GERD (acid Reflux) :: Larynx Swelling Constant Throat Clearing

Jan 21, 2014

Although my throat spasms have now stopped I have started to have problems with my larynx.

Mucous seems to be trapped underneath it and collects at night. I wake up with a swollen larynx but no pain. Now my lymph nodes in my neck and the back of my head have swelled.

I also wake up every morning feeling unrefreshed, groggy and depressed.

I am still unable to swallow food.

Surely this can't be GERD?

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Acid Reflux :: Constant Throat Clearing Urge

So for the past 5 years or so, I have been having trouble with throat clearing.

I often get a strong urge to clear my throat. The urge is increased after eating and in even moderately stressful situations. In addition to the urge, if I do not clear my throat my voice comes out sounding quite/wet. This may very well run in my family as I have seen at least one member of my family have the same symptoms as I.

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Reflux Oesophagitis :: Constant Throat Clearing After Eating

For the past while I have been experiencing issues after eating. After eating it feels like something is stuck in my throat and I constantly have to clear my throat. This lasts about 20 minutes and it slowly goes away. However, in addition to this I also experience my voice going hoarse while it is occurring. This only happens after eating, not during. I have no issues during meals, but about 5 minutes after I get the sensation in my throat and my voice will go in and out. It bothers me and causes me to avoid going out to eat because I feel rude constantly clearing my throat. It is quite irritating, but I am unsure if it is something I should bother my doctor about. For the record, I am 25 and I have been experiencing this for 1-1.5 years.

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GERD (acid Reflux) :: Constant Acid Taste In My Mouth

I can eat the smallest thing and get an acid taste in my mouth. The taste can stay in my mouth for hours. Does this mean that acid is continually fluxing into my esophagus while I have the acid taste?? I never feel acid in my esophagus or throat, just this acidy taste in my mouth. I worry that acid is fluxing for so many continual hours, if that is what is happening. I had the acid taste WORSE when I was on PPIs, so it doesn't make sense that it would be nonstop acid fluxing into my mouth, but I don't know. I am not seeing a gastroenterologist until October ...

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Acid Reflux :: GERD? Throat Spasm, Lump In Throat, Lungs Feel Tight

I have been suffering with this for two weeks and I have no idea which symptoms may be connected to my newly acquired TMJ or my flare up of GERD.

Two weeks ago after a heavy meal and a few days after damaging my jaw I woke up in the night with a weird throat spasm and feeling like I had something stuck in my throat. Then over the weeks I started to get the lump feeling through the day with difficulty swallowing. I lost half a stone due to being unable to eat.

Now I have developed a tight chest, dry throat and lungs, feeling like my lungs are blocked, constant throat clearing with little mucous production, breathing difficulty and I'm still having these nightly throat spasms and lump feeling. I had some of my sons ventolin inhaler as I had asthma as a child and thought the reflux could be causing this but it did nothing.

I have been to A and E lots of times with it and also to my GP who has referred me for an endoscopy but its only in february.

I am going out of my mind. The breathing issue happened after a load of acid came up my throat a few nights ago and it felt like my throat and lungs were dried out by it.

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GERD (acid Reflux) :: Constant Belching And Tight Oesophagus

I was wondering if anyone can confirm these symptoms...I'm currently seeing doctors about my GERD issues, but I kind of feel like I'm alone in all this.

My issues:
1. Belching
2. Flatulence
3. Regurgitation
4. Tight feeling in throat and oesophagus
5. Stomach cramps
6. Small hiatal hernia

Basically, for the last couple of weeks I've felt really horrible. I get these bloating pains and some days I'm constantly belching. Along with the belching, my oesophagus feels tighter. Having a lot of flatulence as well.

The thing about the belching, it doesn't feel like normal belching. When I belch, I feel this ripple like sensation through my oesophagus. I'm currently on my first week of Dexilant and have quit smoking as of last week. I avoid all standard GERD triggers, and I'm just hoping this gets better soon. This really doesn't feel like living!

Does anyone else get the belching I mentioned above? I find it hard to believe it's my diet, I barely ate today and I've been getting these painful burps all day!

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GERD (acid Reflux) :: Sore Throat?

When I get sore throat, a sensation of something is swollen on my throat, and it is painful when I pass saliva, I gargle with drinking water 10 times or more. That soften the very sticky mucus on my throat, and after that I can spit it out, and NO MORE PAIN!

