Disc Prolapse :: 2nd Facet Joint / Caudal Injection

May 7, 2015

I recently had facet joint and caudal injections for an L5/S1 herniation with nerve compression.  It blissfully worked for 5 days but now back to the same state as before the injections (classic symptoms of this type of herniation).  I have my follow up appointment tomorrow and wondered what the chances are of a 2nd round of injections working?  Would be good to know others' experience of this.

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Disc Prolapse :: Facet Joint / Epidural Injections? With Or Without X-Ray?

Hello, I read about root nerve block and the like, what I was offered is an epidural steroid injection, is that the same?? And X-ray led or without X-ray (?)The doctor said he would give me a steroid injection around my tailbone as it is safer (further away from spinal cord) and it is without X-ray.

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Disc Prolapse :: Facet Joint / Epidural Injections Experience

Just had my procedure and in recovery now, waiting to be discharged!

I have severe prolapse of L4/L5 with bilateral impingement of nerve roots. This results in severe back pain and constant sciatica. Worse on my right side.

Whole process took less than half an hour and I feel just fine after. Was offered sedative, but refused as I'm personally cool with stuff like this and very relaxed/able to keep still.

Very little pain during the actual procedure. In fact the worst bit was the initial injection of local anaesthetic!

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Disc Prolapse :: Nerve Root Injection?

so today I saw the consultant, what a let down! The guy went through what happened first, then asked me some questions about the pain etc and got me to walk, tip toes, etc etc. then em said he won't operate. Instead will give me a root nerve injection. I'm totally terrified of needles and the thought of this is driving me mad my my fiancée who was with me didn't like him too much and neither did I. He didn't seem like he was on this planet! he kept asking me questions I couldn't answer. The pain killers mask virtually all my pain. The only pain I get is in my back and if I try to come down a dose, I get horrendous pain in my leg down to my heel and back. His attitude was, you're obviously not in that much pain today so we won't even think about an operation! 

He was reading a letter from the pain clinic doctor who said I'm not a suitable candidate for an operation, yet the Orthopedic specialist I saw said I need an operation without a shadow of a doubt!

i have a friend who has had an l5s1 fusion, and he said don't have the nerve root injection. Someone who had one at the same time of him hasn't walked properly ever again. 

So if I don't do the nerve root, can I take anti inflammatories instead? He said he wants to do it as a diagnosis. 

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Disc Prolapse :: Surgery? Epidural Injection Didn't Work

I opened a heavy window at work in April this year 2014 (twice in a matter of a few days) I've had 11 sessions of physio to which this didn't respond to.  I've had horrendous pain over the months and now had a scan to show a prolapse disk.  On Thurs 27 November I had an epidural injection which doesn't seem to have made any difference and I am currently off work this is my 5th week off.  Prior to this had four weeks off intermittently.  I am due to see the Neurosurgeon again on 17 Dec to discuss surgery that he said he can offer me.  I keep as active as possible but to walk sometimes if really painful and I can't work with this.  This has gone on for so long, any advice on how to treat this?  Should this have gone off for this long?  The L5 S1 disk is prolapsed.

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Disc Prolapse :: Degenerative Disc Disease, Sciatica, Bulge Herniated Disc

I am in complete pain ! Am on hydrocodone. Effexor. And morphine but in seeing if natural ways would help trying to keep from surgery any advice 

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Disc Prolapse :: Spinal Disc Decompression For Central Disc Bulge In L5/S1

I have been experiencing the lower back pain which is local from last 5 years. My MRI reports says that there is a central disc bulge at l5/s1. Where outer annular tear is intact.

I have seen a chiropractor who has recommended spinal disc decompression sessions on Hill DT.

As per the doctor, it will relocate the disc back to its normal position and make the disc healthier as before.

Just would like to know if someone has gone for the similar treatment for the similar problem. If yes kindly share your experience.

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Disc Prolapse :: Massive Disc Fragment Broke And Pressing Dural Sac (L4 And L5)

I have an herniated disc between L4 and L5 .A massive disc fragment broke and moved away and is pressing the dural sac.I have pains only when I walk.I can not stand up more than 10 minutes because of the pain.How dangerous it is and how can I be sure that a surgery will solve my problem?

