Golf VI R :: Whirring Sound When On The Highway And Not On Gas

Jun 11, 2015

Just had the 3 year service and dealer did the Haldex service. On my way home I noticed this whirring noise when I'm on the highway and not on the gas.

It's loud enough where I can still hear it w/ the radio on. Seems to be coming from the center of the car. I have never noticed this before. Heard this after their Haldex service?

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Touareg :: Whirring / Whining Sound At Highway Speed - Relay Clicking Under Dash

Our V6 just turned 40k and it's developed some interesting sounds. First of all, from time to time at highway speed a whirring/whinning sound has developed. I was driving down the road the other night, no rain, about 60 degrees temp outside, and between 50 and 80 mph this noise seemed constant. I turned off the radio, turned off the climate control and the problem still existed.

It *sounds* like a drive train noise (my old jeep would make a sound when it was in a low gear that is similar). Second, also intermittent, a clicking relay from inside the dash on the drivers side. The frequency and rate are inconsistent and I can't correlate it to anything happening while driving.. just highway driving.

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Golf IV / Jetta IV :: Whirring Sound Upon Deceleration

Bought a Jetta GLI 2004.5 in January. 94K miles. No noises accelerating or while coasting (clutch or neutral). However, when I decelerate in 3rd and 4th gear w/ no foot on gas, there is a very apparent whirring sound from the front-end (maybe in the engine bay). But I don't hear it while decelerating in any other gears. What is the cause? I will try and capture sound later when I get home. Just wanted to see if this was a common fault.

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Golf V R32 :: Strange Whirring Sound Coming From Somewhere Around Rear Tyres

What may cause a strange whirring sound when my R32 is on. I can be in park, sitting still..whatever...It sounds like it's coming from somewhere around the rear tires.

Whirring...humming... Honestly to me it sounds similar to an electric motor trying to do it's job but something is keeping it from doing so. Would be the best way to describe it. I just got the car a few weeks ago and the sound started last week.

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Golf VI R :: 2013 With 30K Miles - Whirring / Rubbing Sound During Deceleration

Started getting a whirring / rubbing sound during deceleration and took it into dealer for diagnostics. They said driveshaft needs replacement. Fortunately they are covering under warranty but it's got me concerned about longevity.

I've got an APR Stage 1 ECU upgrade but otherwise stock. Not a track car and i'm not moonlighting at the drag strip dropping the clutch at 5000 RPMs to try and make into the 11's so am baffled by the issue.

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Golf V R32 :: Pretty Prominent Whirring Sound Coming From Rear Passenger Area

Noisy Fuel Pump ??? At least that's what I think it is. Pretty prominent whirring going on, sounds like it's coming from the rear passenger area. Dealer listened to it, agreed something was up. No immediate answer, will have to schedule service.

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Toyota - Camry :: Whirring Noise At Highway Speeds Only When Accelerating

I've got a 2002 Toyota Camry with 96,000 miles on it. Car has been running fine for years but on a recent 250-mile drive I noticed a whirring noise (almost like the engine of a remote-control electric car). The noise is faint, but definitely new. I'm fairly sure it's coming from the under the hood, or at least from the front half of the car. No vibrations. The noise is only audible at highway speeds, and really only present when I'm accelerating (or on cruise control). It seems to get slightly worse if the car is climbing a hill.

Some things that have been worrying me:*I left the car in a friend's driveway all summer. Could that have anything to do with it? (There were no noticeable problems when I got back, which was months ago--when I came back after two months, I simply re-connected the battery and the car started on the first try).*I had a transmission fluid change about 2K miles ago. It was at a Jiffy Lube. They "flushed" the old fluid. They claimed they used the correct Toyota brand fluid. (I've since read that flushing the old fluid can be a bad idea for older cars.) Could this have something to do with it?*I just had my snow tires put on two weeks ago (and this is the first long drive I've done with the snow tires on). The guy who changed my tires took about 2.5 hours to do the job, saying "this is only his second week." The car is steering fine, and not drifting or anything, but could that mechanic have done something to the tires that is causing this highway-speed, acceleration-only whirring noise?

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Chrysler - Towncountry :: 2007 - Whirring Noise On Long Highway Trips

07 Chrysler Town & Country with 86K. It's been happening off and on for about a year now. On long highway trips when I'm driving fast (maybe more when it's cold), a whirring noise will build up. It starts quiet and can get really loud. When I get off the highway, the engine noise goes down and the whirring noise is really obvious. I take my foot off the accelerator and the whirring noise continues for about 10 seconds. When I hit the gas again (this time at city speeds, 30 mph or so), the whirring noise instantly comes back and can get high pitched and LOUD, almost like an old police siren.

