Migraine :: Pain Goes Down My Back And Down My Right Arm?

Mar 8, 2016

I'm in my early 20s. I get severe headaches and the pain goes down my back and down my right arm. I don't lift anything heavy and the pain does not go away with over the counter medicine. I do get migraines every so often. The pain is much worse then a migraine. After about a month it tends to go away somewhat at least.

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Migraine :: Migraine Attacks Are Back / Menopause

I never suffered from migraine attacks until I was in my mid-40's.

They seemed to be linked to the beginning of hormonal changes related to the start of menopause. I would get a pain over my left eye (usually, though right occasionally), with a feeling of nausea and sometimes slight numb feeling on the side of my face. I would turn quite a pale white colour, and also feel very tired, yawning a lot. I would take medication, migraleve tablets and lay down in a darkened room. Usually, I would recover within 24 hours, though I would feel 'worn out' for a few days after the attack.

Since I have discovered by self analysis, that citrus fruits, especially orange juice (which I no longer drink), chocolate and strong coffee all seem to be triggers, which I try to avoid.

For the last five years, I have been clear of migraines, but have now started to get them again. I have passed the menopause but have had a lot of stress in my life recently, so I wonder if this is the cause of the recurrence? My last attack was quite different from the others I have experienced, in that I was feeling fine (though had been really tired the day before for no apparent reason) when I suddenly developed black zigzag lines across my left eye (very frightening at first). These went on for about 10 minutes and then slowly I developed a severe migraine, though this was not over one particular eye, but both. I had feelings of nausea and also felt cold at times. I took Migraleve pink and yellow but the headache is still persisting the next day. I wonder why I developed these other symptoms of visual disturbance. Can stress really do this to your body?!

PS I know there is a family history of migraine.

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Back Pain :: Left Side Back Pain, Middle To Lower Back

About 2 week's ago I took 2 perc within a night and the next day I got sick, I thought from the pills, but than I was nauseous and have been for the most part ever since. My left side mid to lower back started hurting approx a week ago and it's gotten much worse last night and now I'm having pain in my upper right abdomen as if the pain moved. I'm on muscle relaxers for my back already but it's not affecting/helping my new pain though and the new pain doesn't feel the same. I was just curious if anyone had any idea what it might be, some say kidneys but does that pain or can it move from my back to my abdomen?

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Back Pain / Sciatica :: Brace To Correct The Curvature Causing Lower Back Pain

I'm 18 and i was diagnosed with scoliosis at a young age. I wore a brace to correct the curvature for about 2-3 years. The brace would put pressure on my hips and after some time I would have pain in my lower back, down my buttocks, down the back of

the leg and into the toes. It's sharp and searing and sometimes there's tingling and numbness. Could this be sciatica caused by the brace? Is it possible that it pinched the nerves and caused permanent damage? All I know is that it is extremely painful and hard to get to go away..

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Back Pain :: Severe Lower Back Pain

I am having sever lower back pain. its everyday and all day. its a sever sharp pain in my lower back. and sometimes I cant bend over and pick up things that fell on the floor

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Back Pain After Clicking/popping Sound In The Lower Middle Back

Two days ago I was in the gym exercising my shoulders and whilst I was lifting weights, I moved my back whilst seated and I heard a 'click' sound in my back, followed by pain in that area of my lower middle back. I immediately stopped exercising and haven't gone to the gym since.

I don't know what I was thinking by moving my back like that, but since it happened there is a lot less pain and it feels like the pain may be totally gone in the next 48-72 hours hopefully.

On the night of the injury I found it hard to turn onto my side when in bed, but now I can do it without any problems. Now I can only feel some pain when I turn my upper body to the left or right or if I try to stretch my lower back.

Would anyone be able to give me some advice such as what type of injury I have or whether this may have a long term effect? Is it a very positive sign that the pain is decreasing each day?

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Sudden Back Pain After Routine Exercises 20 Days Back

I was about 108 kgs and after joining a gym i have lost about 32 kgs

but suddenly 20 days back i got back pain after my routine exercises and my MRI report says following:

1. L4-L5 disc reveals minimal diffuse bulge abutting the thecal sac without any nerve root compression.

2. B/L mild facet arthropathy is seen at L4/L5 and L3/L4 levels with tiny anterior paradiscal osteophytes at these level.

