Prius (2004-09) :: Spontaneous Door Unlock / Triangle Warning Light

Apr 19, 2015

A weird thing happened to me just now in my 2005 Prius -- several times, while driving, the doors spontaneously came unlocked, while the red triangle with the exclamation point flashed on the dashboard. I was able each time to relock the doors from the master switch, and nothing else seemed to happen. At first, I thought I might be accidentally hitting a button on the key in my pocket, but I couldn't reproduce the effect by intentionally hitting the buttons. I stopped at my destination (Home Depot) and hoped the problem would go away as suddenly as it appeared, but it happened again on the way back. I have SKS. The key is a relatively new one that I had made some time after I got the car in 2010 (so 2011, maybe?).

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Prius (Gen 2) :: 2004 - Red Triangle Warning Light Came On And Went Away?

The red triangle warning light on our 2004 came on and went away again It has 100k miles If I take it to the dealer can they pull some codes and figure out why it turned on We have to drive the car to 600 miles for the upcoming weekend and I don't want to be stranded on the side of the road The car has 103,000 miles We just replaced the 12v battery so I know that is OK

I also saw the following things to check. Is there anything else we should check?

1 - Are any warning lights on besides the red triangle? For example, the red BRAKE light, the amber ABS and VSC lights, or the amber circular icon?

2 - Did you check the brake fluid level? If low, buy a new container of DOT3 brake fluid and replenish as needed This fluid will dissolve paint, so do not spill it

3 - While you are at it, check the radiator and inverter coolant levels by looking at the translucent reservoirs behind the radiator and next to the inverter If low, fill with Toyota Super Long Life Coolant

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Prius (2004-09) :: Red Triangle Warning Light Stayed On

This morning I went out to warm my car up for a few minutes because it has been so cold and when I started it the red triangle warning light stayed on and the consumption screen said "problem" across the top with a little icon in the upper left hand corner that looked similar to a high beam headlight indicator. I turned the car off and started it again wondering if it would clear which it did not. I left it running and went inside to get my child and by the time I came out it had cleared itself.

In typing this I recall that I thought it stayed on a little longer than normal the other day and just ignored it thinking it was still in lamp test mode on initial start up.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Red Triangle / Engine Light And Oil Warning (P0340)

I bought a 2006 Prius. A few days ago the car was driving along just fine when the red triangle appeared together with the 'problem' message followed by the red oil warning displaying in the top left corner of the screen. A few seconds later, the yellow engine light lit up and I drove the remaining mile or so back home (very slowly and carefully). I should point out that the car didn't drive any differently after these warnings appeared and I haven't noticed any strange sounds or anything like that.

I've been out to the car on a few occasions since. It goes into ready mode just fine and drives perfectly in EV mode. The triangle and oil warning reappear shortly after the engine cuts in every time it's started. The hybrid battery charges and discharges on the display when it's left at idle as normal. A friend of mine has a cheap and cheerful diagnostic machine that he brought over and that pulled the P0340 code which relates to the camshaft position sensor. That sensor has been replaced for a brand new one and the fault codes cleared but the code is still showing.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Check Engine Light And Red Triangle Warning Came On?

I have a 2007 prius. I was driving home all a sudden I get a big red triangle warning and the engine logo came on. On the display screen its show a logo of the car at the corner in red with exclamation mark. I use the car obdII scanner but no error code came up. I decide to check the engine oil. When I remove the cap, I notice inside the engine it look weird like a gold color and some blackish. The engine cap inside look like it have stains on it too. The hole where you pour the motor oil down I notice that piece inside don't go down for the funnel to stick in. I attach some pictures. I have no clue what's wrong with it and I don't wanna drive it to make it worse. The prius only have 90k miles on it.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Master Warning Light / Red Triangle Exclamation Point And Check Engine Light Came On

My wife and I own a 2006 Toyota Prius that we bought used 2 years ago. a couple of days ago, the master warning light (red triangle exclamation point) and check engine light came on. I took it into the dealer and of course, our hybrid battery was dead - battery and a new ECU required.

