Herpes :: Genital HSV 1 - Long Without An Outbreak?
Nov 28, 2014
Diagnosed by blood test with hsv1 on genitals. Bad outbreak in 2007. No outbreaks at all until last month since 2007. That's 8 yrs. Is that normal to go that long without an outbreak. My partner is negative and we have not used protected sex. We have split up a while back and I'm wondering since he never contracted it, is it ok to have sex with a new partner without protection. What's the chances of my new partner getting it since the last one didn't. Of course I know not to have sex during a break out. Is it that easy to transmit this. I have grandkids also and am very careful around them.
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How common is it to transmit genital HSV1 through genital to genital contact only having sex once with no outbreak? I am a female who is worried about transmitting hsv1 genitally to a partner whom I only had sex with once. Any insight in this?
I have had genital hsv1 for 3 years.
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Can I use tampons during a outbreak I just found out I have herpes and started my period I've been using pads but they are so uncomfortable.
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Does anyone else get tender swollen lymph nodes with their herpes outbreak mind tends to be swollen and tender on the side that my outbreak is on. Is this normal?
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I was diagnosed with herpes last night. I'm really confused!
I have antibiotics to clear the outburst i currently have. Im worried about telling people and if i have new sexual partners in the future.
Once it's cleared will i still be risking someone else with the infection or am i only risking someone if i have a outburst?
I don't understand! Iv read loads of forums and nothing is clear!
How long do the outbreaks normally last?
What's the percentage of me getting another one?
Does alcohol and a poor diet really affect me?
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I decided to try taking valtrex everyday as my gyn told me to do. 2 days into taking it I got another outbreak. One outbreak runs into another. I have very little time without an outbreak. It has become very depressing. I don't want to get involved with anyone as we could never have sex.
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I was diagnosed herpes 2 five years ago. I didn't aware I had it and was in relationship. Until the first outbreak I got tested, same as my ex. His result came out positive, we didn't know who got first but we supported each other.
We broke up almost 2 years ago, we remained friends and he already started a new relationship one year ago. He told me sometimes he didn't use any protection with his gf(she knows) and she has been okay.
I know that herpes can pass to others even there is no outbreak, but from my ex experience, his gf and him are good so far. Just wonder if anyone has similar experience with his/her partners? If you have unprotected sex when there is no outbreak?
I have met a guy and told him the whole situation. He said he doesn't care and still want to be with me. He wanted to have unprotected sex, but i really don't want to put him at risk. I did saw others for short time also with unprotected sex. He got tested a few month ago and result came out negative.
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I am trying to figure out if this is my first outbreak. I have a history of vaginal infections that may have masked outbreaks before.
If i had outbreaks before it must have consisted of a pinhead blisters that i never saw and probably never burst
I thought i had another infection but noticed a teeny tiny bump and pointed it out to doc
She did super painful swab test, digging into the skin. This was tuesday. Friday came back positive for type 2. Labia and vaginal opening hurt soooo bad now, but no other blisters. The one she opened is angry and red and not really healing.
The pain is very different than what i used to get with the vag infections. Is it possible my outbreaks were always fairly mild but now that a blister has been broken it is raging, or is this likely my first outbreak?
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Will you test positive for herpes if your having a shingles outbreak?
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I read lots of reports that indicate many HSV 2 carriers are unaware because the initial outbreak is atypical and doesn't fit the burning itching blistering oozing horror movie details that is attached to herpes. So I ask what could an atypical outbreak look or feel like?
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I kissed and had sex with a female partner with unknown std status 6 weeks ago I have not had any symptoms but I'm scared il have a recurrent outbreak. The sex was protected. What are the chances that I had an asymptomatic outbreak and it's only a matter of time for a recurrence to happen. I'm still terrified please help
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I had an encounter with a CSW Feb 2015 that involved unprotected oral (stupid I know) but protect vaginal sex. The next day I had a strong itch on my groin and the following day (2 days after encounter) I had a blister cluster of about 6-8 blisters in that area. The blisters went away without any scabbing within 1 or 2 days and never reappeared. I have had a almost near constant itch/tingling in my crotch in the same area ever since.
