Gallbladder :: Removed, Bile Leakage?

Mar 17, 2016

So I'm a healthy 29 year old female. I had gallbladder issues and they removed it last week.

Well last night I tried to lay flat in bed to sleep and I felt comfortable enough to (for the first time since the surgery, I've been sleeping reclined since). Anyways, I fell asleep. I suddenly woke an hour or 2 later because I seemed to have breathed in too deeply and that caused a very bad burning pain in my upper right quadrant of my abdomen. The pain caused a rush of heat through my body and ever since I've had kind of a burning feeling in my abdomen. I'm very worried about a bile leakage. I'm waiting for my surgeons office to open this morning...

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Gallbladder Removed Yesterday

My surgery went well. Surgery was at 11 and I was discharged at 1:30. They did an endoscopy of my upper GI and all was clear. I am pretty sore in my abdomen area and omg my shoulders are killing me from the gas, and of course I have a sore throat. All in all I'm good...had some soup last night, did fine and I have been juiced today. Already the pain that went through to my back for months is GONE!! I had stones and sludge. I'm so in hopes my reflux will improve, its so bad I get acid in my ears and my mouth stays swollen with a scalloped tong. The worse my Gallbladder got the worse my reflux got.

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Coeliac Disease :: How Many Have Gallbladder Removed

How many diagnosed celiacs have had their gallbladder removed because of low function? Did removal help make you feel better in spite of having celiac disease?

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Gallbladder Removed :: Fullness In Stomach With Gas

for the last month have had feeling of fullness in stomach all the time. Had gallbladder removed 8 months ago. bowels are looser but not diarrhea and continuing gas production during the day. minor pain around edge of rib cage. Anyone have similar experience and solution. i do have appt with my gastroenterologist in 2 weeks.

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Gallbladder Removed :: Mega Bloating?

I had my gallbladder removed 2 weeks ago.  Still have mega bloating.  Have history of "bloating" as unfortunately also have ulcerative colitis/diviticulitis and multiple sclerosis (not sure if this is relevant or not).

This bloating is so different as usually when I have problems with UC or diverticulitis my tummy goes down after sleeping.  I am a worrier (big time) has anyone else suffered with mega bloating - need my mind put at rest.

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Gallbladder Removed - Severe Cramps And Constipation

I am a 55 y/o male, in 2007 I was diagnosed as having a gallbladder problem and the specialist / surgeon recommended I have it removed . She administered a test that involved a drug being introduced intravenously while in what I think was an MRI tube. I remember having stomach discomfort (dull pain) as soon as the drug was introduced. The attending at the time of test explained the discomfort was expected and was a confirmation of sorts, that that I did indeed have a problem with my gall bladder. A few days later the surgeon removed my gall bladder and I was sent home later that day.

Five days later I returned to work, and I seemed to be on the road to recovery. I existed on raw fruits and grains and such,as instructed and was given a list of foods to stay away from.(Fatty foods, dairy , etc.) This is really where my story begins. The surgeon/specialist never warned me of the potential problems that I might encounter if I elected to allow the procedure, now I can't eat anything that doesn't cause discomfort. I don't, nor have I ever had, chronic heartburn, before or after the removal, but have constant problems with severe cramps, constipation, I have to take a fiber supplement every day lest I have excruciating pain passing stool. Of late I have developed a nagging dull pain that is constant just inside of my bottom most rib on the right rear mid abdomen.I have no fever, and no urinary discomfort or bleeding, I occasion have red blood in my stool.

My general practitioner has put my on OTC Zegerid 40 mg 2 tid, after being on this for months I can't tell much of a difference. However this pain in my rib is of major concern as I can't sleep. Can the Zegerid cause this pain in my side ? I am currently unemployed and cannot pay for medical care and I am currently uninsured.

