Cannabis Withdrawal :: Cold Turkey - No Sleep And Appetite

Jun 25, 2012

i'm 18 years old and i have been smoking weed a little over 2 years but i have been smoking HEAVY a little over 1.  i stopped smoking weed cold turkey ill say about a week ago.. and i have been experiencing no sleep and no appetite. i know that those are due to not smoking marijuana but i have been getting short of breath lately and having chest pains and my heart is always pounding.  it feels like i'm gonna run out of breath and die. i went to the doctor and had an xray done and they said my lungs are fine.  the doctor said its most likely just the marijuana leaving my system so they treated it as asma and gave me an inhaler. this has been going on about 4,5 days ill say.. sometimes my breathing is fine but most of the time i feel short of breath IS THIS MARIJUANA WITHDRAWAL? 

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Mirtazapine Withdrawal :: Went Cold Turkey

AFTER BEING ON MIRTAZAPINE FOR MANY YEARS i went cold turkey about 4 weeks ago,I honestly haven't had any withdrawal symptoms,the only slight problem is awakening earlier in the morning,I have als lost nearly a stone in weight which I am really happy with and really feel a lot better within myself both physically and mentally I kept asking my G P IF i could maybe stop them and he was the one who kept putting me off that is why I went cold turkey

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Sertraline :: Zoloft Withdrawal - Gone Cold Turkey

Due to circumstances out of my control I have currently gone cold turkey from sertraline and am unable to get back on for a wee bit and am

Experiencing withdrawal and am very dizzy to the point I can't drive and have waves of nausea and cold sweats and aching body.

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Sertraline :: Bad Zoloft Withdrawal - Cold Turkey

I was taking 250 mg of Zoloft a day for about 5 months and decided to stop taking it cold turkey. After a couple days I started feeling the withdrawal start. I have the brain zaps, dizziness, loss of coordination, shaking and shivering, irritability and most recently some hallucinating. It has been 10 days now, I thought it would have eased by now, but it hasn't. I have tried taking Benadryl and Dramamine, but they haven't relieved anything. Is there anything anyone knows of that would work? This is awful, I almost want to go back on the meds just to stop this, but I know I'll only have to go through this again eventually so better to do it now.

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Cannabis Addiction :: Trying To Quit Smoking Pot - Cold Turkey?

I have been smoking non stop for 6 years. Heavy heavy smoker. I'm going to college and am getting drug tested so i had to quit smoking. I am having problems with eating, anxiety, horrible stomach pains, hot flashes, food doesn't even sound good EVER! Yogurt has been my best friend. But it gives me the sh**s. I really just need some helpful tips to get me through this. . Just quitting cold turkey is so hard but i know i have to do it. Its been 3 days sober. Will my appetite ever return or am i stuck like this. I am sure i have lost a lot of weight. I don't really experience insomnia but i do everything else. My body seems to hate me for doing this. Feeling super dehydrated and i have been trying a protein powder that i mix with milk, could that be causing....

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Substance Abuse :: Percocet Withdrawal Pain - Cold Turkey?

Like I said in "Roll Call". I am starting all over again. Anyone know what helps with perc withdrawl (withdrawal) pain I took around 14 a day give or take a few. I have tried to taper but dont have the will power, everytime I do I screaw it up. So cold turkey is the only way. Is that harmful or should I just do it? I am scared, alone and just want to get through the worst of this. If I can just make it through the physical pain I hate this life so much I would never do anything to bring myself back to it. So I try again.

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Day 31 - No Smoking Without Any Products - Instead Go Cold Turkey

I can't believe I have made it 31 days! After smoking heavily for 40 years! I still am having an extremely difficult time with cravings. I chose not to use any product, but instead go cold turkey. I have tried hard candies, suckers etc.-nothing works! It is sometimes moment by moment! Can not & will not fail this time. Boy, I wish I never would have started!

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Anxiety :: Zoloft - Cold Turkey?

Is it bad to stop taking Zoloft cold turkey? It really works for my anxiety, but I've been taking other meds and I'm afraid of interactions.

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Statins - Wean Off OR Cold Turkey?