3. L5 vertebra us sacralised with rudimentary L5-S1 disc.

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Abdominal Pain :: Pelvic Pain, Frequent Urination, Stomach Pain And Back Pain

I have had issues with a frequent urination and a constant pressure on my bladder for over a year now. But since January of this year I have been experiencing extreme pain in my low low abdomen (like groin/cervix area). The pain also resides in my stomach and back. My ribs are sore to touch and I am constantly achy. I have been to the doctors who have done internal exams and say that everything LOOKS ok. I am 20 years old and my periods are regular. The pain is becoming a real problem and I'm becoming increasingly concerned. I have had ultrasounds on my pelvis and kidneys and they were fine. I've been put on meds to stabilise my bladder, but the gynaecologist won't see me for another 4 months. I know there is something further wrong with me - I can't understand why the pain keeps occurring. I don't enjoy having sex due to pain and a constant discomfort and pressure-like feeling. I'm starting to get very depressed as there is no diagnosis being made and all the tablets I am given do nothing.

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Back Issues :: Chest, Arm And Upper Back Pain

I am 29 and Female. I have been under a great deal of stress lately. I have been having some minor health problems that cause my mind to go to that dark place. I am having very irregular periods and GERD/Gallbladder issues. Also, I am planning a wedding and my mother was just diagnosed with Lung cancer about 2 weeks ago.

My upper back across the "meaty" part of my shoulders has been so tight and painful. If my fiance rubs them, he finds all kinds of trigger points that are so painful to the touch I can't breathe. In the middle of my upper back I feel a sharp pain sometimes. My neck muscles are tight as well as the tops of my arms down to my elbows. On occasion my fingers tingle.

As of the past 2 days I feel a pressure on my chest right below my collar bone. If I yawn I can feel my throat muscles get sore. The very top of my sternum is tender to the touch. It almost feels bruised.

I did a little bit of research and it seems that all of these problems are connected. The scalene muscle group can cause all of these problems. I am going to see a massage therapist on thursday. Hopefully I get some relief.

Another bit of info, I have a desk job. I am at a computer for 10 hours a day. I work 60 + hours a week. I had a chest CT scan with contrast in July and it came back clear. ( unrelated incident ) So I believe I can rule out anything major. The scan is only 3 months old.

My question is; has anyone else experienced this? If so, what did you do to ease your symptoms? I have tried muscle rub so far. Doesn't help much...I am going to ice the areas today and see if that helps.

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Back :: Diaphragm Pain Which Leads Through To My Upper Back

I have a pain in between my diaphragm which leads through to my upper back, I have had for approximately 3 months but getting worse, if I lie on my stomach it hurts in both front and back. I have read all sorts of things that it might be from hernia to liver/kidney problem and gallstones... I did have a small incident where I strained myself trying to hold a motorbike up from falling down and I guess I have had the problem from then on, if I stretch out sometimes I will hear a click which radiates from the front to the back, if I push in my diaphragm it hurts. I live in a third world country so and worried about going to doctor.

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Back Issues :: Microdiscectomy For Back Pain, Or Only Sciatica?

I've had horrible back pain for over a year now due to a herniated disc at L5/S1 and a bulge at L4/L5. It's gotten better at various times during the interim, but I've never been able to bodybuilder/workout again. I usually do not have sciatica (only severe back pain) but every time I re-aggravate it I do get sciatica that shoots into my right heel. I visited my neurosurgeon and he told me he does not think I would be a candidate for a microdiscectomy because my primary symptom is not sciatica - but I want some second opinions. Did a microdiscectomy help your back pain from the herniation and not just the sciatica?

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Classic Migraine Changed To Silent Migraine In 30's

I had classic migraines through my teenage years which stopped for a couple of years before continuing at on average one every couple of months with the odd instance of a back to back cluster of 3-10 at once. They were always the same 20 minute aura then axe in the head pain and repeated vomiting for 6 hours followed by a 24hr hangover.  Over the years I have tried all preventers with only Epilim and Topiramate working for 18 months. I built up tolerance to Epilim and Topiramate gave me side effects that ended in a blood disorder so cannot take either any more. Beta blockers and antidepressants never worked and Lisinopril was also a short lived waste of time. The only triptan that ever worked was Maxalt rizatriptan but again it lost its effect after 6 months. Something weird has now happened and I wonder if others have had this? I am now 36 and in the last 6 months my migraines have totally changed. I still get the aura but if I take Express Nurofen and an anti sickness tablet straight away or use a heat pack on the back of the neck no pain or sickness comes just 6 hours of extreme tiredness. I always used to throw up any tablets so this is a miracle however the frequency has stepped up to between 5 and 20 a month so it is really impacting on my life. I have had an MRI and all is normal. I have also tried supplements and alternative therapies with no success. Botox and nerve blockers are the next suggestion but will they treat this scenario if there is no pain? Will it stop the aura too and prevent the whole episode? Help!

