Hemochromatosis And Liver Cirrhosis Stage 4

Jun 17, 2014

I am a 34 year old male who was diagnosed with hemochromatosis  only after a liver biopsy because i only have one of the genetic markers. When diagnosed my ferritin was over 5000. Shortly after i was diagnosed with stage 4 cirrhosis of the liver. Is anyone out there in the same boat as me.

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Liver Cirrhosis Due To Alcohol Abuse

my dad is in hospital at the moment. he has liver cirrhosis and he's in a bad way. i'm trying to find out whether he has a chance of getting back to his old self. he has jaundice his arms have gone really thin. he has had GI tract bleed. a stomach ulcer, swollen stomach and his toxics from his waste are going to his brain. when i've seen him he is just confused or sleeping with his eyes rolled back in his head. any ideas on whether his body could recover for a while or whether this is game over.

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Liver :: Nuclear Scan Detecting Cirrhosis?

What is the sensitivity of liver nuclear scan in detecting cirrhosis?

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Cirrhosis Of The Liver :: Low BUN And Creatinine Blood Test?

Has anyone experienced low BUN and creatinine blood test? How is it common in people who have cirrhosis?

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Cirrhosis Of The Liver And Hepatitis C Cured By Harvoni

I haven't been in here for awhile, My husband took harvoni and is free of hep c,  He has been on the transplant list for 4 years, He had the tips procedure done in 2011 because of a bleed out that almost killed him, He has had liver cancer, They probed the cancer and it is gone, He is on lactulose because of H E , Also he vomits every third day and no one knows why, So we had a meeting with the transplant doctor yesterday, and because his hep c is gone and his meld score is only 16, They took him off the list, I asked what would happen if he got worse or whatever, And they said we would have to start over again, So now we have decided,  no matter what we have been sitting too long , it's time to enjoy life and start traveling,  Whatever happens ,, happens,,, Had to vent Thanks

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Liver :: Cirrhosis, Elevated Creatinine And Sovaldi

I just need to ask that my father was on sovaldi treatment for 4 days when his (serum) creatinine level shot up to 2.53 which later came down to 1.96 and now at 1.43. He has no renal impairment and his kidney ultrasound and detailed urine report is perfectly normal. He is cirrhotic (Hep-c) at stage 2 according to doc (hep-c) which stopped the sovaldi + ribavirin treatment to save his kidneys. However during the period he was also on diuretics (furosemide) occasionally. His nephrologist says that it is safe to continue sovaldi treatment but the other doc gave a red flag (I have yet to have a discussion with the nephrologist). So I am asking that is it possible that creatinine levels change because of sovaldi or do i need to the change my doc? Also he has edema occasionally. He also has acid reflux.

Age: 58 Sex: M Height: 5'10" Duration: a year (stopped sovaldi: a month) Location: Pakistan Medical Issues: Hep-C, 2nd Stage cirrhosis, acid reflux, depression, anemia Medications: Furosemide (Depending on edema) Rabeprazole (Twice daily half and hour before food) Folic Acid Vitamin-D and Calcium

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Cirrhosis Of The Liver :: Hepatitis B For 8 Years - Spleen Is Inflamed

I have been diagnosed chronic hepB for 8 years now my spleen is inflamed.

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Liver Transplant Due To Hemochromatosis

Has anyone out there known someone to have a liver transplant due to hemochromatosis? If so, what was the experience like" Did the patient continue to store iron afterward?

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Nodular Contour /Heterogeneous Liver Suggest With Normal Liver Labs?

My mother is a 65 year old female, 136 lbs, and on peritoneal dialysis for 3 years due to End Stage Renal Disease. Last week, she began experiencing severe abdominal pain that was a burning/gnawing pain. She went to the hospital and a CT Abdomen was taken without contrast. All was normal.

Over the next four (4) days, the pain persisted, particularly during dialysis exchanges at home. She returned to the hospital who admitted her. Another CT Abdomen was taken at this time which showed "nodular contour on the liver", free air in transverse colon which appeared to be dilated. She was also constipated for several days during this period. The CT impression suggested clinical evaluation for chronic liver disease.

