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Recently Indexed Messages:-

(Age 25-34) Pregnancy :: Heartburn - 30 Weeks Pregnant

i m 30 weeks pregnant nd my problem is heart burn so post ur suggestion

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Heavy / Difficult Periods While On Norethisterone For Fibroids

I'm 33 and have uterine fibroids for which I have been taking norethisterone to stop my heavy, prolonged periods. On the advice of my GP I took a break from the tablet, but she gave me a supply in case I desperately needed them. She told me not to take any more for a while as I wouldn't know if the mini-pill (which I was prescribed 2 months ago) was working to regulate my periods and shrink the fibroids. I have started my period now and it's been going on for over a week. I'm in pain, it's heavy and clotting and my moods are all over the place, I'm tired all of the time and I can't go out for too long for fear of flooding. It's affecting my work and my relationship as I feel unattractive and sad all of the time. When I was taking norethisterone I didn't get any of these problems.

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Plantar Fasciitis :: In Right Foot, Pain In Left Foot

I have suffered with plantar fasciitis in my right foot for about a year now.

It originally started after a knee operation and a torn calf muscle after an accident.

The pain in my right foot is so unbearable that I opted for a steroid injection last year. I watched some of the youtube videos to see that some numb the area first then inject.. Not my GP...Straight in with the steroid and it was so painful I kept saying "Oh my god oh my god". Well it didn't work and I know that I will NEVER have another one. The pain is more than before.

My left foot has now got a pain across the top of the foot.inferior extensor retinaculum I think it's called.

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Cancer :: Lump In Throat, No Swelling, No Fever, Just Discomfort

I  have  a  feeling  of  a  lump  in  my  esophagus   every  time  I  swallow.  I  have  note  noticed  any  swelling, no  fever,  just  discomfort,   and  I  am  coughing  more  than  usual.   I  am   really  concerned  about  cancer.  

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Lips Augmented With Silicone Microdroplet Technique

I had my lips augmented with the Silikon-1000. I had one treatment and the Dr. didn't even use full amount for both lips but I feel things are turning for worse...recently the silicone seems to be forming a bigger lump on my upper lip on the left side. I notice it now in pictures and videos of myself. Especially smiling and talking. Not too bad when I have a closed smile or closed mouth. A little worried it'll just get worse. Do you know if there is anyway to surgically remove just the one lump and not affect the rest of my lips? Or do you think that may be too risky?

I contacted him for his opinion and he suggested to inject the steroid in there, but I have also read very bad things about that stuff and how it can make things even worse. I think perhaps my lump was always there but almost 2 years after injections I have noticed it more...maybe the collagen around it increased a little bit. My mouth is just really asymmetrical and unbalanced and I fear people are going to hyper focus on it and judge me. I wanted a subtle natural result and lately is not looking like one.

Ugh, it's terrible, as much as I like more lip volume I hate the imbalance soooo much! I've had social anxiety and body dysmorphic symptoms for ages and this issue is really just too hard for me to deal with on top of those things....I'm always worried that not only I'm going to say something wrong out of nervousness people are focusing on my mouth when I talk. My pupils are two diff sizes due to an accident but now I don't even worry about that like I used to. I'm clueless about how to proceed and also I can't talk about this sort of thing with husband bc I don't him then focusing in too much as well. He already hates that I got the treatment in the first place since I came back n surprised him with it two years ago now.

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Fertility :: After Mirena Removed, TTC And Begin To Worry

I had mirena IUD for five years and in those five years I never had a period I was not regular before mirena and now that I got it removed in 4-14-15 I have only had 2 periods and i haven't been on any kind of birth control I have been TTC for 2 months now and I begin to worry that I can't conceive BC I haven't been using any birth control for 7 months now and I haven't gotten pregnant and now that I am trying to for two months I feel like its not going to happen I'm just worried,is it that I'm just being impatient? should I just relax and keep on trying?

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ADHD / ADD :: I Forget Everything And Misplace My Belongings

I am 18. The past 3 months I've been losing everything and I feel like I'm getting worse. Generally I forget things but lately I misplace my belongings more frequently ( wallet, keys, phone). It also happens at work, in less than 2 weeks i forgot to punch out 3 times. Last weekend I misplaced my wallet 3 times, and today I left my keys in my friend's car. I feel like I have no control at lot, i try so many things and nothing works. I read an article saying that it can be caused by stress(I'm a college student, and part time work) but the fact that I have always been the unattentive one between my Friends makes me wonder if I have ADD.

Side note: My brother has ADHD and I would like to know if my mom having major depression when she was pregnant with us( not twins but one pregnancy right after the other) can influence this.

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Vision / Eye :: Flying Black Dots In My Peripheral Vision

I'm not particularly worried about this but I'd rather know what it is. I quite commonly will get, after stretching or getting up suddenly, flying black dots in my peripheral vision. These tiny black dots just appear, fly in a direction, then disappear. A bit like a swarm of flies in the corner of my eye except they keep appearing and disappearing individually. It might last up to five seconds or so. Then it's gone and I feel fine. I'm pretty sure I've had this for years.

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Hard Knot Under My Skin On My Right Ring Finger

It's has increased in size and it's hard and painful to pressure. 

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Nerve Disorders :: Intense Cramps In My Lower Legs, Hips And Feet

On Sunday night my left leg started aching and I could barely walk because it hurt so much, also my hip hurt at the same time and my lower back on the left side, I stayed home from school for two days and then tried going there but that made the pain worse so both my legs started aching, it kind of felt like constant small cramps that sometimes got more intense, in my left leg it's my thigh and knee mainly and in my left leg my shin, I had to go home because the pain distracted me from being able to work.It later got a bit better but at night I had more intense cramps in my lower legs and feet.Today i've been pretty well, went to school again and now only my left leg is aching but not as much and mainly when I put weight on it but about an hour ago the left side of my face started to feel strange, I can't really explain it..but maybe a bit strained and also it burns, my jaw feels weird too.My parents says that I should not worry because I don't have any fever at all but I still want to know what the symptoms might be? I am going to see a doctor asap but there's no idea doing it now since I don't have a fever they won't take me seriously.Let me also add that I do not exercise and I sit behind my computer a lot, so it can't be some kind of injury.

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