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Gallbladder :: Removed, Body Is Not Functioning As Normal

It has been 4 weeks since my gallbladder surgery,. I am light headed, unable to feel when I am hungry, cannot have a normal bowel movement without taking a laxative, gas pains that knock me to my knees, despite drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water I feel constant thirst and I eat a healthy diet. Lastly, I have painful episodes that feel like gallstone attacks.  My lab work is great, CAT and X-rays, nothing. I am taking pills for acid reflux.

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Gallbladder :: Removed 2 Years Ago - Struggling To Lose Weight

Hey I'm really struggling to lose weight post gallbladder surgery I'm at my wits end it's really starting to depress me! Is anyone else experiencing this at all?

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Pros And Cons Long Term - Gallbladder Removed?

basically after being in alot of pain and after having a ultra sound scan i was diagnosed with Gallstones.

My doctors has given me the choice whether i want my gallbladder removed or not.

What are the pros & cons long term of having the gall bladder removed?

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Enlarged Liver (gallbladder Removed, 6 Years Back)

I am a 33 year old female I do not drink and do not have hepatitis or any type of disease. I was diagnosed with an enlarged liver but after a sonogram and blood work was told I just had a big liver. About six years ago I had my gallbladder removed I was told it was rotten and was functioning at 0%. My symptoms didn't totally go away but was better until about a year ago. I have nausea,severe back pain,pain and bloating in the upper middle and right side of my stomach,itching,a burning sensation beside my rib cage and I sometimes break out in a rash always on my neck and chest. None of this is normal and my liver has not always been like this I feel I have been misdiagnosed ...

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Gallbladder Removed - Constant Upset Stomach Everyday Since

Gall bladder removed just under 2 years ago and have had constant upset stomach everyday since. All ways feel unwell nauseous pains in stomach and have lost 5 stone in weight and tired all the time. Have been tested for crohn's and u c and some other things but Dr's still not yet diagnosed. Just come across other people's posts about this condition and was wondering if anyone had same symptoms as me?

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Gallbladder Removed :: Stomach Bloated And Lot Of Wind After 4 Months

Had gallbladder removed last November, and everything was fine, only issue that the surgeon had was bladder had adhered to other organs, hence look longer to remove. But all ok.

Everything was fine for 4 months, then started getting same dull ache/pain across top of my stomach. Along with this started to get bloated stomach and also a lot of wind. Lived with it for a time and started taking Buscopan again.Although have the ache during the day it gets worse when I go to bed and lie down, and can only sleep on my back.

Have been to the GP, who says it could be adhesions, however he has now referred me to the Consultant surgeon who operated on me.

Has any else had a similar experience after the operation.

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Gallbladder Removed :: Constant Bruise Type Pain Comes And Goes.

Ok I had my gb removed October 15. Prior to my op I would have occasional constant pain in gb/liver area this could last days at a time and was different from an attack as I could still carry on my daily tasks but always aware of this gnawing bruise like pain. I assumed this pain would go after op I'm thankful I no longer have those awful attacks but this pain still comes tho not as often as before.

Does anyone have the same? Should I be worried? Or is it just something I need to put up with? I had liver function and renal bloods done recently and all were normal.

I've also since December started to have burning stomach pain in upper abdomen but that probably isn't connected just thought I'd mention in case someone has had similar since removing gallbladder.

Thank you

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Bowel Disorder :: Sphincter Leakage?

Anyone out there have problems w/ the sphincter? Like "leakage"?