Our car is at 99,000 and 32 days out of warranty. Went down the road to atlanta hybrid repair. they were incredibly nice, and said that my computer was fine, but the battery would need to be replaced.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Parked On Very Slight Slope - Red Triangle Warning Light On

Yesterday I parked on a very slight slope (the front sat maybe 1 half to 1 foot higher than the rear) for a few hours. It was the end of my carport. When returned to move it forward and park, it was dead. So I put a charger on it and got it started but then the red triangle warning light was on saying that there was a problem with the parking system.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Red Triangle Warning Light Started Coming On When Stopped

I have an 06 Prius with about 170k miles. The hybrid battery was replaced shortly before I bought the car last year.

About a month ago, the red triangle warning light started coming on when I'm stopped. It usually stays on for a few seconds once I start moving again. The MFD just says "Problem" for a few seconds, then displays the icon for a headlight. Once the light clears, the MFD goes back to its normal display. Originally, it was lighting up once every other day or so, but now it's lighting two or three times per trip. I'm going to have to do something about it, but I'm trying to get my head around what to expect.

My understanding is that the red triangle could mean anything from "The door is open and you're moving. Please close it." to "Your car is about to melt down! Seek cover!". I have an Automatic OBD dongle, and it's not reading any diagnostic codes. But as I understand it, there's a whole different set of diagnostic codes that a "regular" OBD reader won't catch.

I keep seeing reference to ScanGauge devices -- do they read the second set of diagnostic codes? I talked to a mechanic in the area who will read the codes for about $100. Is the mechanic likely to be reading the codes with that tool/is that what a dealer would use to read the codes? Is the dealer likely to charge to read the codes?

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Prius (2004-09) :: Red Triangle Of Death / Check Engine Light And ABS Warning

I have been using it since last 10 months and was totally in love with this car.. But recently, an error showed up on MFD as well as the engine checklight came on. all this happened after a while, when i started the car one fine the morning..

car stats:
model: 2008
mileage: 123300Km
bought at 92000Km and was trouble free till now..

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Prius (2004-09) :: Hybrid System Warning And Triangle Of Death Light On

A few days ago I was driving my 2005 Prius aggressively up a mountain road and all at once the hybrid system warning light, the triangle with the exclamation point, and the regenerative brake system warning lights came on.

After about 2 minutes parked, I restarted the car and the regenerative brake system warning light went off, but the other two were still on. I still drove it twenty miles home, over another substantial mountain gap (about 1000 ft up and another 1500 down), without any problems.

I checked the voltage of the 12v battery, which seemed to be on the low end, but OK. (I think the lowest reading was 11.9). There seemed also to be some turbulence in the inverter coolant reservoir.

I brought it into the electronic vehicle specialist in town here today, who pulled my codes and said that the hybrid battery was dead.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Check Engine / Triangle And Hybrid Warning Light Came On

Possible hybrid battery failure in my 2004 Prius (96K miles).

Sunday before last, the check engine light, warning triangle, and hybrid warning light came on when I started my car at the grocery store.

Because I was close to home, I drove home and the car functioned completely normally. The next morning, when I started the car, the same warning lights appeared. However, when I tried starting my car with the headlights off (I always leave them on), no warning lights appeared.

I took my car to an independent mechanic. This is their written report:

"Found multiple check engine codes, P3000, sub code 123, V0100 sub code 211/330. These codes are set when high voltage control detects a malfunction in battery pack/ECU assembly. To check battery pack we took vehicle out on a test drive while monitoring the cells in the battery pack. Found that they are all weak and drop fast when battery is put under a load. Code C2318 is a low voltage error/power supply malfunction code with the auxiliary battery. The voltage spec for setting the code is 9.3 volts, this battery is less than 9.2 volts."

In conversation, the mechanic also told me there was significant voltage variation across the cells in the hybrid battery.

I then took my car to the dealer to try to confirm this analysis. They were unable to read any codes because the independent shop apparently cleared them. The dealer was unable/unwilling to do more than read the codes to diagnose the problem. (Indeed, they seemed surprised that the independent mechanic could monitor the cells in the pack.) All they did was to drive the car around some more to see if the check engine light would come on. It did not.

