Cerebral Sinus Thrombosis - Tension Headaches And Optic Nerve Damage
May 29, 2007
I'm 32. It was only detected after suffering 2 weeks of intense headaches which eventually affected my optic nerves in my eyes. I wear glasses and after 2 weeks of intense headaches my eyesight actually became much better which baffled me. I was sent away from GP with the diagnosis of a tension headache (which I don't hold any blame for) but luckily I pursued further and booked an immediate appt with an Optician who found that my visual field was affected in my left eye. I was advised to go to the Emergency Eye Casualty who continued with further tests on my eyes. They discovered the damage to my optic nerves but at this point were unable to find the source and I was seen immediately by a Neurologist who at first thought it was benign cranial hypertension. He arranged a CT scan and said that he did not expect to find anything but was very surprised to see the clot on the CT. I was admitted immediately and underwent a lumber puncture. I spent 5 days in hospital and was discharged on Warfarin medication for 3 months. I have since undergone a repeat CT scan. I believe I was very lucky as any longer I could have had a stroke. I was advised to stop the oral contraceptive pill immediately as they said this may have been the cause but also that I have recently underwent a breast reduction 3 months before.
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In 2003 I had really painful headaches so bad I could hardly put my head on a pillow, pretty scary as I do not suffer from headaches. Then as I was eating bowl of cereal I kept missing my mouth and realised I couldn't feel my lips or tongue as though I had been given dentist injection. My sister took me to hospital thinking I was having a stroke, this was the first time I had heard of Bell's palsy and I was given steroids, i was very tired and it was an effort to do anything like eat, speech, it did take three months to go.
february 2014 I got a rash on my stomach which spread to my neck, to my back, to my feet, then to my scalp and then my ears, I was in agony, it was urticaria. Whilst trying to cope with this I then got Bell's palsy again, possibly due to an immune system at a low. However it has taken a lot longer to recover this time. Eighteen months later and I still have a twitchy eye and lopsided smile. I am now considering Botox, has anyone here used Botox to correct any of the nerve damage left after palsy and if so what are your thoughts?
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I was having frequent headaches and occasionally feeling lightheaded with floaters. I went to the opticians and they referred me to the ophthalmologist who put eye drops in and said that at the back of my left eye the optic nerve was sheeted. (I don't understand what this term means and cannot see anything on the internet to explain either) He just said that I didn't have any other symptoms for Optic Neuritis and wasn't sure but didn't think it was anything sinister. I am now waiting for a scan of the eye to see what that shows.
However, the last couple of weeks I have been getting pins and needles all over my body, mainly in arms and legs. I've also had general aching pains.
I have read online about symptoms and they point to all kinds of things, Fibromyalgia, Anxiety and possibly MS. As you can imagine this has really scared me as I have read that problems with the optic nerve can also be related.
Has anyone else had these symptoms or are they too few for me to be making assumptions?
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I have Septo-optic dysplasia, and I'm lucky if I ever get to see someone who's even heard of it because it's apparently one of those rare and awkward conditions with varying symptoms. But basically, in my case, the nerves in my eyes didn't develope well or at all.
I have 6/60-6/48 vision in my right eye and 0 in my left eye; as in I don't even see black or anything at all. I don't think light could ever get in there.
My most recent check up at the Optician showed some discoloration on the optic nerve in my left eye (the blind eye). It appeared black, apparently, which my Optician said meant it had been there a long time, as opposed to grey? But no one seems to know if this is normal for an optic nerve that never formed properly.
Apparently the discoloration is not mentioned in any of my letters on record, though. Is that weird? That's the only thing making me worried. Some people say it should be obvious so not included, but others say that means it's new?
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A $60 eye exam revealed swelling in the optic nerves that got me a referral an eye specialist, the eye specialist then told me I most likely have high pressure cerebral fluid that is causing the swelling and need a CAT scan to look for brain tumors, no brain tumors were found ....... but the cerebral fluid must be drained to prevent continuous swelling of the optic nerves that will cause separation & blindness.
