Contraception :: 2nd Mirena Coil - Ache And Heavier Periods

Sep 13, 2015

Just wanted to know if anyone who has had the mirena coil fitted for five years and due to have it changed if they have start having regular heavier periods again.  I have back pain, my legs ache and heavier periods, does anyone else have these symptoms 

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Contraception :: Mirena Coil - Heavy And Painful Periods

I went to see my doctor today about heavy and painful periods, and I had asked her is there anything apart from the contraceptive pill that she could give me for it. She said she recommended the Mirena Coil, I said that my sister in law has said that she got it put in and she bled for 3 months solid. I told her I'd have a think about it, and she told me to look up this website, and read all these comments and decide for myself. After reading everyone's comments, I can safely say, that I am not now or ever intending to get the Mirena Coil inserted because am wanting to reduce my flow and every1 has said that it has just made it worse.

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Contraception :: Mirena Or Copper Coil?

I'm going to have a coil inserted, but I'm not sure which to have, I leaning more towards the hormonal/Mirena/IUS coil but can I have that inserted if I'm not on my period?

Also with the copper coil, I've heard that the periods can get heavier, how long do they last for? Does it slowly get better at all?

And any tips before I go to the doctors on what I should prepare myself for? What the entire procedure is like? I know all these websites have talked through it but from people's own point of view, what's the experience like?

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Contraception :: Cooper Coil Replace With Mirena (IUD)

Long story short I had really bad periods with the copper coil so I had it replaced with the mirena coil in December. However although my periods are now not as heavy or painful, they are still painful and last about 10 days. 

My main problem with the mirena is that every month before my period I seem to get the most awful burning/painful sensation all around my vulva, especially after sex. It is so painful and I have been going through thrush treatments and bacterial vaginosis treatments every month.  After my period the problem seems to lessen. But is still there. I have been tested for thrush and UTI but do not have it. Nothing helps. And doctors say there can be no connection between this and the mirena. 

Also during sex, and this might be gross, sometimes I gush liquid out and although my partner likes it I definitely don't?

just wondered if anyone else has had the same issues? I don't know what to do my only option is to go back to the copper coil

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Contraception :: Copper Coil - No Periods At All

I had the copper coil fitted 8 weeks ago. I was rubbish at taking the pill every time I missed a couple I would have a period so we with the IUD as a more natural and reliable contraception. Since I had it fitted end of Aug I had one period the week after. And nothing since! Now due my second period I have period pains terrible mood swings headaches but just clear discharge but tainted a little with brown blood. Last week I had clear discharge when I wiped with a few spots of pink blood that's it! My boobs are sore everything that says my period should be happening or due but nothing! I had my 6 week check up after having the coil fitted and told the doc about not having a period she seemed completely baffled and said that the copper coil makes periods heavier not stops them and did a preg test which was negative in said come back in 3 months if nothing changes. This to me seems a long time if there's a complication it could be too late by then.

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Contraception :: Copper Coil - Pain And Heavy Periods

12 months ago, I had a copper coil fitted after I was taken off my trusty contraceptive pill, due to high blood pressure. I had no pain or bleeding. First period after the fitting was fine, no change really, a few pains but that was all. On my second period, I was bleeding really heavily and was in unbelievable pain, thought I was going to black out for a week.

I went to the doctors and they had me checked over, ultrasounds etc and told me everything was fine, I just had to wait for it to calm down.

Now 12 months on, I'm still experiencing this excruciating pain, about a week after I've had my period and I'm usually in a little bit of pain the week before. I've been back to the doctors in the meantime and they've taken blood tests and swabs and said everything looks fine.

Is this normal? Does anyone else experience this?

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Contraception :: Copper Coil - Bleeding Due To Period Or Coil?

I had the copper coil fitted on 27/4/16. That went well, took a little while to insert because apparently I have a titled uterus lol (I've had two children) not much pain afterwards was just a little light headed. Didn't really bleed was more very very little spitting which stopped after about 3 days.

Last Friday I started bleeding wasn't too sure if it's my actual period or bleeding like expected since having it fitted, I'm still bleeding to this day. Is this normal? Could this be my period or bleeding due to the coil? It seems a little heavier than usual & defiantly lasting longer my periods usually last around 4/5 days.

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Depression With The Menopause And Mirena Coil

I've suffered with depression on and off for years but this past year has been like a rollercoaster. I'm 53 and peri menopausal. I'm on antidepressants anyway and also have gels to rub in from the gynecologist. Had the mirena coil fitted but it made me feel worse so had it taken out.

