Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel :: DEF Warning Not Resetting

Feb 1, 2016

I purchased a 2011 F350 with the 6.7 with 65000 miles on it about a couple of months ago. I have put about 3000 miles on it so far about 600 of those pulling a 30' 5th wheel. Today my 800 mile DEF warning came on so I picked up a 2.5 gallon jug and it took all of it. The last little bit went really slow so I figured it was full. I had some running around to do and the warning did not reset after about 15 miles and 3 start and stops on the engine. I read that they really need to be topped off completely do I grabbed another 2.5 gallon jug and was able to get about another gallon in. I then drove it for about 10 more miles stooping and starting 2 more times. The warning has still not gone away. Do I just need to wait a little longer or is this an indication of something I need to be worried about?

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Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel :: DEF Warning Will Not Go Out

I have searched this problem and seen where some have vapor locked or whatever. Tried banging on the tank squeezing the hose etc. Last time warning came on I pulled in and tried to fill it up and it only took between 2 and 2.5 gallons. However the warning went away. This time same thing I know it has not been long enough for another fill maybe 2k miles. So I pulled in again and got just under two gallons in it.

Warning did not go out came home got on here and learned about above mentioned problem and solutions so went to Walmart and got a bottle. Tried to force feed it while tapping on tank and squeezing hose but probably not even a half gallon and still have the warning. I drive a lot so the 455 miles I have left wont last me long. I picked it up 10/23 with30 miles on it and I am right at 30k now. So am I stuck going to the stealership?

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Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel :: Reduced Engine Power Warning Message Pop Up

I have seen this pop up on the truck I think 3 times now over the first 4000 miles on the truck.

Usually it's when I'm on the highway around 70mph or so.

It comes on for a few seconds, then goes away. I do have an exhaust / tune on the car.

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Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel :: Reduced Engine Power Warning

Getting reduced engine power warning with no other lights on the dash and what is probably causing it. The truck is a 14 f450 cab and chassis model. I had just had it to the dealer for this problem and the check engine light was on and the said there were two sensors going bad on the exhaust so they changed them out and sent me on my way. Well after driving the truck around all day and not one issue it had just decided to set the rep warning again but did not set off any lights...

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Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel :: Reduced Engine Power - Warning

Reduced Engine Power warning and fuel leak? While towing our 37 Fiver uphill a couple of days ago, the warning popped up along with the CEL. Indeed, the truck did lose a tremendous amount of power. When I found a safe place to stop, the diesel smell was terrible. Further inspection revealed that fuel was dripping down the side of the engine from somewhere above the oil filter. I limped along another 15 miles to the campground and unloaded the 5<SUP>th</SUP> wheel and brought the truck in to the dealer this morning. They aren't giving many details of their findings thus far. They say that they've talked to Ford engineers and that they'll have to put a dye into the fuel to detect the origin of the leak. They suspect the high pressure fuel pump, but by the time they remove enough "stuff" to get to the pump, they can't run the engine to witness the leak. This is my first Ford in 30 years behind the wheel and my first diesel. After 8k miles on the truck.....

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Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel :: CEL / Low Fuel Pressure Along With Reduced Engine Power Warning

I just had my first fuel filter change (about 9,000 miles). After the shop changed both fuel filters with factory Ford ones, a check engine light came on and a "low fuel pressure" warning, along with a "reduced engine power" warning. It also stalls a lot and takes a long time to restart.

Obviously, they didn't do it right. I suppose there is air in the lines or something didn't go back together correctly.

My '06 seemed to purge itself, but this truck obviously won't. It is not even driveable to get it back to the station, to see if they can correct the problem.

The thing is, I watched them do it, so if someone can ask me the right questions as far as what I saw, maybe I can lick the issue in the driveway myself.

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Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel :: Changed Fuel Filters - Reduced Power And Low Pressure Warning

Changed the fuel filters. No issues in replacing.

Primed them by the book - key on 30 seconds 6 times

Now I have low pressure warning and reduced power.

All parts were FOMOCO...

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Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel :: DEF Warning Won't Shut Off?

I just got 500 miles to empty message. On my next trip out I grabbed a 2.5 gallon at my local auto parts store. When I had 99.9 percent of the jug in, it actually started to spit back out. I got the rest in and figured I was done. It did seem strange that it only took 2.5 as I figured it was just about empty to get this message and 2.5 would only take me half way. Anyways, a few trips later and the message is still there. Do I have a bad level sensor or was it spitting out prematurely? Shouldn't 2.5 gallons have killed the warning even if it didn't fill it?