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Women :: Anal Leakage Sweaty Smell

So I'm in highschool and when I started my 3rd year, I decided that I wouldn't go to my mom's house anymore to eat. I would just go home and wait until my dad came so we can order food. So I would eat like at 8 or 9. Usually burgers and fries, pizza, or Chinese, etc. Junk food basically. So I would go to sleep after 30 minutes or a hour after eating. So I wouldn't feel like taking a s*** until I'm at school. I would hold it the whole day until I get home because the bathrooms are always filled with people or its dirty. I would also hold in farts. So one week, I didn't take s*** in five days. FIVE DAYS. So I finally used the bathroom and I was hella constipated. So I was there for like 30 minutes just pushing, and when it came down, it was like a log. My head hurt like crazy after I dropped It I was tired as hell. I even showered for another 30 min because of that. The next morning, I woke up and showered again because I usually shower 2 times a day. In the shower my anus felt weird, like as if it was open. I was scared but it went away after a while. So on Monday, I go to school, and I sit down in Trigonometry and my anus.... It starts to sweat, LIKE CRAZY. After like 20 min, I start to hear friend nexts to me and hes like "it smells like ............

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Bowel Disorder :: Involuntary Movements And Leakage

I've been struggling with involuntary movements and leakage as long as I can remember. I'm currently on medications that may cause constipation and it looks like I can not discontinue them until further notice. It's embarrassing and can't really find a cure for it. I've tried many things such as

1. fibre supplements
2. kegel exercises
3. stool hardeners
4. Stool softeners
5. probiotics
6. natural fibres

I've tried most things under the sun and I am currently on the waiting list to see a bowel specialist. Is there anyone who has or had similar experiences?

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Menstrual Cycle :: Leakage For 2 Months - 2 Days Every Week

I have been having what I can only describe as leakage for the past 2 months. I bleed for tops two days every week. I just want my normal menstrual cycle back. I have been very stressed out with my college courses and have started up a new intense workout in the past two months... Is that what has been causing this? If so, how can I make it stop? (I've also been having big arguments with my mom)

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome :: Flatulence Smells Like Bile

This is pretty self explanatory but I have IBS and occasionally I get more regular than normal flatulence that smells very similar to bile... I can't seem to find an answer on google.  Has this happened to anyone?

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BAM (bile Acid Malabsorption) And Nasty Taste In Mouth

If any of you suffer from BAM? and if you do do you get a dreadful taste before a bad attack of D? I know that when that taste comes I can't go anywhere except to the nearest toilet.

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Viral Infections :: Fever, Suddenly Nauseated And Puking Bile

I've had a sore throat, and an on and off fever for four days.

At one point it got to 102 degrees, but I took fever reducer and a cold bath, and it quickly went away.

And while my fever has come back several times, it hasn't gone over 100.8 since.

So far I hadn't had any stomach pain and never felt dizzy or nauseated, until suddenly just now after eating some tomato soup, I got light headed and puked like a quart of bile, but not my food.

Now My ears burn and they trickled a little bit of clear sticky liquid [pretty sure it was bile], and everything looks a little blurry because my eyes won't stop watering.

I'm pretty sure my fever's gone, but I can't balance well enough to make my way to the thermometer to check for certain.

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Narrowing Of The Bile Ducts In My Liver After Gall Bladder Removal

I had my gallbladder out Nov 2014, operation didn't go smoothly as gallbladder was full to bursting with stones - despite being told in radiography there were only 3 stones. Wounds had to be extended to get it all out, and took a few hours.

Like most of you on here suffered a number of attacks of excruciating pain in my chest and back. To the point I've passed out (I have a high pain threshold due to long term kidney stone sufferer). On three occasions an ambulance was called.

Each A&E trip resulted in blood tests, chest X-ray - all saying nothing wrong.

Husband came with me to last hospital appointment after getting a referral - and doctor initially said 'think you are just going to have to live with the pain, it could be kidney stones you know'! Husband pushed back and said that just wasn't acceptable- as kidney stones had been blamed for what turned out to be gallstones for years.

Had ultrasound which showed debris filled fluid sack at site of gallbladder removal. Told they 'thought it would be fine'. Hubby requested to see someone else. Finally had an MRI scan which has shown severe narrowing of the bile ducts in my liver. All I've been told is its complex and therefore referring me to a specialist in Liverpool. The doctors screen showed my GGT levels at 67 (back in February), even though I was told everything was normal.

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