Last time it happened, I popped the hood to track down the source. It seemed to be coming from the engine block. When you're looking down at it, it's coming from the left side, directly under the drive belt (but not the belt).

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Chrysler - Towncountry :: 2007 - Whirring Noise On Long Highway Trips

2007 Chrysler Town & Country, 72k. It's happened twice now. On long interstate trips, over 50 miles, the engine starts to make a loud whirring/humming sound. The temp and RPM gauge looks fine. The first time it happened, I checked the dipstick and it was very low (I was overdue for an oil change). I topped it off and it went away for a few weeks but then it came back, after about 100 miles running it 75 mph or so. Then the oil was fine. Pulled off and let it cool for 30 minutes and it was fine but I drove slower. It seems to come on while I'm on the interstate and the engine noise covers it until I get off and then it's very loud. Maybe it seems to get louder when I take my foot off the gas.

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Golf/GTI VII :: Humming Sound At Highway Speed

My DSG Autobahn 4 dr with 4800 miles has developed a humming and vibration at highway speeds and my dealer and I are stumped as to what it is. I don't really hear the humming until 60mph+ but then its a 1 second pulsing hum coming from the front of the car and I can feel some vibration through the pedals and floor board.

The dealer has checked all wheel bearings and actually replaced the passenger side front bearing. They have also rotated all the tires and one rim that was slightly bent was swapped with another wheel but this did nothing to eliminate the sound. I'm waiting for my dealer to get back to me of when a VW engineer would be available to have go at it.

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GTI 337/20th Anniversary :: Slight Whirring Noise When Gently Feathered Gas To Maintain Highway Speed

Middle of May, I went to Boston. On the way there, I started to notice a slight whirring noise that was only present when I gently feathered the gas to maintain highway speed. If I were to apply any more throttle, the noise would go away, and if I were to pull my foot away and allow engine braking, it would also disappear.

So I did my best to finish the trip to and from Boston adjusting my driving to avoid the noise. Once I came home, I researched and thought the noise might have been my wheel bearings (I had just replaced lower control arms, lower ball joints, inner and outer tie rods prior to leaving for Boston). I also had a shop install my upper strut mount bearings and bushings simultaneously with the wheel bearings.

Since then, the problem still continues. It has grown louder, but still occurs under the same situations. I've focused more on it and here are the conditions under which it occurs:

1. Car must be warmed up. Starting it up cold and allowing SAI to run then driving, car is fine, no sounds. Usually takes 20-25 mins of driving to get it to start making noise.

2. Car still only makes the noise when the gas is being feathered (ie barely pressing it enough to give it any sort of throttle. It does also make the noise between shifts when reengaging the gear and applying gas, as the throttle pedal passes the point of throttle off to throttle on.

3. I'm hearing more noise now during engine braking than I had been previously. Could be related?

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Golf V R32 :: Hum Sound Almost Like A Gear Whine At Highway Speeds?

I notice whenever I'm on the highway traveling between 60-70mph and at part throttle, I hear a hum that I would best describe as a gear whine which sounds to be coming from the rear. I'm taking it to the dealer next week to be checked.

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Golf/GTI VI :: Rumbling Sound On Highway Coming From Tires?

IDK if it's just me but i feel like i keep hearing a rattling/rumbling type sound when driving on the highway. idk if it's coming from the tires, the rotors, or if the dealership put the tires on incorrectly today.

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Golf VI R :: Harsh Sound Under Boost Accelerating At Highway Speeds

The last couple of days I've noticed a strange sound that come on under boost accelerating at highway speeds. It's a harsh ssshhhh sound that rises in frequency with engine RPM, sort of between a wood lathe and a bench grinder. happens under mid to WOT. It almost seems like I am loosing a little HP as well but I can't confirm that. It's loud enough to hear it in the cabin and with the windows down I can definitely hear it. It's not really fluttering, that I'm used to being on my 3rd tuned 2.0T

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Golf IV / Jetta IV :: 2003 - Jerk Or Clunk Sound When Driving Down The Highway At About 65

Here is my new to me 03 Jetta 1.8T Wagon. This all started yesterday driving down the highway at about 65, I drove over a bump and there was what felt like a jerk. I lost the radio right away and when stepping on the accelerator it didn't seem to go over 3500rpm. I got a few miles into town taking it easy and it died as I pulled up to a stop sign. I was able to get a jump and get it running again.

This was the first jump of the day...When we popped the hood to jump it I noticed that the red wire coming off the positive battery terminal to the power block was frayed and corroded, so I cut the bad end off and stripped the wire to get a good connection. Left the car on a battery tender just to make sure the battery was charged and came back after a few hours and it started right up. Problem solved right?! Wrong...