I had assumed this was a HSV-1/2 outbreak from what I had read, and I was unable to visit a clinic at the time. 13 months later, I get the IgG test and my results are:
HSV1 <0.1 negative
HSV2 <0.1 negative
While initially relieved, I'm worried that this <0.1 on both tests could possibly be a mis-test? I have seen many other tests here come up with number registering (example 0.27 or 0.5). Should I just retest or go for a Western Blot to settle this?
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I was diagnosed with HSV2 about a month ago, during which I had my first classic outbreak. I got it from my boyfriend, who did not know he had it at the time. I was tested negative for HIV, hepatitis, and syphilis at the time I was diagnosed. During my primary outbreak, I must have somehow touched the sores or the fluid and in the same week one large blister appeared on both my left wrist and left leg at the same time. I was put on Valtrex for 10 days and the genital region cleared up pretty quickly, but the ones on my wrist and leg took longer and I don't think they ever fully healed because there was always a red spot in those areas.
This past Saturday it came back but only on my wrist and my leg, not in the genital area. It started as just itching then by Sunday there was an appearance of a cluster of blisters in each area, where the first time there was only one in each spot. I went for a follow up appointment to my gynecologist two days later and showed him the blisters. But he was not very helpful; he said he only deals with the genital region and I had to see an infectious disease doctor. He gave me a permanent Valtrex prescription to take daily and I've been on it for 4 days so far and did the swab test on my wrist to confirm it was herpes. I could not get an appointment with the ID doc for another two weeks, and Tuesday night the spot on my leg was huge and red and swollen with cellulitis all over the area. It is on my lower calf close to my ankle, but I'd say the entire surface area that is infected is about the size of my fist. I went to the ER and they tried to tell me it was a staph infection despite hearing my story and put me on an antibiotic without answering any of my herpes related questions. It has been 4 days since I'm on Valtrex again and I've kept the area bandaged at all times and worn pants and long sleeve shirts.
Sorry for all the background, but I thought it would be helpful info to best answer the questions I have. I am concerned that for the rest of my life I'm just going to be a walking contagion that can spread the virus to everyone without knowing it, since HSV2 spreads frequently asymptomatically. I know that Valtrex reduces the number of outbreaks I'm going to have, but I'm more concerned with the areas on the exposed parts of my body and want to know exactly which parts are contagious to others and if I'll be able to tell or I will have to keep both areas covered the rest of my life.
My appointment with the ID doc isn't for another two weeks, and I cannot wait that long to have these questions answered because I'm getting sick over this.
These are my questions (please only answer if you've experienced this yourself or you are an MD, I know it's a unique case):
1. Will the areas on my wrist and leg always be a site for a breakout, and will these areas always have the potential to be shed asymptomatically?
2. What part of the outbreak is actually contagious? Is it anywhere that is red, or is it mainly just the blister itself? Will bandaging only the blistered area during an outbreak protect the virus from spreading to others or can it spread from any part that is red?
3. I've read that once it is in an infected area, the virus can spread to other parts close by on that same area, so is there a potential that the next outbreak will be further spread out on my arm, thus giving my whole arm and leg potential to shed the virus?
4. Will it always break out in those spots? I find it curious that this second outbreak (or continuation of a primary outbreak) only appeared in those spots and not the genital region.
5. I know women with HSV 2 can still have babies, but I'm concerned that if I have it on my wrist that I will never be able to hold a newborn baby. I know obviously if I have visible sores that I should avoid a baby at all costs, but what about when there is nothing there and it sheds without me knowing?
6. I'm concerned about it spreading to other parts of my body. I know auto inoculation is rare after the first outbreak, but my wrist is too close to my face for me to be comfortable.
7. What about shaving my legs? I know when there is an outbreak I should avoid the area completely, but when there is nothing there can I still shave over the area or will that spread the virus to other parts of my leg?
8. Manicures/pedicures used to be a huge part of my life. I would never want to infect anyone with this disease. Would it be safe to tell them to only touch my hands and my toes, or is this too risky?
9. My gyno placed me on a permanent Valtrex prescription. Is there a risk associated with becoming too dependent on antiviral meds, or a chance that the disease will become resistant to the medicine? I've also read that being on permanent antivirals can cause the virus to mutate and cause different strains.