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Ovarian Cyst :: DandC And Mirena Coil

I've a 4cms simple ovarian cyst, went to hospital yesterday and doctor has booked me in for a D&C to take place in August.  She was also pushing for me to get the Mirena coil.  I guess what I'm really wondering is whether periods reduce in intensity after a D&C without me having to get the Mirena coil fitted. 

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Menopause :: Mirena Coil - Mood Swings

i'm 45 and just had the hormone mirena coil fitted a few days ago due to having heavy and twice monthly periods for over a year painful as well. the reason i chose the coil is that i wanted to try anything other than medication-tablets which i am on a few too many,and for heavy bleeding too. side effects i was having with my periods are (Irritation at anything, sex between me and my partner were NON Existent-still feeling like this, argumentative, but since having the coil fitted i have feel CALM, me and my partner are trying to get back on track with everything but communication failed and i felt annoyed-irritated but calmer which i haven't felt in a long time... I would like to know if weight is an issue with the coil please let me if this part of hormone coil and if there's any relaxation techniques to help with my mood swings etc.

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Menstrual Cycle :: Mirena Coil And PCOs

hi there. just thought id see if anyone else has had or tried the mirena coil and if it worked or did not. just want some views on it please. i am considering it as i have pcos and i been told that i can't have children naturally only by ivf. but need to lose weight as they are very strict on the wight side of it. but i am struggling to do that  and i have not been well again been bad for 6 or 8 weeks so just need a break from all this and was told by my doctor that mirena coil might be the better option for now.

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Mirena Coil - Irritate The Bladder And Cause Interstitial Cystitis

I had the mirena coil fitted four weeks ago to help my periods, the first two weels were fine, then I started to notice I needed to go to the toilet more frequently.It got worse and had bad discomfort in my bladder and my urethra , my doctor treated my for a urine infection, but it didn't clear it up. I started looking online and found out that the progesterone in the coil can irritate the bladder and cause interstitial cystitis, the doctor didn't have a clue so ....

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Mirena Coil - Suddenly Having Crazy Hormones And Bleeding

I've had the mirena coil for just under 2 years. After the initial bleeding my periods more or less stopped I just had the odd light period every few months or so. However, the last 2 month my hormones have been all over the show. Some things are TMI to say on here but I had a light period for about 3 days and then 2 weeks later I came on again and it's now day 9 or 10 of bleeding, it is only light but my boobs have been sore for weeks and there's no signs of it stopping. My coil is still in place so no worries about it being dislodged. I was just wondering if anyone else had been fine with the mirena and then suddenly having crazy hormones and bleeding etc.


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Menstruation :: Bleeding Heavier Afterwards My Periods

I have a concern i start my period and it was all normal and i stopped when i should have but then like 4 days i started bleeding again and it is heavy bleeding and i have clots when i pee i'm really scared this has never happened to me before can someone please tell me whats going on and what should i do

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Contraception :: Mirena IUD Removal

After 5 years and 7 months I’m booked in now to have my Mirena IUD removed on the 24th of Feb.

A bit of background,

I’m currently 34 years old, Single, have no children and never been pregnant.

I have a top OBGYN, after many years and many problems I had the IUD inserted via a laparoscopy and D&C under anesthetic to help with Menorrhagia.

For me having the IUD inserted was never about birth control it was about assisting to reduce the extreme excessive bleeding I was having nearly every two weeks for 9 odd days at a time.

It took a few months for the IUD to settle and function correctly for me.

I am pleased to say that having the IUD did help with dramatically reducing the Menorrhagia.


During this time I have suffered dramatic hair loss, weight gained (40 kgs) approx. 88lbs twice and shed it again now twice, fluid like swelling in ankle and knee joints, developed both food intolerances to avocados and bananas, and also food Allergies (head to toe hives) from what exactly I’m still not totally certain of.  

About 3 years after the insertion I started to suffer bad cystic acne, on my body and face. I never suffered from pimples and bumps as a teenager so this has been an ongoing struggle that I thought was something to do with just growing older.  I’ve tried every over the counter product, spent thousands of $ nothing works.

Over the past few months I’ve been on 100 mg per day doxycycline it has helped slightly but nothing dramatic.

As I’m due to have the IUD removed I started searching information about the process, what to expect etc.

I know there has been a huge amount of negative press about the IUD over the past year or so and one has to air on the side of caution when exploring information on the net.

Here’s the thing I have read a lot of information about women gaining weight after the IUD and not being able to lose it.

To them I simply suggest the blunt honest truth, they are simply not trying hard enough to shed the weight.

That might be a hard fact for many people out there to swallow but people don’t need any more sugar coating.

While hormones do play an active role in potentially having an effect on a person’s body weight, in my instance they clearly didn’t prevent me from losing the enormous weight I gained twice.

