Ford - Explorer :: 2003 Will Only Run For 1 Second When Try To Start

Aug 27, 2012

The vehicle was parked in driveway for a week not previously involved in any collision or rough terrain

When do try to start is only runs for 1 second
The inertia switch was not set
There is 50+- lbs pressure in the fuel line when the switch is first turned on

Hitting the inertia switch will cause the switch to set
The switch will reset
Testing for continuity when the switch is normal there is no "juice" from pole 1 to pole 2 and 3
After activating e.g. hitting the switch there is "juice" for pole 1 to pole 2

Am I wrong in thinking it is the inertia switch....

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Ford - Explorer :: 2003 Sport Trac Won't Start When Shut Off After Driving For 30 Miles

I have a 2003 Sport Trac that basically died last night on me. I drove it 30 miles Shut it off for about 10 minutes came back out and it cranks but it will not start. I sprayed some starting fluid into the throttle body and it ran for a second, so it's definitely a fuel issue. I am just not sure if it could be a fuel pump, Relay, or a dirty Fuel filter (I have not changed in the 87K I had the truck). Because it ran fine before it died..

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Ford - Explorer :: 2003 Sport Trac Fail To Start After Shutting It Down For A Short Period

My Sport Trac will periodically fail to start after shutting it down for a short period. It doesn't stall, but won't start after parking for just a few minutes to a couple of hours. I've had it towed twice, but it always starts after it gets to the shop and the mechanic can't find a problem or a code. It has happened 4 times and seems to start again after it sits for 3 hours or more, definitely by the next morning. A fuel system cleaner had been tried and the fuel filter has been replaced, but the problem continues.

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Explorer :: 2003 Rough Idle - 4.0 SOHC Cranks Once No Start

4.0 SOHC cranks once no start, then starts on second crank. 104K miles and used to idle very smooth, now mildly rough and sometimes upon stopping the rpms will dip down to almost stalling but not every time. Also just had the fuel pump replaced.

Also... Seafoam? Is this really as good as it sounds, I mean it can be used on anything, except cereal!

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Ford - Explorer :: 1991 XLT Won't Start - CEL Is On

1991 Ford Explorer XLT, 4X4, 4.0L push-rod motor, 315,000K

Problem Part 1: Excessive fuel consumption

Codes for O2 sensor, system lean, some black smoke, unburnt fuel smell, some slight hesitation when accelerating from a stop

I replaced the 02 sensor, replaced the IAC, cleaned the MAF, replaced the coil pack, replaced the plugs, replaced the plug wires, replaced fuel filter, replaced air cleaner, replaced the PVC valve changed brand of fuel, checked tires and "brake binding" - NOTHING. Truck ran "fine" other than excessive fuel consumption. I decided to replace the fuel pressure regulator and before I could get to the parts store we have...

Problem Part 2:

Truck begins to lope along like there is one bad cylinder. It sometimes "fixes" then comes back (all this over a period of 3 days).

Day 4 it's dead - no start.

The motor cranks, the fuel pump "pumps" 3-5 secs KOEO fuel line is clear, return line is clear, filter is clear. There is fuel at the Schrader valve (do not know pressures) and the electrical system seems OK (sparks to all 6cyl). I believe the crank position indicator is OK because the CEL is on KOEO but goes out when cranking. I have no codes because I needed to remove the battery to re-charge. Fuel pump fuse is OK.

Only other information that may (or may not) be relevant is that lately it is slow to heat up. It does not come off "cold" (for the last 4 days). Maybe it's the thermostat or temperature sending unit? Maybe it's because its -30C here. It heats up fine if I block the airflow across the radiator (the old carboard solution).

I have not checked the relay. Where this unit is on the 1991? Don't say fuel pump.

View 14 Replies

Ford - Explorer :: Alarm Went Off Now Car Will Not Start

We reset the alarm and we have power but all the car will do is click while trying to start, what's wrong.

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Ford - Explorer :: 2010 XLT 4X4 4.0L Will Not Start

My wife's 2010 Explorer XLT 4X4 4.0L will not start. I've been working on it most of the day, trying to get it going. I've checked the fuses. The fuel pump relay is fine. The truck cranks fine, but will not turn over.

Fuel Pressure- Currently unknown. I do not have a pressure gauge and cannot locate the schrader valve to test it if I had one. Where do I look for this?

I have also tried resetting the inertia switch. No luck. Once I can test pressure, I'll know if the pump is out or not.

Spark- Plugs were replaced after we noticed a gap bordering on .080" Plugs looked worn, but not damaged or any negative conditions. I don't have a spark tester to verify it has spark. I'm about to try pulling one and cranking while it's out of the block to observe it.

Air- No issues noted. Filter is clean and the truck was having 0 issues yesterday.

Cranking- Oddly the truck will continue to crank for about 5-10 seconds after releasing the key. I'm not sure why this is or if this is even related. The truck seems to have a pre-set crank time until the truck stops trying to turn over.

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Ford - Explorer :: 2000 - Won't Start - It Sputters

I'm fixing my mother's Ford Explorer 2000 it turns over but won't start it sputters and everyone smile you hear what sounds like a small backfire.

it seems to be getting good spark I can get it to start for a little while and run on either. So I'm assuming the plugs and wires are working well they look good. When I tested the spark it looks very good.

ECM fuses look good able to use a scanner Jump fuel relay and can hear pump run I made sure there is gas in the gas tank

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Ford - Explorer :: 1995 Will Not Start / Zero Pressure

1995 Ford Explorer, 4 ltr. engine, pushrod. Will not start. Replaced fuel pump, fuel filter, every relay, pressure regulator, and the crank position sensor. I realize there's a whole bunch more parts under the hood, but I am ready to give up. Before the fuel pump would not run. Reason for replacing the parts. Now it won't stop running and you can feel the fuel by-passing at the pressure regulator. When checking the pressure at the rail I get zero !! I used a tire pressure tester for this. And, like I said no pressure. This vehicle has around 170,000 miles on it.