The CAT scan cost me $1,000
The cerebral fluid draining cost me $1,700
The cerebral fluid draining required a large needle to puncture through the lumbar area into my lower spinal cords, as the lumbar area does not have 1 solid nerve as the upper portion, it is basically like spaghetti so there is NO risk of paralysis when done by professionals with a live X-ray machine to line up the needle between vertebra for safe insertion.
I don't know what measurement scale they used, but the pressure reading was above 40+. They told me normal pressure should be between 8 and 12.
They then drained the pressure to about 18
As I was walking out of the hospital, I had never in my life had such extreme mental clarity and excellent vision.
Shortly afterwards, I noticed that my normal clumsiness was gone that I had dealt with all my life.
Physical agility
too many to list
As I know all my life I was mentally slower than average until that procedure. It has been 1 1/2 years since then, and starting 2 months ago I noticed diminished capacity slowly creeping up as before, as I probably need the procedure done again and don't have the money to do it.I realized that if this high cerebral pressure would have been detected as a child, I could have gotten a better education if it had been corrected.
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Just back from an eye appt and was told that my (L) optic nerve is thinning and my field vision test was normal.
I have not had any loss of vision or blurriness other than the blurriness that comes with my migraines. Is it possible to have optic neuritis w/o it affecting your vision?
I have to wait until 7/19 to see my neuro, so I am still waiting to be diagnosed, however, the news I was given this morning makes me lean more towards MS.
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My mother can't see anything clearly for 3 to 4 years. Doctor says that her eyes nerve are been blocked.
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Was cross eyed as a child. One surgery on left and 2 on right 57 year old male. Surgery at 6 10 and 20. Had about 5 bouts of optic nerve neuritis about 15 years ago. Both eyes but more serious in rt eye. No MS. MRI every year for 5 every other since. Now my right eye wanders up and out all the time contacts and glasses do not help much. My vision came back fine other than age stuff. I Want to know why my eye wanders up and out and is there anything I can do for it ? Is it from old surgeries? Is it from optic nerve?
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I m diagnosed neurocysticercosis on left optic nerve n m having blurring of vision.
Drs have put me on steroids past one year ,but no Improvement is seen.
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So yesterday I got stressed and my Heads been hurting ever since.. On each side of my head, the pain is behind my ears and up on the side of my head a bit.. My anxiety is finally calming down after a 2 day long panic attack basically, but now it's my head.. Is that a tension headache? Do any of you get them? What are some positions I can do to stretch out the muscles if it is from tension?
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I have had constant tension headache for four weeks now I have been prescribed naproxen which I have taken twice a day for tension headaches I have used the whole 28 pack and now my gp thinks I have a rebound headache, they have advised me to stop taking it, I tried this the other day and by 2pm the pain was awful I could not even move. There has never been a point where the pain from the tension headaches got better so I never stopped taking naproxen
Has anyone has similar issues? How much naproxen do u take for tension headaches? Because from day one my headaches have been unbearable it's so bad that without the naproxen it's painful to just breath, confused.
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I have been getting severe headaches recently and doctor just told me that it is tension headaches due to stress and anxiety. I have 2 children, 1 who is 5 and the other 8months old, I am due to go back to work and I work nightshift, I can't not go back as I need the money. My main problem is I have no umph! no desire to do anything apart from sleep. Does anyone have any ideas that could pick my mood up?
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I was prescribed gabapentin by my ent specialist for sinus headaches which i still suffer from after three operations. I have been taking 300mg six times a day for about 18 months and have found that i have become moody, anxious, and find it very difficult to unwind or hold a decent conversation with anyone as my concentration level seems to be next to nothing. Does anyone think this could be the tablets?
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I went in for my routine physical two days ago and got blood work done. The nurse drawing my blood completely missed my vein and when she stuck the needle in, my arm felt like it was being electrocuted. I waited a few seconds because I thought it would go away but it didn't. She took the needle out after about ten seconds. Anyway, I'm almost positive she hit my nerve. I have a tingling pain that shoots through my arm when I extend it or put it in certain movements. I don't really feel any pain in my hand. When looking at a diagram, it looks like the ulnar nerve is the one she hit.
