Dermatology :: White Bump/spot On The Shaft Of My Penis
May 18, 2016
I have a white bump/spot on the shaft of my penis, I really think it's just a ingrown hair because I do shave it but it's white, and it's been there for a couple of months. There's no redness and doesn't hurt.
I have had sex but it's been like 6 months.
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I have kind of holes half way up my penis that go directly down under a thin but of skin, and when squeezed white pus comes out. I have developed more of these "holes" recently which has got me more worried. I had also used Canesten fungal cream as I first believed it as a fungal infection.
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I few days ago I noticed a white spot on the right side of my scrotum. The spot is no bigger than a dime and when I stretch my skin it doesn't show any abnormal grown and the spot is harder to notice. Another thing I noticed is when my scrotum is relax is harder to find but when it is the tense state is much easy to notice.
I've had jock itch before but it last some weeks max....
I'm in a monogamous relationship for some years now.
So I'm very confuse, it is a fungal infection? or simply a white spot? or something else?
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I am 39 years old .One day back i was observed bumps on my penis shaft which is on the bottom of the penis. these are painless. I was not observed any others. These are looking like when you get fewer at that time some bumps will observed on the skin. I was not observed any itching and white fluids also not observed. can you tell me what i have to do, to i have to consult (dermatologist or uralogist) and also last two days sexual desires also reduced. if i am going to penetrating my penis it was responding like earlier.
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For about 4-5 weeks prior there was an extremely small white bump that looked like a zit that would show up on my face in the same spot that didn't seem like much of an issue. Then suddenly about 4 days ago this huge lump was there instead of the small white thing. After doing some research it looked like it wasn't a big deal but it has stayed there for a few days now and has only gotten worse. It is very smooth and shiny with a dark spot on the top. Tender to the touch. As some background information I am 18 years old and generally masturbate once per day, but once as this showed up I haven't done anything. Any help or points in the correct direction would be appreciated! Here are a few pictures for clearance: .....
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On the shaft of my penis i have a red spot about the width of the eraser of a pencil. The red spot is a little less then half way up up the shaft. What i'm wondering is, what is it? I'm still a virgin so it's nothing like that. I probably masturbate a little more then i should but besides that i have no idea what it is.
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Okay, so about a month ago me and my girlfriend started having sex.We're both 18. She lost her virginity but before that I had sex once 2 years before that. All times we had sex in the past month I been extra careful and using protection since we been doing it. Last friday i noticed a small white head pimple on the shaft of my penis and i was thinking like "what is that"? but i stopped messing with it. that Saturday i had sex again with my girlfriend PROTECTED and the next day I noticed a red flat PAINLESS spot on the same place I seen that pimple and today it looks like a scab and when I mess with it, it looks white. I'm like what the hell is that. and for the whole week I've been freaking out and depressed and worried that it's an STD. but I don't see how that was possible if I used a condom at all times and she was a virgin. Can someone answer me please? I'm like so worried right now.
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About a week ago or more i had two spots on my penis that have continued to grow and seem to have converged into one massive red lump on the side of my penis, it hurts to touch and seem pretty hard. I am sure its not an std because i've only had safe sex with condoms but i am worried it wont go or will get worse. Do i need medical help or is there any ointment i can get to help it go away?
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Never had sex etc only had it one day. I think it's simply a cut etc....
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I got a red itchy spot on my penal shaft. Do you know what is it?
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Last night, I was about to masturbate, when I noticed a small spot on the shaft of my penis. It is situated just above the ridge of the head, but is on the upperside of the shaft. It's roughly 1-2 mm in size, and does secrete a clear liquid (almost certainly pus) whenever I squeeze it.
I'm no stranger to this, as I do have fordyce spots and do get the occasional ingrown hair as I do shave down there with a gillette. However, the difference here is that it is not on the underside of my penis, where they always appear. Also, it appeared literally in a matter of hours, as it was not there when I showered about 5 hours before.
I'm sure it would go away soon, and I don't see it being an STD, simply due to the fact the last person I had sex with regularly gets checked up and has blood tests done due to having another medical condition.
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I got a red itchy spot on my penal shaft. The color is brownish-red. Do you know what is it? I'm kinda worried about it.
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I'm 16 and recently I have noticed that I have a big itchy bump on my shaft. It also sometimes stings after I go to the bathroom. I haven't masturbated in two days now and white stuff is still coming out a little.
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A few days ago I was in the bathroom and I noticed I had what seemed like a pimple on my penis. There was a red area and I could see a spot with a white head in the middle, I pinched the spot and applied a slight amount of pressure and it popped and out came some pus and a small amount of blood. It seemed like a regular pimple/zit but on my penis shaft.
Earlier today though I checked again and this time the spot appeared slightly bigger (like a small pea), with a brown crusty scab that was now covering a small amount of the spot, I gave the spot a slight scrape and the scab came off, followed by a very small amount of clear fluid. Right now as I speak, the spot is red, shiny and it is itching a bit. The spot seems to always look shiny and wet but when I wipe it with a piece of tissue, it doesn't dry so it has a wet appearance to it if that helps. Also note, that the spot wasn't itching before I took the scab off, so I guess it started after that.
I'm 19 and I haven't had any sex. I may be overreacting but I'm worried it could be something bad. I have had a pimple on my penis before (like 2 years ago) and it cleared up on it's own. Does this just sound like a regular pimple or something worse?
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2 days ago, I noticed a single red shiny spot on the shaft of my penis, about 1/2 way down on the top side. about the size of a BB. It seems to be just flat, and not raised at all. There is no pain or itching, but it came about rather sudden. I have had multiple sex partners (3) in the last year but have used condoms religiously, without any failure, and it's been at least 3 months since with zero occurrences of this in the past. Could there be a benign cause for this or is it something I should get tested for?
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A black spot appeared on the penis shaft over the time period of 2 months after my wedding or having sex for the first time.
Along with the black dot, veins at the penis shaft appeared suddenly… it changed the appearance of it even if is not erected.
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I have an almost clear spot on the underside of my penis, it's on the foreskin near the top.
It isn't painful and doesn't hurt when I squeeze it, should I try and pop it?
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I am 13 year old male and I just started masterbating a few weeks ago I never checked my penis before I started masterbating and now I seem to find a large white spot under my penis I am hoping its a birth mark and I also have little white spots at the edge of the spot. I asked my mom if this is from I was a baby and she said yes. I need help and I started masterbating after my first couple of pubbes.
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2,3 white spot on penis from last 2 year , i used skinazole and some other antibiotics cream....
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in my penis there is an white spot, when its dry it appears white spot and when i put some water it goes away and it appears to be shiny..but now it appears to be normal...what is it? and i found now a black stick(too small and hard ) its coming from my penis skin and there is a small hole now .
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I have lots of little spots on my penis but at the top in the middle the is one big about a mm in size. It sticks up like a bump compared to the others which I know are something normal. I am a virgin by the way and I just want to get it sorted, oh yeah I'm 15. It doesn't hurt I can just feel a bump on my foreskin and it moves with foreskin so I think it's on the underside.
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