(Age 25-34) Pregnancy :: Unable To Sleep And Moodiness

Dec 27, 2014

Is it common to not be able to sleep during pregnancy? I'm only 10 weeks and I'm irritable when sleeping.i can't sleep in the same room as my husband. But also any little noise is disturbing me. Because of lack of sleep I'm an emotional wreck at times. I don't know what to do....Can't even take sleeping pills.

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(Age 25-34) Pregnancy :: Unable To Sleep

Is it normal not to be able to sleep or feel sleepy at all around 10  11 weeks?? Any advice on how to get around it??

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Hepatitis A - Unable To Sleep At Night

I have been diagnosed with hepatitis A 10 days & now am recovering from it but for the past 10 days am not getting any at night I could sleep for atleast an hour continuously is this a symptom of this infection ?

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Unable To Sleep Due To Heartbeat Sound

Whenever I try to sleep at noon, my heartbeat's sound just happens to increase for me. And I am then unable to sleep. Please help me.

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Unable To Sleep Due To Negative Thoughts

I have a horrible time falling asleep, i almost always have to have a TV on to listen to and concentrate on in order to fall asleep. 90% of the time if i shut off the tv within minutes my mind is racing over negative thoughts. People i hate that have wronged me, lost loves, revenge I would like to have, then the next thing i'm full blown angry, heart racing and no chance of falling asleep. Its always just something random, worry about bills, worry about a better job, think of someone i hate/that wronged me. Once i fall asleep im usually good, its just so hard to get there. I cant shut my mind off. Ambien is a joke and does nothing, same with valium, i will chew up 3-4 off the shelf sleeping pills and sometimes that will put me out. The only times i have ever fell asleep well is all drugged up. Like a big ole xanax or so drunk i pass out. I just wish i could close my eyes and fall asleep, but as soon as its quiet my mind goes 100mph.

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Polymyalgia Rheumatica And GCA :: Unable To Sleep Some Nights

Thank you for answering me.  Are you in Australia? am having problems finding anybody with this disease in Australia. I was diagnosed April 2015 and have been up and down on prednisone, now on 60mg, blood test tomorrow hopefully will be tapered down slowly, all depends on results.

I have Glaucoma and high blood pressure caused by PMR and GCA, suffered many headaches for 9 months, seem to be okay at the moment on 60mg, having trouble sleeping some nights, wide awake which is a bit of a worry.  Now using a steroid drop on one eye because of having a completely red eye for 6 weeks, drop has helped and taken redness away.  No pains in limbs etc at the moment on this high dose of predni. I found my GP knows very little about this problem, though he is willing to listen to me and discuss things, we are finally coming to some understanding, I told him I am contacting Forums to learn what I can about PMR etc.

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Alcohol :: Tapering Off Beer / Wine - Unable To Sleep?

It gets to the point where you know you need to stop, but the thought of stopping is a major step.

Two weeks ago, I decided that enough was enough. My three bottles a day habit was starting to get out of control. I would wake up in the morning and my husband would ask me if I was okay. "Yes of course I'm okay. Why?" "Because you fell over last night." The blackouts were starting to scare me.

Sunday I decided that I would start tapering off the following day. Luckily I have a supportive husband and admitted my problem. He bought me very small lagers and printed out the tapering off method from the internet.

Monday: I had the shakes in the morning after three bottles of wine the day before. Luckily I work from home. I had six beers and stopped myself from buying a bottle of wine in the evening. Really bad sleep, nightmares, palpatations and a constant craving for what I knew would help me.

Tuesday: Didn't really wake up okay as I hadn't slept much. Started work. Had four small beers and didn't crave for wine in the evening. I felt shaky and strange. Went to bed and slept for three hours which was unusual for me.

Wednesday: I woke up feeling different. Almost human. I got loads of work done and didn't want a drink. I had one small beer with my dinner and went to bed. I slept for about four hours, had some water and went back to sleep. Amazing.

Thursday: Well I've been a good girl this week. I'll treat myself to a glass of wine. Big mistake. Two bottles down.

Friday: We're going away this weekend. I could just not drink during the week surely? Another two bottles of wine. A few shots at the local........

A week later I'm back where I started.

My problem is that I am scared of stopping. I now know that I can get through the tapering off method without life threatening withdrawals but I contradict myself constantly. My mum has Alzheimer's. I'm helping her, so I need a drink. Oh, I've had a bad day so I deserve a glass of wine, or six. My child is disabled. I deserve a drink because I've had a bad day. The cycle is endless.

I went to the GP yesterday and cried. I told him (it was a locum) that I had a problem. I explained that I couldnt sleep without a drink. I have nightmares (because of my PTSD) and my stomach is playing havoc with my life. He said, "Obviously you have IBS." I said, "Obviously?" He said, "Well yes. you don't drink enough for it to affect your stomach." I walked out of the surgery saying, "Well thanks anyway."

Sorry for the long post but I am really trying and wanted some advice/encouragement to try this tapering off again next week. Does it work? Has anyome done it successfully?

I have already applied to be a patient for a different surgery and will be honest with them too. Hopefully they will point me in the right direction.

