Minerals :: Causes Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency?
May 11, 2015
What are the causes of vitamin B12 Deficiency?
View 3 RepliesWhat are the causes of vitamin B12 Deficiency?
View 3 RepliesI was diagnosed with with B12 and Vitamin D deficiency. Both levels quite low. I have been taking my Vitamin B12 shots for three weeks now. Also I am on supplements for Vitamin D 60000 IU once a week. Most of my symptoms like tingling numbness and headache have gone. But since a few days i have been experiencing this weird feeling in my chest and entire body, the kinds when we are nervous, with palpitation while sleeping. I wake up and sit for sometime and then I seem to be fine. However, it happens again when i am about fall asleep. My GP said its anxiety and prescribed clonazepam. It did help for three days. But yesterday I tried sleeping without taking clonazepam and the same feeling of anxiety and palpitation came back. Is it a part of the vitamin D recovery process? I don't want to take clonazepam regularly. Any suggestions?
View 1 RepliesHi I have recently been diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency after years of pain and tiredness. I have quite a long history but have had surgery twice on my right foot. The first time was a straightforward bunion op and the second one I am now wondering if was caused by Vit D Deficiency as I was in so much pain after first op I needed the 2/3/4 metatarsals cuttings and replacing into different positions.
I also have Carpel Tunnel in right hand and been told I need surgery on it due to muscle waste, inflamed tendons and slight loss of sensation.
There isn't a part of my body that doesn't hurt and I am a 36 year old female. I am self employed and a mum (which can be very challenging with all the pain and tiredness at times!).
I have been prescribed pre d3 20,000 iu 3 times a week.
It turns out that I had a blood test in 2011 that showed I was low on vit d then so I have spent the past week battling between my GP and hospital to try get the levels and find out who did the original test and find out why nothing was done years ago for me. I am starting to feel fobbed off as no one is giving me a clear answer. The hospital won't give me the answers and told me they have to be faxed to GP which I asked for and after waiting days for this and chasing up twice the GP rang today to tell me they have recent blood test result which showed vit D below 30 if that makes sense to anyone?
They weren't sent the 2011 results so have had to chase up again!
I am concerned after having pain for years that this may have done damage. How long does it take to see a difference on that dosage?
My main pains are in lower right back, back right rib, hips, feet, hands, neck.
I know vitamin d deficiency can cause depression but can it affect anxiety. my doctor put me on vitamin d and i've noticed a drop in my anxiety. i am taking it once a week and forgot to take it yesterday. today i noticed my anxiety had increased. could it be related?
View 3 RepliesIn May I was told I had a vitamin d deficiency. My level was 11. Right before i was told about my low d i had burning pain throughout both of my thighs. If anything touched my thighs it felt like bees were stinging me. I went to the neurologist because I was also getting numbness in my arms. He told me i had mp or another name for it is lcpn from wearing tight pants. I bought new pants and waiting six weeks. Saw him again and now he thinks it's because my d levels were so low. D is up to 50 s now so why am i still in pain. I had an emg done on my legs and it was normal. Emg on arms showed mild carpal tunnel. I was tested for hiv 5 months after any exposure results were negative. He tested me for a bunch of other stuff all was negative. Could all of this be vit d
View 2 RepliesI wanted to ask about vitamin d deficiency and possible side effects of it .
I am a 25 year old male , and my vitamin d level was very low (7ng/ml)
compared to the one I tested a year and a half ago that was 25 ng/ml.
The problem is that I had very little or even no sun exposure the past year and half because of medications I was taking for my acne including accutane , I wanted to test my levels six month ago but my doctor basically said that there was nothing to worry about , now that I know that my vitamin d levels were this low , I want to find out what is the possible damage that was caused by a year and a half of deficiency ?
and should I urge my doctor for more tests like calcium levels or bone density?
I'm just really worried that I've done damage to myself
of course now I'm taking supplements and I can also go back in the sun so I hope my vitamin d level will become normal , but it's very important for me to know if I need to have more tests done or what kind of damage may have been caused ?
my wife is 13 weeks pregnant. And her B12 levels are 81 and Ferritin is 31.2. kindly Suggest that is it ok or any treatment will be need to be taken for it as Haemoglobin is 12.2
View 1 RepliesHave suffered from RH for 2 years very badly, it has basically taken over my life.
Recently I read somewhere that it can be caused by vitamin D deficiency. Well that would make sense timing wise, I live in Scotland (no sun here) and I stopped sun holidays 3 years ago due to drop in income.
I was excited by this discovery but well 8 days in (5000iu) and no improvement. I know it probably takes a lot longer and I'm still going, but I hope it's not just a red herring.