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Disc Prolapse :: Lump On Buttock - Disc Bulge And Ligament Damage

I had an accident in work a year ago and have finally been diagnosed with a disc bulge and 3 very stretched ligaments in my ankle but since my last physio I have started to get a pain in my right buttock and gradually it has been getting worse I'm in pain sitting walking standing going the toilet and the pain is that unbearable at times that I can cry. And now 4 days into this pain I have a large lump I can feel under the skin about the size of a 10p its about 3cm from the bum crack and is extremely sore to touch has anyone any idea if this is related to my other problems or something else as I don't know weather to go doctors or wait for my next physio.

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Disc Prolapse :: A Disc Bulge Can Return To Normal Shape ?

a disc bulge can return to normal shape ? i mean lower back disc.what can i do ?

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Disc Prolapse :: Slipped Disc Trapping The Nerve

Hi all, before xmas my back started to get sore but i thought with 2 weeks rest during the holiday it would get better. Day before i was due to go back to work it was really bad. I went to the osteopath and it felt like he had fixed it so i was pleased. Few days after i started to get pains from the top of my buttock all the way down my leg into my foot, I then realized that i had sciatica. The pain is really nasty and i get pins and needles in some of my foot and calf. It has stopped me walking properly and i limp about. Week ago i had an MRI scan and it revealed that one of the discs is trapping the nerve. I have good and bad days but i cant walk properly and pain killers really help. I went back to the doctor today and he thinks from the results of the scan i should arrange to have surgery as it hasn't improved over 8 weeks. I really don't want to go to hospital as it seems extreme and i haven't tried any of the other options.

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Disc Prolapse :: Disc Has Broken Off And Was On My Spinal Cord

I had a disc prolapse in january this year(08 ).i just thought i had severe back pain as i usually did have back pain.on the 2nd of january i went to hospital as the pain got so severe,i couldn't walk and the pain was in my left leg.the hospital gave me a pain killer told me it was siatica and sent me home.two days later my pain was unbearable so i went back to hospital who yet again examined me and told me to have accupuncture and was sent home.On the 23rd january i stood up and had lost control of my bladder the pain was so horrific i decided to go to a different hospital.when i arrived they examined me and told me i was to have an mri scan.where they tried to lay me in the mri scanner but could not so transferred me to a different hospital.at the hospital they took 4 hour to do my mri because i was in so much pain i could not lie on my back.when they finally did an mri they could see that my disc had broken off and was on my spinal cord,i had an emergancy operation and was told if i had left it another 24 hours i would never have walked again.i wish the first hospital would have examined me properly in the first instance.i never had suffered so much pain in my life i was in agony.i had the op and now 11 months on i'm still recovering but at least i can walk.

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Temporomandibular Joint :: Difference Between Disc Displacement And Disc Dislocation?

Is there a difference between disc displacement and dislocation? I see those terms being used around here a lot and was wondering if one indicates whether a disc could be recaptured and whether a disc is not reducing?

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Disc Prolapse :: Two Disc Bulges At C3-4 And C5-6 In My Neck

I have been told that I have two disc bulges at c3-4 and c5-6 in my neck. There is also a large broad based posterior left paracentral and intraforaminal disc protrusion at c6-7 that is compressing the nerve.

I am being referred on to a specialist but that is ages away. I would be greatful for any advice in terms of

(1) what is the likely solution for this diagnosis i.e can physio sort this out or will it be an op?

(2) are there any immediate dangers ?

(3) can i still exercise?

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Disc Prolapse :: Disc Herniated Again

Had a disectomy 2 years ago on l3 l4 and worked wonders on my sciatica however lower back pain is always there. 2 years on I have a herniated disc at l4/l5. I have been off work for 8 weeks now and walk with a stick. I am going back to work on Monday for 2 hours to see how I go. I'm on tramadol naproxen paracetamol but still not finding any relief. I have had PT and didn't help. I am now being referred to the hospital pain management clinic in June. I can walk 15 mins with a stick before excruciating pain in my leg and back. I feel I have no life and this will never end.

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Disc Bulge At C6 / C7 - Injection Or Surgery?

