Can Hypnosis Make Me Stop Smoking?
Aug 30, 2005
I'm a heavy smoker almost all my life and what can I say about it- it is my big passion.
I'm 55 year old male smoker. I smoke about two packs of cigarettes per day.
I have never had any health problems caused by cigarettes but now I'm not so sure. Just recently I started to suffer from strong caught and hard breathing. I contacted my doctor and a x-ray shown that my lungs are seriously damaged. Doctor told me I should quit immediately.
But, I can't! Passion is stronger than my wile for get better. Just the other day I heard something about quitting smoking with the help of hypnosis. Is this truth?
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Users comments and reviews on article Hypnosis to Quit Smoking and Stop Addictions - Hypnosis as Addiction Treatment
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I used to smoke a lot. I won’t exaggerate if I say that I smoked almost 2 packs of cigarettes daily. My friend got me into quitting smoking. At the end I agreed to try with hypnosis. And I must admit that a hypnotist helped me to stop smoking. Are there any similar people here?
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I gave up smoking on 20th January after hypnosis. Thought by now I would be feeling fine. I just don't feel well. I have had panic attacks feel more breathless than I did before I stopped. Wish my doctors did an after care service but nobody wants to know. What are your experiences.
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So my friend has heard about a guy who gave up smoking after single visit to a doctor. He said that he was hypnotized and when he woke up he felt like he can't smoke anymore. I am really puzzled by this. I think its just a rip off. I don't know, it sounds too good and to easy to be true. Could it be?
Has anyone heard of anyone else getting hypnosis to help prevent smoking? Maybe its just a placebo effect, i mean you already know that you should quit smoking after the hypnosis and maybe that's why he felt like he does not want to smoke anymore. That and the fact that he paid for that session.
What are your thoughts?
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How can i stop smoking ? And what it's effect on body?
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I use 10 or 12 cigarette daily so that i can't stop it. If i didn't use it i can't be normal. It's my life but it's not fair it harm our health. My friends force me to involve in such behaviours but now it has been my friend. I don't have any ideas to stop it.
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How can i stop smoking cigarettes?
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I have been using vapour cig to stop smoking been 8 weeks now.
been feeling very low has anyone else had these feelings ?
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I want to stop smoking. I used to smoke in high school and then got pregnant and stopped cold turkey without any problems, then 7 years ago I started smoking again (long story) but started smoking again due to some very stressful events in my life. Anyway, my father in law just passed away about a week ago from a heart attack (but he was also fighting lung cancer that spread to his hip and brain). So now I am really thinking about quiting. My question is how/ what is the best way to quit. I have no health insurance right now, so taking prescription meds is out of the question. I also have high blood pressure.
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I am a regular smoker (about 1/2 pack a day) and I've never had a nausea problem from it before. I decided to cut down, and the past couple days, I only have had about 2 each day. Then, this morning after smoking one, I suddenly felt very sick and then threw up. Is this because I cut back?
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Just like the title, how to let my boyfriend quit smoking this time.
We knew each other for 6 years, and now is the time to marry.
I love him, and he loves me, too.
If I want a baby, then he still keep smoking is not so good.
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I am 14 and i have just started smoking and i am 4 inch penis and some hair and i just wonder does smoking stop puberty happening ?
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I stopped smoking Sept. 5th, 2006. I have been sick ever since. I smoked for about 38 years and I have never really been sick with the exception of a common cold, a couple of times a year. Now that I no longer smoke I have kept a cold and I don't seem to be able to clear my throat. What's up with this??? I thought I was going to slowly feel better and better. Is is normal?? Do others experience the same sort of health issues??
View 14 Replies
I just found out I'm pregnant about a week ago with my second child and I do smoke cigarettes, but now I know I'm pregnant and about 4-6 weeks I'm trying to quit but the urge to smoke to still there even though I get disgusted when when I light one up. Can any one give me some tips to stop and also can it harm the baby at this point?
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I have been smoking for 6 years and it's so hard to just stop cold turkey.. Can someone please help me with a way to quit.. I am 9 weeks pregnant and life has already been so hard. I know I need to quit I just don't know how...