Anyways, I have read many posts of people not getting better after years, and some getting better after a few weeks. Is there any way to tell how bad mine is? Are they required to pay for any health costs concerning this issue?
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About two years ago on Christmas due to high blood pressure I lost little pieces of my right eye it hasn't come back Since then the doctor said it's ocular nerve damage does anybody think surgery or anything will make it come back
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I have nerve damage in my lower back due to four back surgeries. Now I am beginning to have pain deep within my thigh on the same side where my disks were herniated. Anyone experienced this?
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I first started masturbating at age 15 where I would watch porn for a while and orgasm a few times. After I realized that I could go on for hours, over the years I had a few nights (once in a while) where I would orgasm every 30 seconds-3 minutes until I was drenched in sweat and had to stop. At 18, I bought a vibrator and used that for pleasure and my orgasms were always so powerful in the beginning and after a while they'd get weaker. Now, I'm 20 and my orgasms have become very weak. I can go 2-3 months without even trying and when I go for it I expect magic, but all I get are weak ones. Lately, I've been bored out of my mind, orgasming for hours every day for the last 5 days and they're pretty weak, but just pleasurable enough to keep me going. Now I've just done some research and learned that over-masturbation is bad and that I could be causing nerve damage to my clitoris. Even when I go months without they're still weak. Have I ruined my chances of having a powerful orgasm again?
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I had foot surgery 8 weeks ago - quite a major reconstruction that took a few hours.
when the plaster was removed at 6 weeks I was told that I had nerve damage causing partial foot drop and a lot of numbness and pain. I have just had nerve conduction studies and have started on Gabapentin and physio..
They said either the tourniquet or nerve block has caused it. I can't believe that this can happen, surely they know about these nerves and how to prevent problems.
Has anyone else experienced this and what has the recovery been like. I'm just wondering what my life is going to be like from now on.
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I had an Interstim device and the lead was moved during a different surgery. the lead was move into a nerve root in my lower back and I was electrocuted by the device for more than 60 min. this was over a year ago and I am still in extreme pain every day and have yet to be diagnosed with anything. will an MRI show nerve damage in my lower back and leg area?
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Ten months ago, I had Achilles' tendon lengthening along with foot fusion surgery. Afterwards, 2/3rds of my foot on the outside edge and bottom of my foot has been numb. I kept mentioning it to my doctor, and he would say that it may take up to two years to fully recover from numbness. He even blamed the numbness on the popliteal nerve block that I had for seven days, but the anesthesiologist said that wasn't possible as the numbness started about two inches above my ankle and goes down into my foot.
Finally, I had a nerve conduction study (from my own insistence) that now confirms the injury/permanent damage to the Sural nerve. My surgeon must have nicked the Sural nerve when he did the percutaneous Achilles' tendon lengthening. It causes numbness that radiates down through my 5th metatarsal or little toe. But, 2/3rds of the bottom of my foot is also numb. Could this be from the Sural nerve or may there be other reasons for this numbness? What types of complications might occur with Sural nerve damage? How often does this occur with this type of surgery? This numbness is making it very difficult to walk. I can only walk very short distances at ten months, which is exceedingly frustrating. I am interested in hearing about others' experiences related to numbness and Sural nerve damage.
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3 weeks ago I had a muscle spasm in my lower back that shifted the muscles around quite alarmingly - thought my hip had popped out. I went to A&E and they told me I'd had the spasm as a result of my body protecting the horse tail nerves that are around my spine. The only pain I have at the moment runs from my glutes to my calf, in certain stretched positions. It's definitely improving but very slowly, and I know I need to be patient as it can take weeks.
The main issue I have is strength in my right leg. Since this happened I now can't raise myself using my right foot - going to tiptoe. Left leg, fine. Right leg, it's like there's no signal, no strength. And it's freaking me out. Before all this, I was running, going to the gym, cycling - 4-5 days a week.
My question is this - is there anything I can do? Do I need to stretch it (kind of feels taught all the time anyway)? Perhaps I need to massage the areas?
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