I have a 'notable' disc bulge at C6 C7, plus a minor bulge above, which is trapping a nerve root and causing impingement on the spinal cord. I have been in extreme pain for over 12 weeks and have been prescribed numerous medications which, apart from OxyContin, have provided little relief. I have had physio but they've said there's nothing more they can do for me. Arm pain is especially bad, pins/needles and thumb & 1st two fingers numb. My urine flow is compromised as it is very slow, esp in the morning / at night. I have now developed 'heavy' legs with pain in the left one (affected side) and occasional bad headaches with visual disturbance. The neck itself has become more painful at late and there is also more noticeable pain in the centre of my back which feels like someone is sticking a knife in. I am generally very tired as the meds affect my sleep - getting no more than 4 hours a night.

Been off work sick for about 8 weeks now but am on an absence monitoring procedure, so if I have any more time off following this long term absence my teaching job is at risk - this is causing much anxiety.

Been referred 'urgently' by my doctor to a consultant and am awaiting an appt any time.

Has anyone had similar symptoms and, if so, What treatment is likely to be recommended?

If injection, it worries me that it may not work for long then I'm off work again and will probably lose it. However, surgery carries it's own risks too.

I just can't go on like this. The pain is really affecting my quality of life now.

Sorry for the long post. I'm a newbie and wanted to provide as much background info as possible in the hope that someone else may have had a similar experience. What treatment was offered and how effective was it please?

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Pain Difference Between Lumbar Disc And Facet Issues?

Can someone tell me from their experience what the usual differences are between pain feeling when you have lumbar disc issues & pain feeling when you have lumbar facet pain?

Are there any significant markers at all? I have looked on web in detail and i just keep finding contrasting information.

Have lumbar problems but no one seems to be able to work out if pain is from disc issues or facets.

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Facet Joint Injections - Anyone Has Experience

Since 3 yo I have had pain in my back and up until I was 12 they said that it was growing pains! they then said I had wear and tear at l3/4 and suffered everyday since but been a pain I know that's there but didn't stop me I just grit my teeth and get on! Every few years I have a flare up of it and knocks me for a few weeks then back to usual bearable pains!

April 2013 woken to numbness /tingling legs and feet 3 days later horrendous back pain and it hasn't left since! Been 15 month of living hell! I've tried pt many many times over the years and always made my pains worse! I've eventually seen PM who said they will do facet joint injections in July however I am due to fly on holiday 5wks later! I can't imagine coping on holiday being the way I am atm however if I get worse then I won't be able to go!

Anybody had facet joint injections? Any good for you ? All experience welcome please

I was taken 300mg X2 daily pregabalin (lyrica). 250mg x 3 naproxen daily and 30mg oxycodone 2x daily they have cramped my meds to now 50mg x2 lyrica, 60mg x1 duloxetine and 30 mg X2 oxycodone! All the meds do is take the edge of the pain but if having a flare up then nothing helps!

I have to use crutches constantly just can't walk without at least one because it causes to much pain in my lumber,hips, groin and my legs sometimes give way!

The things I have been diagnosed with are, ddd, spondylosis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia. (They said I have loss if disc height and osteophytes too)

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Breastfeeding After Facet Joint Injections?

Has anyone breastfeeding had facet joint injection i've been told by 1 surgeon i can feed after 2 days another said 2 weeks and another not to feed again anyone any ideas which is right.

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Sedation For SI Joint Injection?

I am having an SI joint injection Monday...I have the option of doing it with or without sedation. Thoughts? Experiences?

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Backache :: Facet Joint Injections, Under X-ray Guidance?

I've been suffering with lower back pain (left side) and an MRI has shown a slight bulge on one disc, an impacted disc below it and degenerative disc disease in the facet joints. None of this is serious and the pain is like toothache when it flares up. I've been referred for physio, third session later, and am due to have facet joint injections, under X-ray guidance, on Monday.  Has anybody had these done? Are they worth it or should I put them off and give the physio a chance first?

I'm not afraid of needles, but had a steroid injection in my wrist some time ago and reacted to the fluid which felt like it was scalding from the inside out right up my arm, this lasted about 10mins or so and then wore off. So I am nervous about this procedure.  

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