Anxiety :: Physical Symptoms - Constipation, Headaches, Heart Palpitations

Mar 1, 2015

I'm 21 year old female college student and have to get my feelings out there. Since someone very close to me was diagnosed with cancer almost 3 years ago I have developed severe undiagnosed health anxiety, and every time I bring up the fact that I have bad anxiety to my Dr. we kinda just laugh it off/it isn't taken seriously. I have had physical symptoms (constipation, headaches, heart palpitations, indigestion, difficulty focusing my eyes, neck pain, TMJ, fatigue, overall anxiety about everything, and i feel lightheaded when standing up too fast) and I'm here to ask if you think these symptoms are caused by my anxiety or an actual health issue. I always feel every little pain or "off" feeling in my body, and immediately attribute it to some sort of cancer or disease. I think seeing all of these stories on social media of sick people etc. hasn't helped. i've had blood work, a CAT scan of my digestive tract, a holter monitor twice, and an ECHO since these things have happened, and they've all said things were normal. I would really appreciate any input as this is causing real stress.

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Anxiety :: Heart Palpitations And The Feeling Of Heart Attack

Has anyone experienced heart palpitations throughout the day and a fast heart beat that wakes you up in the morning. I'm going to the doc to make sure its nothing serious but i have suffered with panic attacks and hypochondria for years this is just new symptoms.

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Anxiety :: Heart Palpitations And Nausea - Heart Attack?

hi for about 8 weeks now i have been having what feels like heart palpitations,i have visited my gp and 2 said they thought i was having panic attacks and 1 thought a stomach ulcer i have ended up in hospital twice due to me going light headed feeling sick and having numbness down both arms and racing heart both times i was watching tv when it happened! its driving me insane i have had 3 ECG's all came back normal i sometimes have pain in my left shoulder or in my upper back around shoulder blades or in my upper stomach both sides, i have sat and taken my pulse when it happens but my heart rate doesn't seem to change, i have another appointment with the doctor on monday but feel like im being laughed at and not listened to!

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Anxiety :: Heart Palpitations

So I just got back from a ER a few hours ago. Why? Well I'll tell you. About 3 days ago or so I started getting heart palpitations while laying down after I took my Seroquel to get ready to sleep. They would last about a half hour to a hour and 15 or 20 so palpitations I would eventually fall asleep. I thought nothing of it but then it happened again the next night and the next ect. I started developing panic attacks cause I was concerned that I had a heart problem or something was wrong. I couldn't tell if my anxiety was causing the palpitations or the palpitations developing the anxiety ugh. So tonight I started getting them and they just wouldn't stop and then I went into full panic mode. I thought oh god im gonna have a heart attack I know it. So I begged my dad to take me to the ER and they assessed me and my vitals were about 60-70 BPM when I got there and then they took some blood and I got a EEG or EKG? Not sure I've never had one before but it was the one with the cords they put on your chest, legs, sides and it literally takes 10 seconds and it came out perfect and so did the blood work. The doctor said because of the propanol that I take which calms the heart down during a panic attack that I'm having "extra beats"  because of the calm when I take my propanol. I asked him why this came on all of a sudden and he doesn't know it just happens. He said they're usually benign but to make a appointment with my GP to get a heart monitor to wear for a week just as a safety precaution. I asked him what causes this and he said caffeine, sugar, smoking ect. I asked him what about not eating and drinking enough because I haven't been doing much due to my IBS being pretty bad recently. He said that could be it as well but to still follow up with my doctor. I'm still scared cause im still having them (well I had 1 since I got home) i keep constantly checking my pulse and worrying when the next one will come that it's making my anxiety sky rocket. Has anyone else encountered this problem? I'm still afraid even though I was told it was ok. My anxiety brain is saying that the tests were wrong and they missed something ect. Ugh I hate anxiety. It seems like it's one thing after another. Id love to hear what you guys think of this. Thanks.

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Anxiety :: Just Have Physical Symptoms, No Mental Symptoms?