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I am 18 years old and have 1 semester left of high school. i started smoking marijuana when i was 15. i lived in a small town but made friends with a person that could get me whatever amount i could pay for as fast as he got the text asking. i now live in the next town over which is a very small city and have several people in my contacts that know to ask on a weekly basis how much i need without me texting them first. my parents are divorced and i live with my mom. my mom works out of state, so she gets up at 4 am and is home around 730-8 pm. so she is never around to know what is happening at home. she works with lawyers and makes excellent money so getting money for my addiction has never been a problem. iv been smoking close to non-stop since the time i've started,but have also been smoking cigarettes for the same amount of time.
i have tried several times in the past to stop (i say stop because out of the other times i have tried i have used the term "quit" which is a more permanent term and puts more anxiety on me when i think about weed on my attempts to stop). my most successful time was this past summer when i was working with my cousin that owns his own construction business. since my entire family shuns people like me who smoke anything or are not straight edge i did not do it before i went to work for him so he wouldn't know. and it was also easier to cut back because i was working for him almost every day, which put me around people that did not smoke and did not even talk about it. right now most of the people in my town and around me smoke (except for my mother which does not know about this addiction because i have tried to bring it up in the past but the way she handles it puts me in a position were im to stressed out and resort back to it) i can walk down my street and ask a random person if they know were i can get weed and can most likely get weed (i have done this several times and it has worked) so its been hard trying to find someone that can help me through the withdrawls without tempting me back into it.
im on my 3rd day without weed. i went cold turkey after the new year. the withdrawal symtoms that i can see right now is that my sleep is not what it used to be. i just can't fall asleep as peacefully as before when i smoked and i cant stay asleep either. my appetite is lower, though i eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner so that's not a concern. i also don't want to go out in public that much anymore or do things. and when i get into a stressful situation i don't know how to overcome that stress because i used to always resort to weed to help. i've tried reading and doing stress workouts but they don't seem to help calm that voice that says "hey everything will be better once you get weed" and the two biggest and hardest symptoms is that when i don't have something to do, or start thinking about the time that i have free now, i feel depressed and bored and worried. because smoking used to take up that time and i felt happy and relaxed even when i was just sitting there high. the second thing is that i know im addicted. but at times when people tell me that you cant get addicted to weed and i start to think of how fine i feel without it i feel as though they are right and that i can smoke this one time with that person without starting to do it constantly again. but that is how i kept getting back into it in the past.
i need to stop because i really want to join the army which would keep me out of smoking weed but the big step is to stop it now so i can join. i have started to talk to a recruiter and can be sent out for boot camp in 9 months. but if i don't find a way to overcome the willingness to smoke i won't be able to go. i would appreciate so much if people could share with me how they overcame the urges, especially around other smokers and on weekends when that was my get out and smoke with a lot of other smokers time. and other things that helped people out.
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I've been smoking a blunt or more everyday since last summer. and its time to stop. i haven't smoked in 4 days and i feel like im going crazy! i feel really depressed and angry and tired. im kinda scared to admit it but i feel retarded. straight up retarded, like when i hangout with my friends i feel like i don't belong there and i feel like im doing EVERYTHING wrong.. before i smoked i didn't feel this way once.
my question is are theses symptoms normal? and how long till im "normal" again?
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i've just turned 17 im female, medium tall, my weight is 36kg and i can't seem to put any weight on im getting scared. I have about 4 seshs a day (bongs) average 6-7 cones a sesh? would this effect my weight gain and boobe growth??? oh and i smoke ciggys as well :L but i can't seem to stop the smoking and start the weight gaining.
i've had weight gaining formulas from hospitals but they don't work :l is their anything i can do to gain weight and makes my boobs bigger without a boobe job?
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I've been smoking for about a year and a half on and off but more on then off. All summer long all day every day, every morning all day, and even before i went to bed. It's been about 2 days since i stopped and i wake up every morning a nervous wreck and eventually end up puking. I'm not gonna lie i loved being high, but i lost my dad a couple years ago and i think its possible sub-consciously that i smoked to forget about my issues. I refuse to start smoking again i'm avoiding everyone that does. But im in community college right now so puking really *** my day up, my appetite is in the *****, i get depressed i don't feel like doing **** how long is this supposed to last ?
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My nephew has been diagnosed with OCD, which started about a year ago and has got steadily worse. He has to count to a certain number before taking clothes off and can sometimes put them back on to make sure he counted correctly, clothes have to be laid out just so, so dressing takes forever, he also gets stuck in rooms not able to move, it's quite frightening. His psychiatrist has put him on a pill and therapy, of which he has only had one session in 3 weeks, and his mother is paying for it!
Surely this can't be right, what other treatments are out there, would hypnosis be any good, it's very distressing. He is 17.
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