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Recently Indexed Messages:-

Addison's Disease :: Low Blood Pressure And Dizzy Spells?

A few months ago my blood pressure plummeted-and recently I've been EXHAUSTED. I have to nap daily and have no energy. My blood pressure today at a GI appt was 75/62 the week prior it was 75/53. I've had several drs comment but I never really get noticeably dizzy as I've had dizzy spells on and off all my life. But with this utter exhaustion my GI said I should follow up asap w my primary dr.

Also, for years I've had upper left sharp stabbing pains-we've suspected my pancreas but scans are always clear.

Does this sound like it could be addisons? I'm not sure what else could cause this low bp (which is not normal for me)-I had my heart checked recently, was fine.

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Scrotal / Sebaceous Cysts On Balls And Fordyce Spots

I have had scrotal sebaceous cysts since i was about 24. I also have fordyce spots on the shaft of my penis and balls. I tend to sweat alot which i believe can be related to my condition.  I would say I sweat much more than normal person. I believe my cysts formed because my fordyce's spots get irritated and I started to itch them way too much because it felt really good. While doing this I noticed that cysts started to form because of rupturing the gland. The cysts form because of blocked glands which can happen on their own but can happen more frequently when irritated by rubbing or itching.

Here is an example of what Fordyce's spots are. I bet most of you have this too.'s_spot

I also shaved my balls and it absolutely did not help the problem because the Fordyce's spots are usually around the hair follicle. I have gotten some cysts from ingrown hairs as well. 

This problem has been so embarrassing for me and it took me 6 years to actually go to the urologist to get the cysts checked. I made an appointment - The doctored confirmed that they were cysts. ----Note--- tell the doctor that they bother you and that they are uncomfortable and that they keep growing. If you tell the doctor that it is a purely cosmetic issue the insurance company will not cover the removal procedure.---- The doctor then scheduled me for surgery which I went in for today. The procedure was not that bad other than the embarrassment i felt when the nurses asked me what I was in there for. Much better than feeling the "Are those herpes" question from the chicks you are seeing. The surgery took about 45 minutes. I had 5 cysts about the size of peas removed. The procedure was pretty painless and they give you good drugs to manage the pain after. I already feel much better about my decision to get them removed. I feel in control of my life again. There is not too much information on the web about this condition and I feel its important to tell my story. I will update on how it turns out as time goes on. I read through every post on this thread and here is what I can tell you.
1. Don't Rub or Itch your sack or penis.
2. Do not shave your balls because of risk of ingrown hairs
3. Do no use products such as lotions on your balls because you may clog the pore. Clog Pores lead to cysts.
4. Go see a urologist - Do not waste time with a mediocre dermatologist. Urologist are actually real doctors that go to real med school. There are many dermatologist and few urologist. Why do you think that is. Its easier to become a dermatologist.
5. Do not try and remove them yourself. Could you imagine getting an infection down there and losing your balls or worse everything.
6. Wash yourself thoroughly down there to make sure you clear your pores. 
I know how embarrassing it is to deal with this problem and I know what it is like for a woman to make you feel bad about yourself because of this issue. Don't let it rule you. .. Be proactive .. Get them removed. If this post has helped you please let me know. Or if you have any questions feel free to reply. I will answer as I am still going through the recovery process

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Can I Get Rid Of The Beer Belly With Running But Still Drink Beer?

My wife complains about my beer belly. She says I look like a wreck and refuses any intimacy with me. I want to get rid of it, but I like beer more than myself. So, I reckoned that if I start running my beer belly will gradually disappear. But I’m not ready to leave beer. What if I don’t stop drinking beer and start running?

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Dental Abscess :: Dental Abscess - Antibiotics Or Root Canal?

Diagnosed by dentist yesterday as abscess. Put on antibiotics. Given choice...root canal treatment @ £850 (Cannot afford) or extraction. Is this really necessary...will the antibiotics not clear up problem.

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Stretch Marks - Any Good Remedies?

I'm 31 weeks and just started getting stretch marks, any good remedies or something I should use?

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Myositis :: Orbital Pseudotumor/ocular

I am absolutely discouraged, and distraught, with the progression of my disease. I was diagnosed with orbital pseudotumor/myositis in November 2012 at the age of 42. I have been on a high dose steroid since, had several surgeries, have seen physicians at Bascom Palmer in Miami and Mayo Clinic in Rochester. I have been on CellCept, methotrexate, Humira, Enbrel, Remicade, Rituxan, and have just completed 6 months of chemotherapy. I underwent radiation, retro and peribulbar steroid injections as well as steroid infusion. I lost my job and I'm unable to work. I also lost my license to drive, and now receive services through the division of blind services.

I am at a loss for words as to why this disease cannot be controlled, or cured.

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For Few Months - The Bottom Of My Feet Have Been Black

The bottom of my feet have been black for a few months now. Why is that? What is causing them to do it? I am 37. I so have chronic anemia and just had a blood transfusion a couple of months ago. I also have nerve damage in my neck and right shoulder that causes my hands to go numb and I'm noticing now that the palms of my hands are turning black as well. Should this be taken seriously?

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Orlistat :: Rumours About The Liver Damage?

I've been prescribed the orlistat pills today and I was wondering if it's true about the rumours about the liver damage

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Diet / Nutrition :: Boost Your Energy Throughout The Day?

I was wondering what type of ways you guys use to boost your energy throughout the day, whether its coffee, energy drinks, exercise, vitamins, etc. And how effective are these for you? What are negative side effects that you do not like from your energy booster?

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What Is Complex-PTSD?

I don't agree with my bpd/eupd diagnosis and believe that this is the condition I'm actually suffering from.  I'm not self-diagnosing just wonder if anybody has this and can tell me a little bit how it affects them?

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