Can anyone relate to having muscle and bone pain with being deficient in vitamin D ? I get severe pains in muscles down my back and this has spread into my shoulders and up my neck into my head at the back. The pains come and go but i always feel tender and stiff in these area's. I get sharp shooting pains, burning pains and the feeling that my muscles are sore to touch. I also have felt like the muscle is tearing when i turn to reach something, the tearing sensation is really painful. I get shooting pains in my right leg in the hip/buttock joint which makes walking difficult at times and causes my left knee to give as i try to keep weight off right leg. The bone pain is usually in my lower back. When the pains in my neck muscles started it seemed to be triggered after i heard a cracking sound and got sharp pains in the back of my neck.
View 33 Repliesfollowing recent routine blood test, my GP said I was deficient in Vitamin B12. Rather than go straight to injections, she suggested I buy some Vitamins. I have got some Vit B, but can't seem to locate Vit B12 tablets. does anyone know if taking Vit B is OK, or if not where can I get Vit B12?
I am 63 yrs old and consider that I eat a good varied diet (fish etc)
Hi 31 yo female here! In march my Vitamin d was at 10. The DR told me 5000iu daily d3 until further notice.
One month ago I went to ER and DR for nuerological prolems. Pins and Needles in my extremities that radiate up from feet. Since then it sometimes affects my head and rib areas. I have had a tightness in my ribs that was painful a few times. Trouble with speech, focusing, walking, feet heaviness (after a long day of work), extreme fatigue, migraines (4 in a timeline of 2 weeks), muscle spasms, sharp pains in my head and lower back.
My primary physician referred me to a nuerologist and he has been testing me for MS and TIA, I had 2 MRIS 2 CT scans nerve test all normal, tested for lupus ect. Next week I"ll have blood results from vitamin d (6 months ago 10) again, b12 (6 months ago normal) again, cooper, choloestrol panel (6 months ago 132)
I can't go on like this. I have responsibilities. I need answers! Please sugs!
i had a vitamin b12 test yesterday. the result recd today is 277. i am having pain in my both calves and i get tired very quickly. please suggest what it is ?
View 1 RepliesMany new articles on the net about the possible role Vitamin D deficiency may play in Dry Eye Syndrome. Some of the articles state that taking D3 may also improve dry eye symptoms. I went to the eye doc last week and she told me to take 2000 mg. That at the time was because i didn't go outside as much because I just developed DE in march and right now I'm quite light sensitive. Anyway I looked up D3 just to see if it might help the condition.
View 5 RepliesAnyone ever told to take Vitamin D, my lab work came back that I was deficient in it, was told to take Vitamin D 1000 daily? I don't know what my level was, but I am looking it up on the internet and see there is D3 and D2? Looks as though the D3 is best?
View 31 RepliesI'm just wondering if anyone who has or has had a vitamin A deficiency has also had dry mouth as a symptom?
I know that vitamin A deficiency can cause dry eyes, and I'm reading from a few sources that a deficiency causes 'dryness of the mucosal membranes'. I've had dry mouth for quite a while now and I wanted to find out whether this particular deficiency may have contributed to it (if i have it in the first place).
I am 29 year old female and for the past 2 years I have been feeling off balance and sometime dizzy, but mostly off balance.
I have went too 2 different Neurologist, A E.N.T, and A Cardiologist. I have endless blood work, A CT of the brain, and a MRI of the brain. Everything was always NORMAL! Once I was anemic and my b12 was low which is normal now.
This past weekend I was dizzy, and I got scared, I went to the ER which was nothing but a waste of time, they just told me sometimes people get dizzy and that's all.
I went to a doctor I had seen before but not alot she had looked at the blood test that one of the Neurologist had order and found out I was anemic and had a b12 deficiency and re-order blood work so she knew I had been having this problem for quite some time.
I went and did my blood work the next day she called me and told me that everything was back but my VIT-D but everything was ok, she said my b12 was on the low end of normal and she was gonna give me a shot once a week in case my body was just needing more than normal. I said thanks and went on my way at work. I was truly starting to think I was crazy.
The next day while at work, she called me again to tell me my Vit-D was low. It was a 19. And that is why I was getting Dizzy and Off Balance. I can't tell you how happy I was to finally have a answer!
So my questions are:
1.) Did anyone here get dizzy or off balance with a Vitamin D Deficiency?
2.) How long to I feel better? I am taking Vitamin D 50,000 units once a week for 8 weeks then going to re-check...
Very healthy adult male, with these numbers:
LH: <0.2 (undetectable)
FSH: <0.2 (undetectable)
Vitamins D, 25-hydroxy: 27.4
T: 154
All of these are abnormally low. I feel fine, but I suffer from ED, low libido
Doctors 'note' on the bottom of the test results were:
Needs to see endocrinology specialist AASAP!
Ok, nobody likes to see ASAP! Written by a Physician... How worried should I be?
Fatigue, weakness and pale skin may be the first signs of a vitamin B12 deficiency. You may notice cracked lips or a ringing in the ears, and you might experience a loss of appetite or an altered sense of taste that causes food to taste funny or odd. Alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation are common, and some people may become dizzy when standing up. Fever or abdominal pain may also be present.
