Elantra XD (2001-06) :: Screeching Noise When Driving - Gas Mileage Reduction

Feb 10, 2013

My '03 Elantra has started making a screeching sound when I drive it. At first, I thought it was due to the cold weather, but it has occurred even on warmer days. It makes the noise intermittently, sometimes not at all. Sometimes when I turn sharply or back up, or when I just drive it. What is odd is that I had the belt changed last spring, and I inspected it and it does not seem ripped or stressed at all.

Not sure if this is related, but I noticed that my gas mileage has been greatly reduced. Last week I filled up a full tank and drove about 6 miles. When I filled up, the needle was above F. Later when I got home, the needle was just a few ticks below full. Within two days, I was at half, only driving a combined total of about 16 or so miles, city driving. This car has always had great gas mileage, even with snow tires. My mileage is 56,815, and I've checked for gas leaks and found none. My RPM's don't rise, my engine does not overheat, though I did find some weird oil on the black hood on the engine last week when I checked the belt. I checked the oil levels and they were good.

I'm taking this in tomorrow, and am scared that this is the end of this car. What may be the cause of the screeching and loss of fuel efficiency?

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Bmw - 335 :: Slight Hesitation And Noticeable Reduction Is Fuel Mileage / Miss In Cylinders

I have a mysterious problem with the BMW 335d concerning the engine. The dealer detected a "miss" in the cylinders based on the check engine light, but there is no real drive problem. However, I have noticed a slight hesitation and noticeable reduction is fuel mileage. They don't really know what it is but suggested replacing the fuel injectors, in case that is the problem. And if not, maybe it needs cylinder head replacement. That seemed to be a rather expensive (for me) way to diagnose the problem. I can't believe that BMW somewhere has seen this problem before.

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Elantra XD (2001-06) :: Wheels Screeching When Turn All The Way To The Left

Just got my timing belt replaced along with the accessory belts and the water pump. I noticed that now my wheels screech when i turn the wheel all the way to the left. This happens mostly when i am pulling in or out of parking spots as that is the only time i need to turn my wheel all the way. I also noticed that when i first turn on my car for the first time in the day, i have high rpms. The rpm returns to normal after i put it in reverse or drive. I didn't have this problem before.

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Elantra HD (2006-10) :: Squeaking / Screeching Engine Noise From 2008 SLX

I own a 2008 Hyundai Elantra SLX manual which has made about 30000 km. I had no trouble with my car until recently. I hear a squeaking/screeching noise from the engine when it is on and the noise disappears when the clutch is touched or slightly pressed. The noise level goes up when the car is in motion and it increases with the speed. My mechanic thinks the noise is due to some kind metal-metal contact without any lubrication.

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Elantra XD (2001-06) :: Shuts Off While Driving And Makes Machine Gun Noise

My 2004 elantra shuts off while driving, while making a machine gun noise. If I try to start it, it will continue making the noise. I wait a few minutes after clicking and whirring robot noises stop and then it starts again. I've tried the cam position sensor, that worked for a few weeks but it's doing it again. Luckily it seems to only happen at slow speeds, before I pull into traffic.

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Elantra XD (2001-06) :: Sudden Drop In Mileage And Hard Shifting

All of a sudden my fuel consumption dropped from 28mpg as read from the computer display in the dash, to 21mpg. This was not a gradual drop, it was at 28mpg one day and 21mpg the next day. There is no service light on, do these cars produce codes that don't trigger the service light?

A few months ago the vehicle was getting stuck in various gears and lunging, this was from battery corrosion dripping down and eating away at the transaxle range sensor. I cleaned up the battery and replaced the range sensor and the vehicle was driveable again. It re-learned the shift timing and seemed to be ok, then about a month ago it seemed to be forgetting the learned shift positions after sitting over night, I replaced the battery, thinking it was in a marginal state where it would forget the program while sitting. The shifting is still hard sometimes but this seems to have worked but, now my mileage is horrible.

I thought I'd just change out the oxygen and air flow sensors but, then looked at how much they cost now, and realized this would be some costly trial and error. Is there a methodical way to troubleshoot this issue, any way to pull the sensors and measure them?

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Elantra XD (2001-06) :: Belt Squealing Noise When Driving On Highway - Overheating

2003 Hyundai Elantra.

Driving on the highway and thought I heard a belt squeal. Looked at temp gauge, overheating in the red. Stopped car. Antifreeze on passenger side sprayed around, hard to tell from where.

