Golf - Volkswagen :: 1999 - Stalling Out Intermittently?

Jan 10, 2012

I have a 99 VW Golf Wolsburg that I bought used a few years ago. I can't figure out what else I need to do to keep it running. I have done the following: oil changes, replaced spark plugs and wires, replaced crank shaft position sensor, replaced muffler, replaced distributor cap, ignition rotor, made repairs to coolant flange, and replaced the fuel pump wire conections. It has stalled out on me while driving and then won't start, leaving me stranded and having to be towed. Sometimes I come back to it and its just fine, and then does it again at a later time. Usually the CEL code is P0304/P0341. After another trip to the mechanic the CEL came on again with P0341.Now what?

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Volkswagen - Golf :: Brake Indicator Light Lit Up And Beeping Intermittently

I drive a 2000 VW Golf with 148K miles on it. One Saturday this summer my brake indicator light started lighting and beeping intermittently as I was driving. My brakes were operating fine so I did not read my owners manual until I reached my home. It indicated that I needed to have a qualified mechanic check it immediately but as it was almost 4 o'clock in the afternoon I couldn't find a mechanic in any gas station or garage. As I had a 200 mile drive to do the next day, I purchased brake fluid and carefully followed all of the directions for checking and filling my brake fluid.

However, when I took the cap off of the reservoir, the reservoir really looked fine and I was only able to add about a teaspoon max of brake fluid. However, when I tried driving the car, it seemed that the problem was solved as the brake indicator light did not come on again. Approximately 3 months later now the brake indicator light is intermittently going on again: about every other day. It goes on and then shortly after it goes off and then it doesn't come on again for a day or two.

Inasmuch as I added such a small amount of brake fluid last time I'm really not sure that the problem is actually with the fluid. I wondered if perhaps it was more of a vacuum problem or that by opening the reservoir some air escaped or something of that nature. I also wonder if possibly there's a component that's giving a false reading. At any rate, I'm a little white-haired old lady and there's a limit to what I can do on my car myself and I'm also a target whenever I go into a shop to get the most expensive diagnosis and fix. I'd like to go in to a shop with good information so that it doesn't become an expensive fishing expedition. What could be causing this?

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Jetta - Volkswagen :: 1999 - Choking Intermittently / No Set Pattern

I have a 1999 (new body style) VW Jetta GLS. 4cyl, 2L engine. It has been chocking intermittently. there is no set pattern of when it chokes. it chokes at speeds above and below 60mph. it usually chokes at constant speed; non acceleration...BUT it has choked while accelerating from stop. the heater is sometimes on and sometimes point is there is no set pattern. THE THING IS....every time it chokes, there is a clicking at the dashboard. just one click per choke/jerking. the dash lights and the headlights do NOT dim or flash at all. THERE IS NO CHECK ENGINE LIGHT illuminated in the dash or any other warning light. the choking has not caused the car to stall or shut off....although there have been times when it almost did.the car has been tuned up...plugs, wires, fuel filter...timing belt and serpentine relatively new.

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Ford Super Duty (1999-2016) :: Stalling Intermittently After Oil Cooler Replacement

Recently had an oil cooler EGR cooler replaced. On my first big tow broke down on a major highway. Got it towed to the dealership and diagnosed as a blown out IPR screen. Replace the entire IPR and had no problems the entire trip. A few week later I am sensing the same problems again that i had before the major blowout. Randomly while driving down the highway the truck will stall for a half second or so and then kick back in and continue fine. Seems like the truck loses fuel for a second and then regains itself.

And it's not always at speed either...sometimes just coming to a stop I can feel it. Now this has only happened three times in the past 10 days or so but seems like it needs to get addressed. These symptoms are similar to what I experienced before my major IPR blowout. After it was replaced I didn't have any of the stalling problems but its now happening again. Could I possibly have some gunk in the IPR again that's causing this intermittent problem? Or something else altogether?

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Ford Super Duty (1999-2016) :: 2002 7.3L - Stalling Out At Low Speed Or Decelerating Intermittently?

I have a problem with 2002 7.3dsl stalling out at low speed or letting your foot off the accelerator. How ever problem is intermittent. Also intermittently idles rough. What to check next.

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Jetta - Volkswagen :: 2011 - Stalling Typically When Slowing Down

We purchased our 2011 Jetta SE Automatic brand new - first people to drive it - and have had virtually no problems up until this summer. The car has stalled on us dozens of times now and been to two different dealerships for service a handful of times and no one knows what the problem is. We found that the car typically stalls when we're slowing down; however, it recently stalled when we were in Park. When it stalls, the steering wheel locks up, the breaks are nearly impossible to push and everything seems to shut down except the radio. We're virtually a sitting duck for other cars.

When this happens, we're able to put the car back in park, turn it off and back on and drive fine for a while. It seems to be happening more frequently but the dealership hasn't been able to replicate the issue - there are no codes left on the computer and they've literally taken the car apart and can't find anything wrong. They've even 'driven' it for 200 miles and still, nothing. Initially we were told it was bad gas, then we were told it was an operating system update. Now they're trying to tell us that it's our driving style but multiple people in my family have driven the car with the same effect - stalling spontaneously while slowing down, stopping or trying to break.