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GERD (acid Reflux) :: LPR Or Throat Nerve Problem?

I am a 27 year old male who had this problem for 4 years already.

One day I got sick and suddenly when I healed I couldn't swallow. I always felt something in the throat all the time, like mucus or phlegm and always needed to spit it out. I also feel a burning feeling on the right side of my throat and constantly feel like coughing. Years later I began to feel a pain in the right side chest.

I am using ppis but they're not working at all. I don't think I have real reflux, no heartburn or any other symptom...

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GERD (acid Reflux) :: How To Soothe A Sore Throat?

Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions to soothe/heal a sore throat from acid reflux?

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GERD (acid Reflux) :: Chronic Sore Throat - LPR? LSN?

I have had a chronic sore throat for 5 months now. Initially thought it was strep, but test came back negative. Was tested for allergies, negative. Have had 3 ENTs scope my throat and all say it looks completely normal. Have been to two GIs who weren't particularly helpful, though one prescribed Nortriptyline thinking it might be a sensory neuropathy -- have been taking it for 2.5 months with no help (was at 20mg and ENT had me start raising by 10mg per at 30mg, and tomorrow will begin 40mg). Was at the ER twice -- CT scan normal, blood tests normal. I have also restricted my diet to the Kaufman diet to little avail. After I eat I do notice that I'm a little "burpy" and can taste bile sometimes, which makes me think LPR (though the ENTs say there's no sign of it in the scopes). I also have an occasional chest pain that I think is an esophageal spasm, again making me think LPR/GERD. I was on PPIs for about ten years and slowly weaned myself off after a few months of this since they didn't seem to be helping. Have been off the PPIs for over a month taking H2s (40mg Pepcid 2 x day) . Oh, and I've also tried DGL..not much help.

So I'm stumped, and so are my docs. I really like and trust my current ENT, and he is genuinely trying to help. After a few more weeks of increasing the nortriptyline he is going to refer me for the acid testing where they put the probes in your throat.

So, does anyone have any brilliant thoughts on what might be going on? The pain is significant (some days are worse than others), and it feels particularly bad after giving presentations, which I do frequently. I can't stand the thought of this lasting a whole lot longer, and at this point worry that it could be something more serious.

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GERD (acid Reflux) :: Throat Swollen / Narrowed - Food Not Going Down

I have a couple of points I'd like to ask about here and any advice or pointers will be appreciated. The first thing is that my throat seemed swollen or narrowed in some way. It's completely painless, but I know at the same time that it's not normal, and my throat wasn't like this before. Swallowing even tiny vitamin supplements is unpleasant so I just chew them, because otherwise I have to force them down with lots of water. I've had tiny tablets get stuck in my throat before and I gag on them. I don't know why this is such a struggle for me when I see other people swallowing giant capsules with ease. With other foods it is creating other symptoms. For example, I just ate soup, but immediately afterwards I can feel soup in my throat that hasn't gone down. I brought it back up like phlegm, and pretty much a teaspoon full of pure soup came back up, a good minute or two after it was swallowed. Shouldn't that soup be long gone down toward my stomach by then?

Another feeling I get is this "bubbling" feeling in my throat and the middle of my chest accompanying the food not going down. A lot of air is coming back up whenever I eat, and I find myself belching constantly. A lot of the "bubbling" sensations I guesstimate are air coming back up and looking for a way around the food coming down. What can be done about all this trapped wind? Sometimes standing up causes it to rise up my chest through my neck and out my mouth. I can feel it traveling all the way up and it's a weird sensation. Throughout the day I'm almost constantly working air out of my chest and in to a burp.

I experience no real pain, or even burning / heart burn most of the time. Things just seem to come up a lot, whether it be air, food and very rarely, acid. Even on the rare occasions that I get "acid reflux" with acid in my throat, the first I know of it is when it hits the back of my mouth. Is that unusual? Shouldn't I feel "heart burn" or other symptoms first if it has managed to come up that far? I struggle to lay down after a meal because the food sits there in my neck and refuses to budge. It's starting to affect my quality of life because I'm having to carefully plan how/when/what I eat , when I lay down, how I lay down etc.