The car has been driven 80 miles since the warning lights last appeared and appears to be behaving normally. From your perspective, does the report from the independent mechanic make sense and is it believable? And is their test under load definitive of a hybrid battery problem? Could the results be affected by the low auxiliary battery? Also, if I do have a hybrid battery problem, what are the chances of being suddenly thrown into limp mode while driving it?

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Prius (2004-09) :: Triangle Warning With Brake Error - VSC / Check Engine Light On

Stopped at ATM when heard a thump under seat and all the above appeared on control panel. Waiting on computer code reader to test vehicle. Any clues to what all this means. Vehicle 2006 with 101K. Recent service as scheduled with coolant and inverter coolant and belt replacement done. No other issues to date with vehicle.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Security Light Flashing On Dash And Electric Door Locks Won't Unlock From Inside

I have my toyota pirus 2008 and i'm facing problem with it electric door locks. it's Security light flashing on the dash and the electric door locks won't unlock from the inside of the car but will lock. so i'm looking for a locking for locksmith who can solve it asap.

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Prius (Gen 2) :: Big Red Triangle And Hybrid Warning Light

The last few weeks I've been noticing that, upon start, the hybrid battery is showing at 1 line. It's been really hot in SO cal and the air con has been blasting, so I've been letting it charge up a bit before driving. Once I'm on the road, the battery charges fine and seems to hold a charge.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Door Open (Ajar) Warning Light Staying On

My 08 Prius developed a hiccup yesterday. While driving down the interstate there was an occasional red flash from the dash. It would come and go so fast that by the time I could actually process it and focus it was gone. I had to stop by the dentist office as I was ready to walk out the door I heard a car in the parking lot with the horn/alarm sounding. I mentioned to the folks in the waiting room that someone alarm was going off. A lady replied that green Prius with the bike rack!

Sure enough it was mine! I was unable to find any causal factor. I left there and at my next stop, the horn/alarm started sounding just as I walked through the entrance door to Home Depot back to the parking lot. This time the Door Ajar/Open light on the dash was lit. I opened and closed all the doors and hatch. The Door Ajar light was still on I then manually manipulated all the door switches and opened/closed/slammed the hatch several times. No Joy I drove home.

About the only thing I was able to find was that it was probably the hatch, the switch is sealed within the locking/latch mechanism and that I could simply just unplug it. So I began troubleshooting.

After removing the rear hatch/floor, plastic bin, etc. I removed the plastic cover from around the latch (above the bumper not on the hatch lid), then removed the longer plastic cover that runs along the same area and provides the cover for the area between the rubber gasket and the inside of the hatch/floor area. Now I was able to see the latch mechanism and associated wiring (looking down toward the spare tire well). I also had the hatch light turned on (left side) which was easier to see than the Door/Ajar light on the dash.

I manually tripped the latch and the light flickered. I pressed down on the latch (hoping to put more pressure on the internal switch)…the light continued to flicker. Using a 10mm socket, I removed the latch, wiring retainers and disconnected the plug. The electrical plug, located about 8†to the left of the latch has 4 wires. The two on the bottom power the electrically operated latch and the two on top go to the Door Ajar switch (the one that is inside the latch assembly).

I noticed a little bit of corrosion and discoloration on one of the male pins (the plug that is connected to the latch end of the wiring). The female plug (connected to the car end of the wiring) also had some discoloration.

I plugged them back together and found that as I moved the wires/plug the light would flicker and change sometimes turning off. I unplugged it and connected my ohm meter (using small jumper wires with clips) to the two top (male) pins on the switch end of the plug. The switch tested fine. I even tested it with my homemade battery powered continuity light (wanting to test the switch under a load). I also wiggled the wires going into the plug itself, Perfect, no problems here! So, I determined the problem was truly with the plug itself. I also jumped the two female connectors with a short piece of wire (simulating the switch) and the light would come on (as it should have). OK, plug problem confirmed!

I cleaned the pins (both male and female), applied some dielectric compound and plugged it up. The light remained off for a few seconds then started flickering again! I could even hear a slight hissing sound coming from the plug (never a good sign). I tried tweaking the male pins (bending them slightly trying for a better connection) No Joy.

I clipped the wires (only the top two) from each end of the plug (red & white/black stripe wires coming from the latch).

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Prius (2004-09) :: Got Warning On Dash - Red Triangle?

