Prius (2004-09) :: 2008 - Hybrid Inverter Won't Working?

Apr 19, 2016

My 2008 Prius wouldn't start a couple of days a go. Took it to the dealership. The tech said he got the code reset, but couldn't get it to fail again. It is clear for now, but his experience tells him it will fail again, possibly in a few months. The code said the Hybrid Inverter was bad. Thy hybrid warranty ran out 2 months ago. I have only 67,000 miles on the car. It has been trouble free up to this point. This still means I would need to pay for a part that shouldn't fail, and was in warranty just 2 months ago (8 year/100,000) with only 67,000 miles on the car. What should I do? Wait to see if it fails again?

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Prius (2004-09) :: Inverter Stopped Working - Replacement?

I have a 2004 Toyota Prius with 150k miles. Yes, 150k miles ... Anyhow it basically stopped working and the dealer said its probably the inverter that's throwing the code. Does the 2004 inverter is replaceable by all Gen II inverters? The dealer says 2004-2005 is different than 2006+ but eBay sellers don't think so. Can I run any 2004-2009 Prius inverter in my 2004?

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Prius (2004-09) Fuel :: How To Determine If Inverter Pump / Coolant Reservoir Is Not Working Properly

How do you know if the inverter coolant pump/reservoir is bad after the recall was performed?Since it doesn't produce any codes but can reduce the electric-drive if getting too hot, how do you convince Toyota to give it a second look?

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Prius (Gen 3) :: Check Hybrid System - Inverter Coolant Reservoir Empty

1,500 miles ago my car had it's 30k service. Today, i got "CHECK...". At home this evening i checked the inverter coolant reservoir, it was empty. I've added 1L of de-ionised water (which got it to full, and i see turbulence in the fluid) until i can get the correct fluid.

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Prius (2010-12) :: Check Hybrid System Light Came On - Inverter Failure

2010 Toyota Prius III with just under 60,000 miles. The car has been serviced at Toyota from day one (by us and by the previous owners) and runs like a champ. Well, did.

Last week while driving home from running errands the Check Hybrid System light came on for my wife. The car was still running so she drove it home for me to look at. I hopped in and noticed the gasoline engine wasn't turning on. I took it for a spin and even when I floored the car the gas engine wouldn't turn on. Since the nearest dealership is 15 highway miles away I knew we weren't going to make it there on electric power so I had it towed.

The Toyota dealership called me the next day saying when they started the car the light was gone and the car ran fine. They did some troubleshooting and found nothing wrong. They said it might have been a glitch and to come get the car. Not even 3 hours later the light turns on again. Again the gasoline engine goes silent, but this time I didn't even make it a mile and the electric power shuts off as well! We coasted to a stop and had to have the car towed again. This happened out of nowhere and could have been a very serious safety situation had it not happened on the road we were on.

This time the Toyota dealership had a little more to say. They said that their diagnosis has determined that the inverter is shot and they will have to order a new one. They said this failure is extremely rare (the service guy I spoke with had never seen this issue).

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Prius (2010-12) :: Replaced Transaxle And Inverter - Check Hybrid System Message

I have a 2010 Prius, currently at around 69,000 miles. Back in Feb 2015 (when it was just under 60,000) I was driving on a city street and hit the accelerator once a stoplight turned green - immediately as I took off (at a normal rate of acceleration) my 2010 Prius made a loud noise and I got the red triangle of death, with a "Check Hybrid System" message. The car quickly shifted into "limp home" mode and I was able to make it back home as I was only about a mile away.

Got towed to the nearest dealer the next morning and after tons of testing and going back and forth, they replaced the transmission and inverter (was able to get it covered under powertrain warranty), and I was on my merry way. No issues until last night.

Yesterday evening, I am on a city street and get a warning beep. I look at my dashboard and this time I have a yellow exclamation mark with the "Check Hybrid System" message yet AGAIN. Towed the car to the nearest dealer and am now waiting on next steps. Only update I've gotten so far is that they are still trying to diagnose the issue, and are getting 4 error codes in this process, 2 of which are new. I am waiting on the technician to tell me what the actual codes are - hopefully should get them tomorrow.

I would hope if it's another issue with transmission or inverter, it's covered under warranty given I replaced both less than a year ago. However I'm not sure and am worried that it's going to be $$$ in case it's something else that failed. Plus I'm getting serious doubts as to the safety of my car - what if I had been moving at a high speed on the highway during either of these situations?

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Prius (2004-09) :: Hybrid System Isn't Working Properly

I have a 2004 bought in 2003. It recently logged its first 100k miles. My problem with it is not easy to describe. It is actually running more like a non-hybrid car. I can feel and tell the hybrid system is operational, and I can hear the electric motor whine when coasting, down, etc. However, I don't think it is running as it should or as it used to. It happened on highway while cruising about 70 mph. I hit the accelerator to pass someone, and I felt that something changed. I'll try to describe it: think of a half-clogged pipe. The water can barely gets past the obstruction. You keep applying pressure, and suddenly the clog dissolves under pressure, and water begins to flow freely, and the pressure goes down. So it felt like that. Now the accelerator pedal is lighter, car is faster to respond, yet I think something is wrong because the car isn't itself anymore.