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Throat :: Constant Throat Clearing And Thick Sticky Mucous

I have had this problem since November of 2006. I have tried just about EVERYTHING otc all nasal sprays, all antihistamines, zyrtec, mucinex, allegra even the ones you have to show your I'D,neti pot, etc. I have even tried candida and other natural remedies like apple cider and such.I have to constantly clear my throat. I have this thick stringy sticky mucous I'm always hacking up. It seems worse after I eat, exercise, laugh. Also in the morning for the first 2 hours I'm up it's worse. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night feeling like I'm drowning in mucous. This irritates all people around me. I've had surgery for my adenoids and deviated septum, before that surgery I could not clear the mucous out, this helped to atleast be able to hack it out. I need someone to be my angel and tell me you have had this same problem and you know the answers since no doctor can help. I feel this is going to be the death of me. I hope I'm not clearing a hole in my throat from doing it so much.

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GERD (acid Reflux) :: Acid Reflux/heartburn On NSAIDS

I have various back problems I have posted about in the back section but due to this I'm on 500mg of Naprosyn 2x a day. I also take 20mg of omeprazole 2x a day at the same time as the naprosyn as it was giving me heartburn. I started on 20mg but went up to 40mg because I was still getting the heartburn which is now acid reflux bringing me close to vomiting.

I've told my doctor about this and the latest thing I'm on is peptac liquid at bed time but I'm also taking it after meals if I have to.

It doesn't seem to be improving. My doctor said if it doesn't improve soon she will have to take me off it. The only reason she hasn't done yet is I am already in so much pain and the naprosyn is one of the few things that has helped.

I also have noticed I'm beginning to have difficulty swallowing hard or dense foods. Soft ones are fine but now I'm kind of afraid of and completely avoiding anything hard or dense. Could this be to do with the acid reflux?

I am going to ask my mum to help me raise the head of my bed (as due to my back problem propping myself up on pillows just makes things worse) but is there anything else I can do?

I'm really worried about developing a peptic ulcer.. it's the last thing I read right now. Can anyone tell me what the symptoms are I need to watch out for? If this carries will I end up with permanent acid reflux as well does anyone know?

I see my doctor again on the 4th of November so will discuss it all with her again then but I just am worried in the meanwhile.

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Pregnancy :: Constant Throat Clearing With Mucus Sometimes

I'm 20 years old and currently 28 weeks pregnant, for the past week i have been experiencing the constant need to clear my throat/chest, sometimes there's no mucus to cough up and sometimes there is, not sure if i've become over sensitive to my throat or what? I suffer a great deal from heartburn and possibly acid reflux due to stomach contents coming up in my throat, could this be from pregnancy related issues or something more serious?

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GERD (Acid Reflux) :: Damage From Stomach Acid But Never Feel Pain?

Okay, I am going to have to ask many questions because trying to fit them all in one post is going to be way too wordy.

I have a question that has been bothering me a lot lately:

Is it possible to have damage from stomach acid but never feel pain, have no symptoms and have no feedback from your body to let you know something is wrong?

I apparently have damage, but these are my symptoms.

No = Never had symptom B4

Yes = Have symptom

PRILOSEC = Only RECENTLY got symptom since starting Prilosec (Been off it for a couple days)

Heartburn: No

Bad Breath: No

Sore Throat: No

Lump in Throat: No (PRILOSEC)

Hoarseness: No

Bloating: No (PRILOSEC)

Stomach Pains: No (PRILOSEC, feels like what I imagine a mini labor contraction would feel like)


Bitter Taste: No

Cough: No

Asthma: No

Nausea: No

Trouble Swallowing Food: Yes

- Feels like SOME foods (It's always the same food) get "stuck" somewhere between my throat and my stomach.

- It hurts.

- I salivate a LOT. (Maybe enough to fill 3/4 of a cup)

- Drinking water makes it WORSE as it just rises the food contents closer to my throat.

- Going into a dark, quiet room and focusing hard on relaxing, calming thoughts usually makes the food go down (Stress, loud noise, bright lights seem to make it worse, sometimes creates hiccups)

- Sometimes this doesn't work though, and I have to forcibly vomit the food back up because it simply will not go down

- Can stay in the "stuck" position for 10-15 minutes

- Feels like a muscle is way too tight and won't let the food pass, and I can almost FEEL it when it relaxes. Breath of relief.

- Gets better as I eat the food, not worse. (It's almost like the muscle is getting used to relaxing or something.)