Waiting a while, put a good amount of water in it as there seemed to be no anti-freeze left. Drove a bit more and it started going up on temp gauge. Pulled off highway on an exit, temp gauge went back down before I could pull over.

So I continued on the highway. The temp gauge would go back up to 3/4, then I'd put it in neutral to cost to a better place to stop, and the gauge would go back to halfway.. continued this for several miles to get home. Never overheated again, but kept getting "hot"(3/4) and dropping back down to normal (1/2)...

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Volvo - Brakes - Lights - S40 :: 2002 - Very Loud Screeching Noise While Driving

I have a 2002 Volvo S40. I have recently noticed a very loud screeching noise while driving. It sounds like metal on metal, and it stops when I push the brakes. Any thoughts on what this might be? It sounds like it is coming from the front right tire. I also have heard rattling up there for a while (sounds like something is loose) but my mechanic was not able to find anything with this. I also have issues with my head lights. They go out about every other month and need to be replaced.

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Elantra XD (2001-06) :: 2002 - Hard Start / Bad Gas Mileage And Early Fill Up Click Off

I am trying to fix the pesky hard start that I have. My car doesn't start right up anymore unless it is frozen cold. Other than that it takes 2-3 cranks sometimes 4 to turn over. That's annoying and embarrassing and I am trying to remedy it ASAP.

I have a check valve and Purge valve on hand right now. In my research it seems this is where I need to focus. I do have an engine code it was P0456 this time. I also have a gas cap.

I have a check valve because of the all too familiar cutting off early at fuel pump problem. I wanted to start there first since I am sure something needs repairing down by the fuel tank and since the problem is common. And hopefully the valve will work with the fill up and MAYBE with the start, if not that is where the purge valve comes in.

I got as far as get the 2 12mm bolts off and then couldn't make it any further.

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Prius (2001-03) :: Screeching Noise In Engine Bay Within 15 Seconds Of Starting

2001 Prius. Within 15 seconds of starting the engine, I captured the screeching sound from the engine bay. Noise went away after about 20 seconds. New serpentine belt and new 12v battery installed. Pass dealer 27-point check. Transmission fluid, inverter fluid, high voltage battery were replaced about 18,000 miles ago. Current mileage 174,000.

Noise is not from the serpentine belt. I attached a mp3 file of the sound. "2001 Prius Noise.MP3" ..... Which component is making this noise?

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Santa FE SM (2001-06) :: Gas Mileage Decrease - Lost Around 4 MPG In City Driving

My 03 2.7 has suddenly lost around 4 MPG in city driving. Haven't taken it out on the highway to know where that is at. Used to get around 20/21 and now I'm around 16/17. Mileage is at 97k now and has new spark plugs and brakes done recently. I know the brakes are not dragging. All the fluids are fairly new and the car drives the same as before, I can't feel a difference in performance. Just lower gas mileage. I haven't changed out the T-stat yet, but the temp gauge in car reads the same as always. I checked the car with a code checker and there are no pending codes. I know this is the age where the oxygen sensors could start to go bad and have never replaced them.

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Subaru - Legacy :: 2001 - Squeaking / Screeching Noise From Passenger Side Wheel

I have a 2001 Subaru legacy outback station wagon that is making a rotational squeeking/screeching noise from a passenger side wheel (haven't determined which one). I hear the noise when I am going slow, below 20 mph, though I can't tell if it is still making the noise at higher speeds. It stops completely when I apply my brakes. The brakes and tires were replaced within the last 3 months, this noise has been occurring for much longer than that.

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Elantra MD (2010-15) :: Bad Gas Mileage - Loud Grinding Noise On Hard Braking

I bought a new 2013 Hyundai Elantra Coupe this past August and this is my first car.

My first concern was that Hyundai advertises 27mpg in city and around 37(?) for highway. I acknowledge the fact that Hyundai recently had to lower their mpg estimates for some of their cars and provide reimbursements but however, these reimbursements are for 1-2mpg difference. My car after more than 6 months is still only getting about 14-15 miles on a casual drive in the city and only about 19-20mpg combined and about 24-25 on the highway! I am only getting about half the estimate for in city! I do not drive aggressively. In fact I am a pretty safe driver since I am a new driver and cautious about everything. I am also using premium gas on my car. I called the dealership I got the car from and they were trying to tell me about the reimbursement program which I already knew of... The reimbursement based of the 1-2 mileage difference is not what I want. I want to fix it and get close to the estimated mileage as I can. What is the best way to go about doing this?