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Ford - Explorer :: No Start After Stopping For About 15 - 20 Minutes

I have a starting issue with our older Explorer.

Vehicle: 1998 4.0 SOHC
Owned for 6+ years, no major issues to date.
225K miles, well maintained.

Problem: Vehicle will start fine on first start of day, or any other time after being parked for enough time to cool off like it is in the AM. Example, drove for about an hour and stopped for a hamburger. In restaurant for about 15-20 minutes go outside to vehicle, no start. let sit for about another 20 or so minutes and starts fine. Runs good, NO code given, ever. Has happened multiple times. Fuel is present in fuel rail as I poked Schrader valve in fuel rail and gas is present and with very good pressure. My guess seeing NO check engine light ever is something ECM or ignition coil related?

Haven't tried to troubleshoot yet. Any initial common problem concerning no start with warm engine?

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Ford - Explorer :: 2006 - Hard To Start?

It is a 2006 Explorer with the 4.0 and around 89,000 on the odometer. Around a couple weeks or so ago the wife said the explorer was hard to start one evening and it has been like that ever since. It cranks for about 5 seconds and then fires. So far it has started every time since this issue began. This is really the first issue we have ever had other than the radiator replacement a few years ago.

View 3 Replies

Ford - Explorer :: 2004 - Cranks But Won't Start

I just purchased a 2004 Explorer from a police auction. It had driver side damage but nothing major. When I try to start it it cranks but nothing else. I purchased a new battery, fuel filter, coil packs, spark plugs and installed all. But same thing it tries to fire up but stops short. A few times we sprayed starter fluid in it and it would start for about a second and a half and shut off..... I also listened for the fuel pump and I hear it coming on when I turn the key and checked the inertia switch...

View 9 Replies

Ford - Explorer :: 1999 - Dry Sounding Start Ups?

A recently acquired '99 Explorer 4.0 SOHC with 140K on it, sounds like it takes too long for the oil to pressurize upon start up even if the vehicle is hot. Nothing knocks or anything, there is just a subtle but unpleasant sound for the first second or so of operation (unlike any other car I have driven.)

Is this normal? 5W-30 and a Motorcraft filter is being used. It recently had the timing chains replaced, but this sounds has been constant before and after timing chains were replaced.

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Ford - Explorer :: 1996 - Cranks But Will Not Start

Parked in driveway and 2 hours later it cranks but will not start. Pushed on fuel rail Schrader valve and it squirts out. Turn key and the fuel pump runs for 2-3 seconds then off...... Thought I had fuel... assume electrical. Read posts last night and thought crank positioner pickup was a good place to look. Took spark plug leads off #1 and #4 at coil and set a 1/4 steel dowel in each so they were 1/2 inch apart. Crank motor and I get spark out of coils so I assume the plugs are getting fire... Took off intake hose and shot ether in the tube while cranking... no fire or pop at all.

Where to now ? Seems like I have fire to the plugs, and fuel available but will not start. I have only one code and that's PO1116 coolant temp out of range..I don't have a cam sensor code or a crank sensor code...I thought they might effect the timing ? With spark at the plug wires, you would think I would get a "POP" now and then, especially with the ether ?

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Ford - Explorer :: 1997 4.0 - Cranks But No Start

My explorer starts fine some days and others it just wont. No codes, have replaced fuel pump. Rail and starter.

View 11 Replies

Ford - Explorer :: 1991 V6 Won't Start In Cold

Have a 91 Exp 4.0 v6, has a no start problem only in the cold weather. Last year, replaced coil pack, fuel pump, crank censor, this winter...same problem. Just will not start when it is cold. No codes, no ck engine. Checked it has no spark. What could cause this? Fuel filter has also been changed. told him to ck crank position censor connector.

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Ford - Explorer :: 2002 - Turns Over But Just Won't Start

It turns over but just wont kick in. Battery good, fuel pump good, no check engine light. It did this a couple time this month, and finally started, not it wont start at all. Runs great otherwise without any issues. Just don't know where to look or what to look for. All fuses are good. Fuel pump safety is okay.

View 1 Replies

Ford - Explorer :: Rough Idle At Start Up - CEL On

When I start the truck it hard to start and the idle is rough but when it warms up it seems to get better but still miss fires now and then so i was thinking could it be a bad O2 there is now "CEL" because the battery was dead (installed a new one) and the truck has not been on the road yet (want to get everything fixed first) and update on the door alarm will be working on that tomorrow almost forgot 2002 explorer 4.0L "E" for the vin 4 wheel drive 124k on it.

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Explorer :: 1994 Ford Hard To Start After It Sits

I've replaced the fuel pump and filter, plugs and coolant temp sensor. It starts after I spray starter fluid in after a few times and cycle the key on to prime the line but is still hard to start. It runs fine and it seems that as long as the engine is warm or (guessing) fuel is still pressurized in the line it starts fine.

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Explorer :: 1996 Ford Won't Start Unless Pump Brakes

I am having a problem with my 96 ford explorer.

Usually this only happens on warmer days, but after a few starts, my car will suddenly not turn over. I have found that the only solution to starting it is by pumping the brakes about 6 or more times, fast and hard. Its not the battery because all lights and everything work.

Something it may have to do with, I just found out when going to get my car smogged, my monitors reset everytime I turn on/off my car.

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Ford - Explorer :: 1999 - Hard Start Like Not Getting Enough Fuel

Hard start like it's not getting enough fuel then kicks in and runs great with no hesitations or issues and with plenty of power. Replaced fuel filter, nothing changed.

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