Prius (2004-09) :: Vibration Noise Coming From The Wheel

Feb 20, 2015

After having another car ram the front left of my gen 2 I've noticed a hum/drone/vibration noise coming from that wheel and in the space of 10 days the noise has got really loud, it's quite embarrassing as even my taxi customers are commenting on the sound, is it possible the smash .

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Prius (2004-09) :: Cracking Sound Coming From Steering Wheel / Intermittent Vibration

In my 2006 Prius, I just started noticing this recently, but whenever I turn my steering wheel, it makes a weird noise and I can feel something going on through the steering wheel. It doesn't impede my steering, the car steers just fine... It's just an add sound, I don't want to say a cracking sound... but it kind of is? I don't know. I'll have to put a video of it up. & it doesn't matter which way I turn it, it still makes the weird sound and the intermittent vibration... I know it has E-steering and occasionally you can here the motor whirring when you turn it but this is different, it's a loud... popping noise is the word for it! Popping, and I can feel it when it pops through the steering wheel. Again, it doesn't impede the steering ability at all, but something isn't right I'm sure... Or maybe it's normal.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Noise Coming From Every Wheel - Bearings?

As the weather got hotter, I have started to drive with my windows half-down when driving through city for short distances, otherwise I use AC. What I noticed about one month ago was the noise coming from the wheels when going over bumps. It is really annoying and sounds like when you shake metal balls in a pocket.

Firstly I thought that it was coming from the brake calipers, so I replaced all the shims (actually, I have replaced rotors and pads also as they were pretty rusty and I got a good price on them). However, the noise is still there. Yesterday I got my tires replaced for the summer ones and as I was checking afterwards if the bolts are tightened correctly, I noticed that if I shake the wheel (really hard) then I can replicate the noise. To have it summarized.

What I have tried already: Replaced rotors, pads and shims on every wheel and ensured that all of the bolts are tightened correctly. And I have also googled about this problem but every finding was about the shims not fitted correctly.

What are the symptoms: Strange metallic noise coming from the wheel (every) when going over road surfaces that are not perfectly flat and with windows down (when they are all up, I cannot hear anything). I can replicate the noise if I shake the wheel (with car on the ground).

I have taken video of the noise and hope you car hear it, but I think it is pretty noticeable. It sounds like the bolts are really loose but I have ensured 10 times that they are tightened and also as I wrote previously the noise is coming from every wheel. You cannot see it on the video but I'm filming with one hand and shaking the wheel with another (pretty hard), that's why the whole video is shaking.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Knocking Noise Coming From Passenger Wheel Area?

We have an 07 Prius with around 150,000 miles on it.

A couple of weeks ago I noticed a slight knocking noise coming from the passenger front wheel area mainly when I was turning toward the right.

Question.......So when turning to the right, it first seemed to me that the right side would experience a heavier load. However, after further thought and applying some physics the inertia of the car would actually be putting a heavier load on the left side during a right turn. Which is correct?

Just trying to troubleshoot the noise/problem.

#1 when I apply the brakes, the noise doesn't change. I don't think it's brake related.
#2 the noise speeds up with speed, meaning that it's rotational.
#3 The noise does get louder when I am turning right but has know progressed into a constant noise going straight. During a left turn it subsided.
#4 I did take my floor jake and jaked the pass. front wheel up but didn't see anything broken or damaged. I couldn't rotate the tire though.
#5 I also had the tires rotated today and the noise got worse.

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Ford F-150 (2009-2014) :: Rubbing Noise And Vibration Coming From Right Front Wheel

I have noticed recently that I have a "rubbing" noise and vibration coming from the right front wheel on my FX4. It is most noticeable from 5-10 MPH, and more pronounced when turning right. it is not constant. It sounds almost like a brake pad rubbing on a badly warped, wet rotor. It goes away when I apply the brakes. I am thinking bearing or possible CV joint.

The dealer can't get it in until Tuesday, and they say I will have to pay the deductible on the ESP, even if it is related to the steering vibration they could not replicate or fix about a month ago. I am seriously considering going to another dealer for my service. Given, they did absorb the deductible last time, but they didn't fix the problem!

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Ford F-150 (2004-2008) :: Humming With Rhythmic Vibration Coming From Driver Side Front Wheel

2008 2wd 4.6L 98K miles F150 for the past few weeks has been humming with a rhythmic vibration which feels like it is coming from driver's side front wheel. It doesn't do it constantly, nor at all speeds. Once I hit about 25mph, you can start to hear a humming. At 35, slight vibration. Between 50-60, heavier vibration. Sometimes at 65+, it subsides quite a bit. Both front rotor assemblies are newer, and I put in a brand new left because I thought it was a bad bearing.