I have reached LOW triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels after 6 months of zero-bad-fat diet. I am now ready to ditched my prescribed statins. Is it safe to cold-turkey statins or do I need to wean off?

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Coming Off Hydrocodone - Cold Turkey

I am on day 4 cold turkey off 10/325 anywhere from 8 to 14 a day along with fentanyl 25 some days 50 others and when things ran short I could find time release morphine or oxys. Long story short isn't it funny how like minded people always seem to find each other. I have been doing this now 4 LONG years. Although the first 6 months or so I was close to the prescribed amount. Then I went from 7.5 to 10 and that was the beginning of where I sit today. In the last 4 days I have slept a total of maybe 6 hours the RLS for me is the worst. I took sleep mere on day 2 but still the RLS kept me up and I walked around like even more of a zombie. Today I feel somewhat okay but we will see what the night brings. I am scared and hope to get some sleep. All of the encouraging posts have been a lifesaver at all hours of the day and night.

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Amitriptyline :: Coming Off Cold Turkey

I have spent 4 month trying to ween off, now its cold turkey. stopped taking amitriptyline last night. already feel slightly better, but heighten anxiety..Scale of 1-10...

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Antidepressants :: Cymbalta Cold Turkey After Quitting

My Two Cents Worth:

First of all I would like to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has written about their experience of being on Cymbalta and their struggle
with Cymbalta withdrawal.  I believe that you have saved not only myself but many others from a lot of pain.

I was prescribed Cymbalta 30mg on the 16 April 2012 by my doctor in order to treat depression and anxiety.  I  was told to 'try it' over the next 7 days to see if I could handle the side effects.  He said that in the beginning I would get some nausea but that I should persevere and try to stay on it for at
least a month, which is when it would start to work. He never said anything about it possibly damaging my liver or anything about withdrawal symptoms, just that I shouldn't suddenly stop in the middle of the treatment.

I was nervous about taking it but at the time I was desperate for any kind of help.  I took one 30mg capsule about 12pm with some lunch (to minimise the nausea) but by 2pm I had a very upset stomach with a lot of wind (gas), slight cramping, a very stiff neck, dry mouth and headache.

Around 4pm I fell asleep (without meaning to) while on the couch.  I woke up a couple of hours later feeling completely disorientated, confused and nauseous.  I felt so spaced out and like I was still dreaming.

By 7pm I had such bad nausea I couldn't make dinner (much less eat anything) and a very bad headache. 

I was drinking heaps of water to help with the dry mouth and I also had very bad constipation (something I have to avoid as I have diverticulitis).

The next day (17th April) I felt a lot better (more clear-headed) and decided to Google Cymbalta to find out more about the side effects and if people had experienced the same effects as I had.  I became so scared when I read all the forums and support groups for people battling with horrific Cymbalta withdrawal, I decided to quit it then and there.

I decided to go cold turkey simply because I had only taken one capsule and reasoned that it wouldn't have had much effect on me yet.  I didn't really want to take a half capsule as I didn't want my body getting used to having the drug in my system anymore than it already had.

The rest of the day I was anxious, shaky and had bad diarrhoea.  By bedtime I was headachy (pressure at the back of the head) and with a little neck pain.

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Anxiety :: Tapering Off Xanax - Cold Turkey

I was never told by doctor 2 important things.  1) Only take Xanax when you feel a major attack coming on. 2) DO NOT stop taking it cold turkey.  After being diagnosed with Anxiety a few weeks ago, I started taking .12mg of Xanax 3 times a day, it did make me feel better, but after experiencing some harsh side effects. I decided to see my doctor. He then told me that I only should be taking it when a major attack comes on and that I need to stop taking it 3 times a day.  Well, I have not had any major attacks, but now I am starting to feel heavy chest pressure, shooting pains, and headaches.  After doing some independent research, I found that these are most likely the effects of stopping Xanax cold turkey, which is strongly discouraged.  My doctor never told me this.  So now I am trying to figure out what I should to resolve these latest issues.  Everything I read points to taking the Xanax again, but tapering off of it slowly.  Any advice as to how I should go about this?  Should I take .12mg twice a day, regardless of an attack, and taper off from there?