I admit I have had multiple Anxiety attacks, I am a cashier at Walmart, I usually get them if I had rude customer like after I had a nasty customer who came down from self-check to customer service towards me, I was in tears before that, then my manager told me to hide behind the Customer Service desk. My worst anxiety attack I had a lady who's coupons would not work, I took the coupon price off the items she could not understand that and told me to take the items off period and demanded I give the coupons back to her, I already did. My brain got foggy so I asked her if she wanted me to take the items off, she said yes so I kept doing it, suddenly I wasn't feeling to well, I went to go see my manager to ask for help when I started hyperventilating, my manager had me sit down right there at the empty register. Another cashier was able to take over and finish it for me. My manager helped me over to the bench at customer service, where I suddenly lost feeling in my hands, they ended up curling up from the pinky in. I tried prying them apart using the metal bench but that didn't even work. That scared me, the same manager asked if I was okay I told her that I couldn't feel my hands, staring down at my fists. They finally unfroze after 10 minutes. The lady was so upset with me she left all of her items.

Anyway I will get dizzy, like it ranges from feeling as though I am spinning, I have to clutch on to something to keep from falling over, to the world tipping around me with every step, to not being able to see, not sure if that's exactly dizziness, but it started with dizziness. I'll get flushed randomly. I'll have PAC's. There have been a few times I have almost fainted, one time it was from not breathing, like I noticed that I wasn't breathing, my body was just like woah what's the matter you aren't breathing, I had to have a manager finish while I sat down. I was up and doing my job before I was supposed to so I did not feel well the rest of the day. My arms will also get exhausted suddenly if I have to lift them to head level, like I can barely do a pony tail without them being exhausted, the kinda feeling you get after a hard work out.

I've had the flushing and dizziness when I was talking to my mom and hanging out with my friends. My friends all know and are really accepting if they need to stop doing whatever so I can sit down.

My doctor originally thought it was POTS if anyone knows what that is, I'm getting a tilt table test in 2 weeks, now he seems to think it's anxiety. I'm sitting down while working just in case, it does seem to help slightly. It's just annoying, this has been going on for 3 months and I'm sitting down because of the time I have almost fainted also. Anyway people will say you're lucky you get to sit down, I don't consider everything and almost fainting lucky.

I'm not sure if it is anxiety since it is just physical symptoms, I've had no mental or emotional ones. Just feels like mental ones from fear of my physical ones.

I've done a stress echo and a holter monitor and blood work done.

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Anxiety :: Physical Anxiety - Pain And Pressure Around Heart

I've had some really strange physical symptoms. I feel a lot of pressure around my heart. I feel pain in my heart area and fear that it will stop beating. I've had my heart checked out and they found nothing. I constantly fear they missed something. Also feel like my heart twitches at times. But I think it's my chest muscles that twitch. It's really hard to explain. Anyone else feel this?

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Menopause :: Perimenopause - Heart Palpitations And Anxiety

This has been the worst 3 weeks of my life with these perimenopause symptoms. I'm soon to be 49. I thought my symptoms were getting better. Then on March 8th started having bad stomach cramps and low back pain which lasted 2 1/2 weeks. Then the terrible indigestion started with heart palpitations and then of course major anxiety. My period which has been about every 18 days since December is now late. I live each day in fear and terror of heart palpitations and anxiety. I seriously feel like I might die everyday. This is absolutely no way to live. I feel bad for my poor husband and daughter. I am no wife and mother at this time. My daughter is 21 but I still feel horrible about the state I'm in. Sorry for the vent. Feeling hopeless like this journey will never ever end.

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Anxiety :: Physical Anxiety Symptoms 24/7 - Stomach Butterflies And Shaking

Hi. I just wondered if what I'm experiencing is normal. For the past 2-3 months I've had constant anxiety symptoms. I'm not just talking anxious thoughts (although I have those all the time), I'm talking physical symptoms. All day long, I have a horrible tightness in my chest, butterflies in my stomach, dry mouth, internal shaking in my legs and adrenaline rushes up and down my body. I can't control the symptoms, no matter how hard I try. When it first hit, it was different. I had constant nausea & a general feeling of not being able to cope. But I could switch out of it sometimes and feel normal. Now I can never switch out of it. It's there all the time, although the nausea has stopped. I even have it in my sleep because I've actually felt it in my dreams and when I wake up, it's still there. (Not that I can sleep much in this state. 5 hours is the most I ever have.) I'm on Citalopram but if anything, it's made my anxiety worse. The leg symptoms weren't there before I went on the drug and nor was the chest tightness.

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Anxiety :: What Are Your Physical Symptoms?

Thought it could be hopeful sharing anxiety symptoms, I know for sure mine are very diverse! Such as Twitching and jerking all over the body constantly, eyelid, hands, arms, legs, back, neck, butt etc. Aches and pain throughout body,arms, legs, back and neck, jaw etc... 