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Ford 6.0L Power Stroke Diesel :: Alternator Warning Light And Lose Power Steering Soon After Brakes Got Stiff

I just wanted to share with you all a cautionary tale about belt tensioners and idler pulleys. I am now a firm believer in installing the aforementioned items when you replace your drive belt. 15000 miles ago I replaced the drive belt and didn't heed the warning of some here on the forum.

For the last month or two I have noticed what sounded like road noise which I dismissed because I had just had new tires installed that had a more aggressive tread pattern than my previous tires, I also noted that the ECT had been a bit higher than normal, like running in the high 190's to low 200's on average.

Well while driving today I get the alternator warning light and lose power steering and soon after the brakes got stiff, this was followed by ever increasing ECT which got to 242* before I could get it off the road and shut down. It is too early to tell if the noises and the ECT temp rise were the result of this tensioner going out...

For what its worth the only tools required were a 10MM end wrench and a bit of skin to get the job done.

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Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel :: Coolant Additive Low Warning

Got a warning Coolant additive low and checked the coolant reservoir is above the cold fill line on the big reservoir and on the small reservoir(near the Radiator neck) it also is above the fill line. What could the message be telling me? The second message is "Cleaning exhaust filter" and it come and goes. Is this a warning that I need to do something about?

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Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel :: Low Pressure Fuel Warning Came On

Low-pressure fuel warning came on two separate times Sunday ... I know what caused it the fuel gel 18 below not enough anti gel in the tank no big deal warm the truck up everything's fine now no more warning lights coming on does the dealer need to reset anything I guess I'm asking did it throw a code that needs to be cleared? Its running fine now I guess I'll just have to put a little extra in when it gets that cold wasn't expecting - 18 checked drain no water just gel up could here the pump under the truck fighting to pump for a few minutes.

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Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel :: Low Fuel Pressure Warning?

65 miles an hour driving down the interstate (I-5) pulling my 5Th Wheel and I look in the mirror and I see at first what I thought was smoke coming from the trailer and then I glanced at my dash and up pops "warning of Low Fuel Pressure". I pulled over as quickly as I could and when I stopped there was diesel fuel spray coming from under the hood. Turned off the key yelled for wife to get out of the truck now. Popped the hood and there was fuel dripping from the engine the all the way to the rear bumper and the front of the trailer.

Since I just had Ford service the truck and change the fuel filters three weeks ago I knew exactly what happened as I looked at the fuel line and seen the green retainer clip wasn't seated properly to the filter canister. I pushed the line in and seated the green clip. What I don't understand is I have driven the truck 200 miles since it was serviced. I re-attached the line and made sure the clip was seated correctly, poured 5 gal of water on the engine plus after using a roll of paper towels to soak up fuel. I didn't want to panic the dear wife but it could have very easily all went up in smoke!

What a mess it made of the Trucks undercarriage and 5th wheel. Going give a call to Ford tomorrow to hear what they can do to clean up this mess.

Question? This happen on a 6.7 after a filter change?

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Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel :: TPMS Warning Light Won't Go Away

A few weeks ago, the TPMS light (and the start-up warning) came on. I checked all the tire pressures and they were fine. I checked the spare tire, and sure enough, it was low and I fixed it. However, the TPMS warning still comes on every time I start the truck. It's not the flashing icon that indicates a problem with the system, it's just the steady "low tire" yellow light.

Not only is it annoying, but it won't indicate if there really is a low tire.

I know the old TPMS sensors only worked when the tire was rolling. If the modern sensors work that way, could it be the spare tire monitor? Is there anyway to know which sensor is sending the warning? I know the dealer is going to charge me an arm and a leg to look at this, so I'd like to know what's going on before I take it in.

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Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel :: TPMS Warning Go Off On The Road

Had my TPMS warning go off yesterday on the road 400 miles from home. Checked all the tires, all within spec and continued on. But started to wonder if the spare tire also has a TPMS unit and it could be the spare fell below the threshold. I have not checked it yet, but figured I would ask if the spare also has TPMS.