We've also noticed skipping or slipping between gears when we're at higher speeds but I'm not sure if that's related. It almost feels like your foot falls off the accelerator or slips while you're driving but instead you're actually applying constant pressure.

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Volkswagen - Rabbit :: Stalling / EPC And Battery Lights Turn On When Idling

I bought a used 2008 Rabbit about two year ago. Recently, I have been experiencing two problems:

Sometimes, when I am idling at a light, my car stalls and the EPC and battery lights turn on. If I turn off my car and back on it then runs fine.

Last night, I drove my car to two stops. At the second stop, the car wouldn't turn on. I got a jump and drove it straight to the mechanic's. This morning they said the battery is charged and the car is turning on fine. They cannot find anything so far that is draining the battery.

What might be causing these two problems?

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Jetta - Volkswagen :: Jerking / Resetting Clock / All Indicators Flashing On Dash And Stalling

Why my 2002 volkswagen jetta station wagon is jerking, resetting the clock, flashing all the indicators on the dash, and Its stalling. When it start it to drive the transmission won't shift until it runs for about 5-10 minutes. One mechanic said the computer keeps resetting itself. The dealer said I needed a new transmission, but after 5 minutes the transmission shifts. It only has 117,000 miles.

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Stalling - Jetta - Volkswagen :: 2003 1.8T Stall Randomly When Driving Or Idling In The Driveway

I am having a problem with my car stalling randomly. It happens when I am driving and it also happened when the car was idling in the driveway. I believe it to be an electrical problem as there are no lights on the dashboard when I try to turn it over, however after a few minutes it will start and run ok. At first I thought it was the fuel pump, but now I'm not so sure. There is no pattern to when it happens either. When driving the car will start sputtering then stall. I'll let it sit for a minute or so, then it starts again. What can be causing this?

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Golf - Volkswagen :: 1999 - Stuttering Over 55mph

I own a 1999 VW Golf with 136+ thousand miles. We drive it mostly on surface streets and it runs fine. However, this past holiday we hopped on the expressway and as soon as we got above 55mph it started to stutter. It felt almost as if the spark plugs were misfiring. I've since given the spark plugs a once over and they look fine but I'm due for a tune up soon anyway and i intend to replace them. I can't feeling though that if the plugs are the problem, the car would be stuttering regardless of speed.

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Volkswagen - Golf :: 1999 - Faulty Idle Regulator - CEL Came On?

I recently bought a 1999 VW Lupo (essentially a two door Golf) with 30000 miles on it. My mechanic suspects it sat idle for a long time. Recently the check engine light went on, warning of a faulty idle regulator. What effect would you expect to see as a result ?

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BMW :: 1998 - Stalling At Idle Intermittently?

1998 BMW 540i started stalling at idle.First time was after filling up with gasoline. The car restarted after two attempts to start then it kept stalling. Okay for a couple of weeks.Then the auto glass people plugged something into my cigarette lighter and it drained the battery. The had to jump start the car. Later the car stalled while coasting downhill into a parking lot. I took it to the shop.The mechanic scanned the codes and found a sensor that was "borderline" weak. They replaced the sensor. The next day the car stalled while waiting at a stop light. The car restarted okay after two attempts.Later the same day the car stalled at another light, downhill again. This time the car didn't restart after three attempts. Fourth attempt I gave it a lot of gas to keep it going. It fires up okay, but stalls.The mechanic checked the wiring to the replaced sensor, but couldn't find anything.The car stalled again going uphill out of a parking garage. It restarted and This Time the SERVICE ENGINE SOON light stayed illuminated.

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Ignition - Starting - Passat - Volkswagen :: 2005 - No Cranking Intermittently

My daughter drives a 2005 Passat station wagon, has a small child and one on the way. She has had intermittent problems with the car just not wanting to crank. After sitting 15-20 minutes it will crank. But the wait and not knowing if it will crank is taxing me and her. Especially since she has another one on the way. She has taken it to a reputable mechanic. They kept it for 3 days, cranking it on and off without a problem, and told her they couldn't find anything.

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Jetta - Volkswagen :: 2005 - Making Rubbing / Grinding Noise Intermittently?

My 05 Jetta TDI is intermittently making a rubbing/grinding noise. Not in stop and go traffic but when I come to a stop at a stop sign, but only just before I come to a complete stop, not as soon as I hit the brakes. The shop that put the brakes on (about 18000 miles ago) looked at pads, rotors and pedal but said it's all fine. Could it be the booster, abs, or something else completely?

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Volkswagen - Beetle :: 2004 - Unlocking And Locking Car Via Remote Working Intermittently

VW New Beetle convertible 2004 ... Unlocking and locking my car via the remote largely stopped working (with my main key and the spare). I took the car to the repair shop, and after driving 20 min, the remote worked fine. They checked the computer to see if failures had registered (they had) and told me I'd likely have to replace the part in the door (pricey!) if the problem persisted. It has. The remote won't work at all, and then after I drive the car for a while, it works (as if it is somehow being recharged by driving.) I phoned my repair guy again, and he's mystified, cannot explain how driving for a period of time makes the key remote work.