A standard liver panel was taken and all results were normal. Nothing even close to elevated. She has never had a history of any liver issues and never had anything show on a CT for liver. After a day in the hospital, all stomach pain disappeared, she was able to use the restroom, and all stool samples/GI tests were normal without blood. She is naturally anemic due to ESRD with low iron/protein. Her last ANA/autoimmune panel was in December, all clear. No history of any hepatitis.

An Ultrasound Right Upper Quadrant was performed and the impression was no biliary obstruction, moderate ascites (tends to be normal due to peritoneal dialysis fluid), and "heterogeneous liver." The impression suggested referral for cirrhosis evaluation.

She began taking Hydralazine (25mg/3 times daily) in the last 3-4 months. She also takes a host of other blood pressure medicines.

QUESTION: She is currently awaiting a kidney transplant and very worried about this. A blood test will be taken in a couple weeks by a specialist that is supposed to diagnose Cirrhosis. Given this presentation alone, what other causes could explain this imaging results? Should we fear the worst?

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Liver Tests :: Echogenic Appearing (non Alcoholic) Fatty Liver

I had an abdominal ultrasound done for some abdominal pain and it was noted in the report as an impression that I had an echogenic appearing liver (such as non alcoholic fatty liver). My doctor at that time didn't tell me and just said my report was normal. When I went in for my Colonoscopy that was unrelated, it was mentioned again and when I did some research I realized what fatty liver actually was. I switched doctors.

My new doctor is considering giving me a CT scan but is checking with the GI department to see if they think its needed, etc. etc. But that there is no treatment for it besides diet modification.

Here's the thing. I don't have any of the risk factors. I am not overweight. I'm actually underweight slightly (BMI is 18, I weigh 110 lbs). I don't drink any alcohol, never did. And I don't have diabetes or hepatitis. The only thing I could do and what I have been doing is change my diet. I stopped eating processed foods, watched my sugar/carbs, and eat more vegetables than I ever have. 

I'm a very anxious person and I'm not sure I want to know what the scan says. If it's worse than what I thought, I'm going to be so upset and stressed out. And I can't treat it anyway. It's not like they can give me a medication and make it go away. I think knowing the extent of it will just cause me mental anguish and I'm already stressed out about it as is.

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Atorvastatin Causing Liver Damage, But Helps Fatty Liver?

My Cholesterol was 7.8 and I was put on Statins 3 years ago.  Because they gave me pains in my legs and other areas I stopped them.

A year ago my Cholesterol was still high and I had changed doctors and was prescribed Atorvastatin 10 mg after 2 months my doctor sent me for blood tests and in a phone call when I was at work he told me that Atorvastatin had caused Liver damage.  He said I should stop taking the tablets immediately, pity this advice was not put on my notes so that when I phoned for my blood results a week earlier the receptionist could inform me to stop Atorvastatin.  She just said Doctor will be in touch via phone call next week

He referred me to a Liver Specialist.

I went to see Liver Specialist after having Liver Ultrasound.  Fatty liver was diagnosed and Liver Specialist promptly put me back on Atorvastatin claiming this would help my fatty liver.  I couldn't believe it but what could I do?

Local GP had advised me to have bloods done again after being on tablets for 2 months.  When my results came back the Locum doctor I saw said "whoa your Liver is not happy" STOP the tablets and have a blood test in 2 weeks.

2 weeks later Liver levels are coming down so thats a good direction.  Dilemma is I have to see my Liver Consultant 16 June 2015.  Wish me luck!

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Liver :: Weight Loss Surgery To Reduc Fatty Liver

this isn't about me but is about my girlfriend who is about to have gastric sleeve surgery.

She is a 40 year old women that has had a full hysterectomy and has type 2 diabetes. she has had a history of thyroid and weight issues. she is 5,7 weighs 225 LBS. she has an enlarged fatty liver of 27cm and the Doctor said that she needs "emergent" gastric sleeve surgery to bring down her enlarged liver. this was claimed on this past thursday. I have been looking high and low for documentation and statistics on using the surgery for reducing fatty livers but can't find any information. Does this sound right? has there been a history of using this procedure for such cases, I'm worried and scared for her.