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Touareg :: 2004 - Weird Noise And Vibration Whenever Turn Steering Wheel

Lat week I dropped my '04 V6 Touareg off at my dealer for some minor warranty work. On the way to the dealer, I noticed a weird noise and vibration whenever I turned the steering wheel. I mentioned this to the dealer when I dropped the car off. They called me later saying that there was a leak in the steering rack and the whole thing needed to be replaced. The car wasn't safe to drive, so they would provide a rental.

Today, I get a call saying that the steering rack finally came in, but that upon installing it they noticed that something connectet to the steering or front suspension (I can't remember what it was, tie rod perhaps?) was bent, probably from hitting a pot hole, and that therefore the replacement would not be covered by warranty. Needless to say, this will not be cheap.

I do not take my Touareg off road, and I don't remember hitting any pot hole so hard that it could have bent something. My questions are:

- Is this a known or common problem/issue with Touaregs?
- Could hitting a pot hole or something a long time ago cause a leak many months later?

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Prius (Gen 2) :: Vibration / Clunking Noise In Front End While Driving With Steering Wheel Centered

The problem started a few months back and has been getting progressively worse. Unfortunately for my Prius I have been in the middle of remodeling my house so I have been neglecting the problem and now it is time to face it before something bad happens.

So, It is a 2005 Prius with 189k+ miles on it. I started getting a vibration/clunking noise in the front end while driving with the steering wheel centered. It also turns on the traction control alert and sometimes slows the car down when turning and the only way to get it to stop is to turn the wheel the other way. It started only happening at higher speeds of 65mph+ but progressively got worse until it now happens as low as 35mph.

I thought that it was the drive axle as it seemed to be characteristic of that with the vibration (When the problem first started it seemed to only happen when accelerating, but now happens all the time), so I replaced the LH drive axle as well as the sway bar tie rod (The joints were very worn and loose), but the problem still exists.

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Prius (2004-09) :: High Velocity Vibration Through Steering Wheel When Driving At 55 Mph

My 05 will pass the 230K mile mark sometime in the next week. I have been tolerating a high velocity (65+mph ) vibration [for about the past six months - maybe more] that I can feel through the steering wheel. When driving at 55 mph, there's no vibration whatsoever.

It could be that the Ecopia 422s that were installed two years ago are causing it or it could be a bad front wheel bearing. The Ecopias have 45k miles on them and realistically don't have much more life left in them (60K tread wear warranty). A couple of them are a little more than 1/32 from the wear bars.

To those who replaced their front wheel bearing(s). What were the symptoms up to the time of replacement? Was it something you could sense when driving or was it found during an inspection with the front end raised?

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Lexus GX 2004-09 :: GX470 - Noise Coming From Under Floorboard And Vibration In Brake Pedal

I have a 2004 GX470; bought it new. The last few months I have been hearing a strange noise from the driver's side; seems to be coming from under the floorboard and can sometimes feel a vibration in the brake pedal. The noise is similar to a cat meowing. Have a son who is a GM tech; he said it sounds more electrical than mechanical. It happens mostly when I drive it cold. Seems to also happen more when turning/braking. I had the main belt replaced this summer. Should I have the tension pully replaced?

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Prius (2004-09) :: Clucking Noise From Near Front Driver Side Wheel - Replace Wheel Bearings?

My 2005 Prius has 95k miles on it. I've been hearing a cluck-cluck-cluck noise from near the front driver side wheel. I had an independent mechanic test drive it, who said the wheel bearing needs replacement. Should I have it checked out by a Toyota dealer? They're so much more expensive, but are is it worth taking it to them?

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Prius (Gen 2) :: 2007 Whirling / Vibration Noise Coming From Engine Compartment (with Audio)

I would describe the noise as a whirling/vibration sound that can be heard as soon as the gas engine portion of the car kicks in (even in park) but gets louder and more noticeable as the car is in motion, especially at highway speeds (55 - 65mph). Opening the hood and listening to the engine block, the noise is definitely coming from around the area of the silver-covered portion by the driver's-side, which I believe is the hybrid synergy engine. The noise has gotten to the point where I really get bothered by it driving anywhere, and I have to turn up the radio to try to drown out the noise.

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Prius (Gen 1) :: 2002 - Noise Coming From Rear Wheel

I bought a 2002, being a total new by I thought that faint humming noise was the electric motors doing , it's thing. Noise was faint when only me in the car or going slowly. Well as soon as I had someone sitting in the rear it was a loud humming droning noise that seemed to get quieter when making right turns like heavy off ramps at speed.