- Taking Prilosec has not helped (Been taking it for 2 months)

Does this sound like a GERD type of swallowing issue? Because I was just browsing around the forums, looking at this topic and I noticed a few things:

- Every post seems to be talking about problems with the throat, not the area between the throat and the stomach

- Many people are saying that water helps them, while water makes it worse for me

- Many people are saying that they have that lump alongside this swallowing issue. I have had the swallowing issue for a while, but have only recently (since starting Prilosec) felt a lump.

- Many people are saying they have to "push" food. The food has easily already gotten past my throat no issues, my issue is that it just hangs somewhere between my throat and my stomach. I couldn't push it even if I wanted to, because that area doesn't have any voluntary movement.

- Many people are saying they have trouble swallowing saliva. I have never had that issue.

Mucus: Yes/No (Sometimes get it, thickness varies, not really been a real problem for me, so 50/50 on this one.)

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GERD (acid Reflux) :: Pescatarian Gluten Free -- And Reflux?

I decided to become a vegetarian about 6 months ago... I ate very little red meat at the time anyway. I also, about 3 months ago, cutout glutens. I have found my general digestion very good... And have lost about half a stone, and never feel bloated or blocked. (Too much information?).

My diet is pretty well rounded. I do eat fish, as well as the Quorn chunks, and every now and then a protein supplement. I have one or two fresh fruit smoothies a day, and a eat 'little and often'. Calories wise I am always there or there abouts - although being a runner (5 miles a day) and a performer, I do expend a lot of energy.

I have recently started suffering from reflux and acid. My doctor has given me tablets for 30 mins before a meal. And habits con plus for afterwards, but I don't really want to have a reliance on those.

Is this acid reflux quite normal after a major change in diet such as this? And does anyone have any advice on how to cut done stomach acid?

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GERD (acid Reflux) :: Hypochlorhydria - Lack Of Stomach Acid

I went to a new doctor and he mentioned that I may actually have Hypochlorhydria, a lack of stomach acid, anyone have experience or knowledge with this?

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Reflux Oesophagitis :: Throat Clearing Is Still Left

After suffering with reflux for the last 10 years, With diet change and Nexium it's all under control apart from the constant throat clearing. 

Has anyone made headway with this part of it all?

Whilst it not as serious as other people symptoms, I have just been through a divorce after 17 years and i'm not sure any woman is going to want a man who clears his throat every minute!! lol

I do have a small lump sensation in the throat with it. The biggest thing I had to cut out was bread, it used to get stuck and make me bloated. I do miss a nice thick piece of white bread and butter though  

Anyway, back on track to the constant throat clearing. Anyone had any luck?

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Reflux Oesophagitis :: Thick Mucus And Throat Clearing?

So I've really been through it with my GERD and I've had a year and a half of hell. I'm just starting to see some improvements but now I've got this thick mucus at the back of my throat that gets stuck there, I can't swallow it as it doesn't move much but when I cough it does come up, then slips back down.

I'm constantly having to cough and clear my throat, the mucus tends to sit right near my gag reflex so it's always uncomfortable!

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Reflux Oesophagitis :: Silent, Throat Clearing , Hoarseness

My symptoms are constant throat clearing throughout the day and sometimes feel a very slight hoarseness / slightly sore throat and sometimes spitting white bubbles and the feeling of clogged throat. I've tested positive for high pepsin levels and am using alkaline water , and cutting out certain foods but it doesn't seem to taking lansoprazole and also gaviscon but symptoms remain :-( ...I'm ok in bed at night but it's the rest of the day ..many on this discussion tend to talk about normal reflux instead of LPR , silent reflux  any advise on this subject welcome...

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Reflux Oesophagitis :: Throat Clearing And Hoarse Voice After Eating?

For the past while I have been experiencing issues after eating. After eating it feels like something is stuck in my throat and I constantly have to clear my throat. This lasts about 20 minutes and it slowly goes away. However, in addition to this I also experience my voice going hoarse while it is occurring. This only happens after eating, not during. I have no issues during meals, but about 5 minutes after I get the sensation in my throat and my voice will go in and out. It bothers me and causes me to avoid going out to eat because I feel rude constantly clearing my throat. It is quite irritating, but I am unsure if it is something I should bother my doctor about. For the record, I am 25 and I have been experiencing this for 1-1.5 years. 

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