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Liver Tests :: Possible Fatty Liver With Elevated Enzymes

Been feeling lightheaded and brain foggy and a bit sick recently with some stomach grumbling and pain. Went to the doctors who did repeat blood tests over the course of 8 weeks and have said my enzymes are slightly up which could be the result of mild fatty liver. My question is does this sound related? He's also just tested me for celiac, but told me in the beginning that I could be fighting a virus. I'm worried that the 3 diagnoses he's given are so different I don't know what to believe, also does this mean I should be less worried about the tests because they are low enough to be anything?

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Liver :: Reactive Hypoglycemia Raises The Liver Enzymes?

I've recently had 2 LFT that both showed raised enzymes, I've had a scan and it shows I have gallstones, however I am currently undergoing investigation into whether I have Reactive Hypoglycaemia, my question is that if I do have RH, would this cause my liver enzymes to elevate?

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Liver Tests :: How Much Damage Caused By Fatty Liver?

IiIt was picked up by chance thaI have fatty liver, could have had this for years without knowing about it, how do I find out how much damage has been done already if any? My GP does not seem too concerned about it, all my LFT have come back normal so what can I do about it apart from lifestyle change which I'm doing already?

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Sjogren's Syndrome Caused My Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC) ?

Do you think that Sjogrens caused my pbc(primary biliary cirrhosis)?  or maybe its just the autoimmune system and I happen to have both?

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Kidney - Diagnosed With CKD Stage 3 (GFR 48)

I have just been diagnosed with CKD stage 3 (GFR 48) and I can't understand why. I have low blood pressure and don't have diabetes. I am slim fit and healthy and age 52 so not that old. I also have a low white blood count. Can anyone shed some light? My GP does not seem worried, and so nor should I be, but I feel uncomfortable not knowing what has caused this.

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Stage 3 Kidney Disease, Having A GFR Of 34?

How can I improve my Stage 3 kidney disease, having a G.F.R. of 34?

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Emotional Eat Everything Stage

I'm 10 weeks pregnant with our first child and I think I've hit the emotional eat everything stage. I can't stop eating I'm like the hungry caterpillar or something, but my husband's in Arizona for work and I'm in Virginia and I just wanted to talk to him so I hop on FB and I see he shared a video about 40 minutes ago so I send him a simple hello message and no response. It just makes me feel like hey pregnant wife should be the first thing you talk to when you get off work considering I'm your wife and pregnant with our baby. I went from so mad that I wanted to punch something to crying am I wrong for feeling this way ?

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Hemorrhoids (stage 3) :: Does Hemorrhoidectomy Worth It?

Hi! I'm going to preface this post with some background information: I'm 19 and I've been suffering with constipation for my entire life (my parents have videos of me straining to have a BM when I was still in pampers). It wasn't until last year that I was diagnosed with constipation by delayed colonic transit and put on Miralax to help move my BM's.

Unfortunately, because this diagnosis came so late, I've been straining to have BM's for the past 19 years, changes in lifestyle (diet, exercise, fiber supplement, etc.) all for naught. This straining led to hemorrhoids, which brings me to this forum. I've been dealing with hemorrhoids since elementary school, and when I have a flare up, I'm practically debilitated from the pain– my last flare-up kept me awake for 3 days straight and gave me multiple migraines. The flare-ups happen once every few months, but can last up to a week. 

I wanted to know if anyone on here has had a hemorrhoidectomy, and what their experience with the procedure was like. I'm figuring that my hemorrhoids are AT LEAST a stage 3, and the surgery looks like the most permanent option. Also, if anyone has constipation by delayed colonic transit and as a result have developed hemorrhoids: how have you dealt with it? What has worked for you? 

I see a lot of the post-op for a hemorrhoidectomy has to do with the intake of fiber, but too much fiber can actually make me MORE constipated. :( 

Any thoughts, opinions, or personal experiences would be a LIFESAVER. Thanks for listening to my rambles! 

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Parkinson - Exercises At The Early Stage?

I have recently been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and am worried and confused. Are there exercises I should do? I am not on medicine but I understand that there are some that should be considered. Which ones are best for the early stage of the disease. 

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