I took my car to the dealership because it had the red Triangle ! wanrnning on the dash and the red car ! warning on the display panel. They told me the code was P0A82 "hybrid battery pack cooling fan 1 performance / Stuck off" but it was actually working at the time the mechanic looked at it.

He said it would probably need to be replaced anyways so they wanted to replace it. I told them I would wait, so they cleared the code for me. I read a lot of posts of people having the same problem and they fixed it by cleaning the fan. My fan was a little dirty, but not bad at all. Is there a quick way to see if the cleaning fixed the problem?

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Prius (Gen 1) :: Intermittent Triangle / Exclamation Warning Light

2001 with about 117,000. Just had it in to get the transaxle fluid replaced for preventative measure. Now I'm getting an intermittent triangle/exclamation warning. It seems to go off if I let it sit, mostly. Runs ok for the most part. But when that comes on, it practically limps on very little power.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Red Triangle Warning After Engine Swap

I have a 2006 Prius with 186,000 miles. The engine developed a knock. I swaped the engine with one from a junk yard. The swap went well. I reconnected the HV battery and the 12v battery. When I tried to start the car I recieve the red triangle with many other dash displays and (!) over the car in the upper left corner of the system screen. I checked for codes with a code scanner, all I can see is $7ea and $7eb. When I clear them the (!) disapears for about 5 seconds and the word problem displays and then tha(!) comes back. The 12v battery reads 12.4 volts.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Red Warning Triangle For Few Seconds When First Start The Car

About a month ago my 2009 Prius - 35500 miles - started acting up intermittently. When I first start the car I am getting a red warning triangle for just a few seconds and I feel/hear a soft thump under my foot that is on the brake pedal, there is a few second pause - the warning light goes away and the car starts just fine. This does not usually recur until the car has shut off for a few hours or so. I have had the car to my Toyota dealer twice and they could not reproduce the warning light even after it had been sitting all nite. That was about a month ago - and the problem has been very intermittent. Then yesterday we had a pretty cool morning and when I started the car I got the red warning triangle and a Warning on my screen -- something to the effect that "There is a Park and Transmission Lock" - I turned the car off and started again almost immediately - no warning triangle - no warning message. It happened again once this morning.

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Prius (2004-09) :: 2005 - Can't Put It In Gear After CEL And Red Warning Triangle Came On

Last night I was driving my 2005 Prius in a light rain. I had only been driving for about 5 minutes or so on the freeway. The check engine light and the big red triangle came on. It was a couple of miles before I could get off the freeway, and by the time I could get to the exit ramp, the car at times was starting to race the ice. It was beginning to feel like it was slipping the "transmission" and I felt fortunate to get it off the road. I coasted into a convenience store and parked it. My scan gauge showed me a code of POA3F. I have discovered that this is the Drive Motor 'A' position sensor circuit. What does this all mean? Is this going to be an expensive fix? After letting the car set for a while and a few phone calls later, I attempted to start and put the car in gear. It would only let me put it in neutral. Is there any chance at all that my problem could be less than major?

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Prius (2004-09) :: Triangle Warning Symbol Appeared

I have a 2005 Prius with 240,000 miles. About 4 months ago the triangle warning symbol appeared. A friend and I decided to pull the big battery out of the car and find the bad cells. We did that, replace two and the car worked fine for 4 months. The triangle warning has returned. We have done several things but the triangle remains. We pulled the big battery out and checked all of the cells. We replaced one that was probably OK. The latest reading was 8 volts on cells all but one at 7.9. We cleaned all of the bus contacts. We went into the maintenance mode on the MFD and found the aux battery to be 12.6 volts and under load it dropped to 11.8 with the lights on.

The aux battery went up to 14.1 volts with the car on. The inverter cooling fluid has movement and there is a slight humming which I believe to be the inverter pump running. The inverter fluid was topped off. The MFD showed the battery bars start at about three fourths full, drop down to one bar. With the engine running the battery bars climbed to the top purple. The engine turned off and the bars continued to climb to all green. All of this occurred in about 3 minutes while the car was parked. There were codes on the MFD while in maintenance mode. I understand that these codes are for the navigation system and the audio system.

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