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Migraine With Pulsing Nerve Pain In Thigh And Leg?

For the last 3 months one of my odd symptoms before the migraine start is nerve pulsing pain in the arch of my foot. Then my inner thigh on same leg get nerve pains. Then it hits the temple on the same side. And then the head pain and nausea starts. Am I crazy? Anyone else get this? Should I start my pain med when the foot nerve starts...or when the head pain finally hits. Since I also have fibromyalgia, I think oh it will just be a stretching out issue.

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Migraine Associated Vertigo MAV - Neck And Shoulder Pain

I'm not on any meds for my MAV, first because the ENt wanted me to take topamax and it scared me to death to try it, when I saw him 2 weeks ago he said he wasn't going to give me any meds cause I seem to be doing better.  I started with this headache on saturday night and still have it today, its like a tension type headache with pain in the shoulders and neck, but the pain is mostly in the front across the forehead going to each side, but with it comes the feeling of moving when I'm sitting or standing.  Is this indicative of MAV?  I feel like a buoy in the water and sometimes a sinking feeling, yesterday it was a falling feeling.  I'm now wondering if I should try some meds.  I also told the ENT I was seeing a psychologist this week and maybe he thought because of my anxiety about all this she might want to start meds.  She works with a psychiatrist I believe so could probably get meds.  she was also I physicians assistant for 20 years at a neurologist office, so I'm hoping she will understand all this.  

So my question is, do you have headaches with neck pain and shoulder pain on both sides?  Is this part of MAV?  Does the dizziness sensations feel different or changing?  Do everyone here take meds for this?  Is there any meds that help with dizziness, headache and anxiety at the same time?  Do you have headache and dizziness for days at time?  

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Ovarian Cysts :: Lot Of Lower Back Pain, Side Pain, Abdominal Pain

I recently had a CT for another issue, however the CT showed a 6 cm cyst on the left ovary and a 3 cm cyst on the right ovary. I have had a lot of lower back pain, side pain, abdominal pain and constipation. Should I be concerned??

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General :: Joint Pain, Back Pain, Chest Pain, Fatigue

I'm a 17 year old female and I'm hoping somebody can help me out. I've been sick and out of school for over a month now. It all started with severe back as chest pains that were diagnosed as pleurisy. We later found out that I did not have pleurisy though. Through a series of blood tests my ANA came back very positive (I took it twice just to be sure, 2 weeks apart from each other) so my doctors were looking at lupus. Those were my only symptoms at the time though. Starting this past Sunday I've been having joint pains particularly in my wrists up my forearms to my elbows and in my hands. When I move my wrists they keep popping too which is strange to me. I'm always exhausted now which is so unlike me. I play lacrosse and am an in shape teenager but everything seems to be spiraling downward for me.

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Back Pain :: Sciatic Pain Has Gotten Severe, Sharp Pain In My Pelvic

I have had lower back pain for years. It always gets worse when lying down for long periods or bending over for long periods. I've also had sciatic pain in my left leg for years. It comes and goes. Recently I have started to get the same pain in my right leg. The sciatic pain as gotten severe. I also have some other new symptoms. One new symptom is searing pain in my knee sometimes when I'm standing or when I bend my leg all the way in. The other is sharp pain in my pelvic area. Are these connected? Can you please possibly tell me what is going on? The only notable health history I have is ovarian cysts.