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Volvo - 850 :: 1997 Started Stalling Intermittently When Idling

I have a 1997 volvo 850 that has started intermittently stalling. It usually happens when i'm idling, like at a stop sign or traffic light, but recently it did it on the freeway. I have taken it 6 times to the mechanic (5 times to one and finally having learned my lesson the last time to a new one) and they say it is one of 4 things, but can't figure out which of those 4 things it is until it stalls on them. which it hasn't done. it acts perfectly when at the mechanic's and then they always give it back to me, only for it to happen again. the last time the car ran beautifully for 6 weeks before stalling out on me again....... oh, and once they replaced my fuel pump which seemed to work for a while.

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Accent MC (2006-11) :: 2010 Stalling Intermittently Always When Idling

My 2010 Accent has been stalling intermittently, always when I am idling. I'll be at a stop light, and it will stall, and then it usually starts right up again. It is almost always the same stop light on my way to work, like clockwork, and likewise on my way home from work. Also, sometimes right after this stalling event, the motor will be a little rough on the highway, sputtering like it's not getting gas very well, but then it evens out after a while.

Yesterday for the first time it died and wouldn't start again. I suspected my fuel pump had gone out. I had it towed to a repair shop, but it started just fine for them and they can't re-create the problem. It doesn't give any computer codes at all.

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Volvo - S40 :: 2006 - Stalling / Engine Shuts Off Intermittently

We own a 2006 Volvo S40 2.4i. Occasionally, when my daughter is driving at very low speeds, such as braking when approaching a stop sign or stop light, or when she is accelerating from a stop, the engine shuts off, forcing her to stop the vehicle, put the car in park, and restart the engine. Fortunately, the engine always restarts. Unfortunately, however, the problem only occurs intermittently. It may happen twice within an hour, and then not again for two or three weeks. As a result, the problem has not been duplicated by the dealer or any other repair shop. And, when plugged into the computer, none of the codes show up. So far the dealer has removed carbon from the throttle valve control unit and replaced the alternator. But the problem continues. Not sure what do to next as the dealer says he is baffled.

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Subaru - Outback :: 2000 - Stalling Intermittently With A Full Tank Of Gas

My 2000 Subaru Outback automatic, with 95,000 miles is intermittently stalling. No check engine light, no sputtering, engine temperature & oil pressure fine; it will just be running and then it isn't. It has happened with a 1/4 tank gas and with a full tank of gas. Primarily it has happened after driving around on a hot day, with some highway driving, city driving, running errands- so stopping for a while, then when I head home and gain altitude (another 2000-2500 ft), it will stall when I take my foot off of the accelerator to make a left turn, or go around a blind right curve, but not every time. When it has stalled once, it tends to repeatedly stall when I take my foot off of the gas.

It always starts right back up again with no problem. It happened once in town right after I filled up with gas, but didn't repeatedly stall after that.It has been to my mechanic 3 times and no codes come up with scan. The AF sensor (idle control valve) was replaced twice, throttle body cleaned (although not bad), crank sensor checked, fuel trim checked, wires, battery checked, hoses checked, reprogramming of ECU checked- not needed, no recalls/reflashes, nothing found. I don't want to end up stranded on a lonely mountain road with fires approaching, or getting broadsided when it stalls in a left turn.

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Passat - Volkswagen :: 1998 - Engine Began Intermittently Shuddering / Steering Wheel Vibrate?

I have a 1998 Passat turbo wagon. A couple of months ago, the engine began intermittently shuddering/stuttering. The car/steering wheel vibrate when accelerated. Acceleration is very slow. It may start when started, or just driving down the road. This can last a few minutes/block or several minutes/blocks. It disappears just as quickly as it begins. My garage ran engine analysis and nothing shows. Can't do anything till they can duplicate, and I can't cause it to happen. During the occurrence, tach is at 9000 and steady. I use high octane gas. Today, while stuttering the engine just quit twice while stopped. Car has 115,000 miles and otherwise is in excellent shape mechanically (regular oil changes, etc.). What's happening?

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Volvo :: 1992 240 Wagon Intermittently Stalling / Missing - Loss Of Power

My 1992 240 wagon (injection) is intermittently stalling, and missing. The lambda light is on the dash. Last year it was doing something similar, but not as bad, and I took it to Volvo and they cleaned the throttle body and said it should be ok, and it was for a while, but now it's worse. Ignition parts are mostly new, I doubt it's that. When it stalls it nearly always starts straight away. When it's missing badly but not stalling, pressing the acc peddle does nothing, until it eventually catches on and revs properly.

I also find that when I have a full tank it's not so bad. When the tank was nearly empty it was particularly bad - it's winter and I was suspecting there was condensation in the tank.

Is there a 'backyard' way of getting the error codes? This could be a good start.

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