Finally jacked the car up and checked for wheel bearing noise. Fronts were too hard to check as there was resistance while turning wheel by hand, but the rear passenger seemed rough but no noise or looseness while turning by hand compared to the driver rear side.

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Yaris/Scion & Vitz :: Wheel Bearing Noise / Vibration On The Front Left (driver Side) Wheel

So on my girlfriends 2000 echo I get the classic bad wheel bearing noise/vibration on the front left (driver side) wheel. Worsens under load (right turn) and goes away when unloaded (left turn). I've replaced left side bearing, CV axle, brake rotors/pads and the noise still persists. My next thought is maybe the ball joint but humming/vibration tells me something out of rotational balance. Bearing in the transmission? I don't know. I'm stuck.

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Ford F-150 (2004-2008) :: Mild Roaring Noise Coming From Right Front Wheel

I got an 08 F150 2wd. I noticed lately a mild roaring noise coming from right front wheel, but it only does it when I'm turning left. There is nothing while driving straight or during right hand turns. Only happens during left hand turning.

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Golf VI R :: Subtle Vibration Coming From The Steering Wheel

Hit a MASSIVE pothole this PM at about 80mph... Car felt 'different' almost immediately. A subtle vibration coming from the steering wheel... which could also be felt on the dash, but ever so slightly. As if something was 'out of round'- OR is I had a bad bearing.

Pulled over at a gas station, but I saw nothing wrong with the tire or wheel. Was very surprised by this as I thought for sure I had a bet wheel or a bubbled tire. Only thing loose was the center cap.

Making an appointment this week at a dealer to check things out. Hoping it is just the bent wheel, busted tire, or wheel alignment issue... but thinking its more than that possibly.

What should I be asking the dealer to check for me? Control arm, drive shaft, strut, bearings... anything else?? I would hate to get the car back with the same vibration, and have them tell me 'all is Ok, we see nothing wrong'.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Howling Noise Coming From Back Side - Wheel Bearings Failure

I have been getting increased noise coming from the back of my car for the past month. So I jacked up the car and spun the tires and heard grinding noises in the rear right. I have a 2012 ToyotaPrius plug-in with 33,000 miles. When driving the car around 40 miles an hour there would be a howling sound coming from the back of the car regardless of the type of pavement I was driving on.

So I took it to the dealer today and they had it up on the rack in about an hour later they came to me and said it needed new tires and it would be about $700 and that this was likely causing the noise. I said that there was no way that it was the tires so I went and showed the mechanic how old the sound was coming out of the back right wheel. He listened with his stethoscope on the wheel bearings and said that he did hear some noise in there but still thought it was the tires.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Electric Buzzing / Whirring Noise - Not Vibration?

My girlfriend just picked up a 2007 Prius Touring, 78,000 miles, original owner. It was a private sale and I took a look at it for her. I'm just learning about the Prius and stuff to look for, but everything looked good on it to me. After purchasing it she noticed a noise coming from the drivers side dash. I searched here and saw that dash rattles are common, but this sounds more like an electric buzzing/whirring noise. The duration of the noise is always about 2 to 3 seconds in length, then it stops. There doesn't seem to be any common factor for when it occurs. Is there anything electric on the drives side dash (far left side, closest to the window), that might be making this noise? It's not super loud, you can't hear it if the radio is on.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Loud Road Noise Above 35 Mph - Slight Vibration?

Starts getting loud above 35mph, local tire shop recommends replacing the struts- says they are causing bumps in the tire because the tire is bouncing along as I drive. I did feel bumps going across the tire when I passed my hand across it.

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Ford F-150 (2004-2008) :: 2006 - Grinding Or Whirring Noise Coming From Front Passenger Side Wheel

I owned a 99 f250 a little while ago. Just bought a 2006 crewcab F150 xlt about 2 months ago, and for the past month there has been this unusual grinding or whirring like noise coming from the front passenger side wheel.

I took it to the mechanic and he found a bad wheel bearing on drivers side and replaced it but that wasn't the issue. He could hear the noise but wasn't able to figure out what the actual issue was.

The noise only happens when my foot is on the throttle. (not when coasting) and i also just discovered that it doesn't make any noise at all when put in 4x4.

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GTI 337/20th Anniversary :: Vibration Coming From Front Left Wheel Area

I have an intermittent problem with vibrations coming from the front left wheel area. It vibrates my whole car to the point where I need to slow down to 30mph speeds. It usually occurs during extended periods of driving, but not always. When I am on the interstate driving and it happens, it works when I pull off to the shoulder and turn my wheel all the way to each direction multiple times. Is this an axle related problem? What other things should I look for?

One more thing to add. When this problem first started happening, I noticed that it would only happen when I was in gear and giving it gas. It would stop vibrating when I was coasting in neutral.

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