like this, or thoughts?

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Right Foot Bunion Surgery - Recovery? Pain And Tingling

I recently just had my bunion surgery on May 2, 2014. I know its been a few weeks and all but i felt that reading all these posts regarding to bunion recovery sorta urged me to post my share about it.

The surgery went well, but as for pain, its still very difficult to bare with. I have been feeling these weird tingling feeling throughout my entire foot, as well as having a burning sensation feeling and tightening where the screw was implanted. of course its very stiff still but when i try to bend it i get this sharp pinching pain right where the bunion was cut. I need to know if this is normal. I am in the military and of course i know they will state that its normal, but i want to get a second opinion.

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Ulnar Nerve Damage During Blood Sample

I went in for my routine physical two days ago and got blood work done. The nurse drawing my blood completely missed my vein and when she stuck the needle in, my arm felt like it was being electrocuted. I waited a few seconds because I thought it would go away but it didn't. She took the needle out after about ten seconds. Anyway, I'm almost positive she hit my nerve. I have a tingling pain that shoots through my arm when I extend it or put it in certain movements. I don't really feel any pain in my hand. When looking at a diagram, it looks like the ulnar nerve is the one she hit.

Anyways, I have read many posts of people not getting better after years, and some getting better after a few weeks. Is there any way to tell how bad mine is? Are they required to pay for any health costs concerning this issue?

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