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Polymyalgia Rheumatica - Insomnia Kicking In - Unable To Sleep

Insomnia kicking in! I've been on Pred for nearly a month and I'm sure I'm anaemic, has anyone suffered the same? I'v put my lack of energy and tiredness and fussy head down to the pred or PMR itself, but the colour of my skin is so pale and when I pull my eyelids they are pink not red!! Any other problem by the looks of it! So fed up with this and it's only been 2 months of PMR, I WISH I COULD SLEEP FOR A FEW YEARS UNTIL ITS GONE,

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Lichen Planus :: Itching Vulva Flare Up - Unable To Sleep

I have been going through a second flare up and dermovate is not working. Now been given protopic as not responding to steroid creams. I need advise on the itching which is literally driving me mad and the lack of sleep is interfering with my work now any advise on creams, diets etc!

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PCOS :: Unable To Sleep,excessive Hair Growth, Weight Gain And Acne

I m 19. I m the type of person well I used to be the type of person who would wake up with the biggest smile at 2am... But recently since the past few months it feels like everything s changed. I find it so hard to go to sleep - I be tossing and turning in bed till 1-2am, and I find it hard to wake at 10am (I honestly have never been able to sleep later than 10am) but recently I ve actually had to force myself out of bed, coz I feel that tired.  I feel really less motivated recently too, it feels like I'm going to get nowhere in life even though I'm working really hard with everything I want to succeed in; whether it's my education, whether it's losing weight etc.

I ve been feeling kinda down, sad and lonely lately too. It just feels like I've got no one - I m all alone. I m a very cheerful person and I never felt like this before. I do not have any siblings, I ve got loads of relatives/cousins but I barely get to meet them/talk to them. I feel lonely... Feels like I've got no one. 

I suffer from PCOS which makes things worse - like all the excessive hair growth, weight gain, acne etc. It feels like I can't cope with it anymore. I just fake a smile. I cry within. 

I just don't know what's wrong with me. I told my mum once and she just started laughing and say you ll be fine, but she doesn't know how I feel! Like I can t explain how it feels, I can t explain it to myself either. I feel lost. Completely lost.

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Pregnancy :: Husband Avoiding / Unable To Do Sex

I'm 23 weeks pregnant and I'm 30 yrs old. My husband is 35 yrs old and is a truck driver who don't get a lot of sleep. I've become so horny that I want it all the time but my husband is tired all the time and sometimes we can start making love but he gets tired in the middle of it and goes soft(sorry tmi). I love my husband but I have needs too. I just want to crush up a blue pill and put it in his coffee I want it so bad what should I do.

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Pregnancy :: Bikini Shave? How? Unable To See Down There

Whose gonna shave my bikini area when i cant see it anymore gotta figure this out bikini waxing when pregnant?  i don't want to be Chewbacca when i deliver.

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Sleep Disorders :: 3-6 Hours Of Sleep Until I Wake Up And Cant Go Back To Sleep

I'm 14 years old and yesterday school started after two weeks of holidays. I went to bed at 11 PM and woke up at 4 AM. I tried to go back to sleep but I just couldn't. At 6 AM I got up and got ready for school. After school I was really tired and took an hour long nap, but I was still extremely tired. I went to bed at 9 PM and fell asleep in a second. I woke up at 2:30 AM and tried my best to fall asleep, but it didn't work. Its 6 AM right now and Ive done some homework, as I couldnt do them yesterday because I was so tired. The thing is, this didn't happen in my holiday, and I get really cranky when I don't get enough sleep. Do I have insomnia?

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Bad UTI Pain And Can't Sleep

Its almost five am and I cant even lay down because of how much pain im in. I cant go to the dr until 2 pm tomorrow. I know this is a uti because ive had them before but never this bad. Im so worried about the baby and if I can even take any antibiotics to make this go away. Is there anything I can do to make the pain go away.

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(Age 25-34) Pregnancy :: How Much Sleep In Third Trimester

How much should I be sleeping in the third trimester? I feel like I could literally lay in bed and nap all day!

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(Age 25-34) Pregnancy :: Does Anyone Ever Sleep (33 Weeks)

I'm 33 weeks. Does anyone ever sleep.?

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Pregnancy :: No Sleep For Me (35 Weeks)

How good is it when you have to go to work early morning at 35 weeks pregnant and can't get a wink of sleep! I just know I'm going to be sick in the morning from lack of sleep it's nothing new :( only 2 more weeks then hopefully some time to relax whatever that is with a 2 year old also lol .... Any tips on getting a few hours rest atleast?

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Pregnancy :: Insomnia - How Do You Sleep?

How do you sleep? Is there anything you can take? I've literally had only 2 hours of sleep and am wide awake.

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Pregnancy :: Insomnia - Can't Sleep

I can't sleep!:( anyone else have this problem? I wake up around 3am everyday and I've never been like this before

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Pregnancy Age 35+ :: Can't Sleep All Night - Tried Unison

Any ladies out there having trouble sleeping all night?  If not,  what are you doing to help.  I've tried Unison.

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Whats A Good Sleep Aid

Whats a good sleep aid while 18 weeks

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