The other issue is that sometimes when I hard brake, my car makes a loud grinding noise. My dealership's service center said they could take a look at this. I was mainly wondering if there is anything I should be concerned about for this?

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Elantra MD (2010-15) :: 2011 Hyundai Makes A Screeching Sound

See the video, need to figure out this sound. It is currently at the dealership but I don't have much faith in them rectifying the problem : [URL] ....

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Elantra XD (2001-06) :: Shut Off While Driving

2002 Elantra shut off while driving, interior lights dim when flashers are used...

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Elantra XD (2001-06) :: RPMS Goes Up And Down While Driving

The RPMs while driving does up and down. You can feel the engine doing this. You can watch the Tac go up and down. Whats the problem. We just brought a TP sensor but I say its a vacuum leak.

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Ford 7.3L Power Stroke (1999-2003) :: Power Steering Line / Noise Reduction

Ever since i bought my truck i have had a bad power steering whine. Replaced the pump and its still there. I got the truck in 2006 and think i replaced the pump in 08 maybe. Anyway I've purged, bleed, changed the fluid. Pulled a vacuum on it and still no luck. So I've just dealt with it for 11 years.

Well i can remember reading something somewhere about ford up-dating or redesigning one of the power steering lines that was causing this noise.

My father inlaw just bought a 02 and its so pleasant not to hear that when riding in his truck. It made me want to investigate the matter. SO if its as simple as a updated line I'm buying one asap. He got rid of his Chevy because of the reliability I've gotten out of mine.

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Elantra XD (2001-06) :: Car Stuck Into 2nd Or 3rd Gear While Driving

2001 Hyundai Elantra 183 miles.

codes- p0720 output speed sensor circuit malfunction, p0500 veh speed sensor a malfunction.

Recent fixes on my 2001 Hyundai Elantra.

A few months ago i had my speed sensor cleaned, and a power steering leak. No problem after that was fixed and cleaned the sensor. Soon after that my water pump went bad and i had that replaced along with 3 new belts. Just last week i had my front driver side replaced with a new wheel bearing and axle.

My Problem then and now.

My problem months ago, my car would be shifting into different gears as it pleased; while driving or sitting at a light i would feel it jump and it felt as if it was stuck into 2nd or 3rd gear as i was driving. My engine light would soon come on after this. To accelerate i feel as if i had to floor my pedal when the shifting or engine light came on. I looked up my codes and they are the same as they are now. I read about same problem and fixed it by just cleaning the speed sensor off. My friend and i did the same thing and it fixed those issues. My problem now is that i just had my axle and wheel bearing fixed (my car moves smoother and quiet) my engine light came on again, it had not been on since, i read the codes and they are my speed sensor same as before but my car has not been shifting as it was in the past. Would this be because the sensor needs to be cleaned again or replaced, or because of my new replacements on my wheel.

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Elantra XD (2001-06) :: Ignition Slips Into ACC While Driving

My 2002 Elantra GT has been turning off while driving. The radio, lights, and other accessories remain on. The car doesn't lurch but all of the dash lights come on like when you're first starting a car. I was able to restart the car after about 10 min the first time and 5 min the second time it happened. 1 week between episodes.

Brought it to the garage and they couldn't find a problem while letting it run for 30 min. Also, there are no error codes. What could be wrong?

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Elantra XD (2001-06) :: GT Stopped While Driving And Won't Start Again

I have a 2006 elantra gt. two days ago it stopped while driving and wont start again. I towed home and brought a technician. he told me it was the crankshaft position sensor. I replaced it but still wont start. I recently changed the battery, spark plugs and timing belt. less than 2000 miles on since then.

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Elantra XD (2001-06) :: 2002 Won't Start After Driving

This has been happening for awhile now. I will drive somewhere, distance isn't a problem, and then after I'm done, I'll go to start my car, and it won't start. It won't turn over or whatever the term is. The starter tries, but won't bite. Sometimes it will start and I can drive for a bit before it will die about a block or 2 later.

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