Floaters in both eyes.

Tingling, pins and needles 

Headaches (had one that lasted 3weeks night and day)

Sweating more than normal at night.

Skin problems

And at the moment the most concerned about pain in the middle of my chest which comes on now and again daily

Oh and IBS which has settle down for the time being but still have heartburn. 

I'm 26 year old male, had clear MRI of brain and spine, full blood count down 3 times this year all normal! Been told it's anxiety related. 

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Anxiety - What Physical Symptoms Do You Get?

What physical symptoms do people get with anxiety please?

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Can Social Anxiety Cause Many Different Physical Symptoms?

I'm a 26 year old female I'm a bit over weight and I'm tall but since I was about 18 I started getting anxiety at first it was social but I worry about EVERYTHING ! I always think I'm dying or have a serious illness like now I'm obsessed with peeing I think I have to pee then I do and I'm scared I have a uti which I've been checked and I don't I don't have diabetes but I'm just scared can anxiety do this ? Can my mind trick my body ? 

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Anxiety :: Without Any Reason / Physical Symptoms?

Started questioning my state again since i saw many anxiety complains go around physical symptoms like heart rate or dizziness and i got none! 

Not that i'm upset about that but was thinking if it is normal ? 

In fact my mental symptoms overwhelming i can't talk to people almost i feel dumb with foggy brain everything seems strange sometimes and i seem to get almost confused and i can barely sleep and when i am in transitional state between sleep and conscious i start hearing sounds and i get completely random thoughts that makes me wake up frightened so i can't sleep .. Most strange that apart of me being obsessed with whether i becoming insane or not nothing seem to trigger it ! Its not that i think negative but it just starts on its own. Really worried about that, i also experience throughout the day attacks of fear , my heart is normal but everything starts seem to be scary for no reason and my hands starts to sweat ....

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Menopause :: Anxiety Causing Heart Palpitations And Increased Blood Pressure

My anxiety has been terrible since peri menopause started about 8 years ago.I am 46 now and the heart palpitations and increased blood pressure is getting to me. I had blood work,had a holiter monitor test for 48 hours and the results were normal.My anxiety is horrible which in turn makes everything else go up, can this really be normal?

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Alcohol :: Physical Symptoms Of Anxiety / Depression?

Suffered on and off with serious depressive episodes (mostly on).  Up until new year I was drinking too much which I seem to have a handle on now.  Was also taking paracetamol and anti inflammatories every day for the dreadful muscle  aches and pains.  My only relief is keeping warm in bed but then the sleeplessness is worse at night.

Does anyone else experience this?  My doctor doesn't have any ideas and I really cannot take painkillers etc every day...

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Anxiety :: Citalopram Helps Physical Symptoms?

I get physical symptoms from my anxiety and depression and wondered if Citalopram has helped anyone get relief from this ? Does it also work to relieve pain does anyone know ?

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Anxiety :: Benzodiazepines Help Physical Panic Symptoms?

I have had a panic disorder for 15 years. During that time I have been on several benzos to treat my episodes. I seem to remember back at the beginning being able to take a pill and feel completely relaxed and calm. Now when I have an attack, my medicine only seems to calm my mental state but it has absolutely no effect on my physical symptoms (tingling, rapid pulse, the jitters, sweating, etc.). Do I need to try a higher dose of my benzo (Xanax) or is there another benzo that might work better for me? Has anyone else had this happen?

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STDs :: Anxiety / Depression - Physical And Mental Symptoms

I have now lived with what I think is an STD for the past 4 years and it has completely ruined my life. I have many physical symptoms, but what affects me the most is how it affects me mentally. Extreme depression and anxiety, thoughts of suicide, significant memory loss, complete loss of sex drive, inability to think clearly are some examples. You may be thinking this is depression, but i've been treated for depression over the entire 4 years. All the medications I've taken, all the therapy I've done, none of it has improved anything. Both physical and mental symptoms get better and worse together as if the disease goes dormant, and I feel a lot more like my old self.

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Anxiety / Depression :: Mirtazapine Helps Physical Symptoms?

I will probably be starting Mirtazapine next week and wondered if it has helped anyone with the physical symptoms of anxiety or depression. Does it help anyone with pain relief at all ? 