Mental Effects
A vitamin B12 deficiency can cause an altered mental state in severe cases. Advanced stages of a severe vitamin B12 deficiency can cause a state of confusion. Mild to moderate depression is a common symptom, but severe depression can also be the result of a deficiency.
Other Symptoms
According to Harvard Medical Publications, other symptoms may include a tingling sensation in the hands or feet, a stinging or burning sensation on the tongue, a bright red tongue, significant weight loss, yellowing of the skin and a rapid heart rate. It can also cause you to feel off balance or disoriented, which may worsen in darkness. Some people may lose the ability to tell the colors yellow and blue apart. You may be unable to feel vibrations in your feet or legs. Anemia may develop ..
Pin and needle sensation and numbness in small part of left upper thigh. After two weeks also started on right leg and arms for 2 minutes max.
I was told to have test for b12 and thyroid. Results are as follow.
B12 (VITAMIN b12) = 274 pg/ml
SERUM TSH =4.080 uIU
FT4 = 1.07 ng/dl
Over 2months ago in jan 8th, when i took generic benadryl with dextromorphan, acetomeniphen, phenyleprine,(pill. after about an hour, noticed i loss about 99 of smell which in turn made me unable to taste certain flavors. Throughout the whole day i started feeling unusually shivering and cold. and notice i started to get tingling on the left side of my body. the next day my smell hasnt returned, and i went to the ER, was afriad it was a stroke or some brain injury. Spent 5 1/2 hours trying to find out the cause, but was unable, the whole time the doctor did notice my other symptoms i was jerking twitching while on the bed, and felt very tingly, i also have tachycardia. i was eventually discharged, over the next few days, i still had sense of smell loss which went to 50% but went to 90% loss very quickly over the next few days. While i was sleeping, at night my neuro symptoms intensified, my myclonic jerks, twitching increased, and RLS developed, at the same time i realized i also pins and needle show up on the left side of my body.
After about 1 week, the pins and needle came back on my left hand and feet. Then a few weeks later i noticed i had loss all internal sensations(full or empty bowel,stomach,bladder, eye movements) Any internal movement you can think of is loss. Actually about 99% gone, because i can still have a bowel movement, pee, and stomach sensations only when its overwhelming and prolonged stimulation. i do not have loss of bowel movement, no loss of bladder control.
The pins and needle came and went and move around my hands feet above the ankles. this is over the weeks as its now.
The pins and needles eventually started to appear more frequently on the right side, but not as frequent as left.
In feb 2 i went to the pcp, for possible diagnosis, but i hit a wall, as the pcp kept insisting that my conditions were mental, or genetic in nature.
Within the week, my pins and needles progressed to cool feeling(randomly but not frequently), now im experiencing random joint pains(1-2 sec bursts, not frequently or constant). Also the twitching is more prevelant when i am still.
I have been diagnosed with vit d deficiency, i am taking 2k per day(i dont know how long i have to be on) but she wanted 4k but was scared it causes itchyness, i already have itchyness from the so-called rashes i got, she diagnosed me with atopic dermatitis, which i dispute, as some other doctor said was contact.
Due to me being on welfare(MEDI-CAL ) i am not able to see my medical tests or records online, as they do not have this technology, but the medical center i go to seems to have it integrated into thier database. I do not have to acess to it, unless i pay for copies of medical record, they dont accept cash.
Furthermore, my specialist appt is in aprl 30th, which cannot be changed to earlier, because of me being a mED-CAL patient. i did not go the pcp appt last week because its across the city from where i live, and the pcp is already losing favor, because my previous visits with her was not finding whats wrong with my present conditions, but trying to make up a diagnosis related to mental health issues, hypochondriac, and i felt like i was going to get the same answers as b4.
i was tested for b12 and cbc blood count, but i do not have access to those results. when i requested other vitamin tests, she refused, i also requested lyme(because my symptoms only fit the neuro portion, now that i have limited joint pain). The parasthesiasins and needle, spider web on arm and leg feeling, tickling,prickling, pin priks, coldness feeling,some joint issues) these are constant everyday, there were days where they subside, and when i wake up. loss of sensations prevents me from feeling (if im about throw up acid). abnormal sensations of my right hands. i do not have numbness, loss of pain or itching, but i am certain thats coming next. Any ideas its lupus.i am in college, and i had to drop a class so i can deal and try to find out what my mysterious neurological condtions is..
My pcp thinks this is also hypochondria, because i stupidly told her i had kaiser records, before turning to WELFARE.
You wouldve think that sudden loss would warrant an immediate red flag, but she/they are not taking my condition seriously i am currently taking 4000IU, (2x2000Iu) per day. and taking b12 (1000IU prophylactic, i don't have test results for this yet.
I spent two weeks in hospital over Christmas and new year 2013-2014 My symptoms were numbness in my feet, legs, stomach and hands and I am type 2 diabetic. Neurologist diagnosed vitamin B12 deficiency and nerve damage. Waiting for results of colonoscopy due to stomach problems.having b12 injections but no real change,trouble walking and balance affected.
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