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Chest Pain :: Shortness Of Breath, Arm Pain And Back Pain

I'm a 14 year old female and for the past month or so i have been experiencing chest pains, near the top of my chests and beat my ribs, its nothing to unbearable but very discomforting. I have really weird left underarm pain. Almost near my armpit. When i stand up i feel a slight shortness in breath. And i feel some back aches. I'm really scared on what could be wrong. Has anyone had symptoms and or know whats wrong? And yes i have spoken to my parents about it and I'm gonna get looked at soon. I'm still really scared

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Undiagnosed Abdominal Pain, Back Pain, Diarrhea, Fatigue, Loss Of Appetite

I'm 16 years old, and I have now been sick for over a month (I first got sick at the end of November). I have been experiencing stomach pain/discomfort that comes and goes. It is generally all through the middle of my abdomen, but I have also noticed that I sometimes get sharp, shooting pains on the left side. The pain is worse after I eat, and it doesn't matter what I eat, the pain is still there. I don't have much of an appetite, but I have been trying to eat because I know that I should. This is extremely difficult, though. I have lost almost 10 pounds in the past month because I haven't been eating much, and really don't feel like eating. I've also been having horrible diarrhea.. sometimes I will need to use the washroom three or four times a day. I have tried taking Imodium for the diarrhea, but I always end up extremely constipated.. and the diarrhea only returns (I might have one regular bowel movement, but after that the diarrhea just comes back). I'm exhausted as well. I just want to sleep all the time, and I find it hard just to keep my eyes open throughout the day. My lower back is also constantly aching.. I just do not feel well at all.

I have been to see my doctor 4 times because I just don't seem to be getting any better. He initially thought that I had a viral infection, but after I did not improve after two weeks, he decided to run some tests. I gave a urine sample and he said that I probably had a kidney infection (but he wasn't 100% sure because I had my period when I gave the sample). He put me on medication, and sent me for blood work. I also had to give a stool sample. All of my tests came back normal, but the medication didn't help at all. The next time I saw him, he said that I might have an ulcer, and put me on apo-omeprazole, which I have been taking for about two weeks now. I'm also on medication for a case of bronchitis.

I am incredibly frustrated because nothing seems to alleviate my symptoms. I have missed 15 days of school because I just feel terrible. My parents think that I might be making it all up, or that it's all in my head, and my doctor has suggested the same thing (he told me that there was "absolutely no reason" a person my age would be experiencing symptoms like this for so long. I am NOT making this up, and I know that it ISN'T all in my head. I just wish that someone would actually take me seriously and believe me when I say that something is wrong. I have an ultrasound scheduled for Tuesday, but I just don't know how to cope at school until then. I'm also scared that the ultrasound will come back normal, just like all the other tests I've had done. Has anyone experienced anything like this before? I'm desperate for answers and ways that I can cope.. I want to get back to school and my life.

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Aortic Aneurysm :: Abdominal Pain, Constipation, Lower Back Pain And Pulsating

I have been constipated for years, I have swelling and tenderness in my left quadrant of my stomach slightly above/near my belly button. Around mid february I noticed  that when I lay on my left side I get a tingling sensation and numbness with pulsating throbs through to my back. It stops when I turn over on my right side. I went to the ER and they said I have an umbilical hernia, however very small and shouldn't be causing this much pain. I hurt from my ribcage to my hipbone. I am having a colonoscopy done on friday because I thought my colon was causing the pain because I am severely constipated, however Im starting to think I might have an aortic aneurysm after researching some. has anyone had any similar complications? as I'm writing this my left side of my body aches. from my ribs down to my toes. its really strange. I'm worried because I have 2 kids and a husband. My feet are always cold, I figure I already have poor circulation...and I've always said I would die from an aneurysm.

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Mild Abdominal Pain With Lower Back Pain - Herniated Disc?

I have been getting pain for a couple month in my lower back, but it's only been very mild pain. I started getting the pain after very heavy deadlifts at the gym, then the pain has been sporadic for that time. 

I went for sprints on Sunday morning and then afterwards my lower back was really in pain. I felt sick and dizzy in the evening for about 2 mins, then it quickly passed. However, since Sunday I have been experiencing mild abdominal pains in the mid abdomen area (near the belly button) and my bowel movement has changed as i haven't been going as regularly the last few days. 

I am just curious as I haven't been to the doctors yet. I wanted to go and see the best doctor at my surgery, but unfortunately he isn't available until next tuesday. If it gets worse then I will definitely make an appointment with another doctor, but at the moment it isn't giving me too much problems, just the mild pain is all. 

Has anyone experienced this before and could it be a slipped disc that is causing the stomach pain and lack of bowel movement? I had no problems before Sunday when I think I further injured my back. 

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