I know this will probably take anyone forever to read, but I had to get this all out because these questions have been running through my mind for days and no doctor I've talked to so far has been able to answer them.
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I'll get straight to the point. Yesterday received results that I tested positive for HSV2, and its definitive being a 5.0 Igg. However. I have not had genital sex with anyone except my significant other. I do frequent strip clubs, and there has been occasion where as recently as a month and a half ago, my mouth came in contact with a strippers *** and clitoris. There was no bump or lesion, and from everything I've read, this is not an efficient way of transmitting HSV 2. My doctor has no answer for how this happened and I have had no physical manifestations of any type do viral infection. We are currently retesting to see if there is any kind of mistake, but as of now feeling pretty hopeless. Can anyone shed some light? The test I had was the Herpeselect Test.
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Can you get a wax if you have herpes? I have hsv2.
And also if you can do you have to declare it to the beautician? I'm going away in a few weeks and have been contemplating it for a while now.
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ok so heres my story/questions my dr decided not to tell me that ive had hsv1 genital for about 9 years maybe longer i dont know why she didnt tell me but thats what it is.. now ive been very very paranoid about everything like what if my daughter uses the toilet after me or touches something after ive used the bathroom and didnt wash my hands right away? can she catch it from that or say could she catch it from a sink or the taps?
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I had a outbreak eight years ago. Went all this time until few months ago, had another one. Last week I thought I had yeast infection. Took meds for that but isn't much better. Went to doc today, I have another break out she said. What is going on. Why am I having these two so close together? It doesn't feel the same as last one and that's why I thought it was yeast infection. I have redness and slight burning all over vagina area. She said she saw what looked like a lesion inside the opening of liba. I do have one area that is tender to the touch. I am stressing more than usual last several months. If this is a true outbreak, she did put me on 1000 valtrex, how long should I wait to have sex after I'm feeling normal down there again?
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Somebody please tell me if it's easy to spread genital hsv1. Blood test shows genital hsv1. I was diagnosed 8yrs ago with first outbreak. Had another outbreak last month. Yes, I went 8 years with no outbreak. How easy is this to spread using protection and without. Should I take daily valtrex? I'm getting married in couple of months ands would really like to know the chance of spreading it to my future husband. We have not had intercourse, waiting for marriage. Yes I've told him that I have it.
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I am a 47 year old married female, just went to the doctors last week....although I do not have my test results back, he is positive I have genital herpes...to say the least, I am an emotional train wreck.
I have had multiple affairs, using condoms except with a trusted co worker, however one did have a mouth sore when performing oral(co worker) I never correlated that with genital herpes until I did my research.
Here is my question...I'm assuming the test result (culture) will tell if it's type 1 or 2....but how do I find out if it's an old infection ???
When I was 18 I had an std, it burned when I went to the bathroom,,, I was broke out...hard to walk...went to emergency room...I just don't remember if the dr said hpv or hsv...
Gosh this all makes me sound so dirty...I'm a professional, clerical at a hospital, co workers will see testing and billing, I feel so ashamed...I have children and grandchildren now,the stigma is devastating....I have not told anyone yet but my best friend, I've been abstaining from all sexual activity.
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I'm a 20 year old female who was diagnosed with genital herpes simplex 2. I have been diagnosed for 2 weeks now and i've been depressed because i don't know what to do. I don't have any out breaks no more thank God but i do know that my ex boyfriend has genital herpes before i caught it. He caught genital herpes 2 years ago and me and him been having sex with a condom but he never exposed me. I left him alone and start having sex with another guy, without a condom but i know for sure he did not expose me to genital herpes. Me and my ex had sex 2 weeks ago and i had 3 bumps on my vagina that was itchy i thought they were hair bumps, turn out to be herpes. I cant believe i have herpes, i know my ex still loves me and we both love sex a lot but sometimes i hate myself and wish this never happened. I don't go out as usual and i don't show a lot of excitement no more like i use too. I need help! Im depressed, i know i cant tell someone that I have herpes because they will not accept me for who i am and they will know for a fact that im a walking disease im hurting inside.
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I was diagnosed with "unspecific" genital herpes. Anyone know what they mean by "unspecific"?
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