I don't like problems like these because they are very difficult to diagnose, let alone fix. For a while I also have not heard the inverter pump whine after shutting the car off as I did in the past, but the last time I got out of the car today I heard it. I believe it was replaced five years ago after a collision with a Trailblazer wiped out half of the front end ( but with no power train damage). I checked the VIN for the inverter pump campaign, but my VIN was not in the range.

Right now my problem is that the car feels a lot faster than it has ever been. When I lift off the accelerator, it doesn't begin to coast as it used to. No warning light of any kind out of the ordinary is present on the dash, although it did have the red triangle on during start up with a message about the parking gear not being engaged properly. That warning went away after the change in performance occurred. Related?

I guess I will take it to the dealer to see if there are any codes stored. After my 30 mile commute this morning, no whining, buzzing or any kind of noise was present after I shut off the car and I got out. There is still no warning light.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Hybrid Auto Charger Not Working

Finally got around to installing my new Hybrid battery charger from Hybrid Automotive in my 2007. Pretty easy & straight forward wiring install.

After installation I did the first test just hook up the charger to its dongle and no interlock and it looks ok shows 250 volts and 0 amps on there charger display but I have no battery fan. The fan is on in the charger but no hybrid battery fan..

No 12 volts from there charger to there fan control box input.

Install directions say all the fans should be running from the get go. Then I installed the interlock to see if it will charge and it does. Shows 222 volts and .337 Ma's which is correct but still no battery fan. No 12 volts form the charger.

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Prius (2010-12) :: Headlights Not Working After Inverter Replaced

After the car shut down and had to be towed to the dealer,the inverter was replaced (fortunately we were just under the 80k mile hybrid warranty). The problem now is that the headlights and parking lights are not working. We took the car back to the dealer who said it was no doubt burnt out headlight bulbs. I told them that the parking lights were also not working and they insisted it is the headlight bulbs.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Transaxle Disengaged Hybrid System Not Working

Car was deemed a total loss. I didn't think the damage was too bad and one of my friends at a bodyshop told me to go ahead and do a car buy back that I can't go wrong with a prius. My mother said $20 gas a week. So I did and gave my mom the difference. The Car drives going forward and in reverse just find. Besides the body damage I got underneath the car and I see a bent tie rod end and maybe a lower control arm. The thing is when I hop inside to move the car I notice the car reads transaxle disengaged and battery system won't charge in neutral.

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Prius (Gen 2) :: 2008 / Inverter Coolant Pump Leak?

I'm a new owner of a used 2008 Prius. Car only has 67K miles and other than the leak, appears to be in good shape.

I noticed the coolant was low in both reservoirs, filled it up (with the proper SLLC), but a day or so later the check engine light came on. Took it to mechanic (dealer is 2 hours away), he read and cleared the codes, then found the leak. Appears to be leaking where the lower hose attaches to the pump, so not sure if it's the pump or the hose that's the problem. I've also noticed that the pump seems a bit noisy for a few minutes after shutting off the car (of course, I'm new to the Prius so not totally sure what "normal" sounds like).

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Prius (2004-09) :: 2008 Stalled Downhill - No Acceleration Like Hybrid Disengaged From ICE

Yesterday was driving my 2008 Prius (75K) down a paved road from a ski-hill (no snow/rain, perfect weather and completely dry road). Not hard driving, 20-30 mph some curves, very smooth road with no potholes, etc. Battery turned all green, its fan initiated and I also rolled back window during this 75 degF day (not unusual to have battery fan turn on in this condition, it's occured plenty of time before). Wasn't braking hard either. Out of know where, I first noticed upon slightly accelerating that I had no acceleration, like the hybrid had disengaged from the ICE, and then check engine, (!), red triangle, VSC light!! At this point, couldn't tell if car was on or off, the wheels disappeared from the main display, although the ICE/electric motors continued to show although there was a red warning top left corner.

It did scare the hell out of me going downhill with curves wondering if I was really still in control of the car. I pulled over as soon as I could maybe 1/2 mile downhill. I then shut car off, waiting maybe 1 minute, turned back on. The VSC cleared I believe, but all other lights continued on. Next, I only knew to drive it to the Toyota dealership. It was odd, as the Prius was now in some sort of weird, pseudo on-state. It had virtually no acceleration, maybe 40 mph after 1 mile and that was it. Drove it maybe 8 miles like this thru town in this pseudo on-state. Pulled into dealership. They pulled codes and found P0A1D-HYBRID POWERTRAIN CONTROL MODULE INFO 1 AND P3000-BATTERY CONTROL SYSTEM. They stated vehicle was found with problem with hybrid control ECU. They cleared the codes and test drove with no issue repeated. That's it. If it comes back I'm told I will need to replace hybrid control ECU.