As for the rest of my symptoms, I had attributed them to the symptoms of the dreaded aging process, that was until I started to research what I could expect after the removal of the IUD.

I’ve read about many people suffering similar symptoms.  I’ve also read about the “Mirena Crash”.

Personally I’m not currently sexually active so I’ve decided I just want to have my IUD removed and I want to stay off birth control and all hormones for a few months to see how my body copes with things now I’m older.  

If my Menorrhagia continues and my other symptoms do not go away after the IUD is removed then I will definitely consider going under anesthetic again and having another IUD inserted.

I’ve started this thread for a few reasons,

1 – To learn more about what other women experienced once they had their IUD removed ?

I expect there will be a period of bleeding (either a few days or weeks) after the initial removal.

I also expect that it will take a few cycles or months before my body returns to a normal kind of cycle.

2- If other people had the IUD removed and suffered any similar symptoms to the ones I listed above, did those issues clear up for you and go away after the IUD was removed ?  

If so, how long did it take for you to notice a difference ?

Clearly I cannot say for certain that the IUD has caused all my symptoms, and equally I don’t expect all my symptoms to magically disappear or be fixed once the IUD is removed.  

But I’d really like to get some feedback from others regarding their experience of life AFTER they had their IUD’s removed and I’ll post on my progress after my IUD is removed here as well.

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Contraception :: Copper Coil - Cramping All In My Abdomen

i had the copper coil put in last year august time. not long after i got it put in i had extreme cramping all in my abdomen, that night i struggled to lie down, it was to painful. still to this very day i get severe cramping like pains. it feels like the coil is poking into my womb. i have very painful/heavy periods. personally i wouldnt advise the coil. i would advise the injection!

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Contraception :: Agonizing Pain With Copper Coil

​i've had the copper coil in for 2 days. the day i got it in i was in pain but i just assumed my womb was contracting as i was told by the nurse that put it in, so i went home and slept. since then i have been in agonizing pain( wanting to scream and unable to do things). i went back the day after it was fitted and they could see the string so they said it was fine.

​i cant feel the string myself so i don't know if its in the right place.

​before i had it in i was in the mini pill for 2 weeks, i was told it would work straight away so me and my partner didn't use condoms but now i've researched it and it says that you are not protected for the first week.

​i wondered if this has happened to anyone else? or if people think there is a chance it is a perforated womb ( the pain feels bruised and stabbing shooting on my felt side) or if it could be an ectopic pregnancy or anything else?

do you think i should go A and E?


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Contraception :: Copper Coil Causing Constant UTI's?

I am having some issues with my coil. I have had nothing but praise for the copper coil since I had it put in around 8 months ago - however I am now starting to have some issues that I believe are related. I have always been prone to UTI's - normally I can get rid of them quickly by drinking a lot of water or taking a sachet. I have had some strange burning sensation when I pee - around December..I had check ups and all came back clear. I then developed the worst UTI I have ever had in February. I had 2 sets of antibiotics and it was relentless. Eventually it faded away - but I never felt fully better. It is over 2 months later and I still feel this pain and pressure (it is bearable now but still doesn't feel right) - it also hurts when I have sex. It is a strange feeling, its like burning. I almost feel like the balance isn't right if that makes sense. I have read many forums and seen people having similar problems and saying things about the infection 'sticking' to the plastic device. I want to go and have it taken out - but I react badly to hormonal contraception so not sure what I'll do. Just wondered if anyone has experienced anything similar?

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Contraception :: Copper Coil And Weight Loss

I ask if anyone has come off the pill had the copper coil fitted and managed to lose weight. I've put 3 stone on and can't budge it. I'm going for a consultation on Monday for the coil. I think what I'll find weird is I've never had a period in years so will not be looking forward to that. Do you have to have it fitted after you've had a period?

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Contraception :: Pain One Week After Copper Coil

So last Tuesday I had my copper coil fitted. I explained before hand that I was going on holiday four days after and the nurse suggested I stay on my pill (cerazette) for the duration of my holiday to avoid having a period.

The process was pretty straight forward it did hurt and I did vomit and feel about weird afterwards but I think that's because I hadn't eaten in a few hours.

Anyway, fast forward just over a week now and I'm still getting really bad cramps and bleeding quite a lot even though I'm still taking my pill. Taking pain relief helps but I just wanted to know is this normal?

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Contraception :: Copper Coil Bleeding While Walking

I had the copper coil fitted over 2 weeks ago and have been bleeding everyday with low pelvic pain plus am so light headed I have nearly fainted twice, its seems worse when i'm walking around but more light when a sitting down has anyone else gone through the same thing I have appointment at the doctors 2mro .x

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