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Anxiety :: Physical Symptoms - Voices / Pressure In Head

I have been hearing multiple voices threatening my life constantly and tormenting me 24/7 since 1/1/14, but mine goes beyond just voices. I just woke up and began hearing voices. First day the voices made me see demonic face patterns on walls and patterned surfaces. That stopped after the first day. Since then, they have been giving me all kinds of physical torment from pulsating head pains and stomach aches to anything u can possibly name except external cuts or bruises. They can inflict pokes, itches, scratches, and pain of all sorts on any parts of the body including the eyes. I have no idea what this is but it's not just psychological. I have no history of mental illness and am straight as an arrow as far as drugs and alcohol.

I believe this may have started when i recorded myself sleeping about 10 months ago and listened to it for 2 weeks. Then I stopped. I heard voices in the recording of all sorts when amplified. Didn't think much of it. Then on 1/1, i woke up with voices in bed. I am new to paranormal and considered this to be Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP). I am thinking that I may have opened a portal when I head the voices in the recording.

This is so bizarre beyond words.

I am not even religious or christian but the initial story they would play on me was that they were Succubus, Lucifer, and Jehovah. That lasted for 3 days or so and now they just constantly keep saying that they are my demons and they are essentially controlling my body functions to some extent. Their voices are 24/7.

I have so much more to say, but too much to type out. They use the slightest emotional change in me and amplify the side effects into physical symptoms. Like slightest of anxiety you might not normally notice is amplified and i would get physical side effect symptoms as if I was having massive anxiety. They are constantly causing pressure sensations in the head.

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Anxiety :: Physical Symptoms - Chest Pain And Exhausted

Hi guys , the weird symptoms I am having is that I am becoming often distant from I what seemed be my body. It's weird. I'm incredibly weak as well , the feeling of generally feeling exhausted when standing up. I'm making myself panicky that this could be the end of a horrendous illness no one has ever picked up. I'm just not feeling at all right. I also get pain in the middle upper of my chest. Do any other of yous experience these symptoms

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Anxiety / Multiple Sclerosis - Strange Physical Symptoms

I am writing this post after over 20 years of being worried about getting MS having been around my beloved Mum who has had it since I was 5 (I am now 33).

As a child I really suffered from bad anxiety, clearly related to my Mum being ill and in pain around me and my parent's relationship very slowly breaking down. This would come and go, but included a lot of missing school, night terrors, panic attacks, feeling ill when nothing really wrong etc. When I was 22-25 it really came to a head and I suffered terrible panic disorder. After months of therapy (talking it out and CBT), it went away and I was able to live my life again. I felt like a new person.

BUT, last year my father left my Mum which was a huge strain on me and more recently my mother has been very ill and in hospital for weeks after a bad relapse. I got extremely stressed travelling to and from the hospital every day and also trying to sort funding, hurry up the social services and hospital nurses that were so overstretched Mum's care was appalling (not their fault, but the NHS cuts) and then I had to sort a new care home for her that would look after her properly with proper nursing.

Anyway, for the past few months I have been having some very scary symptoms and I really want to believe that they are anxiety related and that my nervous system has been under so much stress that it isn't computing properly and me telling myself my worst fear, but I also need to be sensible and realise that my chances of getting MS are higher than the norm having an immediate relative with it. And I suppose I have been thinking about it all my life and I am sure that must have a long lasting effect on people.

I would say that I am experiencing a lot of symptoms all at once, I am not sure if these can occur through pure stress and anxiety as they are so physical! I have spent my whole life not reading about the disease or symptoms, only being around my Mum (lifting her, putting her to bed, sorting district nurse appointments constantly, caring for her during two MS trials she did years ago (which didn't work. Again hugely stressful etc etc) - and I think that reading about it all now would send me off the rails!

My symptoms include tingling in left hand and right leg, headaches, heavy feeling leg that is stiff when I sit down for long periods of time, strained feeling in eyes (recent eye test ok though) constant painful neck (helped by Osteo), light feeling in arm, chest pains, itchy feeling as if bugs crawling on my legs when I lie in bed...

The doctor has checked my blood and all was fine, checked my reflexes and everything seemed OK. I do think I should be referred to a Neuro but I am TERRIFIED.

I have had too much stress and worry and all my friends say I cope so well, but it is just a front, I don't think I can go through with an MRI and the worry of waiting to hear what I think I have expected all my get MS like my Mum.

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