Probably 10 miles down the road the same thing happens, a jerk or clunk sound, lost power and the call stalled out. Called family that was close by and tried to jump it again 'cause that worked the first time... Got a few miles down the road and it happened again!

Here's a picture of the gauge cluster and all the lights that lit up.

Long story short the car had basically no lights, power, for the windows/radio/turn signals/headlights etc... but was putting along at about 5 mph. I was out in the country and about 5 miles from home so I was just focused on getting it in my garage. It died again and a jump wouldn't even get it going the next time. I did some reading on my phone and it seems like the power block can be problematic, I took a picture of that because there is some obvious melted plastic on the large black wire.

I have a friend with a vag com, and he was able to come out and read the faults and then clear them and the car started right up just fine off a jump pack. We did get it home, but today I'm getting the same issues. I am trying to trace that black wire to its origin to see if there is corrosion or a loose connection there but I have no clue where else to start....

I start a new job on the 21st of July and this was meant to be my commuter as my truck gets terrible mileage...

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Passat (B5) :: Whirring Sound From AC

We have had temps up in the 90's for the past couple of days so of course. I turned on the A/C in the Passat (03 GLS V6 tiptronic) and noticed that the A/C unit is really loud. Now by loud mean like a Whirring sound. It almost sounds like the turbine of a jet engine starting up. Now why I never noticed it before, I don't know (getting old and deaf I suppose) but I was wondering if everyone else's A/C is loud like a turbine or if maybe this is a premonition of a compressor meltdown.

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Camry :: Whirring Sound Upon Acceleration

I recently took my 05 camry 3.0 v6 110k mi in for a tune up and timing belt service. When I got my car back it was making a whirring sound upon acceleration. The sound is only there at idle and the start of acceleration, it goes away (or I can't hear it) once I get up to around 2k rpm. Also, I noticed that the car felt like it was missing under light acceleration. It was most noticeable with the car on cruise control and going up a slight grade on the interstate. It would just feel like the power was cut off for a split second.

So I took the car back in. Not sure what was done to it because I was out of town but it was returned to me still making the whirring noise but the missing feeling seems to be mostly resolved. I can't say for sure but it felt like it missed a few times after I got it back but nothing like it was before.

My car was perfect before the service/tune up. From searching around all I could come up with was that maybe the timing belt needs to break in or might be too tight or loose .

Here is a list of what all was replaced

Alternator belt

A/C belt

Power steering belt

Timing component kit

Water pump

Spark Plugs & spark plug boots

PCV valve

Intake manifold gasket

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Prius (Gen 3) :: Low Whirring Sound When Parked In Garage

I parked the little dear in the garage about 9:30 last night. I went into the garage this morning around 6:30 and I noticed how still and quiet it seemed. I then opened the garage door and went outside for a few minutes. When I came back in, I hear a low whirring sound. I went back outside to listen, but it was definitely coming from the Prius, perhaps near the back, underneath.

The hatch was open; I closed it, but the sound didn't change. The fob was in the house, and I didn't open the driver door, so it wasn't the brake pump. It lasted at least 2-3 minutes, at which time I was too bored to continue listening, and I went back to weeding and watering.

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Prius (2004-09) :: No Whirring Sound After Shutdown

I have a concern about not hearing the whirring sound after shutdown anymore. I know that the sound comes from a small electric-pump that pumps 3 liters of coolant into a thermal container (to keep it hot) everytime I turn the hybrid system power OFF. When the power is turned back ON, the coolant is pumped back into the engine.

I've noticed that after I got an oil change and tire rotation at Pep Boys the sound is no longer there after shutdown or power up. Then after a couple of days I took the car to the dealer to fix the tire rotation (because Pep Boys didn't do a good job at rotating the tires, there was a woo woo woo sound while driving) and the dealer also did a multi-point check, but they didn't say anything was wrong with the car.

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Passat (B5) :: Whirring Sound Coming When Key Switched On

Hear a whirring sound like a small motor going round when the key is switched on. Its not the stereo cos i took the fuse out but that didn't stop it.....Its a continuous bloody annoying whir that just don't go away. Yes I have turned the fan off its not it.

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Honda - Cr-v :: No Clicking But Whirring Sound When Turn The Key

My car was looking really rough, covered in salt. I took it to a car wash which was across the street from where i was staying last night. After the car wash, I drove home about 1 min. The car sat overnight (temp to -5).

The car won't start today. When I turn the key, it makes a "whirring" sound but doesn't turn over. No clicking. Good power, all lights are on. Put a booster battery back on the battery to try to rule out a batter issue, still no start.

Can the starter actually freeze? I'll never wash the car again.

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