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Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel :: WIF Warning While Driving In Water

Today I was on the beach and I had to drive through some standing water about 4 inches deep. I went through without a problem and noticed my WIC light came on. I unplugged the sensor, drained the filter(which had no water) and drove home. On the way home the light went off, I didn't experience any limp mode, etc...

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Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel :: Shuts Down While Driving - Low Oil Warning Came On?

My truck is still fairly new with 4,600 miles. I took my family on a camping trip and pulled my trailer which is about 7800 LBS. I made multiple hill climbs and mentioned to my wife how well the truck does on the hills pulling the trailer then a minute later the truck jolts and a "low oil" warning light flashed on the dash. By that time the truck had already shut down and I was coasting to the side of the road. At least I still had the ability to steer until I hit about 2 mph then the truck completely shut down. I could smell burning oil or something similar coming from the engine area.

I knew I had plenty of oil because I had just checked it hours before. I got out and checked it again and was still full. After standing there for several minutes starring at the truck I realized that our big yearly trip up North to the redwoods was over. I tried to start the truck again and it just turned over but wouldn't start. Nothing was smoking or appeared to be leaking. So I started to look for the Ford tow truck number. While looking for the number I tried to start it again and it started! I drove it about 3 minutes down the road to a gas station and called the dealer. They of course said never heard of the issue. Have the truck and trailer towed in to the nearest dealer. Well decided I wasn't going to do it since I was already in the middle of no where and the truck was driving fine. I wasn't going to ruin our big trip over this so I drove it. I figured if something failed at least they could fix it and not tell me they can't duplicate the issue after 3 days. The truck drove fine the rest of the way there.

It happened again coming home. While climbing another hill in the middle of a 2 lane canyon with no shoulder and no cell service. Luckily, I coasted a few hundred yards to the only turn out I saw in a mile stretch. Once, again it showed "Low oil". I let the truck sit for 5 minutes and it started. Drove it another 5 hours home with no issues. I monitored all my gauges during this time none showed over heating. So in summary, truck shows "low oil" warning then shuts down and restarts minutes later. I will be taking it in to the dealer soon but I'm expecting the standard can't duplicate the problem.

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Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel :: Water In Fuel Warning

I was about 2 miles from my home today when the Water In Fuel Warning appeared on the dash. I drove home and got everything read to drain the water separator. I crawled under the truck and the wiring harness was unplugged from the filter housing and wrapped around the rest of the harness. I just last week had both fuel filters changed during a routine oil change.

It appears the dealer left the wire unplugged. I drained some fuel just to be safe and as expected found no water. I plugged in the wire and started the truck. The warning went away. Here is my question: Has this event set some stupid bit or trigger in the ECM that Ford can use later to deny a claim? I called the dealership and talked to a tech who said "no". The service manager is supposed to call me tomorrow.

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Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel :: Oil And Fuel Filter Warning

While driving from SD to Chicago today 2 warnings popped up at the same time saying to change the oil and fuel filters. Had both done 2500 miles ago. Am I right that the Dealer just didn't reset these? I thought these were measured by miles and driving habits.

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Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel :: Got Fuel Pressure Warning?

Ok here is a good one. Had a low fuel pressure warning so took it in for service. The warning was intermittent. They replaced fuel filter first, but apparently the low pressure fuel pump needs to be replaced.

Service dept is indicating that the fuel pump is not covered as part of my CPO (certified pre owned) 100K drive train warranty or the extended warranty that this dealership sold me. (wasn't a ford plan but was the one they recommended that would cover everything). Lodged my complaint with the Service manager and waiting on a call back.

Does this make sense to any of you service writers out there

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Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel :: Wheel Squeak - Brake Warning

Not persistent, but the squeak I had where peeps thought it was the brake warning is back, but not constant.

Seems to happen above 30, and not sure what the other conditions are (maybe hot brakes). but it sounds like only the front right this time.

I've new Rotors and pads. I am on the road right now, been since the 20th and wont be back till the 2nd or 3rd.

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Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel :: High DEF Usage / Low Level Warning

I now have about 39k miles on 2011. Along the way I think I have added six 2.5gal jugs of DEF. About 1k miles ago I got the low DEF notice and added a 2.5gal jug and am already back down to 250 miles of DEF! I don't see any signs of a leak with the engine running or not. Dropped it off at the dealership this eve for an AM service appointment.

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