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Prius (2004-09) :: 2008 - Hybrid System Warning Again Even After Replacing 12V Battery

I haven’t been on these boards very often since getting my used 2008 Prius because until now it has been very kind to me in terms of not needing mechanical repairs. Unfortunately that good streak seems to have come to an end. Driving home Monday evening (after ~30min freeway driving), my master system warning light came on, accompanied by the hybrid system warning light. I didn’t know what the latter was – had to look it up – but I immediately pulled to the shoulder. The car was driving normally, however. Since shops and dealers were closed for the evening, after much debate I ended up having the car towed to a family friend’s body shop; they were still there and had a scanner to check the error codes for me. My car was on the side of the freeway for well over an hour with hazard lights on and the dome light on and off occasionally as we got in and out of the car. By the time the tow truck arrived, I discovered that the 12V battery seemed dead; car wouldn’t boot up all the way, wouldn’t shift to neutral and didn’t want to power down – I had to try turning it off upwards of 10 times. I was surprised, given just the hazard light and limited dome light usage. We jumped it, got it in neutral and on the truck.

At the body shop, they said there were no error codes related to the hybrid battery; something about transmission that wasn’t clarified, and errors for low voltage on the 12V battery. With everything off, it measured 10-something V; something higher when turned on, but they believed the problem was a dead 12V battery. I was surprised that it would suddenly give out in the middle of driving, but we went ahead and replaced it the next day. I picked up the car Tues evening, and had no problems driving it home, to work the next morning. Unfortunately, during my drive home – strangely at almost exactly the same location as the first time – the same hybrid system warning light came back on. I’d driving about 70 miles with it off at this point before the reappearance. This time I didn’t pull over to the side (had enough of that before) but rather drove a few more miles to a parking lot where the car has now stayed overnight. I note that the car seemed to drive perfectly normally during that time; no loss of power.

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Prius (2004-09) :: 2008 - Running Roughly - Hybrid Battery Drains Overnight

So I got a 2008 model, only owner. It has 107K miles. I've noticed something the last couple months now. When I park the car in the garage after coming home from work it has a full charge, about 3 bars below top, it's at the max of the blue color.

When I start the car in the morning it still displays the same level. But after driving down the road about 3 blocks it seems to update slowly and drops the level, sometimes down to the brown, about 3 bars high. The car will run rough for a while almost every morning now since it's not using the hybrid battery to smooth things out.

Ever since owning the car I've noticed it can run rough sometimes normally, like when you're at a train crossing and the battery drops to 2 or 3 and the engine powers on to charge it up a bit. When I drive away you hear the engine a lot louder than usual as it seems to be running on engine only until the hybrid battery gets sufficiently charged and you feel a lack of power as you accelerate.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Seems Like Inverter Coolant Leaking

So, the sideways coolant tank in the engine compartment, not the one next to the grill, but the one that is sort of between the air filter box and that shiny metal square

I have always thought that tank was slightly low, but it has a seam just about where the full line is, so I was never sure....finally about three weeks ago, I worked up my courage and put a few ounces of coolant in that tank. THEN it was up to the full line.

So, a few weeks after adding the coolant, I had the water pump recall done. Now the coolant level is back down to where it was before I I am assuming that the correct level is just below that seam that seals the top of the plastic tank to the bottom part of the tank.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Coolant Drip From Inverter?

I am getting a slow coolant drip from my inverter . The very slow leak appears on the left side of inverter when facing the front of car with hood open . The connection point alum tube to coolant resevoir black rubber tube. The inverter coolant connection reservoir tube side is damp to the touch and has visible red goop buildup.......

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Prius (2004-09) :: 2006 - How To Change The Inverter

I have an inverter problem on a 2006 prius. Looking for instructions on how to change the inverter ?

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Prius (2004-09) :: Inverter Voltage To Compressor

Unplugging the Ac compressor, what the voltage reads on the three orange leads that run the compressor (one lead from voltmeter to ground, AC voltage). Test with Ac off then on.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Inverter Pump Noise - No Circulation

I have a big red triangle on the pump is making noises not loud noises sounds like it's operating correctly there is no turbulence in reservoir and when I squeeze the hose the level in the reservoir goes up-and-down which leads me to believe there is no blockage in the pipe coming out of out of the pump.

My handheld scanner and torque on my android tablet only gave me my oxygen sensor code which I know about and I'm going to replace when the weather gets hot I am wondering if the coolant pump would throw a code that these devices would be able to pick up or do I need to go to the dealer or find a shop which is capable of reading the HYbrid codes?

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Prius (2004-09) :: Power Inverter Failure While Driving

What happens when a power inverter fails while driving?

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Prius (2004-09) :: Inverter Coolant Pump Failure

Prius 2009 inverter coolant pump failure 51,300 miles....

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