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Hooked On Xanax - Cold Turkey A Bad Idea?

I have been on xanax for about 7 years (although at a very small dose, no more than 1 mg of xanax a day to help sleep or deal with tinnitus. I want to get off the stuff is cold turkey a bad idea ?

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Gabapentin :: Tapering Off - Stop Cold Turkey

Two weeks ago I called about the severe problems I was having on Gabapentin and Clonidine. The doctor who covered for my doctor out on medical leave changed me in February to these two meds and reduced me from 4x day on 2mg Klonopin to twice a day. The previous meds were fine. I am a cardiac patient with a new Pacemaker as of November. I had low blood pressure and my doctor prescribed Clonidine for sleep and it causes vivid nightmares. A cardiologist had to prescribe the taper cause that doctor said to stop taking it. Then, Tuesday, a doctor in with my psychologist, same practice told me to stop cold turkey taking Gabapentin. He gave me a prescription for my previous medication. I was so concerned when checking out, I tried asking about the taper. He looked at me and turned around and walked out. A note was placed on my file by my psychologist who witnessed this along with 2 secretaries. I have called the neurologist and cardiologist about this and waiting to hear back. I did what he told me to do not knowing what it would cause. I was on 2400 mg a day and when he told me to stop I was on 1800 mg, since the prescriber cut the dosage down rather than change the medication,

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Pregnancy :: Stop Smoking Without Being Cold Turkey?

I have been smoking for 6 years and it's so hard to just stop cold turkey.. Can someone please help me with a way to quit.. I am 9 weeks pregnant and life has already been so hard. I know I need to quit I just don't know how...

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Weaning Off Mirtazapine - Cold Turkey - Liquid Form?

I've been trying to wean myself off this drug .FIrst time went cold Turkey big mistake reinstated got stable again doing ok until I got below 7.5mg so had to reinstate again at 7.5mg which I'm doing now but I have asked for the liquid version to help taper does anyone know if I do this without any comeback on it.

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Anxiety :: Xanax - Side Effects If I Go Cold Turkey?

My concern is I have been on Xanax for about four years. I only take .025 one pill a day. Can I have side effects if I go cold turkey? I have no more pills, so I a little worried.

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Weaning Off Co-codamol With Ibuprofen And Codeine - Can't Go Cold Turkey

I have found a UK based online Dr that is willing to prescribe me codeine phosphate tablets. My idea is to taper the dose myself  and replace the co codamol 30/500 and Nurofen plus with these instead and come off them gradually. I can't go cold turkey, I've tried and the withdrawals are the most significant problem. My dr did this once before so I am going to follow the same tapering process. When I am down to 0mg I will ask my gp for a non opioid based strong pain killer for my 6 herniated spinal discs. It's going to cost overall far less than I am spending on packets of Nurofen plus. Feeling very determined to do this for good his time.

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Benzodiazepines :: Coming Off 50mg Valium - Cold Turkey?

I'm currently a student and got valium off the internet to help me get to sleep. Because in halls as it's ridiculously loud, I ended up taking 50mg a night about 5 days a week..

Been doing this for the past 2 months and I've been reading stuff online about coming off it and it's frightened so much!

Should I just go cold turkey, how bad will it be and how long will it last? I really have the urge to go the doctors ASAP as I'm worried for my health but will this also go down on my health record and will it jeopardise being employed in the future if they ask to view my medical records? I can't believe I've gotten myself in this situation I feel so stupid and ashamed.

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Hiatal Hernia :: Citalopram And Mirtazapine Cold Turkey Due To Throwing Up Blood

Here is one for you, been told by doctor to immediately come off both as I am throwing up blood, I have a hiatal hernia but it has got much worse over the last month, I have taken citalopram for about 8 years on a 40mg dose, and mirtazapine on was a 30 for three years now 15mg for about 5 months, going cold turkey, is that wise? My doctor has refered me urgently to have a Endoscopy, will I get loads of withdrawal symptoms ?

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